Rember kids! Ex dogfight pit bulls make great family pets! Be sure to pick a nanny dog up today!
My landlord got a Pitbull Mix Puppy from Mexico it had mange and needed eye surgery it also gets rashes over literally anything it eats
The anti-pitbull people are really triggered over this short. I don't even like pitbulls and I think it's funny people are so upset by this. It's a cartoon dog, a fantasy.
I can't tell if the pitbulls are evil meme is because black people like pitbulls or because Yea Forums really loves statistics that make one specific thing seem wholly bad
Anyways, I'll talk about cartoons but really I'm just fucking mad that there's a pixar shorts program and everyone is getting butthurt about shit like pitbulls being portrayed improperly or feminsm
>why can't I sell killing animals to kids? Why are you mad you biggoted incel racist?
the projection is real
>Why are you mad you biggoted incel racist?
Woah, woah woah.
When the fuck did I mention any of these? Like, what? Since when was this even a political issue? Did I call your sex life into attack?
Fucking this, I mean damn. All I was saying was that this short was causing an unreasonable amount of butthurt. I'm glad Pixar is trying different things again instead of being the same boring shit it's been for the last 8 years.
This goes beyond pit bulls. This is specifically "Yea go ahead and take an abused pitbull off the streets". Which flys against even most pro pitbull people saying "it's not the dog. Aggressive pit bulls probably suffered abuse." This is irresponsible propaganda for the sake of feels. I knew what was going on the minute I saw the dog's design.
Pixar is literally going to kill a child with this one. When I worked in a pet store, after finding Nemo came out every kid wanted a "Nemo". Dog's are not humans, they are very much bred for traits. In real life that pitbull's lineage probably consisted of fight-dogs. And one day will consume that couples multi-racial transgender Muslim progressive child.
It's not a short for kids. It's not attached to any kids movie.
Why did you just assume it was for kids when it's been clearly advertised by Pixar as being a separate program from their main studio and only to be uploaded online or shown in festivals?
Didn't bother doing the research so I'm not gonna bother giving it to (you).
I wonder if these same people got this upset over Fox and the Hound or Pussyfoot.
Yea it's totally not going to show up in the next shorts collection.
Why haven't you taken an abused pitbull with fighting to the death experience into your home? All it needs is a home and love!
>Pixar is literally going to kill a child with this one.
Actually the dog and it's owners would be responsible. If you're actually dumb enough to get a pet because a cartoon told you to, and don't look into proper care of that animal, you deserve it. I don't sit either way on the whole pitbull issue. But all I know is that a good fucking percentage of pit owners do not know how to properly train their dog that is, admittedly, more dangerous than other breeds. Dogs can be killing machines, especially pitbulls, train them properly and actually research the fucking dog you've taken in.
These shorts collections are not limited to a kid only audience any more than Fantasia is a "movie for kids".
Quit being a prude and a soccer mom and trying to unironically use "think of the children" as an excuse for why you people get triggered over a cartoon about two animals being friends.
Nice blue hair, bitch.
is it autism?
>I can't tell if the pitbulls are evil meme is because black people like pitbulls or because Yea Forums really loves statistics that make one specific thing seem wholly bad
It's because a non evil pit bull was known as a cur for most of the time pit bulls have been bred. Pit bulls were originally bred (and in some cases still) for attacking without provocation, to continue fighting after the target submitted and to have the jaw strength to outright crush another dog's neck. They are insane and strong in just the right way to be a complete fucking menace.
I don't care if a chihuahua is more aggressive, I can just punt it.
Consume and Respect Media Fellow NPC!
I'd rather eat my McDonalds than spaz out on the floor because I'm not getting my Szechuan sauce, trigger-boy.
>Consume the red pill, fellow NPC
the reason why people complain about politics when they see a short like this is the same reason it's meaningful. i'm sure plenty of people just appreciated a well-made animation, while others have fried their brains and can only see politics anymore. they essentially become the other party in jesus's parable of the sheep and the goats, who do not love art, its subject matter, or anything, but just randomly complain based on spasming impulses
so the whole redpill nowadays is "live in fear of whatever certain internet sources tell you"?
Respect McDonalds fellow NPC!
This was made with political intention. This isn't "Johnny any dog, who won't get adopted because he only has one leg/Is ugly" this is specifically, a pit bull used in dog fights.
>Basising ideas on scientific data is now "living in fear"
wtf, I HATE Data now! I will live my life based on emotion from now on!
do you really think that this short was made to encourage people to adopt pitbulls. what is the motivation exactly? you realize that people dream of becoming animators, and dedicate years of their lives purely to learning the craft to reach a professional quality? and receiving funding for shorts isn't easy. they go through all that just as a pointless scheme to get people to adopt pitbulls?
or is an exceptionally boring illuminati/freemasons/etc. involved in this, whose goal is to encourage people to adopt pitbulls so some animal attacks happen?
It's funny because the far right and the far left are exactly the same people obsessed with being offended all the time. They think it's like intellectual currency
People are offended by literally everything these days. A female mc will net you an army of /pol/fags trying to dox you and if you try to do fanservice tumblrites will accuse you of every act of sexual misconduct under the sun.
It's become impossible to do anything without getting a large amount of people extremely pissed off. Hell, I've seen people freaking out over fucking colors on multiple occasions.
Being offended is not the same as shitting on dangerous propaganda. You are too saturated in meme culture to think outside your terminology.
Animators are a desperate lot in a field that feeds upon young impressionable artists to do most of the heavy lifting, so they can be discarded for the next round of cheap abusable younglings. It's nothing so complex a plot. Some impressionable sheltered director has a pitbull and got butt mad about people presenting raw statistics about eaten children and pitched "pitbull story". It was your typical Pixar formula storyline, and so it got through the selection process.
Since the first Kitbull thread blew up, people have been purposely spamming the threads with "fuck all pitbull" posts even if they don't believe it simply BECAUSE it's a fresh thing they can spam to get (you) and piss people off with.
It's pretty easy to tell who are the ones pretending to be pitbull haters when they throw tons of buzzwords, statistics, and memes at their posts to make them a big fucking mess.
>Political Agenda
>Interracial couple
>(random statistics image)
>Think of the children
If any post includes something like that, chances are, it's someone looking for a (you) because they couldn't get it on /pol/.