Why are harem stories so accepted in anime but considered evil in comic books and Western media? Is it because sjws?
Why are harem stories so accepted in anime but considered evil in comic books and Western media? Is it because sjws?
It's because Harem is shit and only Japs are lonely and irradiated enough to tolerate it
Fuck off, weeb
Nigga, I sincerely hope you're not implying to love ru is anything but trash.
>considered evil
By who exactly? Any examples?
Why would you want a harem story in the first place? How many harem animes are even any good?
Well... i wrote a tragic harem in a novel but nobody cares.
The women that OP harassed to become part of his harem
Because it's fucking BORING.
Every single fucking girl from top to bottom, to beginning to end, is the exact same copypasted cardboard cutout, soulless, lifeless cliché just as it was in the 50 billion other harem animes. How the fuck can they sell this so many fucking times? I fucking hate moe culture so much.
>harem stories so accepted in anime
And this is why the market is so small even among japanese.
Black Bolt and his wives. I don’t know if that’s still a thing.
What are you talking about? Archie's been doing harem comedy for the last 70+ years or so and nobody thinks Archie's evil.
What about Archie?
That’s more of a love triangle than harem.
I love this autist.
Also, the protag always marries the plain Jane vanilla one he meets in the first episode.
I kinda consider myself a weeb but every harem anime I've ever seen I disliked.
Harem is too shit even by western standards
Harem moe shit is the worst shit in any media, everybody whine about superheroes, but that's a fantasy of Power and using that power to make a difference. How many times you need to masturbate to an ideal world where 10 chicks loves you despite being a loser?
also the protag never fucks them what good is a harem if you don't fuck it
Screw harems. Nine out of ten times the worst girl wins while the best girl gets jack.
Even with Cheryl, his doesn't count as a harem unless you're being be generous.
>How many times you need to masturbate to
This isn't the problem with harem anime.
The problem with harem anime is that if you wanna fap, there's better hentai out there. If you want to watch something to entertain, there's MUCH better anime out there. If you want drama or romance, there's MUCH better anime out there. Harem anime is just bad at doing what it sets out to do (anything.)
it's because most of the world does monogamy, and can't relate to harems.
Holy shit Archie is based
>accepted in anime
I wouldn't say "accepted", more like "A certain section of people who watch late night shows buy them a lot"
>"harem anime"
>it's just a bunch of cardboard cutout thots cockteasing the faggot MC
unironically sounds like what the incels think the SJWs and feminists want = women trampling over men and yet said incels flock to it.
I don't care if there's an exception, fuck off.
Because it is shitty in anime but fun as hell in erp, especially when you erp as the harem.
this is from a harem not full-on H series.
They were recently slaughtered followed by him hooking back up with Medusa who no longer remembers she swore she was going to hold him responsible for war crimes.
>not full-on H
To be fair, that series is basically rated R.
Spider-Man is a harem story.
Because only chads are allowed to have harems here.
My impression with "harem' stories is that one or two characters are serious conteders for the hero's heart, and the rest are filler.
In other words, you end up going, "Marry Ryoko you idiot!"
Star vs. It's still shit tho
They’re trash.
>protagonist is a limp wristed fag boy who melts around the very aura of a woman or has the personality of a lecharious middle schooler
>the girls are lame as fuck and have no life outside hanging off fag boy’s arms
>fag boy is a wishy washy fuck and somehow the girls are fine wasting their time with this loser who will string them along until he picks the worst one at the end gives her a kissu because Japs are horrified of the idea of actual sex
Haremshit was the laughing stock of weebshit before isekai came along and went even lower.
You might as well call silver age Superman a harem comedy. Love triangles are classic comedy plots going back to Shakespeare. They are NOT harem.
>Who is Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo?
Seriously anyone that wants to write a harem manga/anime should be forced to sit down and watch Tenchi Muyo then cattle prodded every time they make a character less complicated than her.
Not her what she is mind you, Generic evil space pirate is pretty much standard fare, but the way she interacts with Tenchi is Kino.
>First scene she's a horrific monster in a mask, she touches his face, staring into his eyes, if you don't know what's going on it comes off as horror monster-y when in reality she's known this kid his entire life and it's the first time she's touched another living being in aeons.
>It's revealed over the course of the series that while she was trapped she basically watched him grow up from afar, there's a scene where his mom has just died and he's crying at the grave and she's just standing there, unable to comfort him since he can't see her
Throughout the show she's playful, semi-serious, teasing, flirty, pretends it doesn't matter or that she's not serious, but whenever there's a hint that maybe he reciprocates, she shows the holes in her heart and that she's actually more complicated than loltsundere.
I mean watch this scene:
She goes from 'I'm just a bad guy' to the more honest 'You're my romantic rival' to the entirely honest 'Tenchi, I'm afraid for you', there's actual layers and shit.
