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Other urls found in this thread:


The one who doesn’t fuck niggers

Gwen, all the way. I'm more upset they gave her strong independent personality but still couldn't stop themselves pairing her up with a guy than the BLACKED aspect.

I got some bad news for you user.

my man

Attached: 71f.jpg (1200x867, 249K)


Penny Parkers Perfect Posterior

That Rubix Cube on the left is impossible to solve, isn't it?

fuck Gwen's "mental illness haircut" redesign.

>roastie with ugly face vs pure happa girl genius


Attached: Superior..jpg (778x1200, 247K)

I take the black pill

Attached: oliviaock.png (1920x796, 1.2M)

Seeing how one of the edge pieces is yellow-yellow, the answer is "yes".

Can I pick both?
Can I both of them at the same time?

I prefer teens anyway, so Gwen. She's got exactly the kinda body I like.
Peni is just some little flat girl everywhere.

Peni is 14

In the movie she looks younger, at least. Unless you're talking about the comics?


Attached: 4b2.png (1200x1200, 387K)

Peni. She has a better teeth.

gwen wins by far

Peni of fucking course

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Date Gwen, Raise Peni as Daughter

You know that haircut is literally a mistake in the movie right?

Attached: peni_parker_by_nickniceth_dcopnco-pre.jpg (1000x800, 122K)


so neither?

lol if you think nips would hang with nigs.


Why not both?

Attached: mVFTTMr.jpg (2189x965, 197K)

fucking >shadGwen
or a bad Korean attempt at Japanimation
I'd rather be a fag and fuck Spidernoir, to be honest.

Peni. Gwen haircut is just too ungly

the better Gwen Stacy

Attached: cartoon_gwenstacy.jpg (149x485, 40K)

What if Spider-Gwen was the Emma Stone version from TASM movies? Would you fuck her instead?

Peni, no contest.

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Step aside

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>sup Peter, don't mind me, I'm just gonna get all up in your shit with my condom tentacles
Peni was best girl, but Liv proved that being worst girl isn't a wrong answer.

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I choose the milf nurse with the massive ass

Attached: 1522581349732.jpg (1920x796, 171K)

her ass has more personality than gwen

X (PS3) or 2 (PC).

can't trick me that easy, party van. I choose neither.

I choose this option

Attached: 1545729346682.jpg (3508x2480, 2.16M)

Left for fug, right for hug.

what's her story?

Attached: 1548086841519.png (243x547, 199K)

The one who has actually hit puberty.

*elephant noises intensify*

Attached: 1519846856716.jpg (1920x796, 130K)

thats a guy in disguise hiding from some gang

Gwen with hair.

top cute

Attached: 1520157630887.png (489x536, 325K)

>"Ooh, Miles-san! don't yamero, onegai!"

Attached: Into the Peni-Verse.2019.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AC3-BLACKED.mkv_snapshot_00.10.31.214.png (614x530, 429K)

none of the above?

Cutest hair, the cut was a mistake

The one who had her first period at least.

No, I think she was 14 in the movie. A lot of Asian girls don't develop until their mid to upper teens. A Vietnamese girl I had a crush on in middle and high school was short and flat until around senior year of high school. Now she's tall and flat

Attached: 1546038844584.png (1566x1574, 1014K)

anime girls only bleed when their cherry pops

that explains the low Japanese birthrate.

but user, there is nothing there

Attached: peni.jpg (1920x796, 247K)

You know she cut her hair off to cover the accident Miles made, right?

And now that i think about it... Why didnt Gwen put 2 & 2 together that Miles had spider powers too? Im sure at least a couple of problems for him would have been solved or at least lessened if she had her support previous to meeting Peter B.

>confuses black clothing for a void
Those are spats idiot.

don't think about it. when the spider-verse stuff starts to creep in, the plot goes stupid.

no user, that is the infinity void of the unreachable land of purity (純粋な到達不可能な土地の無限の欠如)

One of the best things about Spider-Verse was that they justified the Skrillex cut.

or since when spider sense became clairvoyance, is that really a thing? and why she didnt contact that world spider man if she got there a few weeks earlier?
>go to that specif school gwen, is the will of the spider force

I would like gwen more if she fell on her face like the hes of them, or was kinda silly like the school gwanda, scene, she just floats between regular girl and trying to be cool

everything about gwen is so fucking ugly
even if I didn't know she's a mudshark I'd be disgusted by her

I know the excuse for the cut but her original hair was miles (pun intended) better

Piercings are degenerate

what is the most degenerate piercing?

