New Birds of Prey images

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Harley and Cassandra

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>We don't have a Batman so who's going to take in Cassie?
>I've got a brilliant idea!

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more like the flirbs of gay

>DADDY'S LITTLE MONSTER being the guardian figure

significant lel

Yeah but she's got a new daddy now

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What a shitty Huntress costume. It's supposed to take inspiration from Catholic nuns, correct?

Attached: huntress_final_lr_by_artgerm-d6irrgn.jpg (890x1200, 140K)

Well, if you believe the rumors Harley Quinn is sleeping with Batman.

BoP will really be like Suicide Squad, probably even worse.

Definitely worse

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Is that Ewan McGregor/Black Mask?

No it's a new character called Doc

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Is that the prof she fucked to get her degree?


I guess they must be taking part from Lieberman & Huddleston run of the old Harley book

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She looks cool

Why don’t WB just simply makes a movie named “Harley Quinn” instead of turning Suicide Squad and now Birds of Prey into Harley/Margot Robbie vehicles?

Me likey

Hire literal who girl related to c list actor. To play a character that barely speaks and emotes through facial expressions. Oh, and we made the athletic asian into Pudgy flip.

who is this supposed to be? I can't tell if it's supposed to be Huntress or The Question...this is such a dumpster fire

oh cool didnt knwo they were doing a birds of prey movie

> renee montoya without she lesbian vampire bat person
> no batgirl
> harley is in it for some reason
i choose death

much like Captain Marvel:
Literally nothing in this looks interesting.

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But look she has the f word on her shirt because it's rated r

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Looks great

I worry that Cass is just going to be the kid from Deadpool 2.

I actually liked Birds of Prey comics (well Chuck and Gail's run)
Never cared for Captain Marvel (except when he was a guy and died)
Nothing about this movie looks interesting at all. Maybe the director will knock it out of the park (don't know anything about her)
The casting and costumes aren't really getting my hype levels up.

Harley quinn and BoP have a lot of overlap.

the costume looks like it's for a CW show
a "nobody watches but we'll still renew for third season" CW show

Still think this would have been better as the Gotham City Sirens.

> no batgirl

Well... It depends on your point of view user. There is a Batgirl in the movie. It just isn't Barbara.

it's 2019, if they make casserole cain a cape she'll be orphan

It's supposed to make teenagers' peepees hard, like every female comic book character costume. Anything else is just set dressing.

Actually, that isn't her full costume. The character teaser showed one that looked a bit more akin to her Rebirth outfit.

>The casting and costumes aren't really getting my hype levels up.
AKA not enough bright colors and muscle padding. You guys understand these are street level vigilantes right?

It was Margot Robbie's idea to make this movie in the first place.

DCcucks will defend this

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Hot girls in slutty oufits oh no. What about the continuity

I wanna suck MEW's toes

just like my favorite cw shows

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I really don't believe those rumors

user you sound like a cuck

>that mutt

jesus fuck, they don't have any budget or what?

I think it is really low. Apparently around the same cost as the Joker but I'm sure it will be a bit more

Black Canary doesn't have to be White.

Why wouldn't I?

Yes she does.

my only problem with these set photos is it looks like the movie takes place on location in Los Angeles.

No she doesn't, this isn't like Batman or Green arrow where being rich white men is part of the character.

ok but where's Renee in the Question mask

She's been white for 70 years. It's a part of her character.

No it's not, there's nothing in her character that dictates she has to be white.

The fact that she's been white for 70 years does. If you want your faux 'diversity' then choose a non-white character. There's plenty of them. Don't ruin a well established character just so you can pretend to feel morally superior.

>The fact that she's been white for 70 years does
No it doesn't, it actually shows the need to move away from that mindset.

>it actually shows the need to move away from that mindset.
What the fuck does that even mean? Fucking sociopath.

Oh fuck me they're bringing in the shit version of The Question too?

Can they just make all of these characters vanish in one of these reboots?

It means you see white as the default setting.

The character is white you fucking lunatic. There's nothing stopping these people from using a non-white character, but they choose to deface established works to push an agenda.

>the shit version of The Question
but they're not doing Ditko or Veitch or New 52 Question

and Renee hasn't been the Question since the New 52 so you got your wish, Mr. Casual.

Renee still exists you simpleton.

Yeah, but she's not the Question, you retard.

>The character is white you fucking lunatic
But there's nothing part of the character that dictates she has to be white.

blackwashing is bad user

That's how you sociopaths justify your yearning for ethnocide. White's have no identity and should always be replaced when the opportunity arises.

You're a low life.

>Make a character vanish
>Well they've changed their name
That's not getting my wish is it.

