Space Jam 2 is filming soon

Who do you hope is given more of a role in the sequel?

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why wasn't marvin involved in he first movie? i mean, both he and the villains were aliens.

sorry your gay little husbando didn't get any screentime

He was. As both an alien and a toon he was uniquely qualified to act as the referee.

I hope Daffy cucks Bugs

>He was. As both an alien and a toon he was uniquely qualified to act as the referee.
Space Jam was so kino

He did though, he was the ref. He was both a Looney Tune and an alien, which made him neutral.

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>Who do you hope is given more of a role in the sequel?

any of the new characters from TLTS And Wabbit, they made some interesting ones

i will only care if lola is a slut again or fifi is in the film, suck my DICK!!!!!!!!


It took you 30 fucking years Lebron, hurry up

It's gonna be 3d cgi toons isn't it?

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I guarantee it will be, even though the loony tunes don't work in 3d at all

I'm gonna bet it WON'T be.

Like the entire reason it's even being made is to cash in on that '90s nostalgia. They're not gonna do something that'd not only be completely incongruous with the style of the original but would also cause the crowd being pandered to by the existence of this movie in itself to go MY CHILDHOOD IS RUINED REEEEE when the first trailers are whatever get released.

Think in this scenario that'd also mean that, whatever else they're doing with it, they're going to be playing it safe all the way.

Also if this post is wrong then feel free to screencap it and laugh at me forever I guess

Are the Nerdlucks going to be involved? They haven’t been in anything since the OG Space Jam and I kinda liked them

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>They're not gonna do something that'd be completely incongruous with the style
Looking at the attached director's previous work, I wouldn't be surprised if the creative team are just going to scrap the standard approach to Looney Tunes and do their own thing.

I think we've had more than enough proof that things don't have to actually resemble their source of nostalgia at all to still effectively work that angle..

Look at how many people were happy with the eldritch abominations in the detective pikachu trailer. Like they can get away with doing this to charizard but they won't be able to get away with 3d looney tunes? (Like all their shorts are now).

Doubt it.

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>the standard approach to Looney Tunes

Well, I just meant the style of the previous movie, not Looney Tunes in general. I wouldn't be surprised if it does something different from the shorts, the concept in itself already is, but even the title "Space Jam 2" is obviously drawing a connection between this one and that one.

The major difference to me is that Pokémon has existed in all kinds of forms since the '90s. Games, TCG, manga, anime, etc. I haven't really kept up on that movie, but I don't believe it's based off any one specific thing beyond just the most basic concept of "Pokemon" in general.

>Like all their shorts are now
Those were shorts directed by one specific guy about 7 years ago; not the current MO. The upcoming shorts for this year are 2D. And besides, I'm not objecting to the concept of 3D Looney Tunes, as has been done multiple times before, but 3D Space Jam.


I can see WB potentially being tone-deaf enough to not see why fans of Space Jam would be pissed off by 3D IF they did it; I'm just saying I don't see anything indicating it's going to be beyond just "it's [current year] so it's going to suck." And it still could suck; just not necessarily for that reason.

I also remember last year or so there was some Space Jam-esque ad kind of hinting Space Jam 2 might be a thing, and that was 2D as well, but I get that also doesn't say much one way or the other.

Also this may or may not have been clear already but since I forgot to put it in with the stuff about Pokémon:

This movie isn't solely a "Looney Tunes movie" the way Detective Pikachu is a Pokémon movie," but a "Looney Tunes movie aimed at people who liked Space Jam the first time." I see more reasons not to automatically expect 3D mainly because of that.

L O L A ?

lola billed above bugs

she's going to be the female lead. SHE'S GOING TO BE LEBRON'D

The Looney Tunes Show Lola replacing original boring Lola is what I want.

I honestly give it an 80% chance they make some kind of sidewards throwaway line about Lola's popularity online that will cause furry twitter to implode.