Anus piercing.

Gwen's involvement in the story is a huge plot hole.

I choose LMB+Shift

I think they genuinely did a bad job with Peni. Should have gone for a specific artist's style so it looks like a real character. Not even necessarily the Jake Wyatt design. Also the way she and Spider-Ham look is bad because for some reason the 2D character have to look laminated.


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that sounds unsanitary

I choose Miles.

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I want Pete to stay dead or just retire so the Spider Zoomers take over.

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Peni of course.

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I hope the sequel focus on a completely different cast and dont become the Miles franchise

doesn't it hurt to stand on your toes like that?


The only problem is that unlike Peter Parker they'll definitely never age.

team #fuckPeter for Spider-Verse 2

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to be fair, they didnt shit on Peter in this movie

Spider-Loli best spider.

Right is right

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I'll wait 10 years before the ending

Dude, check again

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Gwen before she lost hair > Peni >>>>>> Gwen after she lost hair

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I know she didn't play a huge part in the movie but the lack of lewds is still surprising

she's more forgotten than the Dad and Uncle Aaron. she probably had less than 5 minutes of screentime but you're right, there needs to be more lewds of her

Peni is for head pats.
Gwen is for pounding.

Depends on the spider. Peter has straight up precog when older.

I'm with this guy.

Attached: my friends call me viv.webm (1920x796, 2.13M)

>my friends call me viv
It's Liv, as in Olivia.

Gonna be honest, Uncle Aaron was a great character

>She even holds her skirt down

So goddamn cute

Having that very threatening sound effect following him around was pretty nice.

spiderverse is on yify right now bros

cant wait for that crisp 1080p cunny

FINALLY, an user with taste!

Also a good choice.

Attached: Rio Morales.png (383x662, 358K)

Gwen all the times, but I'm biased since I have a dead blond lover.

They do that everytime on their own Doujins and since 1530, not a argument

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>Wanting a someone who jobs to Scorpion

The Ass Was FAT

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I'd like to believe that whoever made this was referring to both Rio and Doc Ock

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Women in this movie look so ugly and skinny
Certainly the directors do not grow up watching Tex Avery cartoons as

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Anybody got high-quality screencaps of Miles's teacher?


Attached: Spider-Man - Into the Spider-Verse.mkv_snapshot_00.08.40_[2019.02.21_21.56.44].jpg (1920x796, 921K)

Gwen naked

Nice. More Rio screencaps would also be much appreciated.

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According to every girl I've ever known who has taken ballet for years and years, yes. Yes it hurts a fucking lot.
I'm going to assume Gwen's spider strength lets her stand en pointe without excessive pain.

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MJ also had a pretty tight donk as well

yesss, keep it coming

Attached: I know she only has, like, 15 screencaps-worth of content, but I NEED IT.png (358x272, 124K)


Funny/curious thing is my first name's "english version" is Peter.

Attached: hey kid, wanna ss.jpg (1920x796, 733K)

Were you perhaps bitten by a radioactive spider?



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>recently widowed
it's my turn anons. here i go

Attached: mary-jane-watson-spider-man-into-the-spider-verse-6.26.jpg (210x240, 9K)

No, sadly similarities end there, but I do have a belly like depressed Bum Peter has in the movie

Dont worry, miles will take care of you

I need a pic of Burrito Peter grabbing her thick ass

I know it's all memes but why do people make Miles out to be some Tyrone? He's an adorable dork.

Attached: Spider-Man - Into the Spider-Verse.mkv_snapshot_00.10.33_[2019.02.21_22.20.19].jpg (1920x796, 608K)

I guess tumblr did do most of the porn

Don't ruin this by turning it into yet another in/ss/est fantasy. Why is it so hard for a MILF to get attention without having to ship her with her son or daughter?

Attached: While it's clear that Incredibles 2 wasn't nearly as perfect as the original, it was still (1920x816, 699K)

i can get it, but i don't remember when it happened

milf are for being lonely and cheating on their husbandos

>implying there's any porn of Into the Spider-Verse Rio
>on Tumblr, of all places

Attached: Lincoln_Loud.jpg (379x379, 44K)

What are you, gay?

I just saying, tumblr made a lot of porn, and it would have made at leat 1 draw of her

Well, her ass only appeared in Kingpin's dinner scene, but a pic of peter grabbing it would probably have to be drawn anew

miles is a good kid man and his mom love/ss/ him

Honestly there's barely any porn of any version of Rio out there

It's a permanent part of the character now, what's the fucking difference that they found some excuse to put it there? We both know they'll just say it grew on her in the sequel, they're not going to allow her to go back to being cute.