No because the baseline assumption for the past 100 years has been white. No one is being hurt by black canary being portrayed by a black actress.

>No because the baseline assumption for the past 100 years has been white.

>the baseline assumption for the past 100 years has been white
and that's a good thing. you're just typical leftist anti-white racist

It's not my fault white is the invisible race, that's simply the product of white supremacy.

>I guess they must be taking part from Lieberman & Huddleston run of the old Harley book
That was the run where Harley takes in a little girl and then blinds her for money. Are they replacing the girl with Cassandra?

Attached: Harley Quinn (2000-2004) - Vengeance Unlimited v4-286.jpg (1988x3056, 1.14M)

Who has nothing in her narrative that demands she be white.

>maintain chunks

The fact that she's white does. Since that's all you need to be white, you just need to be white.

Well no she isn't white, can you give me a non-circular reason why she should be white.

I hope you're aware that you're no better than Hitler with an ideology like that.

>This character is white
See, that's non-circular. It's just a statement. DC and apparently (you) need to defend why she was changed from her state of being white.

She is white though. I can give you 70 years worth of evidence.

Because there's nothing in her character that says she should be.

Yes there is. The fact that she's white means she should be white. Feel free to try again.

think he's suggesting that in all those 70 years there's never been a reason presented saying why being white is an integral part of her character

I would argue that Steve Rogers needs to be white for the comparison to the Ubermensch (even though that idea came around later, it's still been used in a few stories)

I would argue that Ben Grimm needs to stay a New York Jew, because the Thing does Jewish shit all the time

what does Black Canary has that makes it so she has to be white? what does the whiteness contribute?

Well I can give you evidence on the contrary.

I'll wait.

>The fact that she's white means she should be white.
No it doesn't.

Yes it does, since it's the same character. You need a give a reason for change, not to keep things the same.

So why did DC see fit to change her race in this adaptation?

If they wanted a black character why not use Vixen or someone who hasn't been white for 70 years?

Why not have a white Vixen?

Exactly. Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen have to be white because they come from rich and influential families, which are historically white.

you need no reason to change something if the thing you're changing doesn't add to the story

what does her being white or black add to the story? if nothing then it's just window dressing

because she's tied to African myths you dumbfuck

There doesn't have to be a reason.

Because her powers come from Africa

But to help your point, what about Bumblebee? Can we have a white Bumblebee? Her blackness isn't that important

Because Vixen is intrinsically black. She's an african who derive her powers from a vodun talisman, her backstory involves her parents being killed by poachers.

never said they have to, but like Steve/Grimm I would agree that there's an argument for Bruce and Ollie to be white since they come from established old money, and old money in America is mostly white

I don't cry like a baby if they do a black batman elseworlds once in a while, but I would be annoyed if they changed his backstory to fit a racechange in the main canon

>There have never been white people in Africa
No, she's perfect. Get rid of actually Black Canary and put in white Vixen. No drama.

Bumblebee was the first black female superhero in DC so her blackness is important.

so what?

I know nothing about bumblebee, but yeah I'd say if she's just a character that happens to be black it wouldn't bother me if she was retconned white or asian or hispanic or middle-eastern

So does Dinah. She used her inheritance from her father dying to open a flower shop as a day job while she fought crime at night. She comes from the same old money as Bruce and Oliver.

>what does her being white or black add to the story?
That her character in the story is white. If you change something you need a reason, or else why bother using their name at all?

What's your argument in defense of Hellboy racebending Alice Monaghan?

yeah there sure are a lot of white people living in Ghana hundreds of years ago worshipping Anansi

you know nothing lmao

Or Valkyrie in Ragnarok. Or Heimdall.

It's significant for reasons other than her actual characterization?

Well that's not like being old established money like Green arrow or Batman.

anybody can have inheritance. is she actually legit old-money rich like Wayne and Queen? If so then sure there's an argument that she should stay white. if all it was described as was "enough to buy a flower shop" you're not making a strong case

why are you so rigid with storytelling? if something doesn't have a purpose, feel free to chuck it. you keep the core ideas and concepts and everything else is fluff

I have no clue what you're talking about, I don't keep up with Hellboy news. wanna tell me about it?

I didn't like Idris Heimdall. I think I've been consistent in my argument, why would you assume I love Black Heimdall?

>Another post where you can't find a single reason to racebend a character
Please stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

They cast a mutt as Alice - a character who being a red-headed Irish woman is pretty much the only characteristic she has.

if being Irish is part of her character then I would support casting an Irish or Irish-passing person

I do think you're a dick for using the word mutt though, so there's that. are you some superior race jerkoff or something?

We're not living in a vacuum here so yeah I would say her being the first female black superhero is important to her identity as a character.

