>A bald Joker 4u Edition
Hey Yea Forums! We're back TONIGHT with a new episode of the FINAL SEASON of Gotham!

Tonight's Episode:

5.7: "Ace Chemicals" (Feb 21st)
>Gordon races to uncover the criminal element threatening to end talks of Gotham's reunification with the mainland. A very much alive Jeremiah (guest star Cameron Monaghan) returns and organizes a twisted recreation of the murder of Bruce's parents with the help of Jervis Tetch aka Mad Hatter (guest star Benedict Samuel).

Our GCPD issued Pastebin is available here:

It's full of great stuff like our previous discussion threads, and social media accounts for our Gothamites.

Penguin's Seasonal Body Counts:
Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:
Season 4:

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Looks like its gonna be chaos the next few weeks. They seem to be keeping the last few eps titles a secret.

5.8: "Nothing's Shocking" (Feb 28th)
>Bullock's past comes back to haunt him when he and Gordon investigate two murders at Sirens. Meanwhile, Bruce and Alfred explore the tunnels beneath the city, and Penguin and Nygma's plans to escape are thwarted by the least likely of suspects

5.9: "The Trial of James Gordon" (Mar 7th)
>After Gordon is shot in an attempt to establish a cease-fire, he hallucinates a trial for his life that could have deadly real consequences. Meanwhile, Ivy (guest star Peyton List) returns and puts her spell on Bruce, leaving Selina to defend herself. Lee has a life-changing moment as Barbara and Penguin consider their next moves

If Jeremiah takes a chemical dip, will there even be a difference?

>Mad Hatter back
YES! Time for more rhyming!!!


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There's no way Jeremiah is going to turn into the Joker. It's too obvious, it's going to be someone else.

Oh. Oh my.

Got some catfish, really for the show!


Off to a ridiculous start


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Did anyone else just get blank noises?

Doctor Death, Batman's first villain.

>be Jeremiah
>goes nuts because nutty brother
>shoots your assistant/maid/servant in the neck
>she survives and wants your dick more than ever

Oh yes Harper is back!

>Harper is still alive after the explosion


i thought he was always nuts but he was just better at pretending to be normal than jerome?

Is it Cavalier or Film Freak?

>Origin story in Batman

I see what you're doing Gotham writers.

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He's probably capable of doing psycho like Jerome but has a handle on it, like how most major corporation CEOs are functioning sociopaths.
Jerome's gas just removed Jeremiah's inhibition and sense of right and wrong

Of course! Its Mole Man!

Jeremiah. he's trying to recreate the death of the Wayne's to fuck with Bruce

Geez, I have bigger breasts than Barbara.


kek Barbara is totally rubbing it in her face

Holy shit Jeremiah spent all that time to make that tunnel earlier this season to Wayne Manor just to fuck with Bruce

Not how the law works, Barbara.

Speaking of tunnels under Wayne Manor they really haven't done anything with the Batcave.

Okay, fuck you Jeremiah.

Oh no, he brainwashed Alfred.

I dont like this captain marvel trailer because technically carol was "made" a hero too.

Bruce found it last season, at least. Its empty cave right now.

What are you trying to do, One Bad Day Bruce? Again?

could they have added grey ghost if they had the time?

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The absolute madman

Messing with your mind, Bruce!

>Nut butter

They didn't think that through.

I can't tell if its the same actors.

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I missed the first 10 minutes, someone break it down, please

Jeremiah going full keikaku

it is, five years later

Jesus they are really going with homolust villains

That tunnel Jeremiah made goes to Wayne Manor. He's recreating the night the Waynes died to fuck with Bruce.
Some nut job is killing guys and carving 'Z' in their chest.
Lee is treating Barbara for her baby.

Harper is alive
Alfred is missing
Alfred is found
Wayne parents and cake

Why is J man like this?

>Oh look! He made it to shore!


Shouldn't the city population of Gotham be less than a dozen at this point? Hordes of people die every episode.

>mined the waters

Fuck off Lee

its just a joke, my dude

>Be Jim, have light brown hair
>Impregnate Barbara, a blonde
>Daughter is a ginger with bright red hair

Okay, Barbara will die in childbirth and Lee and Gordon will raise her and name her Barbara after her mother.

So, I’m sad this show never tried to pull Kite Man

Brown + Yellow = Red, duh

We got Balloon Man, thats better.

