Why does Rwby handle racism so poorly?

How would you improve apon it?

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>How would you improve apon it?
Erase the fandom.

I'd do something akin the cycle of hatred like they did with fishmen in one piece the whole idea of racism discrimination leading to violence leading to retribution like liked jimbe's speech about said cycle in the end hurting evey one if someone hurts you hurt them back nothing changes I'd do something were Weis is racist but subtle were its deep down almost instinctual rather than loudly id have learns from the past and choose to end it also with adam I'd make him a mixture of arlong and hoody jones someone who was harmed by humans but instead of ending the violence he only wants more and more he only cares about proving Fanus Supremacy over humans seeing humans as evolutionary mistake. Blake would be the one who has basis against humans due to being around Adam but still trys to overcome them but it would be subtle like she wouldn't sit next to weis but as the story goes along she sits closer and closer bit by bit showing progress rather than telling it

Id also show actual Fanus being mistreated harassment people giving them pricing untrusting looks being relegated to low labor like carring others supplies having to wear collars in some of the more racist parts of the world id even have things like more human passing fanus looking down on those with more obvious features and have peaceful counterpart to the White fang something like The Black Paw or something have the Fanus nations or societies misstrust and mistreat humans as a result of their experiences with humans have fanus nationalist or seperatist


They tell rather than show when look at the civil rights erra or how actual racism minorities face notice how the who human zoo thing makes people feel uncomfortable with nothing needing to be said?

The problem is that the show doesn't show any of the racism, making characters like Blake and the White Fang just seem like rabble rousers complaining about jack shit.
Beacon is shown letting in Faunus characters without judgement, Faunus are shown walking the streets without harassment, one of the schools in the most racist of the kingdoms is literally run by a faunus, the island they were 'exiled' to is beautiful and seemingly peaceful, etc...
They could have built up the world a bit more to show that faunus were second class citizens. Beacon I'll take as an exception, being a progressive school and all that, but in other places small things like people getting up and leaving the moment Blake sits down near them would have gone a long way. Someone from the sticks like Oscar could casually drop a racist slur without realizing that it was racist.

In short, look at how Fire emblem PoR handled the Laguz. Various main characters are openly distrusting of the Laguz fighting on their side and even the main character Ike uses some racist terms without meaning any harm.

Rwby writers are hacks

Like everything in rwby show don't tell

Yes i also hate furfags

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I'd still fug

Weiss is best girl.

In addition to what other posters have said about discrimination not being properly conveyed, Blake is a very poor character for them to use to voice these issues.
There's a further disconnect with the way she's lectured and "educated" Sun about Faunus rights and discrimination, when she's the one who came from a privileged background. It felt a little backwards, and is reminiscent of how shrill, privileged people nowadays are looked to as authorities on these issues rather than people who actually suffer from them.

Furthermore, Blake lately feels like their personal soapbox character. I mean, she's always been to a certain degree, but the racism allegories have taken a backseat to yuri-pandering, female empowerment, and dealing with toxic masculinity, possibly because those are the issues that will give them the most brownie points with their fandom, but they're really trying to do too much with her considering these things are either dumb or things they can't do competently.

I think Miles and Kerry are just bad at worldbuilding. Miles' work on RvB is pretty damn good, but when given a blank slate it seems they didn't know what to do with themselves.
In my opinion it got pretty good after Volume 3, even if the pacing and character beats are off kilter.

just made the usual people from one nation/race hate another nation/race etc etc
don't invent a species of special snowflake animal people like some fucking animu and expect people to take it seriously as real world allegory

1. It’s team of writers are horrible in general
2. Racism in real life is a two way street and often the dominant group in a society is bitterly hated by the group they outcompete while the dominant group hates the lesser group because they commit more crime while taking more tax dollars.

The most insulting form of fictional racism, because it hardly resembles real life at all, is racism of a totally evil group vs a group of oppressed din dus.

Sounds overall better but then agian you aren't competing agianst a high bar

But whited consome more tax dollars considering poor black neigborhoods can't even get modern housing and clean drinking water

>Blake would be the one who has basis against humans due to being around Adam but still trys to overcome them but it would be subtle like she wouldn't sit next to weis but as the story goes along she sits closer and closer bit by bit showing progress rather than telling it

I like sounds better than gay abused furry

Not true. Per capita blacks consume vastly more tax dollars while whites give more tax dollars.

