characters only you like
I think YJ gave Sportsmaster more fans than decades of existing had given him beforehand.
>only you like
Most people outside of Yea Forums hate her, unfortunately...
>people outside of Yea Forums
and you think i care about them because?
His fridge antics are the villain equivalent of Batman and Guy's "one punch!"
I like his outfit and his anti-avenger team
I honestly liked him better before that, when he was Captain Atom's rival/sociopathic co-worker.
snapper carr. everything about this guy is just so strange.
also that thing with him and cheetah awhile back.
there's something i really like about this guy too. i'm not even sure why desu
Everybody always focuses on Booster.
Is that an edit?
not that's part of the joke
Who doesn't love plastic man?
didn't she get killed off?
Joking, of course.
I remember all those threads where Sportsmaster was decided to be the most powerful character based on what sports he's the best at (all of them).
I hope you're talking about black ant
Anyone who dislikes Job-master is a goober
I liked Lucas' original idea
yeah people love Sportsdad
How long before this Sportsmaster becomes canon? Furthermore, I’m shocked he was never on ARROW or something
What was the original idea?
They are a majority.
I'd let him swipe my credit card
I like that guy