>the pearls
Jesus Christ Jeremiah

how many weren't able to get out? if a freaking ambulance with a patient inside (selina) wasn't able to get out, then there's probably hundreds more in the city if not thousands.

This is gay and dumb.

>Harper is alive

then all is well

I'm enjoying the Penguin/Catwoman team-up.

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This is really rapey


Why have they not made any references to DC characters is beyond me. Not even a little.

Telltale did this way better.

So Jeremiah wants to have the waynes killed and him taking the part of bruce?

for what purpose
and what are these zorro guys gonna do

>It's the Mad Hatter


We found Hatter.

>Force Gotham to become reintegrated by making the world's only supply of ecto-cooler.

That's brilliant.


>Harley working with Tech
Lunatics Unleashed

I want to cum on Leslie's thigh-high boots, not proper footwear for a decent doctor.

>So Jeremiah wants to have the waynes killed and him taking the part of bruce?
>for what purpose

Because he literally believe this is what friends do and he wants to be there at the most important part of Bruce's life.

And we didn't even need a controversial reboot this time!

Hot damn, Cat is thick.

Guess we're getting Penthouse Bruce for a while.


>they nuked Stately Wayne Manor


oh nooooo the wayne family's porn collection!

Last time Bruce lost Alfred, we got the Murder Machine

Naw they put that in an off shore account years ago

I'm still upset Scarecrow and Man-Bat still haven't been used.

Scarecrow was earlier this season.

Scarecrow was used

Manbat hasn’t

Jim’s going to become the guy that shoots the parents isn’t he?

Scarecrow showed up a few episodes ago. Ship's sailed on Man Bat though. Sucks.

But he wasn't really used, a cameo at best.

Reminder we're getting the Ventriloquist next week.

I'm betting the lat episode is once the government reclaims Gotham all the rogues and crime lords have a meeting about how to carve up Gotham. From the shadows Bruce as Batman delivers a speech that scares the shit out of them all.

Unfortunately no. They had to scrap him when the season was cut short.

Or Croc
Or Killer Moth

Last episode is a 10 years later time skip.

Tabitha killed his fucking mother, you assholes need to fuck off that Tabitha nonsense. She was also fucking her brother.

lol hey Bruce, remember when your parents died?

Sacre bleu! It is ze deadly poke of Zorro!

Fucking christ imagine if some nutjob mocked the death of your parents this way

>copyright 1920


Cesar Romaro Joker

What the fuck are you doing Jeremiah.

This show is so goddamn silly I love it.


Oh lawd

I swear every part of this episode is based on some other Batman thing.

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>Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale blue moonlight?

Oh snap.

ok now that's pretty kino

Okay, Gordon this is why you don't fuck the Joker.

...Okay, Jeremiah’s obsession with stories here is kind of great

I like it

no non on no nO NO NO NO NO N O N O NOOOOO

Damn! What a twist!

That was before they got two extra episodes. Use Google at some point, Boco.

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This episode is certified, Kino.

superman wouldnt have these problems

Wait... isn’t that


>the Chad Scarface

So now Selena is going to be able to save Bruce’s “parents” which will lead to Bruce and Jeremiah’s chase into Ace Chemicles.... right?

and yet that scenario would still work

Well fuck me runnin'. Thats a twist, especially since he, ya know...died.

You know, I'm kinda happy.

I liked the guy.


He probably got Hugo Stranged

Quick! We need a glass of water!

Yes, I liked Mr.Penn.

Apparently the actor's a real ventriloquist, too. It's what started the rumors Mr. Penn would become the Ventriloquist.


What's the grand prize?

Batman's approval.

there's no bigger glass of water then Gotham Harbor


kek Jim went straight to the drink

Theres that damn dock again.

The ocean's just a big glass of water when you think about it.

How many times will they re-use that specific pier/dock crane space?

Jeremiah's acting like Joker from the Lego Batman Movie...


he'll be fine

And there it is

A fitting end for his kind

Please please please tell me Gordon just made Joker fish.



Great, now we are gonna have Mutant super fish.

>infected water

Eh, it'll be fine. Everyone drinks soda these days anyway.

But if Jeremiah is already a pale green haired crazy person what will the powers do to him?

what a prankster that guy!


All that red hood stuff they did in the earlier seasons was for nothing.

