Could a non-prequel animated Star Wars series ever be as popular as The Clone Wars?
Could a non-prequel animated Star Wars series ever be as popular as The Clone Wars?
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That's a strange way of saying Star wars Rebels
Yes, if they made it good instead of bad. Resistance sucks because it sucks, not because of where it is in time.
would didney dare encroach on old republic territory?
If they thought there was money in it. Of course it will be re-tooled to be toddler safe.
I never see Rebels discussed on Yea Forums
>I never see Rebels discussed on Yea Forums
Because the mods banned /swco/.
It was here all the time when there were new episodes.
Short version:
Cute women with big hats that die surprisingly often.
Continuously plot that just wasn't quite as engaging as the irregular arcs of Clone Wars.
I like it, but let's be fair here. It's nowhere close to TCW popularity.
No. It benefited from being based on the best era in star wars so no show can come close.
I don't see why not. It's not like the prequel characters were the draw. I think for a lot of people it's only Clone Wars that made them like those characters and that era.
It was the perfect mix of Lucas influence (especially money) and writers/directors competent enough to filter his ideas into something good. Probably can't be replicated again.
Yeah, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda...etc totally didn't draw people.
Are you freaking idiot? They were the main reason that made people give it a chance.
There is very little wiggle room in the OT, unless you don't follow the main cast. Has been done with mild success.
The ST is a lost cause unless you like politics and even then, it retarded politics. They could do Luke's Academy and the story of him and Ben. It's literally the only thing vaguely interesting.
They could do post-OT. A lot of cool shit happens there. I'd love to see Filoni's take on Aftermath. Not to mention they can fix all the dumb shit in it...
Old Republic would be cool. I would love to see the new canon aesthetic and Filoni's Revan. Of cause they don't even need to touch on that bit of history due to how vast the OR period is. They could make it about the beginning of the Sith and the wars that ensued.
So it could happen. It could work. Could... but Disney will never invest the time, love and money necessary to do it justice like George.
>Could a non-prequel animated Star Wars series ever be as popular as The Clone Wars?
Not unless Disney brings back the old EU. A series that cherry-picked the best parts of the EU between ROTJ and the Vong could be fucking great.
>Cute women with big hats that die surprisingly often.
I think he's saying that the popularity of TCW had a lot to do with the fact that it handled prequel characters way better than the actual prequels did. Obi-Wan and Satine had more chemistry in two episodes than Anakin and Padme did in two and a half goddamn movies and how the other Jedi were fleshed out made Ep. III way better. Before TCW Order 66 was just a montage of literally whos getting shot in the back but after TCW it became heartbreaking.
"Between", as in after the former and before the latter.
Good. The Vong should never come back. Also, wouln't that just be Aftermath?
>Also, wouln't that just be Aftermath?
No, old EU.
There were very few things they did post-Jedi. Let it go...
>did good*
No, he clearly stated that the prequels characters weren't the draw for why people decided to see it which is freaking dumb.
It end up being popular because it was a good show that expended on themes and setting that were set up in the prequels. It wouldn't have existed without them.
That's where the cherry-picking comes in. There are all sorts of comics and novels and video games that you could freely lift from and make something decent.
I wouldn't mind if they did a KotOR series since it's been largely unexplored by visual media.
>Before TCW Order 66 was just a montage of literally whos getting shot in the back but after TCW it became heartbreaking
Speak for yourself. I felt sorry for them despite not knowing anyone and the scene was already heartbreaking.
If anything, the show made feel less sad for them because they were blinded fools who were really asking for it. They literally had a slave army and they never questiones how messed up it's.
You do realise that's what's what they've been doing the entire time?
Rebuilt with droid parts.
Why TCW vs PT exist? Shouldn't they have the same fans?
7th Sister needs the same treatment. They can hang out and gossip about boys.
They mostly do have the same fans, but there are some flaws in episode 2 that are hard to ignore. Just go on with life.
TCW did PT better than PT did.
Because some people have only ever seen the movies.
It's mostly because of prequels haters who can't stop themselves bitching about them.
Many of prequels fans love the show while some simply don't care.
TCW is the only reason I remotely care about the PT, I still wont watch the films though
Pretty much this. It's exist because of the haters, not because of the fans. Just ignore these manchildren.
The tribe mentality in fandoms never fail to make me roll my eyes.
People can't simply like something without the need to put something else down.
TCW had some creative helming by George, Dave and the spectacular crew who really helped made the series stand out. However, the Star Wars stopped being ambitious when the got Disneybux and couldn’t produce as much quality work. There would need to be some serious passion if there was a series to surpass TCW.
That's OT manchildren for you. They think they are superior for liking movies that were literally made for children. At this point, I feel it's better to not get in any fandom to enjoy a product because it's full of bitterness and fans fill each others with negativity instead of positivity and discuss what they like. I myself admit being guilty of that which is why I think it's best for me to stay away from any fandom anymore.
Every single star wars movie has flaws. They are enjoyable movies, but they have many problems when you think too deep about them.
why isn't disney producing more animated series set during the sequels?
We seriously need a series about Tallie 'n pals having adventures.
I would love a post ROTJ story staring Luke in the same style.
No, it didn't.
Only if they do the old republic or something like that because the galactic civil war is the most boring period of the sw timeline.
Really? Because I don't see anything like the Thrawn Trilogy or Rogue and Wraith squadron in the current Canon.
i'll be really dissapointed if he gets a tv series instead of movies
Sure, if it was KoToR. But if it's just ST Disney shit then no.
