Are there any cartoons with half-Gypsy/half-Aboriginal Australian characters?
Are there any cartoons with half-Gypsy/half-Aboriginal Australian characters?
If it's not in the Maxx it doesn't exist.
>half-Gypsy/half-Aboriginal Australian
Even Dr. Frankenstein would not dream of creating a creature that disgusting and loathsome.
If they were an actual race they would be the most alpha, creative and artistic race on the planet.
They would dominate the cartoon industry and you know it.
Are there any prominent Dutch characters in Capeshit?
> Gypsy
the preferred term is Traveller
>FUCK Gypsies!
>half-Gypsy/half-Aboriginal Australian characters
There are Indian characters
The preferred term is Romani. Travellers aren't Gypsies. One group's Indian. The other is Irish.
yeah well i'm irish and i don't appreciate you telling me how to speak my own language ya colonial
I suggest you ask /pol/.
They are prone to know about such matters.
>half-Gypsy/half-Aboriginal Australian
what kind of subhuman degenerate scum are you op?
>Generalising india as one race
Why the fuck not. How many times do you hear people talk about Americans as a race?
People who generalize Americans as a single race must be so inbred that they're not aware of their Autism
well yeah, all niggers look the same
How edgy.
Well, you are on Yea Forums
>Mixing together despised thieves who don't get along with anyone and people that somehow manage to be dumber than the dumbest black person you could find
Some men, just want tah watch thah wo'ld buhn, Mastah Wayne. A wo'ld as big as a tangerine.
No, but X-Corp was based in the Hague I think
I can give you half-Gypsy half-Mexican.
Why whould there be?
What would such characters do?
>What would such characters do?
Steal shit and sniff gasoline.
the fuck is that hand
There are Barely any Indian characters in most comics or cartoons
They would AMOG the rest of humanity with their Gypsy ingenuity and their Aboriginal visual cortex. If they were a race they would run it the way Stormfags thinks Jews do.
Do Abos ever leave Straya? Do Gyppos ever go there?