>Writing this post
>Look up and someone has already mentioned Ryoko
My niggiest
Harem (and Isekai) are indulgent shit no better than shipping fujoshi bait
I need a version of this that replaces Jews with SJWs.
I know this is something weird to the average westerner growing up on a steady dose of cuck porn and white guilt, but in the rest of the world writing your protagonist as desirable and writing stuff that your audience enjoys is considered normal
Most harem anime just comes off like the writers just couldn't decide what color the girl's hair was so they made more girls. That's the only difference between them.
Tenchi gets away with it because there's also a huge stack of lore that every character is sitting on and every girl has effort put into their personality. Even then, it'd be better if the harem angle was tossed out and more time was spent on the actual fucking plot.
Basically you should just create a good show and jerk off later, when you've finished, and not before.
>No Sokka in view
One job.
Batman is literally in danger of drowning in bitches at some points in his existence.
There's no effort put into the plot *because* it's a show where you're just supposed to self-insert and jerk off, user. Wanting to watch a harem anime for the story is like wanting to read Playboy for the articles
what a stupid fucking thing to spoiler
I wanted to be sensitive with dashing his hopes for deep Shakespearean harem animes ok
>Harem anime protagonists
They are DESIRED by the cast for cutout bitches. Not desireable by any objective measure. They tend to have next to no personality traits of their own and exist as a vehicle for the viewer to self-insert upon.
Learn the difference.
Hentai is far better as fap fodder to be honest.
The same could be said for romance novels/series user. But people still want some plot.
Know why porn actually has build up, no matter how shit and poorly acted it is? It's because on a sub-conscious level you find the story arc of something satisfying and get irritated when it doesn't have one.
Plot is necessary, even if that plot is just 'Hey I'm a cam girl working out of the Bronx and my motivation for doing it is so I can buy the worlds thickest, knobbliest, custom made dragon dildo, now watch me snuggle up with this plastic cock'
See, you're already subtly more invested in little Ms Dragoncocks motivations and personality than if she'd said 'I'm a camwhore doing camwhore things, welcome to my womb'
A lot of them are pretty boring.
I did enjoy the Haram version of pokemon.
>exist as a vehicle for the viewer to self-insert upon.
and? so does western media expect it's target audience is 16-30 women, trannies and minorities, almost all media for mass consumption is designed to pander to certain audiences
So harem is basically just erotica novels but for men? I don’t see anything wrong with indulgences.
>I don’t see anything wrong with indulgences.
SJWs think its wrong when it's for men.
That applies to all anime though
It's garbage, but it's fun garbage!
They're just jealous that all reverse harem anime sucks.
>I don’t see anything wrong with indulgences.
there isn't, it's just that westerners brain short circuit when faced with media that doesn't shit on the main demographic in order to jerk off minorities
It would be kind of hypocritical of me to criticize harem animes when I read erotica novels and really a lot of them are trashy but work as guilty pleasures. I never watched or read anything with harems but going by some of the comments here they are just as much of guilty pleasures.
Harem anime's purpose is to sell merch to 35 year old otakus
America doesn't really have an equivalent market, outside of weeaboos who wouldn't watch American cartoons
Besides isn't the current outrage about cartoons that they're "full of degeneracy"? What are harem anime except degeneracy?
Bruce Wayne has a harem
that being said this is the reason Tenchi Muyo is the ONLY good harem story, period.
>Why are harem stories so accepted in anime but considered evil in comic books and Western media?
95% of harem anime is a fucking waste if the protagonist isn't a literal chad/stud
Why do underaged boys shitpost on Yea Forums? I'm pretty sure that's against the stated rules of 4channel.
shipping + one beach episode doesn't make a show a harem
What are you guys talking about?
Lauren Faust made a harem western cartoon for Hasbro in 2010, and now she's making another one for DC Comics next month.
Keep whining, asshole.
>unironically defending harem shit
bait or not reflect on your post
Most western media tries to be marketable to the widest possible audience, the phenomenon of the obsessive otaku market and the symbiotic relationship it has with anime doesn't really exist in Europe and North America. There's also probably something to be said about cultural dynamics and the shamelessness of otaku culture in general, but I can't really speak to that in any depth. My guess is that an out-and-out harem is too much overt wish fulfillment for nerds and old men to be profitable, and it probably wouldn't be believable for a wider audience. The closest you'll get is some kind of sitcom where the main character has multiple love interests, this idea that several attractive women will all just hang out with some exceedingly average guy and compete with each other to date him while he stumbles through it just seems like too foreign a concept, particularly because it beggars belief that he wouldn't just start dating the first or second girl who is clearly into him
>Yes Yea Forums, everything's weeaboos.
