

Attached: Dz-aDMyXQAAGJBc.jpg (1200x1194, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a incel god?

I actually don't mind him; No worse than Garfield.

does he want to fuck life? is this a suicide reference?

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previous to this comic, he mentioned that he was getting over his depression.
So i guess its about no longer seeing life as a bully

Shen thread? shen thread

Attached: didnothingwrong.jpg (353x353, 18K)

>I haven’t seen life in a while
What does that mean?
>this is somehow way worse
Way worse than what?

femShen x femLife


I dont get what you mean so you want her to be really peppy and happy during sex? Like what would her dirty talk be like saying she won't allow him to feel sad and that she is gonna force him to live life to it's fullest?

I don't know if this is what Shen intends, but this is what I'm getting out of it-

Life is encouraging him to do his best. He may now feel an obligation to try and meet standards that were otherwise not there before. Rather than life impeding on his success with countless obstacles (or in-comic, beating the shit out of him), if Shen fails now, its HIS fault. He has no scapegoat and in fact has someone- life itself- cheering him on to do the best he can.

You want to know the real reason?The guy saw the rule63 porn of his comic and started to fap fursiously to it, then he started to want his comic to be like this porn.

>Y'know, I haven't done my original tired punchline in a while
>(Does the opposite of it)
>This is somehow way worse

Yeah, I agree, Shen.

Sometimes overly positive can be worse than negative

get in touch with me when there's porn of life okay


>Someone stole my parents palace
>At first I was pretty bummed about it
>But then I thought that whoever stole it deserved to be shot with a cannon
>And taking over China would increase my overal happiness
>So I guess it all works out ok, so long as I murder that fucking panda

Attached: 1455128164569.png (321x322, 36K)


>Life bullied Shen as a way to cope with his tranny identity
God damn it

absolutely based

post some bikes

Attached: 43.jpg (1600x1063, 503K)

Life is going to force that depressed bike cuck to be happy

I don't really like those tiny sprockets. I feel so much more in control of my torque when a regular size one. It just seems like hipster shit when I see people riding around with them.

No matter how hard i try, i cant hate Shen.
Anyone else have this problem?

Attached: Too big, too smol.jpg (930x1200, 113K)

get on my level faggot.

Attached: 899.jpg (650x429, 108K)

When I was 6 the New Jersey Nets cheerleaders came to my school, I've had a huge fetish for them ever since.

Porn of futa Life fucking trap Shen when?

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So what does it mean when he gets cucked now?

When you can't even approach life....

Its easier to have an enemy. Ever step is an achievement, every act of deviance a victory. When someone is so overly supportive good dosen't cut it. Every fuck up is compounded. A sad enemy is never bad. Now that life roots for him his next move needs to be great or else he'll not only provide the past life correct but also hurt new life.

Just be yourself user

Is there an existing trap Shen?

>This is somehow way worse
Is he talking about the fact that he has nothing to make comics about if he isn't constantly dreading his life?

Well there is the eternal struggle to not fuck life.

bike cuck

There's an edit about Shen not having a gf and then becoming the gf, and some R63 porn of him.

>yfw life is a futa

Why does everyone hate this dude
He's obviously had a poor life

Sometimes life fucks you in the ass.

I doubt anyone hates bike cuck. It's just fun to shit on him.

he likes dick but now life has a pussy

So life made him gay and now life is trying to make him straight? Is life just suffering made manifest?

I don't hate him, that comic was just really dumb.

Its too early in the morning

We enjoy making fun of him more than he dislikes living his life. In the end, the net happiness in the world increases.

So, whatever.

Do you have a picture of your mom?

Know what I'm drawing later.

He just had one really dumb comic which even he knows is dumb.

>femdom who instead of belittling you Doms you into being the best you can be.

New fetish? Or just looking at the same fetish through a different angle?

I just like to bully twinks

would you? life?