It's because the writers are modern liberals that the writing is like this. They think modern America is racist (it is, just not against "minorities") and so write the Faunus as modern day blacks that suffer no discrimination yet constantly blab on and on about it.

The writers are Blake. And its sad because the idea of Blake and the White Fang being race baiters in an anti-racist society could have been a very clever twist.

1. Have the furries suffer actual racism. Not modern day "he smirked at me!" racism but people getting them evicted and jumping them in alleys. Have them be treated horribly.

2. Give the racists reasons for hating them. Australians don't hate Abbos because they look funny, they hate them for doing stupid shit like sniffing petrol and sleeping in the middle of roads. Have parts of their culture be backwards or cringy.

3.Have the faunas be racist against their own kind to bring nuance to the issue. Asians hate blacks. Blacks hate homosexuals. Asians hate Asians. Racism is far more complex than "bad group hate good group."

There's no fucking way a group as diverse as the faunus are not going to have internal division.

Show shit happening. have a flashback on how adam got his scar. we dont even SEE people being racist, just hear talk about it. The most we got was a flashback, but no lead up to the shootout because they were faunus. We seen them in cages from a flashback.

What are people doing NOW other than being smug and TALKING.

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They actually did hate abos because they looked different

They actually did hate abos because they looked different

Alt hyp isn't a good source also how? The schools go to receive little funding they live in run down locations with infrastructure from the 60s litterally buildings that still have led paint

Personally id just make adam a reactionary not just because something bad happened to him I'd make him a result of the mutual disdain both groups have for each other kinda like the black Panthers

It's fact. Whites pay more taxes, blacks receive more in the form of handouts and wellfare. Blacks as a society only function because whites foot the bill.

You being unable to accept this is racism in action against whites.

No. Racism is the result of generalizations and stereotypes, but these generalizations don't spring out of thin air. People don't say Blacks are greedy and stingy, they say Jews are. People don't say Blacks are pussies, they say Asians are. People don't say Whites beat their wives, they say mid-easterners do.

You don't hate what you don't understand. You hate what you do and misapply this knowledge to include everyone in a particular group.

>What are people doing now other than being smug and talking
Modern day racism in a nutshell. Look at Covington, look at Jussie Smollet. The political demand for the dominant culture to be racist far outstrips the supply. Jussie couldn't even get whites to fake jump him, he had to get Nigerians to do the jobs Americans wouldn't.

The racism in RWBY is such a shit show that it loops around to being an unintentionally brilliant commentary on modern politics.

Why do people watch RWBY?

>Blacks as a society only function because whites foot the bill. Is that why they live in run down buildings with lead contaminated drinking water?

Do faunus even have their own culture?

Because they spend their wellfare money on crack and make bad life decisions.

You're acting like the only reason blacks have it bad is because whites don't pay them enough money. How much money in your estimate would it take for blacks to shape up? What's the number? Can I get a ballpark figure?

Because they're stupid, its free on the internet, and because they're so horny and lonely cartoon women with cartoon personalities turn them on.

Stupid is as stupid does.

>Because they spend their wellfare money on crack and make bad life decisions.

Tfw when whites are dying from opium

Actually higher income brackets consome far more drugs


No. The worldbuilding in RWBY is Darksouls levels of embarrassingly skimpy.

Every single statistic from the DOJ disproves this.

Yeah, their culture is being poor, oppressed minorities

You didn't at read the link did you?

>See! It's only the rich that drink alcohol!

The actual study shows that those from lower incomes are more likely to either drink in excess or abstain completely even if their rates are lower.

The excess drinking is what gets people in trouble.

Good try you gangsta ghetto commie. But you lose.

That's how they're (ostensibly) treated, but what's their culture?

The same as everyone else's, but with more complaining about how oppressed they are


Its amazing how well you starw man

>you're not doing drugs if you dont get caught
I guess that means I've been sober for 40 years now

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pretty much. blake being like "not all fanus, tho" as sun runs away from the boat he stowed away on. Jacues being smug and talking about faunus pay, we never seen the schnee dust mines (yet). but weve seen faunus locked up in ancient Remanent as feral beastmen. Adam being an ex-slave that rebelled and was punished for it shows a lot more hardships hes been through than blake, whos basically never BEEN through any of shit shes fighting for because she lives a sheltered life thats on par with Weiss. Adam SHOULD have been likened more to Malcom X, to the Belladonna being MLK, but Adam comes off as "like, this guy is totally, like, literally worse than hitler".

