Make sure to vote for Skrull
Make sure to vote for Skrull.

Attached: 1550780090881[1].jpg (1125x2074, 1.17M)

Based and Skrull-pilled

Attached: super-skrull-ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3-4.07.jpg (210x240, 15K)

Anyone got the cap of Captain Marvel with the angry bitch face?

They'll just skew the results to have her win, no matter what the actual results are.

So just like her comics then.


epic trolling, dude!

Skrullposter spotted
Vote Murdercarol

Attached: Ms. Marvel 028 (2008) 010.jpg (1988x3056, 1.92M)

>Voting for dirty Skrulls
Disgusting. OP needs to purged or hypnotized into believing he's a cow.

Attached: reed.jpg (474x847, 113K)

>the white cis male is the real villain
absolute madmen

Attached: 1548105120768.png (759x422, 376K)

A skrull made this thread.

We know a Skrull is here, but everyone is anonymous! Sorry, I'm just gonna have to shoot everyone... INCLUDING MYSELF!

Attached: john-byrne.jpg (400x583, 37K)

Wow wtf if only we were all as smart as you

That carol sprite is adorable

Why would we waste time getting Skrull the win when it won't be official?

Say that to all the times Yea Forums did the same thing faggot

You'll have better luck riling up Yea Forums and /pol/ than Yea Forums. Yea Forums doesn't care about raiding on any of this type of stuff.

Also it's fricking obvious they want Captain Marvel to win this poll so badly. It's why she's pitted against a rando Skrull instead of being pitted against another female character or a well known character like Thor, Iron Man, or Hulk.

Or because they're the villain in her movie that's coming out in two weeks.

Attached: 1547739679325.jpg (1856x772, 143K)

what's with these bad neo geo pocket KoF/SNKvsCapcom sprite edits? That Skrull's straight up an edit of Ryu and Cap's straight up got Morrigan's stance

shit, remember him being good?
loved that nasty drop shit you could do

difference is Yea Forums did it to fucking GameFAQs. You're asking Yea Forums to troll a voting poll where Disney can easily buy click farm pajeet firms. This isn't 2008 anymore where you can troll gigaboomers like Oprah into saying "9000 penises" or like that time when Yea Forums trolled her poll to get a handicap retard to host.

Then at least have Talos, still lame.

Also get new image material, you're getting stale.