I really enjoyed this, any comics that do the whole dysfunctional family/pairing really well? Or even about people with big personal issues?
I really enjoyed this, any comics that do the whole dysfunctional family/pairing really well...
No. That’s the fucking only one.
Theres really no others? Thats a shame.
I guess ill ask then is the comic worth it after watching the tv show or is it too similar
Doom Patrol
Which is really just this but in DC. Also, X-Men is just Doom Patrol but in Marvel.
I don't want to watch it because that girl (male) is in it
Ellen paige?
You don't want to watch a show because they cast a wallflower to play a wallflower?
I assume read morrisons doom patrol run? What x-men stories wouldcyou recommend for this sort of stuff then?
that's right
no because she's not a nice person so I won't support her work
nothing worse than an angry millionaire pretending they are oppressed
Thats literally 95 percent of hollywood right now user, i understand that, i do, but dont you think its better to just ignore them as people and just enjoy a movie/show? They gonna act like jackasses either way
The show is very different from the comic. It got the Netflix treatment so some of the characters are now gay or black for no reason. Klaus isn't gay in the comics, he actually finds a girl and has a baby. Cha-cha and Hazel aren't disgruntled employees, and the whole corporate sucks theme isn't a thing in the comics. They're psychopaths who love sugar and never take the masks off. Also they switched the names for no reason, Cha-Cha is the blue mask and Hazel is the pink dog. The only good part of the show are the actors playing Number 5 and Klaus.
I finished the show. Does the comic go beyond the current season much? Do the time organization have an actual motive to end the world beyond "it's supposed to happen"?
There's a number of places the show fell flat that I am curious if the comic did better.
t. high functioning autist
>They're psychopaths who love sugar and never take the masks off
I can see why it was changed, that sounds like a classic from the lolsorandumxd era and wouldn't have aged well.
Why do they want to end the world so badly? That sounds like a dumb thing to want.
Am I the only one who was ok with Ellen Page's acting, it only became really bad in the very last episode
It was spotty throughout but the last few episodes were embarrassing.
I didnt mind it but i think thats because i think she just plays the same character in everything.
Shit human though
Comic worth reading after watching this?
I was indifferent to her and the character mostly. But then she predictably became the most powerful character, and then she started punishing everyone that wronged her with no forgiveness, then everyone wanted to forgive her wrong doings. Became insufferable in the end. You can't have your character getting revenge and murdering a remorseful Pogo then expect your audience to forgive her after she is denying anyone forgiveness. Called being a Mary Sue.
haven't finished the show yet but from what I've seen (up to ep 4) it seems to be mostly taking from the first volume with a little bit from the second volume. There is more going on in Vol 2 and a Vol 3 so yeah there's a bit more. I'd just read all of it because it's much better than the show desu
I haven't read the comics but I really enjoyed this show, I looked up some of the differences but it didn't seem that bad and the show probably would have been alot dumber if they kept some of the original stuff. How's Doom Patrol? I always wanted to check out those comics but I don't know anyone else who reads this irl
Do the time travelers have a better motive in the comic?
I agree. I had to fast forward everything with her and her boyfriend together because it becomes painfully obvious what was going to happen
The comics have good runs and bad runs like most big two. The show is great but only one episode so far so can't say much about it.
not that user but it makes sense to avoid a product if you don't like whos making it.
There are some differences that would have made the show better like Hazel and Cha-Cha not being so important to the show and instead just being these mysterious assassin figures. It makes the season really disjointed with the story jumping back and forth between the academy and those two.
Overall though, I think the show did fine with their adaptation. I think the ending gets a lot of flak but it's certainly no more of an asspull than "oh shit Klaus is actually fucking overpowered as hell"
You'd be avoiding almost modern media then
eh, not really. I wouldn't expect much in the writing department.
>Doom Patrol is created
>Marvel creates a rip-off with X-Men
>Marvel relaunches X-Men with a new team called Uncanny X-Men
>DC decides to copy it with The New Teen Titans
>The events of The New Teen Titans lead to a new Doom Patrol series, which would soon be written by Grant Morrison
>Gerard Way decides to copy Grant Morrison's run of Doom Patrol with Umbrella Academy
>Gerard Way ends up writing Doom Patrol
>Let's go back to the early 2000s and we will see that FOX is creating X-Men movies
>DC decides to copy the tone of those X-Men movies with Titans
>Titans has a backdoor pilot for a Doom Patrol show
>The TV shows of Doom Patrol and Umbrella Academy are released, THE SAME FUCKING DAY.
I love superhero comics.
one could argue most modern media is worth avoiding. most exceptions are platforms like youtube and google since they are the gatekeepers to most of it and there are no plausible alternatives.
The turn she took to killing on a whim world destroyer was way too fucking quick.
Was Spaceboy as much of an asshole in the comics as he was in the show? Like jesus, locking up Vanya in a dungeon
He looked up to his dad to much and is honestly so committed to playing the savior, he doesn't make sound judgments.
I was explaining all this on another forum a few days ago, it's amazing how retardedly convulted yet fitting it all is.
Add to that:
>Gerard Way never even hides how much he's aping Morrison's Doom Patrol when promoting Umbrella Academy
>Morrison and Way meet up IRL, actually become friends
>Morrison appears as villain overlord in one of MCR's videos.
I'm on the last episode. Pretty fucked up. Fucking dumb how the the other family member just walk away as well.
I really enjoyed this show so far, reminds me of Venture Brothers, specifically Rusty Venture. One of my favorite is how there are in world comic books that are exaggerated of their actual missions, much like the Rusty Venture cartoons we're for Doc actual adventures.
My last comparison is how both shows have the fathers that just fucked up their kids, into being fucked up adults. Jonas Venture Sr. reason ended up being more selfish, while the dad from umbrella academy had good intentions went about in a very blunt and ass hole way.