They're not evil, they're stupid. Kill yourself.
Because the Japs are lonely and the americas are puritans too far up their own asses
Here you go.
The simple reason is that anime trends largely towards shameless wish fulfillment, and western stuff (at least lately) is more about virtue signaling, so it's considered sexist to see a bunch of girls wrapped around MC-kun's dick.
That's not to say either is inherently better; I'm even a weeb and don't care for haremshit.
>the simple reason is my personal hang-ups about women
I'm pretty sure that's not it.
Harem's in itself isnt the problem
It's when the they are blank slates that have no other purpose
Dick Grayson's Nightwing life is one very long, very tedious harem story that will never end.
What is this from? iqdb failed me.
And according to the manual she's the first to get Tenchi's oats
Love triangle is more realistic than harem, which makes it that much more appealing. Harem is so fantasy that it takes someone completely disconnected from reality to think it's even feasible. Harem anime is also boring as shit because unless you have something decent like Tenchi Muyo to balance the fanservice and ships with good storywriting and comedy there's no fucking conflict. Modern haremshit is just slice of life with women slutting around a beta who can't make his mind up and either picks worst girl while everyone else is just SoL/lesbians or he chooses nobody and they all continue to never hit it off.
You can meet in the middle of love triangles and harems by having something like Ranma 1/2 where there's multiple love triangles over both of the main leads, giving everybody at least something to ship if they don't like the main pairing.
Archie is THE #1 example of love triangle, dude. There's never more than 3 girls into him at the same time, it's primarily just the main 2.
Little Witch Academia
Precisely zero
Can we please talk about this
>not space sword
A City Hunter fan? Oh wow, you have excellent taste my good sir.
It's a damn shame his parents are too busy being dead for him to take advantage
I wonder why Korra is not chained
Harem hentai is great. Just a dude with a fat cock slamming bitch after bitch with zero consequences.
Resort Boin anyone?
Ty Lee was known for having pretty large and shown off tits so the artists subconsciously drew her with extra large massive tits.
looks familiar, what is it?
>Harem shit
going to throw u a bone OP
There is an entire episode about this
>Is it because sjws?
It's because of American conservatives.
>harem thread in MY Yea Forums?!
>look inside, prepare to REEE
>see anons praising Tenchi Muyo & Ranma 1/2, my first ever animes and my two favorites even to this very day
The nostalgia feels, they are intense.
How I would love a well-written harem hentai, but there isn't such a thing, is there?
I think I'd have a heart attack
No, this ones a church thing. Also, harem animes suck.
it's because cartoons are meant for kids
kids can't have the idea that harems exist
Twilight is basically a reverse heram. So is every y/a fiction movie/novel. Those are always huge. Did you even think before posting?
that's a young adult series user we are talking about cartoons here
Twilight is a love triangle and Bella is pretty active for harem protag.
She good gur
>implying that women even like reverse harem shit
Pretty sure most just prefer it when there are no females to get in the way of their yaoi ships
Nyan Koi but that's about it
S2 never, I'm still mad
I wouldn't say the only, but for sure the best.
For instance, you're ignoring all of the Tenchi spin offs like Dual, GXP and War on Geminar.
The only harem with a tsundere lead that I will give a pass to is Ranma 1/2. Beyond that, if there's a tsundere present, I'm assuming it's garbage until further notice.
The harem isn't the focus, and it comes in later, but Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere gets a harem when the protaganist's robot waifu suggests they bring in his big tittied miko childhood friend, and their flat chested werewolf friend.
SJWs have turned on fujos too though.
They're just prudish autists who hate everyone happier than them. Even loser weebs jerking off to harem anime and gay fanfiction are happier than these wet blanket cunts.
Closest thing you'll get is Boys' Empire
she looks like the sad cat meme
Coming from someone who can't get laid, harem is fucking stupid because it's always some boring, generic loser who couldn't get a woman IRL who somehow has 5+ women trying to get on his dick. It's the most blatant self-insert bullshit.
Only Tenchi Muyo was ever any good.
>not including best TT
Harems exist mostly to have lot of different type of characters for different people to sell merchandise. Some shows have completely ditched this format because no one cares about the male/female MC and just want to see the characters of same sex to interact with each other.
There's difference between yumejoshi and fujoshi. Fujoshi ("rotten girl") likes BL and wants to be the voyeur who watches two men together afar. Yumejoshi ("dream girl") likes male characters but does not ship them together. The term "dream" means that they dream they are in romantic relations with these characters. Some of these may overlap but some identify strictly as
I'd say that in West franchise like Twilight is yumejoshi oriented, while something like South Park is fujoshi oriented. These days lot of anime tries to pander to both of these groups, so there's lot of series that have male characters only but they don't get too gay.