Nope. I just have good taste.

Attached: that's the tea.jpg (1224x918, 142K)

Penii, her relationship with miles and spider powers don't ruin her completely.

I dont like how they dont let her be "uncool" in any scene, that gwanda thing was the most I liked her then she flatlined

Ravioli ravioli I want the spider-loli

I haven't read Marvel comics in forever. Gwen is both Spiderman AND Deadpool? What happened?

good costumes gone way too far

he'll grow up a barrel chested chad like his dad and already knows his smooth uncle's secret weapon. plus his mom's large round butt.

Attached: 1542944568303.png (617x547, 510K)

Gwenpool isn't a Gwen Stacey
Her name is literally Gwen Poole

penny, not even hard.

>large round butt
I guess Miles gonna get that cape after all

they changed the last name, I guess is a completely different character who just happens to look a lot like Gwen Stacy

Uh huh, sure, '''mistake'''

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I'm seeing a lot of high quality webms of the movie. Is it digitally out already? I thought it would be available in March. Anyway anyone knows where to Torrent it?

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please talk more about rio's large round ass

Attached: FINLAND.jpg (960x949, 65K)

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Mainly this but Gwen Poole is from our universe and transported in 616

Yeah it's a meta joke dumbass. You've never heard of Deadpool or something?

is a bad joke

you see what you want to see

I don't think he's entirely right but the movie used several memes as jokes so it shows that some of the people are internet savy enough to have seen a basic meme like that

Fuck off back to Siberia. Gwenpool is hilarious.

The Best Gwen Stacy.

Attached: mexican gwen stacy ass spider man.jpg (1064x866, 429K)

there wasnt really romance in this movie

>Anime schoolgirl.
>Thotticus Supremus.
>Psychopathic lesbian.
Boy user, you sure have some taste in women.

Attached: 1542058240095.jpg (563x503, 21K)

sure buddy

Why not enjoy women in every form in what ever way you wish?

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I worked it on paint.
Bring me a better quality webm & I could do a better job.

Attached: Peni spats1.png (336x2507, 997K)

Nose piercings, unironically. There is no woman that has ever looked better with them. Best case scenario they look slightly shittier.

Attached: Peni1.png (380x440, 312K)

Japan knows.

Attached: 575dec8d-9ba0-46c5-b336-0ce28798bee0.jpg (2497x1867, 865K)

when is it coming out in japan?

March 8th. Two more weeks.

Attached: Peni spats.jpg (848x1200, 178K)

aeolus should draw more. He draws a decent amount, but he should draw more!

that's an adorable angry face

what's the go-to porn art site now that Tumblr has nuked its shit?

Gwen Poole's backstory is that she was a real life Marvel fan from our world that used Secret Wars' weird multiversal event to ??? herself into the comics continuity.

pixiv or paheal I guess

I think user means he wants to fuck Peter

Is the Peni comic actually good?

Attached: 1546220324952.jpg (2550x3300, 316K)

if is anything like Evangelion, no.

Holy shit taste.
Evangelion is great.

And here I thought she couldn't get any better

Attached: IMG_20181108_151243.jpg (127x129, 7K)

never got passed the 1st or 2nd episode, I cant stand shinji. get in the mech or walk away man, make a godamn choice

Shinji is actually a great character but now I sound like a weeb loser

The fucking shit hurts man theres a reason he doesn't want to get into the robot he feels what is happening to it

then he should just give up. my probelm with shinji is that he doenst take a stance.

Attached: Peni says the truth.jpg (1080x1080, 96K)

Gwen pre-cut

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Reminder Peni had adventures with the eva cast
Reminder she is going to win the shinjibowl in that universe

Attached: fanficswhen.jpg (680x382, 50K)

Picking the underage Japanese girl makes you a criminal!

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So you pick the underage white girl?

Gwen is South African ya dummy.

eh, still better than liking gwen. now I have to make peace with the irony of contrabanding lub inside my ass

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your honor, technically Peni is older than me since she's from the year 3145. Peni SHOULD go to jail for having sex with a minor.

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>dont worry Miles
>now you dont need to close of your feelings so you dont get crippled by the moral ambiguity of your actions

And she's also imaginary, so I can pretend she's whatever i want her to be.

How was she in Miles' dimension before the gateway was turned on? How was she able to go to the school when she'd likely have no connection to the dimension? How was she at the lab where Octavia was working in?

