DC Super Hero Girls

New short is out

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Other urls found in this thread:


i still dont like tara

I like it for pony related reasons

I hate it for pony related reasons

Why does tara keep going back to school bros?

i'm glad pinkie didnt got tara strong's voice

a cat is fine too

you are a faggot

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I have mixed feelings about this

>Those thicc legs
Lauren please, I can only get so erect.

nobody can be that smug without being a sexual predator

She has the sexual predator smug

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If you're going to low effort book spines, at least have the decency to spell shit right.

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is this allowed?

Yep, Zatanna is best girl, just like I figured.

She love taking dog dicks

Probably no

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Zatanna and Supergirl are best girls. When will the show get more fanart of best girls? Lewd or none lewd. Artist @jarannimo

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You'll know if later today you can't post any comments.

>Best girl
>Not muscular
>Not tomboy
>Not punk
>Not voiced by Nicole Sullivan
I do not agree with your assessment.

That picture looks like magic horse and speedyfast.

very incorrect user
its actually fashion and ponk

>TFW you try to go lesbian, but you parents caught you in the act.

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>Zee was attempting to bodyswap Babs and Commissioner Gordon
It pisses me off that doing previews of short clips prior to the show ever actually existing is so awesome.

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If you don't have a muscle girl fetish, Zee is very obviously best girl.

I have a muscle girl fetish. Kara is true best girl.

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Batgirl = Ponk
Zatana = Fashion
Supergirl = Speedyfast
Wonder Woman = Magic Horse
Bumblebee = Yellowbelly
Green Lantern = Apple iMac

Design wise.

Batgirl = Ponk = Paprika
Zatana = Fashion = Velvet
Supergirl = Speedyfast =Tianhuo
Wonder Woman = Magic Horse = Oleander
Bumblebee = Yellowbelly = Pom
Green Lantern = Apple iMac = Arizona

femenine magician hottie > stereotyoical dyke

I hope it becomes a running gag of the show that Zee tries to solve problems by casting spells on her friends without them actually asking her to.

>magic user
>purple hair
>love to test magic
>likes to solve any problem

Zatanna is Purple horse.

>likes fashion
>wears white
She's the fashion one

I have a glimmer of hope that this might be the case :^)

I think it will be a trailer has a giant monster rabbit conjured by her and supergirl said she likes them

The body of purple horse but the personality of marshmallow.

Not really, she is a showwoman just like Purple.

She's bereable as Batgirl. She'll be terrible as Harley

She is a magic nerd who constantly tests her
dangerous tricks and love to help people solve daily problems.

She is purple, white never gave a fuck about magic or solving problems.

With deadly results

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The gun is 100% accurate, 50% of the time, huh?

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magic rape is no joke user

I love Zee but how the FUCK did she thought that body swapping her friend with her dad without telling them would be a good idea, even if she didn't fucked up the spell?

>horse show intro pic
front and center, somewhat awkward, super studious and is not "in" on the latest fads.
zatanna is fashion

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>Shares over a dozen similiarities with Magic horse
>only one debatably similarity with Bitch horse
>b-but she is totally the white bitch guyzz

She's a wizard.

Jesus fucking Christ, they doubled up and made Zee magic and fashion. Yellow quiet is working double duty with Bumblebee being quiet and Green Lantern being nature.

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For a movie that people don't talk about a lot, Anchorman sure has had an impact on the western lexicon between that and "that escalated quickly."

Is Hilarious how cowboy pony was the only character from the horse show that got completely erased not giving any of her traits to anyone not even the hippie one.

I knew Faust hated her but damn.

I wonder when bronies will stop shoehorning characters. Diana/Wonder Woman is not Twilight Sparkle, she's athletic and outspoken. Kara/Supergirl is not like Rainbow Dash, she loves helping people. Babs/Batgirl is not Pinkie Pie, she's a techie. If you ignore all the differences they're exactly the same, and so is every group of girls.

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Their shitshow is dying, they're trying to find a way back into Yea Forums

Jessica is supposed to be at least a little cowpony, judging from her trailer

Didn't Hasbro confirmed generation 5?

DC get's it's own board

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>Kara/Supergirl is not like Rainbow Dash, she loves helping people.

>Shares over a dozen similiarities
Okay let's do this.
Zatanna: thinks magic solves everything, has purple hair
Diana: leader, studious, grew up in a magical kingdom

They both share traits with Twilight Sparkle. You know why? Because both shows are about young female group of adventurers with special powers. There's bound to be overlap. But there's a difference between "overlap" and "the same character."

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I wonder if Faust intentionally made the girls really similar to the ones in their show while switching some things around just to mess with them. She did say that she was amused by how they can't quite decide who's supposed to be who.

When Faust was writing the show Rainbow Dash was lazy, self-centred, a showoff, and rude. They're trying to make the point that Faust keeps writing the same characters. If in later seasons they wrote Rainbow Dash as an uber-helpful do-gooder it has nothing to do with Faust.

I like how this team is more balanced

Purple used to be the scientist, leader and powerhouse,the protagonsit, the other ones were his useless bitches

This team however made Wonder the leader, Bee the genius, Zatanna the powerhouse and Bat the protagonist

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Wait, is this the whole thing or is there going to be a full fledged series?