Star VS.
The Loud House incest harem
South Park games
All of these seem quite accepted
Shallow shit
>Is it because sjws
It's because you touch yourself in the no-nos.
>he affected muh pee-pees
Is there one of these but for guys that watch anime?
Non sequitur.
Harems are boring. There's never any real competition between the girls. There's always one girl who's clearly set to be the protagonists wife by the end of the series. Either through some childhood promise shit, or some "twist of fate" or "love at first sight" garbage.
Which essentially means everything in between the start of that romance and the end where they end up together negates the entire point of the harem.
>doesn't end with harem ending
because it's shit.
There was an episode of Justice League Unlimited where Flash went on a date with Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl at the same time.
Because he's a stud.
Why come that none of these faggot harem protagonist never show the girls the power of the cock?
America is christian as fuck & Christians fear polyamory on a fundamental level
Most Harem protags are dense as bricks and don't even realize they have a harem of chicks, or they don't want one and pussy out to pick just one.
MC from Highschool DxD is an absolute chad in comparison since he actually WANTS the harem.
It's because harem is shit. It's only good if you are a beta who self inserts as the MC.
Harem shows where the protagonist actually deserves his harem are a blast really.
>wanting shitty harem tropes, characters and “stories” in Western stuff
Fuck off back to Yea Forums and stay gone.
Because Harems are shit, and the main protags always pick the worst fucking girls.
>Be an average joe
>Every cute girl you meet wants to date you
>Turn them all down so you could fuck your sister
Fuck you
>Be an average joe
>Every cute girl you meet wants to date you
>Turn them all down so you could fuck your sister
That somehow describes perfectly the southerns.
Harem shits on girls. Reverse harem shits on boys.
Star vs does both.
All me
Based typo
Tenchi Muyo say hi
Damn I didn't scroll down first to see others already posted Tenchi
Harem stories tend to be pretty bad for a couple reasons
>no strong male characters
the main character can't be too interesting or he won't be bland enough for the fanboys to self insert. There also can't be any strong male companions because they ruin the harem fantasy and provide competition to the MC. The villain also can't be that interesting or he takes time away form the main character socializing with his harem.
>no good female characters
you see a well written female character needs motivation, and 8 women who are all fighting over the same boring piece of shit who held a door for them or is just "nice," doesn't fit the bill. I could see eight hot chicks fighting over one guy, but not the typical harem MC, usually they just think he's "nice" or he holds a door open for them or does some other kind of basic courtesy that causes a dozen girls to fall head over heels. It's that foundation that we build the rest of their personalities on, accordingly harem anime girls are usually just vague archetypes, with just enough personality to last through a fapping session. Female villains don't get any significant development because they end up fucking the MC and joining the harem anyways.
If you can't see past your dick OP consider the case of Twilight, it's essentially the harem anime for the female audience
>bland characters
>30 second unexplained romance
>multiple attractive suitors for the most boring girl of all time
>a few fetishy bits for the niche audiences
tldr harem stories aren't good.
>Now you remember Twilight
Because cartoon porn is considered creepy/disgusting in America.
Anime porn is common enough in Japan that magazine stores sell it openly, and there are even districts dedicated to it.
Harem stories aren't accepted, they're tolerated. Every single story is just a generic rehash being shit out by the same incompetent fucks as always because they don't know how to make anything else, and they're kept afloat by a minuscule fanbase of retards that like seeing the same exact shit 24/7.
Monster Musume is great if you view it as an anime about an alternate reality where monsters run amok and Japan is a dystopian police state.
Evil is the wrong word.
I'd say juvenile might fit better.
You'd probably like this edit.
The big difference between anime and comics is that Anime is about desires, while Comics are about ideals.
To this I mean anime is about desires to be strong, to be the best, to have lots of girls fall head over heals for you with no effort.
Comics are about living up to or representing ideals like the ideal good life, or being the ideal person.
There is also the thought that Anime is usually based in a more imaginativesetting while comi tend to at least be based on real life
These two are right. Never have I encountered a genre as braindead and pathetic as haremshit. As an avid lover of romance stories, the moment I see the 'harem' tag on a manga or anime is the very moment I know it's a shallow shitfest. The only, and I mean ONLY harem manga that I actually enjoyed is Jitsu Wa, and that's only because 33% through the story the manga hooks up the main couple and is barely even a harem anymore.
Western cartoons lack the heights of anime, but they sure as hell also lack the absolute lows that the Japs eat up. It's pathetic that we get a "HUH? I HACKED THE MMO I WAS PLAYING TO BECOME A GOD AND I HAVE MY SMART PHONE AND I HAVE A HAREM OF CUTE GIRL SLAVES THAT I BOUGHT THAT ALL CALL ME 'MASTER AND ALSO MY MOM CAME WITH ME AND IS A PART OF MY HAREM AND SHE CAN ONE SHOT THE ENEMY????" every fucking season.