B-but I picked Y-you...

Why didn’t she attempt to contact spider-man? Why did she seem to have no reaction to seeing her best friend die again?

Wow, shes tall.

It said she was thrown a week into the past, instead of immediately into the present.


I kinda forgot that part because they used a similar scene to introduce the other spiders. Why was she thrown a week in the past while everyone else just "showed up"?


I don't know, but the portal kind of mess with time bringing people from future and past timelines.

Story convenience, why else?


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Hot, cute, & still waifuable

Attached: IMG_20190207_165437.jpg (777x1097, 110K)

Ah I see you are a Spider-man of culture as well

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Peni Parker
More like.
PENIS Parker

I'll take the Japanese qt3.14 over the pig-faced coal-burning roastie any day of the week. How about a challenge next time OP?

You can't spell penis without Peni

Attached: Peni1.jpg (578x960, 47K)

I can't believe Dock Ock ended Danganronpa and Shuichi took the credit.


he does want to give up. But people keep pushing and pressuring to do shit amd just like teenagers they get conflicted and submit to pressure

How did Aunt May know Doc Ock was Liv?

They bashed hips once upon a time

that's some insane attention to detail

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (455x592, 417K)


Now that's an endgame I can get behind.
Peni is gonna win!

Flawless victory, he didndu nuffin

A hot athletic blonde or a weeb. Difficult choise. Not.

Gwen all the way.

More like Gwen precum

Best. I hope she grows it out for the next movie.

spider loli of course

He does raffle streams three times a week.

There was a girl in my school who was also really tall and black.

Peni but i wouldn't mind Gwen either. But Peni is just too cute

Attached: 72784483_p0.jpg (1125x1200, 770K)

Then only female clone Jessica deserves that honor

Making love to a female clone of yourself is the purest form of love

Attached: 44224331_p0.jpg (3284x3068, 1.19M)

That is the plot hole that was nevermentioned. The writers just needed to add the MilesXGwen romance

Only few spider people have that, but only if there's another spider person. In this case, no it does not work like that, unless it's a pattern-maker, which Gwen isn't. It didn't make any sense for her to be in that school where Miles is since he didn't have his spider power yet. And since it's been a week she would have died from the decay for being away from her world too long. And worse she allowed another Peter to die in her watch, and she could have prevented it. Honestly, it would have been possible for her to prevent it if you involve logic and have her appear in the same room after the collider was active

This movie had a number of plotholes they didn't address and I wonder if they are deliberately doing it on purpose just for a MilesXGwen romance and not think about it

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I hope we get a new cast every sequel, but if they have bring someone back I rather it was Noir or Peni

Keep noir and peni, spider-ham was shit and should get replaced in sequel

Why are half-Asian school girls so fucking cute, wtf?

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does pre-cum exist for girls?

Attached: 1550609833956.jpg (389x425, 20K)

Wouldn't Peni be half-Asian since her dad was white? Parker isn't exactly a traditionally Asian name.

Attached: older Peni.jpg (1800x1011, 831K)

What do you mean does it exist for girls? It's literally a girl thing.

girls dont have pre-cum, they get wet like plebs

Easy. The one that doesn't fuck niggers.

Peni originality have a crush on miles

>It's literally a girl thing.
what do you mean?

Attached: 1550783854355.png (835x652, 463K)

Holy shit user you virgin.
Girls excrete a layer of vaginal fluid when erotically simulated to act as lubricant for the penis. When sufficiently wet the vagina is ready to receive the penis and after sexual intercourse the woman and male ejaculate, the woman more vaginal fluid and the male semen that together act as a carrying medium for sperm that impregnates the egg in the uterus and this creates a new living organism.



>Holy shit user you virgin.
I grew up in a socially conservative area. I didn't even know women liked sex until I was 18 and a girl said she did. I'm still learning stuff, dear user.

Forever and always

Attached: penis.png (600x600, 295K)

Can someone explain pennys powers? She got bit by a spider but it did nothing for her ? She needs a robot suit and be a genius to pilot and do repairs. The spider is just a little pet that tags along?

I choose Gwenom.

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I'm pretty sure the spider biting her gave her a telepathic link to the robot.


is there r34 of gwenom?

Also why did B.Parker seem so insistent to essentially kill himself in the miles timeline, meaning there would be no spider-man in the B timeline. At least there's someone to replace Spider-man in the Milesverse, even if he's amateurish

If I remember right, she has a telepathic link to the spider and the spider controls the robot.