>if something doesn't have a purpose
Not everything needs a purpose. If ethnicity is so unimportant to you, then why do you feel the need to change it? Why not just keep the identity the character has established over 7 decades? If making her black is so innocuous then why do it when all it's going to do is create controversy and put the spotlight on the decision, thus making it an important feature?

1. The "feel free to chuck it" isn't a good defense when the designed laid out is this terrible
A lot of this has to do with just how bad the design of the character is. Just like black Starfire, most of the complaints would die down if the character actually resembled the comic book counterpart in more than name only

2. It's also unfair that characters can be racebent away from being white but can't be racebent back to being white. Sure maybe you'd be okay with it but considering the shitstorm that came from Hellboy racebending an Asian character white but absolutely nothing came from racebending an Irish character black shows the double standard.
Either allow both or don't.

Then having a character be white for 70 years is a valid reason for wanting the movie version to be white as well

I feel the need to change anything that isn't core to the character, because one of the chief complaints against comics are that they're stale and nothing changes. this is unavoidable if you have characters published in stories regularly for 70 years.

changing race is a quick way to shake up physical appearance, introduce new backstory angles. throw shit at a wall and see what sticks. these aren't people to defend, they're intellectual properties used in storytelling, so if you want that shit to grow you have to experiment and feed it fresh ideas whenever you can

there are black people in Ireland

>most of the complaints would die down if the character actually resembled the comic book counterpart in more than name only
There are limitations to live action, you find me a 5'10 redhead with an hourglass figure who would looks good bronzed and can act.

>I feel the need to change anything that isn't core to the character
Why? At that point just create your own character. Change for the sake of change is the laziest way to do something.

>changing race is a quick way to [...] introduce new backstory angles
I thought it wasn't changing anything though? If they're changing the character why not just make a new character?

There are precisely zero black Celtic people in human history though. Her being actually Irish is important to the story she's in.

allow both or don't? I think you're pretty eager to paint me as someone on the other scary LIB side or something. heavens to betsy

I've been consistent in my argument, you don't have to agree with it. I don't support racebending if it changes a core trait of a character (like Idris Heimdall, see that's on your side). I can acknowledge that currently there seems to be a double standard in pop culture but I'm still not gonna defend something that isn't true, like Canary having to be white. be honest with yourself, there are other valid battles. I'm not gonna waste my time being mad about something that isn't necessary

No because being white isn't part of Black canary's character. Being black is part of Bumblebee and Vixen's character.

Canary is more likely to be white from her story, even if it's not certain. Bumblebee and Vixen can still be white, since Bumble's reason to be black is meta and Vixen's is just probability.

There's no reason to change any of it though. It doesn't add anything.

Wigs exist. No one is saying you need to find an exact match which is next to impossible, but at least get a good base and improve them with makeup and costuming. Just casting a very African looking woman and putting a hooker wig on her is just lazy.

Not that user but ever heard of anything called creativity?
>Change for the sake of change is the laziest way to do something.
Writing is a craft, sometimes you need to go under the hood and tinker around.

>Change for the sake of change is the laziest way to do something

disagree, that's how good art happens

changing things core to the character, I literally said that one sentence up in the same post. it's possible to write parts of backstories that are not core aspects of character.

>Find a latina actress who can speak english with the correct pronunciation and has a good bodyshape

>Dye her hair or give her wig that doesn't look pitiful
There you go.

Well there's black people in ireland now.

if her being Irish is just an accent, then yeah she could be black if black people live there now

if her being Irish means she has a family history that stretches back and is referenced in the story then no, hands off

Change for the sake of change isn't creativity. Creativity is taking a goofy concept like the Green Lantern Corp and coming up with the emotional spectrum. Changing a character from white to black isn't creative as it adds nothing to the story or character other than controversy.

>disagree, that's how good art happens
Disagree, that's not at all how art works. You make something new, you don't tinker with something existing. That's how you repair something.

>it's possible to write parts of backstories that are not core aspects of character
It's also possible to not do that when you're adapting them to an entirely new medium anyway. It's also possible to write a new character for your purposes. Neither of these things will annoy people in the slightest.

If they had given Starfire a decent costume, painted her orange, and not make her look like a transvestite prostitute most people would have accepted it even with a black actress

This doesn't exist in a vacuum
Maybe you'd have a valid point in terms of storytelling but you can't avoid both issues

More ethnocidal comments. Is all it takes to be Irish is that you live in the country and have an accent?

you said actress was mixed, so again you point about some chick having to be stickily be white has burnt up to toast.