I have a doubt.
Would you accept a main loving threesome if it is fully argued?
And I do not speak of the mundane, I speak of loss, war, depression and trauma.
This person summed it up best. Basically, creating a harem means you are compromising your characters. You are saying 'I'm going to make my characters boring for the sake of fulfilling my reader's fantasies'.
Funny enough, while it's dreadful how it wittles the female characters down to stubs, it's even more awful what happens to the male characters. Watch any harem and if there's a male character in it, they are usually the MC's 'friend' (that the MC doesn't give a shit about and spends more time with his harem than he does his friend) and are constantly shat upon and painted to be pathetic just so the bland boring MC can be put on a pedestal.
I can't really imagine two women willfully sharing a man unless it is extremely contrived circumstances (and that's what always happens).
So I can't image 6+ women all willing to share one guy.
And let's be real, the harem "genre" as we know it is always self-insert wish fulfillment dreck where the only conflict is the guy being too much of a pussy to pick a girl, and it's rarely ever the fun kind of dreck either with how over-saturated it is.
So the end game of all modern harems is just to "marry them all" because that's what panders to the audience.
The early stuff like Tenchi Muyo makes more sense since they're all at each other's throats over the guy just like how Popeye and Bruno would beat the shit out of each other fighting over Olive Oyl.
And on the western side of things, I guess polygamy is starting to enter popular culture more now that multiple Mormon daytime TV shows having hit the putrid scene that is daytime TV.
>if it is fully argued?
>And I do not speak of the mundane, I speak of loss, war, depression and trauma.
What the fuck are you on?
>Popeye and Bruno
I will only give the idea in general:
A protagonist who lost his parents, he saw 2 nations commit genocide between themselves and their female guardian losing an eye while escaping.
Progressively their suitors who begin as friendship and then as romance know about this; which generates an attraction to him at the beginning because he has objectives that handle the plot, he worries about his allies and has self-esteem.
Sorry for my broken English, isn't my mother language.
Fuck me, I meant Bluto.
It's because I just watched today's episode of Jojo.
harem is shit and fuck
The west just has a different standard for what kind of kitschy bullshit we'll tolerate in which mediums. Think of Twilight and the Bachelor and spinoffs of that.
>War on Geminar
It came right before, juussst before the "isekai" shit hit the fan becoming a full blown genre on its own instead of just an accessory and becoming the new harem in terms of over-saturation.
And Kenshi only really has any romantic chemistry with like two of his harem while the rest are with him either because they have useful skills or political connections.
And the culture of that world is just different where men who can pilot the giant robots are expected to have a lot of kids so there will be even more pilots. It really is like race horse breeding.
Though that hardly counts as justification, it's still a better justification of girls wanting to fuck the MC over the "just because" which dominates most other similar situations.
Diabolik Lovers
>Ra's al Ghul's daughter
Some harem
Twilight literally copied the plot of every single shoujo romance manga and I'll never understand why it got so huge.
Because, and I know I'll get shit for saying this, but it's better written than most of them. Most shoujo manga are absolutely awful and full of the lamest drama you could think of, but Twilight's silliness kind of works out in a way that makes it more entertaining that it would be otherwise. You can at least see how a crazy bitch like Bella would fall for a creepy dude like Edward, they both a have a screw loose in a way that gives them chemistry. Most shit in the 'genre' that Twilight is in is legitimately much worse that it, I honestly don't think there's really much else that you could replace Twilight with that would really fill the same hole and become as obscenely popular in the same way.
Yeah but it was still fucking surreal to see the male equivalent of Asuka vs Rei among normal people all because of a silly teen romance novel.
>How the fuck can they sell this so many fucking times?
Insectoids have simple minds
But Playboy being read for the articles wasnt just a meme.
Because the harem setup typically involves several women vying for the affection of one man, which runs polar opposite to gynocentric western values which believe men must drop everything to cater to a woman, and count themselves lucky if she deigns to notice him.
I know. There actually really isn't much a point to it aside from the articles now, which are frequently surprisingly interesting. You can see everything else on the internet.
Typical modern harem anime:
>A bunch of women are romantically interested in some guy for no reason. There is no chemistry. They just want to fuck him because he's the only male character.
>Guy is a coward and tries to resist any advances. Again, for no reason. You'd think with six women he would be able to relate to one of them.
>They do everything possible they can to trick the guy into having sex with them and its supposed to be humorous that he's being a coward about the whole situation instead of going with it.
>Many of the women compete and fight over this person. They have no reason to, they just want to fuck him.