Attached: considerd .jpg (721x723, 66K)

>Why does everyone hate this dude
The dude made an overly optimistic comic once and the entire internet got mad about it and made fun of him for about a mouth. Shen honestly handle the whole thing pretty well.

which one ?

I feel like him saying "fuck my life" would've been a better punchline.

This one.

Attached: 9v5zl0aa.jpg (1200x1200, 581K)

It's dumb but made him insanely popular.

>trap shit

Attached: 1522792426358.jpg (500x652, 84K)

Yeah that one was really dumb.

fuck life

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Damn the torpedoes and dick deeply

That's just the " Manic Pixie Dream Girl" trope user. Put your dick back where it was.

Attached: QueenRoger.png (130x130, 2K)

He made a comic where the moral is as long as the overall joy in the world increases any cruel act can be rationalized, and people laughed at it.

Gentle Femdom is a thing too.

How do you fuck up life so badly that it gets a sex change?

by becoming a speedrunner

He just wants less porn of himself getting fucked by big burly Life guys I guess. This comic itself isn't offensive on its own, but the people who eat it up and yell THICC and NEW WAIFU should be shot on sight.


Attached: Shen.png (571x543, 57K)

Wait what's he responding to?

He was defending his fellow white supremacists when someone kept removing their signatures.

Unwise. I just browsed the BadConservart twitter and they do seem like a nutcase, but that doesn't mean it was a good idea for Shen to do that.

Shen needs to be immediately deplatformed.

>What does that mean?
A personification of Life showed up in his strips in the past as a giant purple guy to beat him up in an exceptionally blunt use of metaphor.

Cuckbike is probably the best example of garbage "millennials are all (((depressed))) and can't handle the basic hurdles of life" humor out there.

I just woke up and I'm too lazy to go down in the garage and post mine but it's a shitty Btwin like this one, only in green and it had a seat bag and headlights. I've had it for more than a decade and I love it very much, never had a car. I am pretty sure the bike lock and chain I use are more valuable than the bike itself and in the city I live nobody would steal it but I just can't risk it so I autistically protecc it.

Attached: bicicletta-btwin-5-in-alluminio-il-telaio-ha-una-geometria-ribassata-mista-per-facilitare-la-salita- (800x800, 77K)

Fuck I would love a dom to aggressively help me get my shit together.

Maybe he was tired of all the art with life fucking him, so he changed it to female in the hopes of more porn. Hope she's drawn with a dick

I had a hardass gf who helped me grow a spine, it's great to work hard but fuck, I needed some affection too.

>believing even for a second Shen is far right
How fitting.

>Somebody gassed all the jews
>I was pretty bummed about it
>But I think whoever did it was probably more happy to gas them than the jews were kvetching. The total happiness in the world increased.
>So, whatever
How did Shen get away with it?

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That means Shen found the TikTok cheerleader!
He fears to be gay!

I can understand why someone crops out the signature. If you post this on a "no advertisment" boards, you want to share but not be called the artist who shills!

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Noone hates him. Everyone maked fun of his comic which sports a funny view of optimism. Which is easily made absurd by changing the bike.

Noone, besides the trolls, wrote he i dumb or just used his comic persona to make fun strips out of it.

This was kind of hot until the little brother farted right into his nose.

>I can understand why someone crops out the signature.
I can't.
If you don't want to give someone exposure, then don't repost their comics. Shen is, surprisingly, 100% in the right (lol) here.

I agree. Shadbase and his smell/brap fetish is a special kink thats not for everybody.
I wonder if he is a brap poster or just know how many of his fans/commission are.

If you want to share and talk about but dont want to be called an advertiser.

>If you want to share and talk about but dont want to be called an advertiser.

i see this shit everywhere. Sauce anyone ?

Will Shen ever draw porn?

God dammit I came straight to Yea Forums after seeing this image to post it first and someone beat me

Huh. first time i hear of porn improving something.

Heh, nice.

Shen is a cool guy.

A cute.

