Black Widow #2 Storytime

time for some EDGE!

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seriously, this should be under the MAX label, this is Punisher MAX style

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based, thanks

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I'm ok with how she's just going all out on these guys

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hmm she's actually doing somewhat sneaky stuff

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this is why it should be MAX

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yeah, this is a good cliffhanger too. Was well paced

anyone else enjoying this?

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yah this was a good book

>yfw Black Widow is now Punisher.

Yeah, she's an assassin, but not with this level of gore... now I believe her movie will be R.

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I hate it. She's supposed to be a spy, elegant.

Die, you piece of shit. This is garbage.

>spy, elegant.
she's an assassin too, dimwit. and she still is doing spy things, she was undercover and doing spy work here

Wow, this One Piece character is a real jerk

No. She's an assassin since the marvel knights crap that should never have happened. Web of intrigue or bust, faggot. Yeah, she can kill. Like a superhero. If needed. She doesn't execute.

This is crap. Being undercover doesn't mean shit. She's rash. Crass. Abrasive. Zero people skills. Just brute force. Fuck it.

yay for all the nameless grunts she kills being guys and never women


Yeah, yeah, go fuck yourself, it's an actual storytelling problem, shit's repetitive as fuck.

the one time she was rash and announced herself she was planting bait. Learn to read faggot

I meant personality wise, on her own, you idiot. In the first Issue. With Cap. She's not collected, she's not calm. She's the typical too cool for school socio that female characters are nowadays.

she is smart about doing it, just cause she's being loud about it sometimes doesn't mean she's being obnoxious for no reason. She's a angry about kids being tortured and killed for snuff films. Stop being such a faggot

Again, I meant in the previous issue. And it's a narrative problem. Yes, tortured kids for snuff films would get anyone angry. Even Parker would probably kill those guys.
But why choose to write a story about a situation that pushes a hero that can be so much more than a murderbot, into being a murderbot?
And it doesn't matter if there's a reason. Obnoxiousness is ugly. She used to be elegant.
The premise itself is bad.

Yeah, something was very off. Too aggressive 2bh f-a-m

Honestly, even mcu denmother nat is better than this.
Besides, the whole thing, if she kills everyone, she's a hypocrite. You were a fucking widow bitch, you did horrors. You were given more chances to be good, try doing the same.

Oh god, it's a virtual simulation meant to test her, isn't it?

Found the problem:

I know, I know.
Don't worry. It's a mini. 5 issues and we're free.
Honestly, since they had her torture kids in secret empire, I lost all hope. comicmarvel can't handle nat.

Until they decide to bring them back for another go

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>Honestly, even mcu denmother nat is better than this.

Yeah she's a shell of her former self, but I give MCU credit for trying

it's closer to 80s nat than this crap

Thank you

Either she's freakishly strong or that guy's bones are made of glass and his skin made of paper for it to pop out that easily.

I was rolling my eyes at the needless edge of it all, it's done to divert away from the fact recognition that writer(s) aren't able to write mature prose.

you seem butthurt

Let me rephrase the writing is incongruous, we have this plot where the motivation is not just kiddie porn but torture / dismemberment kiddie porn.
>Hmmm grim stuff
Okay fine at the same time we've got the Quipping Widow and joke shop villains spouting corny joke shop villain lines. By the way if you haven't already guessed all male characters are irredeemable pieces of shit without exception.
This is not just bad writing, it's offensively bad writing. The grimdark is simply a cover to account for and hide the writer(s) lack of talent.

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so when it's Punisher it's ok?

It's the Soskas writing.
Of course it was gonna be edgy as fuck. They can get to Ennis levels if the stuff requires it.

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Not the point I was making user, I'm criticizing the quality of writing not the premise although kiddie torture porn is not really my cup of tea in a super hero comic book, if I wanted to read sick trash I'd read pic related.

That's because Taskmaster, Sabretooth, and Zemo are pieces of shit, why are you indignant about supervillains being bad people? Aren't there a host of twats out there saying that Marvel's heroes only fight each other and don't fight crime or supervillains? Why is Black Widow shutting down a fucked up sex ring enough to get your pussy in a knot?

>Taskmaster, Sabretooth, and Zemo
To be honest I'd completely forgotten they were even in this, I was referring to the mini boss and his henchmen.

Do you bellyache when thugs and goons from Hydra or the Hand get punched around too?

would fug

If you must write kiddy torture porn at least have the maturity and talent to do it with the decorum of intellectual discernment instead of hiring trash writers to spin cheap shock horror value.

sure, dislike the content if you want. But it can lead to good stories. 8MM was a great movie and this is trying to tap into that, not as good but it's still decent.

Huh, this is actually been a surprisingly good mini.