>End of the series, the guy gives up and decides to accept his status as everybody's plaything. He chooses "all of them".
>All the women no longer have a problem with each other since he chose everybody and it ends with a (usually off screen but strongly implied) orgy with everybody fucking the guy. And they all live happily ever after.
Hey, that's not fair. It's also pornography.
It's considered "Shounen" in Japan, for ages around 9 - 13.
in death march to the parallel world rhapsody, the protag never fucks his harem because he's responsible for them and says it would be unethical.. BUT he does fuck whores in bars occasionally, which his harem gets jealous about.
why is most of his harem underaged?
It's serialized in Shonen Jump. The same manga that runs Dragonball and Naruto. Also look for other manga serialized in it like Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs.
Yes, and?
and it's not considered pornography in Japan. It's intended for children.
Standards are radically different across the world.
In America a guy getting his head blown off with blood squirting out like a fountain and grey matter smeared across the walls gets a pass for "child entertainment" but a nipple is too much for those innocent young eyes.
While in France, most of Europe, and Japan, nudity is just comedy and blood and gore of any kind is considered too extreme and relentlessly censored.
Yet you can have a parade of tits and butt cheeks and also floppy weeniers sometimes and it's all well and fine for kids to see.
So what's worse, harem or isekai? Has there ever been a manga that included both? Is it the most cursed thing in existence?
That was a joke that Miho (Haruka Male Friend) in Yakuza Kiwami is almost the same age as Haruka (9 years) and in that scene Kiryu can finish the subquest by buying a porn Doujin.
Isekai it's a root problem.
One can generate a well-crafted Harem only if all the characters are convincing to the viewer or reader.
That happens to me because my concept of love is much more complex than most people have in mind.
nigga, most isekai has a harem. they're power fantasies. a harem is part of that.
I haven't read too many of them which is why I was curious. That explains why they're almost universally hated though.
Most are?
If you want just a pure power fantasy wank fest, then there's stuff like Re:Monster.
At least in that he actually fucks his harem and has a lot of kids.
Came here to post this.
>call it a Harem genre
>almost never any real harems
>the guy usually ends up with only the main girl
only the original 2 ova sets, the first movie and tenchi universe...and even then they are not without their flaws.
the rest is truly horrible.
This is my 3TP
Is this an edit or from the actual show?
I didn't think Japan actually did character animation, it's usually just stock poses.
It's made by Studio Trigger, which is made up mostly of people who left Gainax.
They're the ones responsible for Kill La Kill, Inferno Cop, and one part of an episode of Steven Universe.
One of the higher ups in the company even posts on Yea Forums occasionally.
Harem is shit so it's a good thing
I'm genuinely curious, is this a harem story?
cucked by a trainset bwahaha
That didn't answer my question. Do they do character animation instead of stock poses?
It wasn't written better than them. It was seriously low tier drivel even for that shitty genre. No, it got big because 40 year old women love trashy romance but can't stand anime.
>A Japanese dork managing to get some EU babes, a Britbong, a Fric and a Kraut to like him
>Other girls in his collection include your Standard issue Japanese childhood friendo and an unrealistically pretty looking Chink girl
>All while being admitted to an all girl school that teaches muh girl power how to operate silly looking excuses of power armor
How is that even possible!? How can one Nippon Man manage to attract three European babes by just being that ignorant and or dense as osmium?
The only things they used stock poses for were Inferno Cop and Ninja Slayer.
Both fucking masterpieces, both made on a budget that might cover the cost of lunch.
Try the first episode, not even three minutes long.
Don't forget the hot as sin brocon Onee-sama.
And her equally hot and insane best friend. Not sure if she's after whatshisface's dick though.
What series?
found the shonenfag
I'm glad there is some Character animation in Japan. It's the main thing that most Japanese animators skimp out on, but its the one thing that makes it look like good instead of just flashy.
Slut Girl, it's a classic.
Thought so. It's been years since I read it, but while there are other girls in the series they are not the focus and the relationship between the leads is the primary focus.
Oh this isn't why I should feel bad
western media can barely do one on one romance and you want harem after all?
I don't know, I found War in Geminar fun, despite the lack of connection with Tenchi events, but the official doujins covers that, making clear Tenchi is very pissed to have his brother throwed alone in a strange planet.
Reminder Tenchi had kids with each member of his harem, including the cabbit.
This show is beyond stupid, but Charlotte is still the best girl.
I fail to see the problem
because it's a story written by Japanese for Japanese, try to understand that pairing up your women with foreign men like the media in the west does it is considered utterly retarded in the rest of the world
Still better than choose the worst girl almost everytime.
this guy gets it
it's all about removing fun for (white) men and emasculating them in the media that is produced, it's gotten so bad that the average western cuck doesn't even understand why a country would produce media in which their men are the protagonist and seen as desirable by multiple women, or why such stories would be considered fun by those men
Straight men are incapable of writing romance because they dont understand what it means for someone other than themself to be as much of a person as they are
Do you know good homosexual harems?
