Unstoppable Wasp #5 Storytime

I'm bipolar too and I thought this issue was super-legit about what both parts are like.

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Shit, I think I only read the first two issues. I'll go catch up and then come back, so thanks for the storytime if you're gone by then, OP.

No problem. I'm glad the first reply was a positive one!

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I just noticed how much nadia's helmet looks like ultron's head. Subtle but neat that she dresses like her older bro.

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*teleports behind you*

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Fuck off back to tumblr with your made up disease.

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I'm honestly curious as to what they thought would happen by confronting the obviously deranged superhero who is also a trained assassin?
Did they...did they literally just hope that the other trained assassin would be enough?

The end.

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So like where do we go from here? She pretty much burned all her bridges with the other girls so does that mean they'll fuck off?

They probably weren't thinking rationally
>find out your friend might have inherited her father's severe mental disorder
>walk into her room, where she is very clearly in the throes of said disorder
>even a crazy-person whiteboard full of frantic notes on how to "fix" you
It seems like a dire situation.

>bipolar disorder is fake news


They're still probably her friend. If they hear she's getting help from someone they trust like Jan or Priya (is that her name?) it's not unreasonable to give her another chance.

Keep getting them payments for shit shill “scientists” made up, user. I don’t blame you for being a parasite.

Yeah but this is the type of situation where you fucking should've been paying attention and not wait a whole week to notice this shit. Janet should've been there way earlier.

Also this is another good example of why teenagers should not be superheroes. I mean shit, does anyone realize how lucky Peter Parker was to never just go apeshit and start murdering all his villains?

Is this like a lesbian superhero collective, because I think we need more of that. Also r34.

I missed the first ones, is the bipolar character switching between “phases” at a reasonable rate? Because that’s one thing that sometimes annoys me, bipolar being shown like some disassiociative disorder. Asking for a friend.

I think Peter actually did try to fight Flash during Ditko's run.

Giving her the ol' Pym Special!
Fuck, this issue got super real.

I think only the black girl who looks a little too much like that singer with the pompadour and Nadia’s friend from the red room are the only lesbians there. The one in the crutches and the one in the track suit are sisters, Nadia gets wet for Doom, and I have no idea about the other one.

Has Nadia had a love interest yet? If not then why?

t. american who thinks the entire world works like his shit health care system

OP, also bipolar, and yeah, she cycled after a few hours when she realized she was the bad guy in this story and was a huge bitch to her friends, and that sort of thing usually does it for me.

This shit was way worse than Pym

Can we have threads bitching about how evil she is for 30 years?

She has the greatest love of all, science.

She’s a woman, this just what regularly happens when you have multiple women together in a room for more than two hours.

I don't think anybody waited a week? She went missing overnight, but in the microlab way more time passed than in the regular world.

Hank built robots with the intention of killing the avengers and then defeating said robots to make himself look good.

>why are you trying when you know you're going to fail?
Just insert some random anime talk about never giving up despite the odds.

Wow... That was really well done...

And now I can't stop thinking about how badly Tom King would fuck it up if he were handling it

I hate to say it but I like that she bitch slapped those bitches around.

Actually I do not hate to say it. This comic is terrible boring and seeing this flat character actually do something character defining and harming a bunch of second bananas is actually compelling.

God damn it, it's impossible for me to hate anything Gurihiru touch, what is this twisted magic they possess?

I am bipolar and this issue feels akward. Maybe I am just jealous how Nadia have friends who can help and I don't .

Also the writting was good

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They are not good at conflict resolutions. Also the implication that they knew someone was going to get the shit beat out of them.

I'm not even interested in this shit, but god damn, that's a pure waifu material right here.

>if the world is against you, it's your job to move the world
This self-righteousness will have to be adressed at tome point. Being a superhero doesn't make you always right.

>The Unstoppable Wasp.

Was there a conclusion to the story with Finesse?
Or did he just turn her into a full villain and left things like that?

>if the world is against you, it's your job to move the world
Where's that fuckface that thought *Spider-Man* was the ego-driven vigilante? I want them to see this.

Projecting much? Socialism may throw you the occasional bone but if you want to think for yourself your nogunz ass will be in the gulag before you can say Bernie 2020.

I missed the last issue, but this was really good. Need to remind myself to pick this up later today.

you ever wonder what would happen if an entire nation could become bipolar?
History should call this The Great Manic-Depression.

>Can we have threads bitching about how evil she is for 30 years?
>She’s a woman, this just what regularly happens
unironically this.
women are allowed to have moments of irrational mental breakdown so we can all point and laugh at them and tell the world how inferior they are to men.
toxic masculinity is a cruel bitch to you weak minded, glass ego having fuccbois that hulk rage through life because no one ever taught you how to have emotions without shooting up a school building.