Adam showing his brand brings a big "hol up" before they killed him off. we get a moment where we see real damage with a reason the way he is and thinks, and brings more questions. but nope, badman mcEdgelord is dead, have him hit a rock on the way out, turn on that vibration function on that arm, its time for bumblebee.

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Saying racism doesn't exist and if it does it's only against whites is demonstrably false.

HOWEVER, saying it does exist and is never against whites is also false.

In reality, people form biases from 2 inputs; experience and education. Blacks by and large are huddled into pretty distinct communities. That's why you're more likely to encounter someone "racist" in southern or notheastern metros where they deal with a lot of them. They have negative experience.

There's also the education aspect. If you're taught blacks are perfectly good boys being hunted down by the police and have no experience with blacks, you develop a skewed mindset. If you live in rural Minnesota and only consume DOJ statistics from /pol/ you do, too. It's true that blacks are about 5x more likely to commit violent crime than whites, but you're still ultimately comparing one 4 ten-thousandths of a percent to 2 thousandths of a percent of the person you encounter being a murderer based on statistical affiliation to their race.

A problem with this plot, as I've seen it, is that it was rarely treated as though it was a major story thread on its own, whenever we hear about the White Fang or faunus, it's always in the context of Blake, and how it relates to her. In the first three volumes these issues only get any significant screentime when Blake is involved, and when she's not, they're just hired muscle for either Roman or Cinder. In V4/5, Blake is on the other side of the planet, and while her whole story revolves the White Fang, it's never brought up in Haven, where all the major plot development is happening, while in V6 Blake shifts focus to rebuilding her relationship with Yang, so as a result, the White Fang is dropped entirely. The White Fang and faunus discrimination feels like it only exists for Blake's own character arc, and the moment she moves away from that, they stop mattering to the world as a whole.

It also seems, as the show has gone on, that it really has no place in the narrative anymore. With the inclusion Salem, the maidens,relics and gods, really has no room to grow anymore, or go anywhere really, because what can they do now? They've disbanded the violent factions of the White Fang, killed of Adam and left behind Ilia, two character that could have taken it further if they had gone to Atlas than solely Blake by herself.

I honestly hope they just sort of stop with this plot next volume; it's consistently the weakest thread the show has, the writers have admitted they bit off more than they could chew with it, and they've more or less written out all the factors/characters that could have allowed it to grow in Atlas.

One piece does it way betterBecause they show it in a more mature realistic way its just they different its the fear and lack of understanding the constant back and foward it shows how it effects every one take the seen with fisher tiger how h
Because of his deep hate of humans he refused blood from a human who willingly offered it two him fisher wasn't even that bad of a person he was someone basises who couldn't overcome despite saving koala he still had that hate deep inside him his death affected other characters arlong became more and more radicalized while jimbe actually learned from this he even made that speech which alone is better than anything rwby did


When you hurt someone they hurt you back the cycle continues entil everyone is hurt in the end nothing changes until you decide to change it

I also like that there's no real bad guy even hoody jones was a result of the hatred showing how its passed on from each other

But that requires nuance and planning

they like it thats why

>Because they're stupid
whats with retards like this

user, there's not a better word to describe RWBY fans than stupid.

Look at what they're watching and compare it to what else they could be doing with their time.

I like Weiss's Weisses. Also her Thighs. And Feet

I wanted to see how adam would get sent off. I thought they would kill him in season3 but I'm glad he had his moment and stole all of season 6 in a blaze of glory.
The trick to enjoying Adams plotline is to think of him as a force of nature rather than a character, so when he appears out of no where to fuck people up its pretty cool.


Yeah basically. Their culture is an inferior aping of the dominant culture around them.

retard if you are talking about fandom shit every show has crazy fans stop this stupid shit

>Look at what they're watching and compare it to what else they could be doing with their time
look at this cool guy

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It doesn't though. It requires not being in a stupid person bubble. There is literally no racism at all in RWBY. The bar isn't low. It's on the ground. Showing any racism is an improvement because there is none in RWBY.

Nah it requires their characters having actual character with meaningful flaws and motivations

people that dont watch the show talking about it

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first day on Yea Forums?

no but i forget sometimes