>disagree, that's how good art happens
That's how post-modernists think. No wonder their art is total shit.

if someone lives in Ireland and has an Irish accent I would probably think they are Irish, yes

Her character is laced with stories about her Celtic heritage
It's a fucking outrage she was racebent and nothing was done about it
They didn't even cast someone what was half white
She's half black half Maorian

I'm not that guy lmao, I'm

>Bumblebee and Vixen can still be white
No because being black is part of their character, just as being white isn't really part of Black Canary's character.
>since Bumble's reason to be black is meta and Vixen's is just probability.
Those are still better reasons than any you've given for why black canary has to be white.

It's not that easy, pal. If I go live in India for 10 years that doesn't make me Indian.

I wouldn't say outrage lol, it's just a story. but yes I would agree that it's bad and against the spirit of the character as written

The only significant thing about Bumblebee's race is that she was first
That is a valid reason to keep her black
But how is it less valid than the fact Black Canary had never not been white in her 72 year existence as a character?

>The fact that she's been white for 70 years does.

No, that just means she's traditionally been white. The same way she only more recently has traditionally been just Dinah, instead of her mother, or that she's a real natural blonde, instead of using a wig.

Bumblebee being black is why she should be black. Black Canary being white is why she should be white. If you want to make a Black Black Canary make an original character. Using a legacy name with a different character is just marketing.

Consumers aren't supposed to defend that user.

>No because being black is part of their character,
Not really. Bumblebee's significance isn't within her canon, it's meta and since she's no longer the only female black superhero it doesn't even matter anymore. Her being black has nothing to do with her character at all.

The outrage comes from the fact another character was racebent from being Asian to being white but the media got so fucking pissed off about it the character was recast

>that just means she's traditionally been white
That means that she's white. She's not a nebulous concept, she's a character. It's not tradition it's fact.

relating to Ireland, its people, or the Goidelic language traditionally and historically spoken there.

seems to me that living in Ireland is a trait relating to Ireland

you're focused on the last two points, and missing the first

Dinah Drake and Dinah Lance are two different characters.

For a character that's been white for decades. You must be the worst troll I've ever seen.

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>if her being Irish means she has a family history that stretches back and is referenced in the story then no, hands off
A black irish person could marry a white irish person and have a biracial irish kid. That something that could happen and there's really no reason why it can't.

sure, like I said I can acknowledge a double standard, but I don't get outraged by any kind of media. it's stories. it's not real. I can get mad but I'm not losing sleep over it

Not that user but it actually is.
Just as how the Scarlet Pimpernel has to be White and English, it also pertains to a certain look on how Black Canary looks and acts like.
Pretending to make it so racebending is an actual good thing just because a character does not hold their race as a pedestal for the character is fucking backwards and bizarre.

>Black Canary being white is why she should be white
No, because like I said we don't live in a vacuum. Being black is significant for Bumblebee but white isn't significant for black canary.

not a matter of could, it's a matter of if it's a reasonable change to an established backstory involving core traits of the character. if you can find me any links/articles about blacks in the 1800s marrying into old Irish bloodlines that go back hundreds of years to support that that statement I will concede

Why didn't they at least give Black Canary a good biker chic look?
How fucking hard is that?

Attached: fass-biker-chic-fall-2013-05.jpg (1270x847, 246K)

>traditionally and historically
Meaning Celtic people. An African living in Ireland isn't Irish, they're African. Idris Elba might have been born in London, but he's still African.

How is not ever being not white until now now as valid of a reason?

>Being black is significant for Bumblebee
It continues to not be as many times as you say it.

>white isn't significant for black canary
Black Canary is still white though. You have to change her to be black. You refuse to give any reason to do that.

you're confusing ethnicity with nationality

Idris was born in London btw

Ethnically Idris is Afro-European (black, but not born in Africa)
Nationally Idris is British

how are you this dense

>Just as how the Scarlet Pimpernel has to be White and English
Because he's character set in the french revolution. The scarlet pimpernel is literally about rich white guys protecting other rich white guys but There's nothing to black canary that says she has to be white.

Nothing about her character dictates she has to be only portrayed as white. It's not an inherent part of her character. There's nothing wrong with this casting unless you think it's white genocide or whatever.

It's called having a legacy.
Hal shouldn't be turned black, hence there's Jon.
Ted shouldn't be hispanic, hence why there's Jaime.
Ray shouldn't be asian, that's why there's Ryan.
They are still Green Lantern, Blue Beetle and The Atom but are their own characters.

They have Harley in the move and some unathletic girl, who looks and behaves nothing like Cassandra. You really thought they will get anything right?

Living in her story, she it because if you want to be real, she doesn't act like a black person would and could upon her introduction and runs at the time period.

Jesus Christ shut the fuck up. Neither of you are going to convince anybody.

>Nothing about her character dictates she has to be only portrayed as white
Seventy years of comics.