>No matter how hard i try, i cant hate Shen.
As a person, he seems like a good guy.
As an artist, his comics are complete and utter shit. I would say he he's such a talentless hack that he should apply to the big two, but he's probably not enough of a frothing SJW to qualify.

Attached: this is shadman.webm (718x720, 973K)

Nah his comics are formulaic, but fun.

Coming up with new content every few days is hard and most people just copy and paste other people's shit. Shen at least makes his own shit up to copy.

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it keeps getting better

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wait what the fuck is that lilypichu

still going

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Man I hate him.
Not because he sucks, but because he is probably the BEST villain in the entire series and made panda boi suffer.


Would you be interested in drawing.. uh, a more hands-on femdom with Shen and Life?

Is that Chara

I don't find this guy's comic bad enough to warrant all the hate he got.
They're not good, they're pretty shitty, but they're not shitty enough to excuse the amount of shit he was exposed to.
It always felt like some people had a chip on their shoulder and needed to vent on someone.
Sorta like kiwifarms just picks a random person they hate due to political reasons and try to ruin their life out of nowhere.

he makes a living off of his comics and that angers people who don't find his comics to be good enough
The west is now filled with starving art majors who'll never make it and have to scrap by.

so #relatable

Porn can improve alot. Ask Blizzard how porn improved the start and fandom of Overwatch?

So they're just jealous

>Ask Blizzard how porn improved the start and fandom of Overwatch?
No one knows, because playing Overwatch is a bannable offense on Overwatch.

Attached: Overcuck.png (718x1215, 585K)

he is indeed a cringe king but he caught the ire of the autism squad from that one comic about the stolen bike which was funny to rag on him for and then they just go overboard trying to find other shit to be outraged about, like how kiwifarms finds someone doing something ridiculous once and then sift through their whole life trying to force a meme about extremely boring details, its like an addiction to drama

I know she is crazy. You should watch her lets plays, she seems nice but i am not sure why she reacts sometimes like a shizo.

I wish Paladin's wasn't determined to fuck itself. It's a stronger game at its core than Overwatch but is managed so terribly.

While i think the designs look more diverse and crazy. Overwatch has much better designs and look more grounded, real.

If it makes you feel any better, pretty much all the psychotic SJWs have been fired from Blizzard for being complete and utter shit.
Mostly "community managers" and "social media relations", and bullshit like that.
Shen actually seems like a pretty cool guy.

Stop defending nazis like Shen.

All I can imagine is the LIFE guy fucking the LIFE girl on top of Shen's bed, while Shen just watches while sitting in a blue chair.

Oh fuck off. You gotta come and ruin everything as always, you fucking faggot?

This is an impressively angry reply.

I am impressively angry. Some stupid mother fucker hit my car and run.

>"I wouldn't mind but I'm really tried and don't want to end up getting to fuck and be fucked by life."

Fuck that piece of shit then. You deserve to pissed.

Its little moments like this that remind me why I've been coming to this dumpster fire of a site for so long.

Just think, he's probably happy to get his destination faster.

Instant Loss 2koma with Shen Mating Pressing or Anal Ful Nelsoning Life WHEN?!

Attached: SKULLINGTON.jpg (583x439, 38K)

>Instant Loss 2koma
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well. Instant loss 2koma is the thinking man's fetish.

Attached: life.jpg (720x549, 114K)

OH no

Isn't this just waiting some masturbate but with more steps?

Fuck off.

It's like when you meet that cute and peppy girl you had a crush on during middle school again after 15 years and see she has it made in life and is now far more successful than you'll ever be, and can't help wondering if dating her, she could've helped you get your life together or you would've dragged her down with you.

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If anything each life would fuck him at the same time in a bisexual threesome with him having no choice but to fuck and get fucked

I'll give him this: He managed to sum up today's compulsory, denialist form optimism sweeping society in one image.

I think that's just his coping mechanism.
I think people are overthinking it.

she gained weight and got married and is probably less successful than me

>I want to fuck life

Attached: glasses.jpg (1280x1279, 276K)

Is his life a girl because he knows he'll never get a life?