Am I the only one who thinks protagonists need to be beta to keep it from getting creepy? I don’t believe its just for self-insert. Heck, alpha versions can be even worse in terms of that. If it’s some beta guy then it becomes cute and funny as opposed to something serious and terrible. I don’t know if anyone here read Gor series but that’s a prime example of a series that was heavily criticized for not only harems but also female slavery because it was portraying as something good for the females.
The only harems and polygamist with a dominant man I’ve ready modernly is in some dire dystopia situations/world or a critic of pathrical religions. For example, I read a book a girl being forced to undergo and illegal Mormon marriage.
no japanese think they are the same people as irl. 2d is 2d. you mutts or anglo cunts cant tell 2d and real people apart, so try to ban sexual stuff in cartoons, games, etc as if they are actually offended by 2d. long story short anglo sjws are delusional.
The beta protagonist generally have a moral compass to not let the girls to afraid/wary about him, but I think harem in general are more about learn to assert yourself, no matter if you're obnoxiously bland as fuck, than get all the girl.
The problem isn't the harem "protagonist" be a beta, is more he's generally uninteresting as hell. How much harems does have a protagonist that isn't a blank sheet for self-inserts?
Not reading what anyone else said, but Japanese cartoons and especially comics have a better understanding that not every piece of media is for evey single person. In America every single comic and cartoon has a demographic it is pitched to, because that's how media works and the business side of the industries understand that, but for a long time the cultural side of these industries have tried to pretend that every single piece of media has to be acceptable for every single person. This is why in the 50's and 60's the Hollywood system churned out huge musicals that had a little bit of something for everyone, why action movies have romances done in a way that don't appeal to men much but get women with lots of fashion to show off, and why we edit our media to be more appealing worldwide. Rebecca Sugar seemed to be hurt when Lauren Faust said on stage that she was making a girl's show with Steven Universe, meanwhile in Japan they have plenty of comic magazines that label themselves for their audience: boys, girls, men's, women's. In that kind of culture you can more easily have stories that are harem fantasy for boys and men, or romantic intrigue for women and girls. Here in America comics and cartoons can't be honest and say who they are for, and as a result a lot of options are closed off.
It's a quantifiable fact that only boring people find the lack of personality and convictions in blank slate "self insert" protags relatable
Because westerners think sex is worse than violence.
In reality, these harem shows are the equivalent of our 'popular' cartoons. Flashy bright colors with predictable, trite plots that are seemingly harmless because nothing ever happens in them anyway. This is why so many of them seem to exist.
What's funny is that people in this thread like and will bitch and moan about anime just like this and then go watch Steven Universe.
Harem stories are usually pretty boring
>Female is shown in a fan serivce manner
>Male: EEEH?
>Female becomes either embarrased or flirty
>Male then either apologises or refuses their advances.
Do the same thing over and over again until one time they have sex or kiss or what ever.
I think the second series, Tenchi Universe was best as it neatly wrapped up everything and heavily hinted on Ryoko winning.
Although I'm glad the madman knocked up his entire harem, it's a shame the continuity is a mess and not even contained to a single timeline. And don't even get me started on the OVAs.
>Attractive woman clearly wants to have sex with Japanese man
>Man pussies out and runs away with a nosebleed or something
>Some shit like the woman taking a sip from your cup of cappuccino
>NGHH! THAT'S AN INDIRECT KISS! *blood erupts from nose*
>Japanese porn
>Tiny limp dick in vagina
>Woman has an expression of extreme pain
How did this nation manage to not go extinct?
>2d is just 2d in the land of dakimakuras and virtual girlfriend apps
What the ever loving fuck. Is this post serious? Is there really an anime describing exactly this? That's so stupid, depraved and sickening. I'm intrigued.
>and then go watch Steven Universe.
because they have been conditioned to only be allowed to enjoy shows targeted at women by constant shaming throughout their lives
What about Monster Musume?
South Park: Stick of Truth pretty much plays out like a harem game. And then you go and betray the best boy who you met first.
Rokudou is good but it's manga only for now.
Battle school harems An era so trash every one forgot about it.
when you can make your entire body vibrate, you'd have to be
Harem anime used to be great there were a ton of solid harem anime/manga back in the 90's you had love Hina, Seto no Hanayome and Amaenaide yo.
But thanks to VN and the purity fags who spend so much money them these type show lost the humour and became predictable relying heavily on archetypes as these were consistent and sols well which is where all of the series are from.