>thinks you cant have social services without runaway authoritarianism
So this is the power of Rockerfeller brainwashing

the robot wasn't meant to kill anyone, just knock them around so he could swing in and save everyone

Her dad

>I remember this comic as multiculture pal central
>Had every race under the sun
>I wonder if they added LGBTQRSTUV
>First two sentences

Haven't been reading comics in awhile. What is Pym up to? He still Pymtron?

they're NuMarvel'd Rei Hino and Ami Mizuno

Look who is showing up in future issues.

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I haven't read Wasp since the first issue, and I thought it was going to be shit.

But I really, really liked this.

Did they relaunch it or something? I remember reading the first issue in 2017

I like the fact she beat up a bunch of tumblrinas and hopefully lost them all as friends and she can go onto a team in a better book.

The black girl pinching her nose kind of undercuts the tension
>ugh my deranged best friend is assaulting us *again*

It's not drawn too well but she's supposed to be wiping away her tears.

>black girl who looks a little too much like that singer

Little Ritchie? Think there's a lot of black singers with pompadours.

Yeah I realised that after posting. Kind of unfortunate because the issue as a whole was pretty sweet. Would have preferred depressed Nadiya to be a little less wordy at the end, but solid overall.

thanks for sharing

Yeah it got canceled and revived. I think this is a continuation with a different artist.

he means Sardonyx.

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Extremely well done and very accurate to dealing with bipolarism.

It's a bitch, but can be managed.

In fairness, Hank was suppose to be flailing his arms in impotent rage, Jan just so happened to be too close when he did. That was the intention in the scrip but the Artist drew as if it was intentional. A story of a man having a extreme mental break down was then also spun into it being a domestic abuse issue.

And if Ultron was the thing people continued to give Hank shit for, I'd be fine with it. But no. It always comes back to "The Slap".

Is she referencing Captain America's "No, you move" speech?

This issue and the last issue were absolute bangers. I didn't really follow this series earlier because it seemed to have very little going on, but this was some good character-building, tension, and drama with issues you just don't see super hero comics tackle all that often. Thanks for postin' it, OP.

Hopefully her bipolarness is gonna be an issue that sticks and not something permanently resolved in the Nadia gets help arc

also damn delays stopped me from storytiming any of the stuff I usually do, I needed those you's

Is Nadia's friend even really even a lesbian? I mean, for the black girl, it's obvious but for Ying, the whole girlfriend thing just feels like her just rolling with the other girl's crush. There is literally zero chemistry or feeling when it comes to the 2 of them that makes a romance believable

The girl with the flattest bangs was the truest friend

Etch that lesson into your heart, Yea Forums.

Yes, she is but Cap is associated with WW2 and nazism. She isn't.


Group of female infighting for no tangible reason and fit lesbians going straight for physical violence.
Is Marvel going for realism in the Wasp ??
Litteral and figurative broken wings, If the visual metaphores are back i'm in

I was still baited in reading pages chokefull of dialogs, cant she go see her father in the north-pole or something ?
Pym-tron seem to suffer from a similar issue.

Why is there a panzer in the background?

Is- is this post for real? I just felt my penis shrink by three inches and my chest hair shoot back into my body reading that.

Is Hank proud?

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Wait, why is Priya there? I thought she was evil or something?

That's still unresolved. Either the current Priya is a fake or a fake priya stole something during the AIM attack.

This is the power of the morally correct individual building his existence on strength rather than the pathetic mewlings of the moocher and her sexually frustrated apologists.

I think he meant Janelle Monáe? I doubt he meant Prince since that was a short one month pompadour for a music video.

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>I've got a broken brain and nothing will ever fix my inherent flaws and to stop the guaranteed pain I'm going to cause in the future I better just end it now
>going by comics she's probably right

i feel it

This is the same writer as before, right? Is it literally just the Gurihiru touch that makes it better? Or was the writer held back by something earlier?

Is that a realdoll?

pls tell us more about how fragile your adorable male ego is!

I believe he just wasted too much time the previous volume setting up the characters with too little actually happening.

He can now actually DO stuff with them.

Or maybe he's just good a psychologic stories

equal parts good and cringe, the lesbo burger king kids club is never not really going to be shit, but i was actually invested in this wasp. seems to be a recurring thing, these mary sue legacy characters getting the some times decent stories.

When the fuck will Pymtron return? I know, it will be in Champions... but now thanks to the shitty War of Realms tie-in I have to wait even more.