Post more Pepe dammit

you're the boss

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are kids even going to care? i hate children and refuse to be around them for any prolonged period of time but i just can't imagine that the looney tunes characters are still popular with them, and space jam strikes me as something that could really only have happened during the 90s.

lebron ain't no MJ either.

More monstar butts

Space Jam has a cult following because of just how fucking weird it is

I hope you're right

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All right, Yea Forums, let's try to figure out what current NBA stars are going to appear in the movie other than LeBron. My guess is:

-James Harden
-Joel Embiid
-Kyrie Irving
-J.J. Redick, because they're going to need a white guy

What do you guys think?

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I think it'll be mainly players close to bron, which means definitely kyrie unfortunately.

imo it'd be a huge shame for there to be no westbrook, his personality is easily translatable to a cartoon movie.

Embiid is also a great fit.

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God damn this has been in production hell for so long that I don't think it could ever be good. There is usually a reason an idea fails to get off the ground numerous times.

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to be fair, the hold up is mainly lebron is a career athlete who wasn't based in LA.

as far as I can tell he legit changed NBA teams to the lakers to get this movie off the ground so at least his heart's in it.

I'm not confident either though.

No, but the current year kids do swear by him.

Kyrie does have his Uncle Drew thing going for him. Harden's beard definitely makes him stand out from all the other players.

The way things have been lately, Shaq will probably have a role despite not being an active player.

LeBron about to trade away the Looney Tunes and fill his team with Monstars.

>Space Jam 2
>Lola Bunny will be a complete cunt
>Pepe and Speedy won't even exist
>At least one classic character will be revealed to be gay
>There will be at least one dab

I would like to see demarcus cousins show up in a non speaking, frowning only role.

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needs Monstars Mooning

this was the best quality I had that Yea Forums would allow to upload

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Boy do you not understand the sheer stupidity of corporate Hollyjew.

Nice artist

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Girls draws like that

>tfw LeBron wants to make Space Jam 2 more than he wants to get the Lakers to the playoffs

I love how Lakers fans have gradually woken up to the shitshow that LeBron always brings with him wherever he goes. He's your problem now, assholes.

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based desu

Pepe giving a physical representation on how the movie will bomb?

china does love basketball, don't be so sure.

As you wish.

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Will the nostalgia milking ever stop? Can't the 80's and 90's just stay in their respective time periods for once?

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Probably digitally cell shaded. There was a show that did that recently that no one could tell but I can't remember it.

You'll probably see a combination of both.

If it was a good joke writer they wpuld have her be fliipant and mentally wandering like TLS lola but when she plays she becomes stoic and determined like SJ Lola. Like her eyes would change shaoe and everything. An extreme sort of 'game face.'

Wait, does this mean half the stadium just saw his Monstar Wang?

I got a Basketball Joooooones

the director is unironically dope as fuck and this will be good because he wouldn't do some shitty cash grab

Space Jam is literally a cash grab

kids love basketball, its most popular with the youth

So's the Lego Movie. A cash grab can still be good provided it's got some talent and effort behind it.

They actually do.

Looks great.

Sylvester is the best character

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This looks way better than those CG Roadrunner and Coyote shorts

Thats not Charlie Dog

I don't wanna go Mr. Stark

>that screenshot

You just like him cause he's fat, admit it

I want to fuck Pepe le Pew.

I just got done jacking off to this.

wow i wonder what it looks like from the front haha

>t. fifi

I hope Daffy fucks Bugs

Yeah p much

Who are the other NBA players involved? I can't stand LeBron.


There better be some good jokes

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They should just CGI Micheal Jordan.

Why the fuck would they cast Redick instead of Nowitzki or Doncic, who are more popular than him in and especially out of the US?
Also Antetokoumpo because he has both intentional appeal and looks like a freak, which is the other reason they used Shawn Bradley in the first one. Or you know what, Marjanovic, everyone loves Marjanovic.
Can't believe they missed the opportunity to make this movie during Yao's career for the chinabux, but I'm guessing he's going to cameo regardless so they can show that in Chinese trailrs.