>There's nothing wrong with this casting
There's nothing right with it. There's no reason for it except to appeal to racist black people I guess while not pissing off BoP fans that wanted the name Black Canary but aren't seeing who they're actually getting. I don't know why you're defending corporate marketing.

Because like I said, we don't live in a vacuum. You whitewashing the first female black superhero in DC comics would be a clear example of white resentment towards racial equality.

I just don't understand how one could fuck up so badly
Yet they just keep at it

we know, we're just doing this until the opponent drops out of the thread and stops responding

then we know the taste of victory, and bask in it throughout the night

>You whitewashing the first female black superhero in DC comics would be a clear example of white resentment towards racial equality.
But if it means I can take another angle on her backstory it's fair game surely?

>Seventy years of comics.

That's not an argument. Depictions of characters evolve and change with time, especially in the span of decades. It's like crying that Craig is a terrible casting for James Bond because Blond isn't blond.

Blackwashing a white superhero is pretty much a near similar sentiment where race wasn't in the matter until someone put it in the equation.
Some people just always want it about race where it doesn't even apply.

I completely get that
But why is my concern not as valid as that concern?
Black Canary has been white in every incarnation so far and for much longer than Bumblebee has existed and been black

That's not a thing. He's African. He was born in London, but he'll never truly be British. Brits are Anglo, he is not. He can call himself African-British if he wants, but it's honestly insulting that people like you are trying so hard to take away European's identities. Valkyrie being cast as a black person is quite possibly the most insulting casting in any comic book movie. It's akin to when John Wayne played Genghis Khan.

>she doesn't act like a black person would and could upon her introduction and runs at the time period.
Well good thing this movie is set in modern times.

There's a complete difference from changing hair color to changing ethnicities

The same could be said with any character really.
And that includes Vixen and Bumblebee.

No because you're clearly motivated by white resentment towards racial equality.
That's not "fair game", that's you being a passive aggressive racist asshole.

>It's like crying that Craig is a terrible casting for James Bond because Blond isn't blond.
You don't know anything about true Bond fans then. There's an entire website dedicated to hating Daniel Craig as Bond because Bond isn't Blonde.

So what is it about Black Canary that makes her ethnicity so important, other than "that's how it's always been!"

>Blackwashing a white superhero is pretty much a near similar sentiment
No it's not.

>Autistic fanboys act autistic

Shocking revelation.

>racial equality
White people aren't obligated to bring themselves down collectively to make non-whites happy when they never will be. They'll always be clamoring for more and more and more concessions until nothing is left. Create your own creations instead of taking what others created and defiling it.

>No because you're clearly motivated by white resentment towards racial equality
No, I've made clear what my issue is. But well done for not reading it explains a lot. This has been even more of a waste of time than I thought.

If her ethnicity isn't important then why change it if the ethnicity you're changing her to is also unimportant? It adds nothing.

M'kay, bigot.

So let's make Bumblebee white, her ethnicity isn't important to her character.

How is "that's how it's always been" not enough of a reason in itself?
Every character description would describe Black Canary as being a blonde white woman who dresses like a biker
Doesn't matter if Dinah has different hair
The superheroine Black Canary has been drawn a certain way for 70+ years

It's not bigoted to point out facts. If you're white you need to get over this obsession with appeasing non-whites when they will never be happy with your existence.

Why not change it if the production wants diversity?

>It adds nothing.
It adds representation to minorities.

It's resentment towards the fuckin whiteys.
Making a black character white would be for commercial reasons, no resentment involved.

>How is "that's how it's always been" not enough of a reason in itself?

For one thing, adaptations by default always take massive liberties with the source material. Maybe casting a black person as Dinah is a good change. Maybe it's not. We'll have to see.

>White people aren't obligated to bring themselves down collectively to make non-whites happy when they never will be
Really all I have to say to that is white supremacy has to go away.

It's not appeasing anybody, I want diversity in movies. I enjoy seeing colorful cast of characters.

Then get another character
Get Vixen

>It adds representation to minorities
So would adding a new black character.

>he thinks people didn't resent Daniel Craig for being one of the worst Bonds appearance-wise to the films he's in.
>he didn't know that even Pierce was first taken aback when he was casted as Bond due to him being an Irishman.

Trust me, you made it perfectly clear what your issue is

Just say non-white. Enough with your Orwellian terms. You have a grudge against white people, just admit it.

>It adds representation to minorities.
White people are the vast minority in the world. Why do we need to give up what we've created to make 'minorities' happy?

>The superheroine Black Canary has been drawn a certain way for 70+ years

Except all the times she wasn't a biker chick. Like in the late 80s during JLI era. Or when she was wearing that spy operative outfit in the 90s, Or the New52 look which wasn't a biker chick look.