It is. It's just a shitty comic about him trying not to care.

Well I met that girl in college and married her. I love her.
Genki girls are the best.

I don't know the artist, but the character is a somewhat popular OC named Sponty.

Wonder if the hit or miss girl ever saw this.


>he's not bi

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Sadly she is a real xx girl

>he doesn't know that she's a 19 year old girl (as in, born with a vagina, currently has a vagina, and isn't planning on changing that) who got bullied off of the internet



>being a het in disguise

I don't mind traps, but futa is an evil fetish, and people who like it are secretly gay and in denial about liking dicks.

Liking dicks is normal even if you're a hetero male.

>life went from a big burly bully to a little girl cheerleader
really makes you think

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>mad that someone cropped the signature

But the net happiness in the world goes up

What straight guy likes dicks? Do you mean they fantasize about sucking them or having one up their ass?

Why is it that every strip I've seen from this guy relies on ham-fisted object labeling in some way?

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This is Heathcliff territory.

I assume the latter - many a good lewd artist and many a good flavor of the month has been spoiled by "that one donator" who tempts people with oodles of cash in exchange for really fucking weird niche fetish shit.

Case in point, just look at what happened to Astrid from HTTYD - one rich guy with an ax to grind and cash to burn came along and now 99% of her content is fucked up guro torture porn.

This, I was looking forward to the older kid getting sexually bullied by his younger bro but then that damn fart fetish again.
le butthole wink haha memes

Wow, this sucks.

I prefer girls, but I won't pretend I didn't fuck some crossdressing guy a few days ago.

I mean, futa and traps did help me realize that I was bisexual, so maybe you're right. I have a few friends who love futa, but call themselves straight. We'll see.


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But life got reborn as the only "emotion" to still have labels after shen dunked him from the sun

Attached: ot180209.gif (900x1205, 133K)

Jesus christ I forgot about this fucking garbage. I've never witnessed anything more masturbatory.

something like this?

Attached: life.png (1077x2038, 93K)

I feel like this is a fetish. When a girl tries to make a straight man fuck another man under implied thread of violence.


Because that's what works for him, people like when he does it, so he keeps doing it.

There is something that is oddly nice. It's creepy, but nice.

Well, the overall happiness in the world probably increased
so, whatever

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Am I the only one here who's actually gotten CURED of their depression?

Not "have a short lull when I feel better" but actually, flat out, "it's gone" cured.
Like I can remember feeling it, literally FEEL it "go away", like someone pouring water inside my head. It's the hardest thing in the world to explain, like feeling the sadness and weight just get smaller and smaller and then- it's gone. In the span of like 15 minutes.

Attached: shrugging old man.png (384x313, 39K)

Sorry it's just me I keep posting it cause I love the reaction image
BBCchan is the artist

We're still trying to understand this shit, I wouldn't be surprised if you or some other people would be able to just shake it off. But watch people who cling to it as their identity say you didn't have "real" depression or some shit.

Relapses are common, even after periods of non-depression. These can make things worse as it can now seem impossible to get rid of. Take care of yourself.

Tons of people do but I'm semi convinced "depression" is secretly a dozen different afflictions with similar effects. Sorta like how having a cold and having terrible allergies can functionally be the same thing though you treat them differently.

See that’s what I’m scared of. It’s been literally YEARS but we know so fucking little about this shit who’s to say it doesn’t come back as spontaneously as it left?
I dunno. But it’s gone for now so thank fuckery.

Attached: 1550286556468.webm (640x360, 1.81M)

The problem I think is mental illness is a spectrum and people who have mild to bad can get better but it's hard. So people with bad get past it so they wonder while people with extreme just exist making it hard to tell the difference.

>Someone killed 6 million Jews
>At first I was bummed over it
>But then I realized the happiness in the world increased so wathever

You need to edit a little smiling cock tip poking into the screen from the bottom on the base.