Soskas sisters are badass

>Pirate King


I kind of dig the writing but hate the (editorially mandated) direction, personally.

I think editorial is really dumb in the way they're handling the character, they're not familiar with her history at all, and they keep on pushing stories based on vague ideas of what she's supposed to be like. Her main thing isn't that she's a ruthless killer, it's that she has a unique perspective on life and death. Pic related is from an iconic Claremont story in Marvel Team-Up that I think defines how she thinks about this. She doesn't kill all of her enemies -- she can't. Her life is defined by her outliving everyone she's grown close to (the ultimate irony behind the Black Widow codename) so she's trying to save everyone.

Writers like Warren Ellis and Al Ewing kind of get this intuitively because they're familiar with the way Natasha was developed in the 70s and the archetypes she's supposed to be pulling from, and as a result, they wrote two little one-shots that felt a lot more accurate to the character than all her self-titled books since. Editorial needs to be pulling people who pitch ideas like theirs.

I don't have an issue with her killing here, exactly, but the crazy levels of grindhouse brutality and the joy she takes in murder are pretty uncharacteristic imo, she's never had any sort of bloodlust.

And I hate the fact that for the billionth time in recent decades, the latest series is ignoring the supporting cast and even the character direction of her previous stories. I hope we get another series that has more substance to it before the movie comes out.

The showdown with Masque and Zemo at least seems like it'll be exciting.

I really get hung up on the spy/assassin distinction bc spy stories have more intriguing plots. Velvet/Queen & Country/Mind MGMT/Super Spy are all more interesting than something like Punisher to me. Spy drama is great if done well.

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Wait desu those panels don't work unless you have the next ones for context. She goes on to save Viper.

Anyways, the thing that makes Black Widow interesting is that she's never lived in a world of black and white. Sometimes she makes decisions like caring for an opponent's life that she knows might hurt again eventually because she wants to be better, to do better. Because she knows she has the capacity for mercy and she values survival above all else.

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all the bitching is this thread is just NOT MUH level. all the angst is it her not being the 80s version. well, nothing is the 80s versions anymore and characters change

I'm not the user that was bitching towards the top of the thread about Web of Intrigue, but I don't think it's a matter of her not being like the 80s version so much as not even resembling her characterization in recent good stories. Stuff like Marjorie Liu's run and even the Grayson/Rucka minis were centered around Natasha's humanity first and foremost. She did cruel things for sure, but not killing sprees, because she handles stuff differently.

Again, I dig aspects of this in isolation (the Patch disguise, helping the kid, her being a force of destruction that people don't fuck with, the actual use of real villains) but I just hate how the last several directions Marvel have come up with for Natasha come down to "now she's more isolated, more lonely, and more brutal than ever!" It's pushing her down a slippery slope towards becoming the Punisher, and I think that she, definitively, is not that. Her character is supposed to be more nuanced, better than that.

Why would you hire a female henchman? They're so weak.

Black Widow has the soviet version of super solider serum in her, what do you think?

I think comic writers overall seem to have a "no-kill rules are for wimps" sort of thing.

>making Zemo and Taskmaster invovled in snuff films
No please, Sabertooth I sort of get but not Zemo or Taskmaster.

I don't think the implication is that they're involved in the snuff shit. The "Prince of Madripoor" might be, but the rest of the villains probably don't know that, they've just been invited to his party

You have no idea how easy it is to do that. That's a legit strike. And Silva fucked his leg in a very similar fashion

Natasha and Bucky agree with Frank all times, when it comes to criminals.

Somefag needs to make an storytime with her stuff and bucky.

>8MM was a great movie
As good as that movie was, its moral really stinks.
And this comic where a vigilante exerts a vengeance in the guise of justice without any consequences, even to her own well-being stinks too. A movie like Death Sentence at least shows that violence comes with a price.

Bump! Thank OP this is a good read.I'm gonna start reading it today. I'll peck up # 1, and #2 at my LCS when I wake up!

Didn't like this ugly crap at all. Yeah, let's the world's greatest spy beat up bar thugs. So cool.
Fuck that shit. If I wanted to read street level punisher, I'd do that. This isn't Black Widow in anything except the name.
Bucky was the worst thing to happen to Natasha. And what you say makes her a hypocrite.

>moralfag read capeshit


Jewing and Ennis don’t get shit, shill.

Christ, has Black Widow always been this br00tal?

This is more or less my takeaway. I like the story itself, but this personality seems rather incongruous with what we know about Nat. Feels like it would work better as a Punisher or even a Cole-Alves story. I don't think there's ever been an instance where it was explicitly stated that Black Widow gets a sadistic thrill out of killing people to the point where she needs to do it.

>Ewing One-Shot
What's it called?

Issue 1

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The end

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Really like the bold lines and colors here.