I can tell from here that it never was going to be
In a vacuum she looks dumb
Why the fuck does she have a septum ring?

Then why did you mention race when that obviously isn't it?

Is it because you're retarded? Or is it because you're just pretending.

And they turned out fine. What's the point?

If whites weren't superior then why is the world so dedicated to bringing them down? "White supremacy" is the only reason you have the luxuries available to you today.

>Then get another character
Really the question is why should we?

The use different characters. There's no reason they even needed to use Black Canary in this movie.

Because Vixen is already black. The better question is why cast a black person as a white character when you could just cast a black character?

>Enough with your Orwellian terms
Don't you have a flat earth video you could be watching?

Who exactly is defending it?
I bet you nobody would know it's Black Canary from the picture alone.

Attached: BlackCanaryonheels.png (500x290, 222K)

Because Vixen is black and has always been black
Racebending is the lower form of pandering to card carrying liberals, plus I can argue it hurts more obscure characters from getting a chance in the spotlight

Those panels are so dumb. You couldn't do that.

What's the connection here?

because she's punk rock.

Except it's a Birds of Prey movie.

I forgot about the 80s look but she's still not black there

Attached: dcfb5494d065f3fb1642c263525ba24a.png (1280x2114, 839K)

>In a vacuum she looks dumb

Production photos always look super dumb. Grasping at literal straws.

>Then why did you mention race when that obviously isn't it?
Because it is about race. I know I'm gonna sound like a broken record here but we don't live in a vacuum where history doesn't exist. When you equate whitewashing the first female black superhero in DC comics with a black actress being cast to play black canary then it cannot not be about race.

Then why is Harley Quinn in it?

Black Canary
Oracle (Gus Yale)

Lady Blackhawk
Big Barda
Jade Canary
Manhunter (Kate Spencer)
Black Alice
Power Girl
Poison Ivy

Because she's a woman, and BoP is at its core a woman team up title.

So it's because you're retarded. That's all you had to say.

She's the only bird
Just call it Harley Quinn and friends or something stupid

It's dumb even when considering the fact it's a photo from production
And DC has a spotty track record at best for shit like this

That you're a stupid mouthbreather who feels frightened by the real world so you turn towards conspiratorial thinking as a defense mechanism.

She's not a bird
She's not even an animal

Huntress is a bird.

What's conspiratorial about what I said? Diversity literally just means not white. They don't even try to hide it anymore.

Well what else reason is there?

>She's not even an animal

Nor is Huntress. Or numerous other people who've been part of BoP. See

>What's conspiratorial about what I said?
Calling diversity an orwellian term.

>It's dumb even when considering the fact it's a photo from production

Nah, I quite like it.

He is one of these people who thinks Europe is not diverse enough, because everyone is white

I'm just gonna say you're definitely in the minority

It is and you've fallen for it like the mindless zombie that you are.

That's because some people pigeonhole diversity only through skin colour but it encompasses so much more than that.
It's a term that's been driven through the mud and used as a beat stick for some groups to enforce their agenda in the guise of progressiveness.
That's why that user coined it as Orwellian

Yep. It's an effort to take away European's identity.

>Europe has always been multicultural!
>Anyone can be European!

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>everyone is white
But not really.

Which is sad.

I think she's going to be an unholy amalgamation of the kid from Harley's Kesel Solo, Sin from BoP, and possibly the little 8 year old Cass who's still shellshocked from icing a guy.

Is it?

This sort of weak racebait shit is really tiresome.

Yes. Europe belongs to Europeans.

So the Americas belongs to the Americans, right? the Real Americans, not the Euro Immigrants.

>the Real Americans
You mean the Asians that migrated there after the Ice Age?

>Europe belongs to Europeans.
Yeah like Omar sy.

Attached: omar-sy-hints-he-may-not-return-jurassic-world-2-5.jpg (600x328, 33K)

Not European.

yeah. They got dibs since there was no one else there first.

Born and raised in France.

That doesn't make him European.

Yes it does.

No, it doesn't. This is just rank ethnocidal rhetoric.

The eighties are something.

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I wholeheartedly agree, Ted.

Good, you two realised you have different definitions of what makes someone an European. Can we go back to comics now?

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There's only one definition of a European.

They wanted her costume to be bird themed only to discard the idea since they realized you don't have to have a bird-themed costume to be called Black Canary.

Apparently no, since we've just witnessed two definitions butting heads in this thread.
Yeah, this costume is very weird.

His isn't a definition, it's his sick opinion. Factually, Europeans are white and white people are European - of varying cultures. There's no other definition.

Hey fuck this bird.