It’s a reference to Detective Comic with the first Batman appearance

That stuff was great and should have been followed up on.

Red Hood is a local mob legend in Gotham

Sure is a lot of talk about fate and destiny this episode.

Bruce has to fight SOMEONE as Batman.

I miss original Lee, when she wasn't horrible.

Killer Moth and Robin.

>You let me down Jim


NO NO NO End this relationship already

Will they or won't they moment number 237.

>Lee and Jim
>Jeremiah is still alive

oh lawd

Remember when Leslie Thompkins was supposed to be a mentor, supportive figure to Bruce instead of Jim Gordon’s love interest?

Which one?

Riddleman and Pengy

Jim and Lee

Jim and Barbara


Bruce and Selina?

>I didn't care
>I do care
>I didn't care
>I do care
How many times has Selina flip flopped on Bruce in this entire show?

>Ed just knows she's pregnant


>Riddler can sense pregnancy


As many time as you can say BATCAT

Remember Phish Mooney? I don't.

Just like Selina in the comics

Who has stronger plot armor than Penguin?

>baby doesn't want Penguin to die

Plot armor hax is Penguin on?


Is that Lady Clayface

>two barbaras

oh holy shit
Isn't Clayface still kicking around somewhere?

Yay, Clayface returns.

Killer Croc and Lady Clayface or False Face?

inb4 the toxin fucks up his already fucked up DNA and makes him proper Clayface

>Years later Jeremiah hears Bruce on television

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>Jeremiah's truck of special juices is the Particle Accelerator Explosion of Gotham

Mutants in the sewer? Croc?

>Mutants in the sewer?
Right after all the morlocks got murdered on the gifted last week


Wait...the doctor and the robot are dating on Orville? Did it yet?

Professor Stein from The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow was killed off so the actor could be in the Orville?

enough that alfred called those two out

>You two! Why can't you meet at the bloody cinema like normal teenagers?

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Late to the party because torrents but Ed just awkwardly saying they still had to build the sub killed me.

I want to kiss Lee's neck

I know I wasn't the only one

It was really clear when Bruce said Jeremiah means nothing to him.

Only King can say BAT CAT more than two times without having a stroke


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This was more Lego Batman than I was expecting.

That would be the hypest shit. Absolute kino. I doubt they're clever enough sadly.

Dammit. They're gonna kill off Barbara after she gives birth, aren't they?

They just completely ignored the entire Ed/Lee storyline from last season. WTF

>Z for Zsasz
Not completely out there really.

Not as bad as the whole league of assassins stuff getting completely forgotten unless it turns out Barbara's baby turns out to be the reincarnation of Ras in the final ep. It should bother me more but it's Gotham so best to roll with it.

>River is tainted with Joker juice
>Gotham can be scientifically proven to be a breeding ground for freaks and mutants now
Nothing good ever comes out of Jim solving his problems at the docks.


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>Guys, we disfigured Jerome a little too hard. We need a fresh start.
>Secret twin: Jeremiah!
>Is it too late to pull secret triplets?

How is THE DOCK not a LEGO Batman Set yet? Because we don't have enough adventures on THE DOCK. We need more......on the dock.

this show has the most fun rogues gallery ever assembled

you can't just have the Dock, it needs a vehicle to go with it instead of just a crane, 3 guys and 2 guns.

>who's the lucky father?

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Garber wanted to do more broadway and less full time commitment

pengy is fun but it's getting increasingly hard to explain half the cast not just shooting him in the face on sight
should've just let butch and/or tabby ride off in the sunset

I haven't been in these threads much since the start of the season, but is it me or the show is pretty boring these days? Yesterday's Joker parts were probably the best thing of the season so far, but even then I feel like by next month I won't remember anything about it.

>unless it turns out Barbara's baby turns out to be the reincarnation of Ras in the final ep.
That's exactly what's gonna happen.

I really hope when Gotham ends they will do Infinite Crisis crossover on Flash and fix entire DCTV universe, and remove all forced niggers and faggots!
and of course, certain jewish hacker cunt that made Arrow completely unwatchable

I'm assuming Barbara's child will be the serial killer soon and Lee's will be Batgirl

I think it was just Hello, Dolly. He's been done with it since Summer so he's picking up some tv work again. It's too bad they killed him off on LoT but considering that show, bringing him back somehow wouldn't be a stretch.