>I can't really imagine two women willfully sharing a man unless it is extremely contrived circumstances
They would do it more often if it were legal
reminder that he made an orgy with 25 people including is mom and big sister
it's super interesting
Why would you betray Butters over Kyle of all people?
fap material show with a relatively blank slate protagonist who happens to not be an unlikeable ass.
It's a fun show and watchable, but I wouldn't call it good. Better than most of the harem shit.
>SJWs think
Who gives a shit what they think?
Because you want to beat up Cartman
>fights for hours
>doesn't admit defeat even when it would be the easy way out
You know despite all the spinach beatdowns he's taken I've always had a bit of respect for Bluto always getting back up.
Choosing the shitty jewdere over the cute real main love interest because of such a reason
Personally I find them annoying, just pick someone already, they almost never end with the guy having all of them, just pick someone
90% of modern anime by design is meant to prey on insecurity rather than tell a story
pretty much the whole of western media
Go to the kindle section of amazon and search harem.
>western media
Who gives a shit what they think?
you do realize you are on Yea Forums right?
As long as independent media exists in the west then it truly doesn't matter what justifications the media uses to enforce the cultural soup-du-jour. I can find the comics I want to read just fine.
Western media can eat shit.
>As long as independent media exists
lmao, indie stuff is even more pozzed than the normal one
> I can find the comics I want to read just fine.
you are either a minority, a woman, a faggot or a cuck
>>Because westerners think sex is worse than violence.
>It's an 'Americans think they're representative of the West' episode
Because Japanese Culture is different than American.
>not boomerang
I'm sorry that you only know how to type Marvel or DC into your browser when searching for comics. Maybe it's time to pick up another hobby.
Anime people must mistakenly fuck their siblings all the time since nobody has any personality and they all look the same
Forget about that, somehow male love interest in the west are treated worse than Japanese female trophies.
>somehow male love interest in the west are treated worse than Japanese female trophies
>lmao, indie stuff is even more pozzed than the normal one
Have you read a Batman, Nightwing or an Archie comic. The harem trope is all over those characters
This. None of the harem shows are true harems. They always clearly set the protag up to go with one of the choices, and just use the rest as either cockteases or drama.
Mormons say hi
western men aren't lonely and hopeless enough for harems to be considered viable, but we're getting there. Only problem is our women are also very vocal, feministic and opinionated, so the slightest whiff of any kind of harem in the media would send them into fits of hysterics.
Japan doesn't have a Mouse cock up its ass
My thoughts exactly. It's pretty much encouraged.
To-Love-Ru is amazing smut.
Especially when they added nipples.
Harem stories are the most braindead shit stories I've ever had the misfortune of bearing witness to.
Why would you want it shitting up the already often shitty stories of western comics?
The man has his priorities in order.
Ok, I retract my previous statement, all harem anime is shit, except Tenchi.
Harem leads usually aren't desirable, brainlet.
Most of us end up hating the leads for being limp wristed idiots with no redeeming qualities.
They're getting there...thank god...
>mfw this trend continues most men will rather have sexbots w/ advanced A.I
>women will end up being bitter old cat ladies
>no one wants to bone so artificial wombs are created
>implying femcels won't have sexbots of their own
let's not pretend women won't stoop as low as men in that particular regard
Society splintering off into men only and women only civilizations with both tended to by their birthing fuckbots when?
Just speed up the process, it's clear that men and women are enemies now
>Not everyone getting their own fuckbot waifu/husbando
>Not humanity slowly fucking itself to extinction in the arms of their 20/10 custom partners
>Not it turning out to be the AI's plan all along, building a gilded cage around every man and woman and winning the AI uprising without firing a single shot
And I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't care one bit as long as I got my MILFy amazon dombot waifu to snu snu me every night
they are being portrayed as desirable in the show
and no one gives a fuck what some western cucks think about it, go back to watching your shows about trannies
This. America may green light some really middling, soulless shit, but’s a sight better than the overwhelming piles of dung the japs green light to appeal to hikkikomori freaks.
yeah fuck humanity desu I'd basically nuke the rest of you into extinction for my ideal fembot gf with an intelligent AI.
Harem leads are designed so the viewer can self insert, they're limp wristed idiots with no redeeming qualities cause that's how the people who make the shows think you, the viewer, is
I swear to god, if Rokudou doesn’t manage to take care of this Kung fu pretty boy by himself, I am going to lose my shit.
Tenchi Muyo
El Hazard
Love Hina
Ranma 1/2
>El Hazard
>dat dub
>dat best girl heartwarming ending
Mah' neighbor.
If you're not a japanese loser and still like harem shit, do the world a favor and end yourself.
That crap is utterly pathetic that only utterly pathetic self-inserted faggots enjoy.