>Factually, Europeans are white
But what about Omar Sy?

He's wrong and you're right. Here's your validation from a comics board. I'm happy to deny reality with you for a post or two if it makes you feel better.

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He's African.

>deny reality
Jesus Christ you people are disgusting.

But he wasn't born in africa.

That doesn't change his ethnicity.

Nor does it change the fact that he was born in France and thus it makes him an European.

That doesn't make him European. European is an ethnicity, just as African is and Asian is. Omar Sy may have been born in Europe, but he's still African.

Skin colour =/= ethnicity =/= nationality. You can be black, be raised in whatever ethnicity, and be French and European. Different definitions across different countries. You're allowed to have an opinion, like everyone else, hence different definitions.

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You're confusing skin color and ethnicity.
You can be black, be raised in whatever ethnicity, and be French and European.

>You can be black, be raised in whatever ethnicity, and be French and European

Factually wrong. You don't have a clue what ethnicity is. European isn't a nationality, it's an ethnicity and ethnically, Europeans are white and have been since the beginning of time. Omar Sy is ethnically African. If he took a 23 and Me test it'd say he's 100% African. He's not European. He may live in Europe and have been born there, but he's still African. Just the same if a white person was born and raised in fucking Uganda. People might call him a white African, but he'd still be ethnically European. If Omar Sy wants to root for French national teams and wave a French flag, whatever, but he's still not European.

Hmm, no not really. He's the second option in definition one: An inhabitant of Europe.

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>European descent

Two things he is not.

>Black Canary is the villain in this movie
>Frames Harley Quinn and Huntress for hate crime

>A native or inhabitant of Europe
>or inhabitant

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European is a nationality (I'm not going to scan my passport, but you get the idea).
Ethnicity is shared history, culture, language and sometimes other things, not genetics from 23 and me or skin colour. Check the definition, it's actually vague and fluctuant: "Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language or dialect, symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, art or physical appearance."
That's why I'm talking about denying reality: French have different definitions of what is ethnicity and nationality. Denying it is just refusing reality. Other countries think differently, deal with it.

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The europeans probably weren't that white when they were a bunch of neanderthals walking up from the plains of africa that first time.

You people are sickening.

>believing the out of Africa nonsense

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Says the guy obsessed over identity politics.

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Same reason lots of Teen Titans fans hated that Beast Boy was colored red instead of green in the New 52 reboot. People get used to see the character a certain way and a deviation from it rub them off.

There's a reason why beast boy is green.
What reason is there for black canary to be white.

>There's a reason why beast boy is green.
No there isn't. He could be any color.

But there's an explanation to why.

Not him but the thing about the costumes is that we practically haven't seen any so far. And i get, it's street level heroes so they "realistically" don't give them elaborate and flashy outfits like Batman, but shit, just look at Harley: started as a villain in an harlequin costume, devolved into just using random outfits in a black/blue and red scheme, and now in this movie she just looks like a hipster hobo. That's not fun

Mark Hamill as "Old Jack"

Moar like "Birds of Gay", amiright!!

Haha, DC is such a dumpster fire.

Can't. Everytime a non white character is used someone bitches about that.

Its come to point using 100% original non white is just as bad as turning white character into X race.

So in your opinion, what makes a person X nationality? Idris would have more in common with Brits and their traditions than any African country or tribe because he grew up and lived in Brit.

Do you consider Trump to be European? After all, he is the first generation in his family to be born in the states. How about Americans as a whole? Most of them have only been here for a little over 200 years in family lines. Hell why are you grouping Europeans as one when there was a time those faggots would fight blood wars over it.

I paid to see Aquaman, MoS, BvS, WW, Justice League, Suicide Squad, the Nolan trilogy, Superman Returns.

This time I'm not even sure I'll even stream this trash.

>Hell why are you grouping Europeans as one when there was a time those faggots would fight blood wars over it.
Because he's most likely not one

t. european

Birds of Prey have ZERO good storylines and villains to pull from. Prove me wrong. You can't!

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I don't believe those rumors
But Harley X Bruce is one of my personal favorite crackships

Just read the comics and you'll be surprised.

Cassandra is fat.

Jussie Smollet's sister hahaha

The evidence is clear.

Attached: bruce.jpg (2048x1024, 215K)

It's a reference to Bruce Timm, dude.


dog tags have the dog's name on them, thus the implication is that Bruce is Joker's hecking b-word

>Cassandra is fat.

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>That was the run where Harley takes in a little girl and then blinds her for money. Are they replacing the girl with Cassandra?

Yes, it is and not I don't think. If they stuff from that run it could be the first part of the arc, when Harley was taking care of kid and discard the ending of it with something else.