Because he thinks of himself as a washed up, useless layabout. He thinks he has the least to lose by sacrificing himself comparatively.

But cat is mean

Attached: DYA5_7QVQAAJ-wT.jpg:large.jpg (1080x1917, 310K)

What a whore.

Saw this last night, it was pretty fun. I liked how different the Spiders were they all had common traits they just expected Miles to have, like being really smart. Hoped there was going to be a scene where they all do science together and miles is just really confused.

Here's hoping 2099 and 60s cartoon Spider-Man role in on a giant robot in the sequel

I'm sure there is. I just don't have much of it, unfortunately.
Got a lot of Mania though.

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i thought it was neat how they different characters exemplified different attributes of what it takes to be "Spider-Man"

>Peter Noir is touch
>Gwen is agile
>Peni is smart
>Peter Ham is funny
>Peter B. has a family

Oh yeah, I never thought of it like that. Makes me wonder why animated films, especially Spider-verse, had more depth than most Marvel movies in general.

>Peter Noir is touch

Penny for marriage

Gwen for knocking up and not taking responsibility

>Occupation: Girl
every time

>condom tentacles
just imagine if one of those tentacles could slip on your dick and undulate until it sucks out your cum and the tentacles would push all that cum into a tube that flows into her womb haha

when are we gonna live-action JAVs of this movie?

>Really like Spider-Gwen's comics
>Spider-Verse Gwen is a one-dimensional brick
Why did they do this to my girl, Yea Forums?

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Peter seemed to be on a first-name basis with most of his villains before he died, and May was in on it.

That's not how time works. That'd make you 1100 years or so older than her, not make her older than you.

>Really like Spider-Gwen's comics

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I thought the first few issues were alright, but it got boring very fast. I assume most people here don't care for them either since with the exception of the Spider-Geddon tie-ins, since the only issues I've seen get storytimed after the ones with Wolverine were the Spider-Geddon tie-ins. Even Miles' series kept being storytimed, both before and after Bendis left.

Is the Venom symbiote on the table for Spider-Verse, or is Sony gonna keep it separate for the horror cape universe they're trying to get off the ground?
>scene with the Spider-Senpai fighting over who gets to use the symbiote during a fight scene with a big scary enemy
>symbiote temporary copies personality aspects of who just bonded with it
>acts like a blushing schoolgirl over everyone wanting to bond with it for the fight after Peni's turn

Attached: 1526117343303.jpg (662x1024, 93K)

Honestly, yeah, I only really think of her earlier solo stuff when I think of her. The constant AU shifting soured her, but IMO not her potential

They needed to make her better.

I think she would work better a nerd or a loser than the cool girl character

yeah thats the only time I've ever read her stuff. The last thing I remember was that Cop Frank Castle got beat up or something for some reason then it was crossovers

Holy shit user I knew you people were morons but damn, that is basic Math that you are failing.

Don't know.
But imagine: Into The Venom-Verse
>Tom Hardy's Venom
>Agent Venom
>Mary Jane Carnage

Would Eminem do a shitty track for each instalment?

Well Einstein says time is relative.

To me her series was at no point bad, but it constantly lost focus with the writer going off on random tangents rather than focusing more on her personal story

Honestly turning Gwen into another spider-person ruins what made her so important in the first place. The series had its moments but its bogged itself down in its AU and patting itself on the back for how "crazy" they got with the established characters since none of it ever mattered. Also turning peter into basically just a school shooter just felt like a low blow

It's not like he had much going for him in his own universe user, he probably thought it'd be better to go out in a heroic sacrifice as opposed to wasting his life as a washed-up cynic with nothing to live for.

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Because Spider-Verse was about Miles, not Gwen.

because she has no personality to begin with

Many are the places I would lick her.

Attached: Peni Pits.png (800x1133, 910K)

Just because he acts like a teenager realistically would doesn't make him a good character. Anno is a fucking hack.

Finally, someone who understands how shit Eva was.

Future star for BLEACHED

Her lips are way too big for a white girl

Shinji is a background character for most of the series

Miles isn't allowed to date Black girls so we'll never know

I choose Buzz Lightyear!

Attached: I choose buzz.png (260x231, 85K)

but is the first character we met I couldnt get pass him, I tried to watch EVA 3 or 4 time becuase everybody says is so fucking good but Shinji just annoys me too much. Also, doesnt the series follow him?