Thats right bitch
Ohh.. I am afraid that both of these will be quite non-operational by the time your hopes will sway away...
he is one of the most popular characters though
No one cares about the Sequel Era anymore at this point. No one cares about potentially seeing Luke before he fled to an Island because the end result is fucking dogshit. No one cares about Poe or fucking Phasma. No one cares about Snoke or Rey.
After episode 9, I'd say they should let the series go on break for about 5-6 years and come back with a new game plan.
Your faith in the old characters is your weakness.
Does anyone have a mega with books from the eu? I am trying to get into the eu lore a little more I fondly remember there being a mega or pastebin, but I cannot find it in the archives
The way Shattered Empire ended seemed to open the floodgates for Luke adventures...then nothing.
how can ep9 repair this series
By killing it.
For good.
>Thrawn Trilogy
Major plot points are based on what people theorised the Clone Wars were. Thrawn has already been brought back too and arguably better. I agree that the EU's take on the Empire's remnants are better.
>Rogue and Wraith squadron
You can chalk that one up to Denis Lawson not wanting to be apart of SW anymore. I still don't see why they couldn't have kept it all but I guess they felt it easier to make Wedge a joke for some reason. Probably spite. Just look at TLJ, all spite.
Unironically this The sooner Disney admits it fucked up and gives full control back to George and his apprentice the better.
>You will never go hunting with your bros on Chandar's Folly
>You will never stumble around camp guzzling Merenzane Gold and priceless bottles of Toniray
>You will never sit by the fire crafting a coat out of a Valath hide you hunted yourself
Disney salted the earth after the OT so no, unless they retcon all of that.
>No 2D animated series about the Iron Blockade
>No 2D animated series about the cancelled Ragtag game
>No 2D animated series about Alphabet Squadron
It's always pictures like these that remind me why I liked Star Wars, the scale and design of the worlds was great, a design aesthetic that I feel like is lacking from new shit, it's all here's x temperate from Earth but it's the whole planet, I mean I get it, just my autism kicking in
It almost reminds me of some arcology or solarpunk designs, a kind of high tech but simple life style to it
I need that "Does it matter?" comic explanation for the First Order
>It almost reminds me of some arcology or solarpunk designs, a kind of high tech but simple life style to it
Retrofuturism has become almost as retarded as steampunk in recent years but it started out as the beautiful love child of pulp SF/fantasy art and mid-century modern.
>ywn be friends with Tarkin
>ywn taste his cookies
This truly is an uncaring world.
Ahsoka is practically naked
While I agree that the Old Republic era needs more attention in canon, your opinion about the GCW being boring is objectively false.
One of the main reasons it did so well.
I hate how the sequels are only pandering to the OT austists
That's what happens when OTfags are finally old enough to 'take back' what they think is theirs.
There's a really great counter-argument essay by some autist against RLM. Although I could do a better job with it, but unfortunately, unless things have changed since I was last here, I cannot upload PDFs, and I don't feel like linking or uploading elsewhere. Anyway.
not in the current year user. you can't have hot underage practically naked togruta girl padawan now, it's sad :-(
this show was so good, cant wait for new season
clone wars=batman tas
>The day Ahsoka decided she liked breasts.
Epic scale is cgi prequels shit user, you need to focus more on the characters so everyone cans see how great they are.
fuck off moff
>cherry picking the best parts of the EU
>including the vong
These points are mutually exclusive.
>I felt sorry for them despite not knowing anyone and the scene was already heartbreaking.
Bruh your heart broke watching a shitty montage of literally who's dying? Prequelbabbies pls stop.
TCW is a quality show but the PT Movies are hot garbage. Pretty easy to see why some fans would prefer one over the other.
It would have to be good enough to justify its popularity. Clone wars wasn't instantly popular, it had to fight hard to get its status.
>the PT Movies are hot garbage
Which is why they fit in so well with the rest of the star wars franchise.
The Prequels had Darth Jar Jar, the OT has Ewoks, and the sequel trilogy has Kylo Ren and the entire First Order. All bad is equally distributed.
>still seething
Jar Jar really isn't as offensive as everyone makes him out to be. Outside of one or two needless gags, Jar Jar was an adequate Shakespearean fool and served his role well. Hell, his and Mace's bombad adventure shows just how good he can be.
Ewoks are another one that makes no sense when you brake it down. It basically comes to the entire Endor ground conflict being unnecessary, but then we wouldn't have the Speeder chase. Who cares if they're 'Teddy bears'. They sure as hell weren't cute, and I was even the target audience for that one.
Now your third point. Yes, everything FO related is bad. Everything except one thing. Kylo. Kylo is by far the best thing in the ST. To say otherwise is ridiculous. He's the only actual character in the entire thing, and that includes all the old ones. You can not like him, but to say he's one of the worse things about the ST, is to show just how little you understand about story telling. Ironic, given we're talking about the ST. Painfully so...
Only homos skip episodes, wipe this chart off the face of the Earth.
Not enough focus on the DSL or orange anuses
>DSL or orange anuses
sequel era is boring
Rebels was only good before Dave "Asoka is based on my daughter but damn" Filoni turned it into an Lifeboat for Legends content he liked.
Is that Emperor Palpatine surgical reconstruction center?
If you meant canon eu you can find the link on /stg/
I think that's the torture droid. Leia met him in New Hope.