Ok, next black panther replacing all the blacks for asians.

Nice strawman there, champ.

she's fat

Now now, no need to be mad. No indication that everyone in Wakanda is black.

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Other than it's been an isolated African country for centuries? Your disingenuous smugness is both retarded and amusing.

Your infuriating need to prove your point is adorable.

Ok so if a black character's background is just a american middle class black person who was born and raise in a good neighborhood who does not really embrace "Black Culture" and acts and Sound like a "white american". Can I change the race of the character to be another minority? Or does him just being black all the justification to never change that character?

Europe is not a fucking nation.

Please be American.

>Ethnicity is not genetics from 23 and me or skin colour. Check the definition
Okay, let's check.
>Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by ... ancestry ... physical appearance.

Eh? Isn't Cassandra fit and trained?

Not this version, apparently.

am i the only one concerned about Renee "drunk hot lesbian" Montoya looking like a post menopause spanish teacher?

Because you can't fap to her?

because she looks like shit in a mostly visual medium

i wonder if we get a batgirl cameo

>Cassandra becomes Harley Quinn jr.

found a leaked pic of lady shiva

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You sure showed that 9 year old.

>because she looks like shit in a mostly visual medium
What do you actually mean by this?

The only surprise is how long it lasts with no good stories or characters.

she's not 9 and she's not going to lurk a dead image board

Please tell me this movie will show plenty of MEW's thicc ass.

They should have not tried to Replace Babara.
. This whole "diversity shit" is ruining DC


Do you not see how tight those pants are on her?

Let's face it, diversity just means "less white people"
Fake Diversity in general is usually just obnoxious.
And Cassandra Caine is shit.

At least this isn't Marvel, they would have been all for pointlessly killing off Babs to give Cass her name cause, you know, Asian Batgirl.
.oh wait ! Birds of Prey!

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>diversity just means "less white people
Yeah, is there something wrong with that?

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>less white people

Are you slow? When the cast of shows used to be 95% white, the only way forward is down. You may not be happy that all the replacements are black but no need to numerically retarded about it.

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>We don't have a Batman so who's going to take in Cassie?
>>I've got a brilliant idea!


People who say this aren't happy unless every tv show and movie is 100% white.

they call her Huntress cause she's HUNTING for that divorce

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>People who say this aren't happy unless every tv show and movie is 100% white.

Cass is overweight.

Do we know what Ewan's Black Mask's er... black mask looks like?

People who say this aren't happy unless every tv show and movie is 0% white.

Fat kid.

>tends to
In France, it tends to not be defined by skin color or physical appearance. As I said, different definitions. It's as if France had a different culture, very unlike the US.

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> hey kids its Damianfag!

McDonalds' make fat kids -

>it's a "Damifag is assblasted about Cass being in a movie before Damian" episode

who hurt you Cassfag ?
Stop Talking to Yourself.

I'm just surprised she's fat.

> it truly is. The only thing makes it better is if Tim was also there to see their head pop.

Is this a porn comic? Why the random hard nips?

So you're cool with making characters like Black Panther white then, right? Because we are aiming for equality, right? Aren't we...?

>Our biggest success so far was Aquaman that didn't take itself too seriously and stuck fairly close to the comics for the visuals
>So for Birds of Prey, we're going to do the exact opposite

How about never do it you agenda pushing faggot. There's never a reason to do it, never make Waller white, never make Steel white, never make Batman black, etc. It's not fucking hard to do.

>lol why r u so rigid? just make em black lol
Fuck you asshole, stop changing character's races. Never do it, just stop. I'd say you shouldn't change a character from black to white either but that never happens.

So the character's default setting can only be a minority, and if it's white it's changed, gotcha.

it's worse when you remember in the very same movie there was outrage over a white guy playing ben daimio, the actor then stepped down and apologized, and they found a korean guy to play him
not a single fucking peep from the same assholes about alice

>Our biggest problem with Suicide Squad was having to deal with Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn
>So we're making her integral to the cinematic universe

>Biggest problem

You people just make up shit. I can't tell if you're being a contrarian or just delusional.

She and The Joker were the shittiest things in Suicide Squad and it wasn't close.

>Didn't take itself too seriously
>So for Birds of Prey, we're going to do the exact opposite
Yeah ok

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>>Our biggest problem with Suicide Squad was having to deal with Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn
It was the complete opposite. Margot's Harley Quinn made so much fucking money through merchandise and Suicide Squad was a big financial hit for WB. You may not have liked her but you're irrelevant

Which is why almost the first thing Gunn did was to cut her from the sequel?

She's back in it.

Well fuck me then. Shazam might be the last good DC film.

Maybe Gunn wanted to recast her with Liev Schreiber's kid?