Attached: 2cnaq7.jpg (600x346, 70K)

she looks like a black girl with white skin

also add in Topher Grace Venom except he only appears for one minute and dies

I choose Fem!Miles

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Spider-Gwen's comics are trash. Literally the only good thing to come out of Marvel's weird Gwen Stacy resurgence is Spider-Gwen's costume. Everything else is garbage.

You're just not meeting the right white girls

Thick as grits but how does her hair work through the costume?

>dreads coming out of the mask
Fuck, that's good r63.

Maybe she can control them like spider legs?

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peni of course

Attached: 1546872865036.jpg (1080x1332, 341K)

>In some other universe, we could have gotten Peter B. and brown loli Miles

Attached: 1513658894334.gif (450x250, 1.98M)

People only like Peni for surface level waifu/daughteru shit, she was the least entertaining Spider in the movie.

Nah, only if you're simply analyzing the surface presentation. Not even Spider-Ham approaches her levels of "why is this even a thing" lolwutery from a meta perspective.

But they were slow as fuck. Really good things were the beginning and Venom saga (because you can't fail "spider-person gets the symbiote costume" story")

>People only like Peni for surface level waifu/daughteru shit
Some only like for her nerdy stuff and the fact that her ability is unique than other spider-people.

>she was the least entertaining Spider in the movie
Not if you compared her scene to ham & noir.

>Not if you compared her scene to ham & noir.
Ham and Noir were both more entertaining, even the very small Rubik's cube bit is more amusing than anything Peni was doing.

her expressions were pretty enterteining,

>tfw can deeply relate and sympathized

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he seemed super gay, but probably on the DL.

wasn't the biggest fan of the second comic.

Attached: The_Only_Shoe DznHC54XQAEAR-0.jpg orig.jpg (2026x2865, 361K)

should i read it? or is there not really a reason to read it?

that rubik scene is cringe & shit, they ruined noir's serious personality

sure. read it
has venom mech and you can find it in the archive

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Maybe low key bi?

Attached: 59FA023A-B920-4AF6-BF41-209EA1281F03.jpg (750x779, 171K)

smells like tumblr

>Also a lesbian
Why are you posting that shit here user?

Attached: 1549243501103.png (400x318, 161K)

i wasn't trying to make it a tumblr thing. just that he's a middle aged man, "confirmed bachelor", no gf shown... seems like every black man on the DL I have known.

that's because it is

>never got passed the 1st or 2nd episode, I cant stand what the show is about

it's possible for nb people to be lesbians. i knew a few. some were cute.

>Reminder she is going to win the shinjibowl in that universe
The Shinjibowl. I couldn't imagine a more Pyrrhic victory.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's based on sex and not gender
Like they have female parts but don't ascribe to the female sort of life style

Fuck you for wasting those trips with some gender tumblr shit.

>Noir means always grit, all the time
user, pls.

>Wasted Trips for this

Attached: Why'd they use this picture.png (283x248, 66K)

>but still also trans
Ha ha funny! This is fun.

>since with the exception of the Spider-Geddon tie-ins

I just realised that I forgot to take this part out before posting.

I don't see it like you see it
>Yo shinji don't talk to me but also pilot this giant robot where you feel the pain of whatever happens to it or this cripple girl will do it
>okay I guess hope we talk later
>Save the earth while going through excruciating pain
>Yo shinji do it again but don't talk to me or the world will fucking end and everybody will die
>Okay I'll do it again it may suck for me but at least people are happy and safe
>Yo shinji while you experience getting stabbed in the fucking eye yesterday your bitchass the angel got my sister hurt so I'm gonna punch you in the mouth
>Damn even if I go through the pain people and save the day people are still being miserable and blaming me and I can't stop because the fucking world will end
>I guess I'll keep shouldering this shit

Fuck you shinji was completely fine

Being transgendered just means you know you don't belong in your body. It doesn't mean you know what you are or it's possible to know or even consider what you are.

No that's not what being transgendered means. You're talking about gender dysphoria.


Trannies are just drag queens who are mentally handicapped. It’s like they want to come out and say they’re gay or les but have to go through a sex change process and dress up just to emphasise on that shit.

She makes me want to be a loving father considering to adopt a girl to make the world a slightly better place

Because she is only there for relationship purposes.

She’s a tech genius and her Spider abilities coming from the mech is super unique. Plus, who doesn’t love lolis?

Attached: 67BE8521-52DE-49C8-87BB-8AE3BA8B7832.jpg (3048x3732, 785K)

I know you want to see it that badly, but that is a fucking stretch.