The full series is out on March 8th

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Wonder Woman is Optimus Prime
Batgirl is Bumblebee

What if.

And stay with me on this.

What if DC and horse were forced to share a board.

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Wouldn't be the first time that happened. Remember when the mods deleted a Storytime because of a reference in the comic?

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Supergirl is more like the powerhouse, Zatanna seems like a wildcard what with her magic being so inconsistent

What is hilarious because WB and Hasbro hate each other
>b-but Disney and WB rivalry
Meme, they work together all the time just fine.

The SEETHING eyes make her seem powerful

Who're my boys Hound and Wheeljack?

You're fucking retarded and there's no helping you.

Where is coming out?

March 8th

I mean where not when

>can see muscle even through jacket

I don't think I can get much more erect, goys

I said I liked both and how can resist Smugtana? But yes please more Supergirl fanart lewd or not

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Cartoon Network where else

On Cartoon Network. Let's hope they don't fuck this up.

Oh so long hiatus without news in the middle

I was hyped for a second

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I like Wondy but it is so clear Zatanna is best girl.

>implying the commissioner wouldn't join in on the fun

Magic should always have some elements of unpredictability

what was zatana saying in her spell?

I can't make out the first one but the second spell was "fix this"

>Whine about doing your chores
>Friend offers to help you
>It doesn't go as planned but their intent was sincere
>Shoot them with a glue gun

Babs is a bad friend. Also dishes is the easiest chore. Babs is lazy.

Goddamn how can Yea Forums still be so triggered. This is more embarrassing than the fact that the town I live in doesn't have a cinema.

>hear Commissioner Gordon's voice
>cream my pants instantly
Hot damn, Fred Tatasciore as Commissioner is sexy as hell.

>well barabara if you would only relax your anus my dick would fit now wont it?

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>Well now that the commish is gone we can get down to some real fun, SINEP A WORG

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You only flip the words not the sentence

Since Zatanna is best girl. who'll be best boy? Hal

Lauren said there will be six main boys

Who will they be?

No idea

Barry Allen, Dick Grayson, Bule Beatle, Constantine, lobo, jon kent

I'm calling it Constantine will be best boy

I bet one of them is Hal

It's Blue Beetle obviously

Why? I think john is a more likely pick for this show than hal even then i think they won't have another green lantern as a main stay


Hal was shown already

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Oh okay then seems like a bad pick though

Man, I'm sick of Constantine being shoved where he doesn't belong. Even the meta-joke of him popping up in a kid's show is getting old.

Allen Moore is spining in his crypt

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I hope Dick as robin is a part of it

i think if anyone should share a board with mlp it's pol.

So all of Yea Forums? It'd be about time.

>She'll be terrible as Harley
She is not voicing this Harley

She is. She's talked about it in interviews

This show is definitely going places

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Is Constantine going to be the edgy bad boy that Zatanna crushes on?

you can't magic rape the willing

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>when your girl friends keep saying they don't need a tongue enema

There's still a heavy "Yea Forums is a place for tough, politically incorrect guys" mentality here.

So when a show for little girls manages to get popular, everyone loses their fucking shit.

It's the same reason why if you post an emoji on any board you'll get a barrage of messages calling you a fucking pathetic faglord. People here like feeling superior. ;D

using smileys in an image board is just dumb

Wouldn't that just be Yea Forums?


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I hope Constantine x Hal becomes a thing

Glimmer when

>Hairy legs

but white always gave a fuck on being FABULOUS and FLASHY and a bit vain.

Don't think so, Barry is in here

Constantine and Hal is good too

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It's not rape if you magically change their finds to do whatever kinky shit you can think of

Can anyone do a red edit of this

But what will happen with all those Marvel Vs DC threads? With all the amazing people that inspire us like Tommy or LadderBro? Or people constantly shitting on Bendis and Tom King? Or all those Raven threads?

Just kidding. GIVE DC IT'S OWN BOARD.

faggotry is not allowed. please leave.

>he says on a thread about a show for little girls

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but older little girls

Fuckin' priceless!

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wasn't it mentioned that Hawkman would be featured in the show?

Is it really that hard that she has the power of dress horse and the personality of rara? Are you really that much of a brainless niggerfaggot?

You're a butthurt nigger without arguments due to low iq.

It's a Zatanna tries to make things better using her magic but ends up making things worse and wacky antics and shenanigans ensue episode.

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>funny cartoon
>Yea Forums gets into a shitflinging argument about horse resemblances
I hope your parents get shot in an alley, you mentally malformed manchildren.

But user it's made by Faust, there's six of them, and she's literally never done anything before small horse show.

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and their personalities seem in line with said poners

Yeah almost like they're the most basic of all character types.

>Zettai Ryouiki Zatanna with straight bangs
Holy shit, it just fucking works. It really does.

My little DC Girls...

Zatanna's face indicate he did.

This. That design is really starting to grow on me.

>Same creator
>Similar artstyle and animation
>SoL series about 6 main female characters

Even if some of the comparisons are reaching you'd have to be blind to not see the similarities. I mean its not like the MLP seasons Faust was involved in were bad, so I expect this will be decent at least.

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