Whats this show about?

whats this show about?

Attached: Hilda.jpg (960x1440, 124K)

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It's about a deeply troubled little girl using fantasy and Euro-mythology to escape from her cruel reality

gravity falls, but the main lead is Mable and a fox.

It's cute

So shit and sexy?

sounds sad. Why dose every cartoon have too be sad now a days

The color teal

He's lying about the escapism part

Cause suffering makes joy all the sweeter.

God I want to fuck the mother and help her not be a single mom anymore and be hilda’s new father. Go to bed Hilda me and your mom are playing a “special” game in our room for awhile

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me having sex with hilda

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So what I've gathered is this show is about a girl escaping into a fantasy world because her mother whores herself out and I imagine has no father. I mean I understand people wanted to get away from comfy but damn Netflixs.

Yes, now watch the show

Man, these comments suck ass at providing a decent answer. It's quite a lovely cartoon, really. People compare it to GF because of the supernatural but I'd say it's closer to Over the Garden Wall when it comes to the world and the mood, at least.
Basically you have a bunch of kids in a modern setting (around the 1990s), where odd creatures live in the wild and some among humans as well. It features various mythological beings, mostly from Scandinavian folklore but not exclusively. Good animation and music. There's action, adventure, occasional scary things, some humor too. The show's version of elves is by far my favorite, I won't spoil it unless you want me to. There's something for everyone to enjoy, I'd say.

adventures of a girl and her deerfox in fantasy world where the mystical creatures are part of everyday life. It has really beautiful landscapes. It has a bit of lore in the details so It's like AT but without the autistic humor but I think OTGW is a better comparison.

Give it a try, the first two episodes are the best so far.

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I second you, user, but.
>Good animation
The frame rate is not really consistend. Sometimes I felt like my internet conection wasn't working well.

God I want to fuck Frida

ok thats all I wanted to know

(pic unrelated)

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Best couple

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A girl with a funny accent.

What's funny about English?

I don't want to think LEWD shit about Hilda, but... GODDAMIT KOREA, GODDAMIT.

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Yeah that’s pretty much what the show is

>Man, these comments suck ass at providing a decent answer.
Thanks for ruining the joke

>Struts around like she's hot shit
>Pushes around David because he's too pussy to stand up for himself
>Has to be the best at everything and always be right
>Patronizes Hilda and sees her more as someone to pitied than admired
>Thought rooms fucking cleaned themselves
>Attacked David when he pointed out how retarded that was
>Hilda raises the dead and wrestles a ghost to get her book and ghost maid back, but when she fails Frida tells her she wishes they never met and tells David, her friend for years, to fuck off too
>Doesn't speak to either of them for weeks, neglecting her scout duties in the process
>Ends up hanging out with the fear eating nightmare spirits that were haunting her friends, with no explanation given
Face it, she's not that great a friend.

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It's about attracting pedophiles for the FBI

Worst Korea

Nothing wrong with being a pedo

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But why would they need a second list of the whole planet?

Those fuckin' Koreans, JUST

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Nice try. I only have cute and wholesome pictures.

You'd be a terrible father user. I'd say never have kids, but you'll never have the chance anyway.

Whose got some dirty dirty porn requests?

I know nothing about this show, but isn't there a muslim girl?
If so, draw her muslim mom sucking a cock

Me, why?

Cause I draw a lot dirty dirty loli/shota porn and I'm bored.

It's about Frida babysitting a special needs blue-haired girl and a beta male.

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Hilda and Frida /u/ desu.

Serious question, as a straight white male, will I enjoy this show? Or is it like SU where every male is useless, annoying and/or borderline retarded?

Frida and Kelly messing up Frida's room.
with lewd results.

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>a fox

You mean a white dog with antlers

yes, it's a good representation of white males.

It was refreshing to see the prefect kid archetype getting shit on. Also David growing some balls was excellent.

Thanks, I'll give it a watch then.
Steven was a terrible, whiny retard. Made the show unwatchable.
Swing and a miss, keep trying.

Go to bed user. Me and your mom are having a “”talk”” in the other room.

He's not wrong, you know.

Is it weird that any time I see this word, all I hear in my head is the "Spring Yard Zone" theme from Sonic?