Shes the flavor of the month, people will pass on to the next thing soon

Attached: Peni_and_Gwen.png (4800x7500, 3.28M)

delete this

Attached: 85481283772.jpg (229x343, 10K)

I don't really though, I hate Miles and spider-gwen and the forced pairing ruins them even more. How did you not pick up on the obvious hints at the set up for the sequel?

this is sad, this is like super sad. And that's coming from one sad mother fucker

Who's the artist for these?

thank you user

Attached: godbless.jpg (680x354, 135K)

It's high school Gwen Stacy, so maybe she is still before her puberty growth spurt where her final form is the John Romita bombshell Gwen Stacy.

Attached: Gwen Stacy_George Kambadais.jpg (586x898, 291K)


Built for BNC

The crushing reality of the BBC myth.

Extremely based mommyposter
>tfw your girlfriend looks like Olivia Octavius
>tfw she loved Spider-verse despite thinking Andrew Garfield was still Spider-man
>tfw she likes to spice it up in the bedroom

Attached: 1550628249164.png (384x600, 273K)

I loved this animation.

Can't show the rest

Attached: 1546014969926.gif (1000x1200, 3.12M)

The internet needs to be nuked. I accept nothing less.

>Miles had spider powers too?
On the topic, which spiders can electrocute and turn invisible?
Why the fuck did the robo-spider find him?

If I had too, Peni. Gap teeth is a massive turnoff for me.

post link motherfucker!

Shinji (female).

Attached: Peni_Parker_(Earth-14512)_without_the_armor.jpg (955x1099, 476K)

Her first encounter with another spider-person. Miles powers were also still manifesting.
She probably didn't know what she was feeling.

It was love

Attached: 1545765516759.png (1280x898, 1.42M)

if you guys haven't downloaded the peni webms do it now!

>tfw locked the rest behind patreon
I just wanted some peni/gwen yuri...

>Why didnt Gwen put 2 & 2 together that Miles had spider powers too
Did she not? I remember her telling him to just relax when his hand was stuck to her as being a tell that she knew.


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>getting mad at things that literally hasn't happened

Attached: spiderham.jpg (653x653, 64K)

Venom blast probably causes of experiments.

Attached: gwen.png (484x605, 343K)

>no salt and pepper in r63 Peter B's hair
Could've been great

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b a s e d

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thanks user
missed that thread somehow

Attached: peni17.webm (1920x796, 322K)

I feel like the plan should've been they team up take out everyone and then turn off the collider

it's like peni is controlling noir


They wouldn't know how long the fight would last which would leave the collider on longer. The short fight they did have almost destroyed NYC.


Ok so Noir is on 1, Miles is on 2, and Peni is on 3?


Attached: IMG_20190224_083726.jpg (1080x1759, 570K)

>Can you hack a mainframe while under gunfire?
Peni, that's not hard for you because you're in a goddamn bullet proof mech.

Most based choice

Attached: f74[1].jpg (1000x800, 657K)

Get the hell out of my face with this shit

Attached: 1546326020523.png (376x275, 161K)

Peni. Sidecuts are a cancer.

peni can be a bit moody

Attached: peni28.webm (1920x796, 797K)

Attached: 1546331761608.jpg (1200x900, 97K)

look how happy she is to scratch him

What a fucking cunt

why do girls dressed like cats get horny for superheroes, tease them and screw them over like that?

We need more webms.

>Spider-Klan meeting

Kind user, you wouldn't happen to have that comic of the babysitter doing something similar would you?

So what are the odds the movie gets robbed at the Oscars tonight?

Just got done with the movie. For the better half I honestly thought this was Kingpin's wife and they were just divorced after he started beating up Spidey. This was a damn good movie. I really hope the teaser at the end isn't just a joke

Also Peni by far, post-haircut Gwen is just bad.

It's a "mistake" that makes no sense. It's revealed she goes to the school to find Miles. So once she gets him alone, she knows exactly why it's happening, and she has no reason to worry about her reputation at the school, so she has no reason not to try and calm Miles down to get him to let go.
The movie's good but it has a problem with wasting screentime, and it just feels like the writers went "how can we come up with a way to give Gwen a sidecut?"

I want sex with that teen.

None, I'm not black

It might actually be a competition, but I think Spider-verse has the edge, it took practically all of the other awards, and is currently 3 for 3 on those brutally honest ballots. However, the stupidity of the academy’s voters knows no bounds.

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gwen. her hair made me think she would have a bad personality but she turned out pretty chill

Universe's version of Honey Lemon.


Attached: peni41.webm (1920x796, 2.58M)

maybe she grows it back in the sequel.

Really don’t like that they made her some kind of punk “tomboy” with none of her original qualities (feminine, fashionable, highly emotional, scientist), as if they thought having any slightly girly traits would be sexist or some stupid shit like that. The ballerina shoes were a good addition, but they haven’t made any reference to it yet except standing on her toes constantly.
Give me a spider-Gwen that’s a hopeless romantic, one who crushes hard for Peter, a girl that dreams of new discoveries, someone who starts off weak and sensitive but grows to be strong under the mask, a woman who loved a man but was never able to confess her feelings before his death, her weakness being the cause of his death, let her cry and have her overcome her fears in her own way.
Just fuck, give me a Spider-Gwen that’s basically Emma Stone in the suit, not some alt punk wannabe.

pretty obvious

Attached: 1548965920277.jpg (672x950, 264K)

Is there a rip of Spiderverse yet?

Should be on rarbg.

Fuck off Emmafag. This isn't a Gwen movie.

Attached: Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse Art book peni 1.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

>The CHAD Peni Stride

Based and flatpilled.

Attached: flat is justice.png (598x642, 633K)

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Won't be much longer now.

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we'll see

Attached: papa-franku-at-it-again_o_6023513.jpg (640x480, 343K)

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's based on sex and not gender
>Like they have female parts but don't ascribe to the female sort of life style
you're wrong because that is retarded

Attached: PrittiePink DwsuF9QUUAE4TvM.jpg orig.jpg (1280x1642, 264K)

To be fair the Peters are either too old to date a teen or dead, Porker is a pig, Peni is a girl.

Miles is literally the only option

don't fall for bait, user

> that hair
Hell, that's actually pretty good

> Because she comes from the thirteenth century, her clothing is made of fabrics from the future. The shirt has a technological sheen, the sweater is laced with reflective components, and the outfit is detailed with luminescent accents throughout
Holy shit, I never noticed this

I'm not sure why'd she make that face

Gwen obviously

>never got passed the 1st or 2nd episode
The proper way to watch Evangelion is to skip the LAST two episodes.

is there a scanned version of the artbook? I want to see more peni artwork pls.

I know why they paired them but but my point is why did the pair them up. Despite "friends" it is pretty obvious they are both romantically interested in each other. Because we can't have movies about people without romance.

>not fem spiderham
Yall are fucking gay and need to step up.

Attached: 1544911200303.jpg (558x1024, 133K)

Attached: Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse Art book peni 2 screen from youtube.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

I want that bottom row but for her vagina while she's making those faces, is that ok?

You literally can't though. They're Spider-characters. You have to have romance, no matter how tacky or forced.

Attached: Amazing Spider-Man 9.png (214x318, 157K)

Like a ruler edit?


I just wanted a fun spider team up but as soon as a cute girl appears we can't have nice things. Doesn't ruin the movie but It just not a 10 for me for this.

An attempt was made.

Attached: When she sees your peni(s).png (213x1200, 246K)

I'm ready for the doujin wave when the movie hits japan.

This jives really well with my idea of a version of her traversing the multiverse to kill young heroines in erotic ways. Cataloging and studying the various alternate versions of them in order to approach and snuff them out in different ways.

>Peter gets fucking Friendzoned in the Gwenverse
>Miles also gets fucking Friendzoned

Nobody got Blacked other than your mother.

>Miles also gets fucking Friendzoned

Attached: sure bud.jpg (1920x1592, 516K)

Just make her a mood swing character. Pre-spider bite, she's the canon Gwen, the cute girlfriend we know and lost. Post-spider bite, becoming Spider-woman and seeing Peter die, she goes through a phase like the character in the early Spider-Gwen comics. You could even work in an arc where, after a lot of trials and tribuations, she rediscovers a bit of her old self.

Ok, I'll bite.
We have two options:
1. He got friendzoned so hard that she sees him as her BFF
2. She plays shitty mind games

What would you rather deal with?

Their relationship is a set up for future sequels because the story didn't have time for that now.

But, being a sensible young man, Miles would understand that she Friendzoned his ass, and would go slide in on some other chick who won't play games.
Who knows, maybe he'll go try his "Hey" on Spider-Woman while Gwen sits in her cuckshed.

Damn. That Peter x Gwen fag is still in these spider-verse threads?

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Also he needs to age a little bit so that his spider-penis becomes the big spider-penis.

Well one is an option, and one is for subhuman pedophiles. So I guess I'll take the one that is for neurotypical human beings.