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hey maybe this book ain't so bad

This was really good. Whoa.

lmao thanks literally none of us cares

At least you’ve learned something. Maybe you’ll become a man one day.

yeah I didn't know that people who build their existences on power spent their time looking like retards online. I'll take this knowledge with me to the grave never becoming a man because I'll probably have done something with my life.


D'aww. Good issue and a good rundown on mental health issues. Shame about the biracial lesbians though.

Will Hank get a hug when he returns?

I'm still running off the theory that he'll return during the War of Realms to "save" the planet.

damn, this is actually pretty great

kek, but true

Honestly this books get better. The art of Gurihiru is a double edge sword, tho. Make the book atractive, but also put you off about the type of story is all about.

this is really good

shit, I didn't expect this book to go to suicide

>Nadia going full Hank in this.


fuck, that got me

for sure

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Probably after No Road Home, to "Fix" Vision.

When are they finally going to admit that Nadia is a giant lesbian?

Absolutely shut the fuck up.

Too many lesbians in this team... and also champions now that Viv is lesbian too.

Crowding onto somebody having an episode is probably the worst thing they could have possibly done, too. Especially grabbing her and not letting her go, etc. A bipolar person having an episode is just gonna assume the absolute worst, panic and lash out.

Honestly, though, a bunch of dumbass teenagers aren’t gonna know they’re making it worse.

Damn this was a good issue.

Why they bully Nadia by taking away the lab? ;_;

She's just Doomsexual.

I don't get the name of her think tank. The acronymn only makes sense if it's Genius Inaction Research Labs", which it sounds like they're a bunch of teenage geniuses who do nothing but play TF2 and Fortnite all day and piss in empty mountain dew bottles.

>cant she go see her father in the north-pole or something ?
Isn't Pymtron just Ultron wearing Hank's skin?

Imagine how much better off New York would be if a teenage Peter Parker had gone apeshit and started murdering all his villains.

Projection is a coward’s way of thinking, user.

A lot of Yea Forums seemed to ready to tear down this series, but it's been pretty good. MUCH better than the previous run.
it's positioning Nadia as a much more interesting superhero than Ms Marvel.

Ah yes, I forgot how great it would be if all crimes should be punishable by death, with no due process.

>Fuck off back to tumblr with your made up disease.

you have to go back to /pol user

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The "World's Greatest Aunt" mug from Viv was pretty cute.

The story's still ongoing. The whole mess only happened a few hours ago.

He is, but he also died in Infinity War. Straight up absorbed into the Soul Gem, then had his soul eaten.


You can blame Bendis and Dwayne McDuffie for the slap regaining prominence.

Avengers writers spent years building Hank back up, making him more than the slap, rebuilding his relationship with Jan, making him a respected hero again. And then McDuffie had Jan have a screaming breakdown during one event about how he hit her and Bendis just leaned on it TURBOHARD.

It's ok when cap does it

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more like unstoppable aspie

lets get some jagmeet in here

This would work better if she wasnt wearing a dumb looking helmet

Also isnt that the traitor girl?

Asking for a friend here but isn't every one a little bit doom sexual and it exits on a spectrum of doomness? If not how does one come out to their parents about being sexually attracted to victor von doom.

Why would you need to come out? The people who aren't sexually attracted to Doom should be the ones in the closet.


That was actually an imposter.

I'm sorry to hear that, user. I hope everything works out for you.

>10 issues already (first vol and this one)
>Still no Tigra, William, Jocasta, Rover, Victor, Alkhema, Speed and Wiccan.

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You know...it would make sense for the Red Room to train its nubile young teens to manipulate people with sex. They probably wouldn't even think anything of it. It wouldn't even have to be malicious - she could probably string her along, giving her all the affection and even sex she could want, and not mean a moment of it, just to keep everyone's spirits up.

So like is her friend actually evil, and the good friend there is some robot or plant that's part of a long con to drive Nadia insane?

So can we expect her to have a bad episode as she's taking down some villains and nearly killing them.

What's with the anime look?

Two Japanese dykes who were told their art was too American when they tried to get into the manga business. So now they work for Marvel.

The preview for the next issue shows the others in it, so it's safe to assume she's still friends with them. They know of her bi-polar disorder from the last issue.

Yet they were willing to leave her alone when she was going through a manic state and potentially go into a depressive one. They can fuck off.

Or weeks in nadia's case.

I mean she physically assaulted like half of them and was willing to go further if they didn't give in to her demands

They're fucking kids, they are in no way prepared or equiped to handle a manic depressive trained assassin with super powers. At some point you just have to give up, especially when your own health and safety is at risk

She went to her Crystal pocket lab, they knew where she was, she wasn't in the healthiest state but unless she hurt herself she was relatively safe. They trusted Janet and Bobbi to take care of Nadia and get her the help she needs.

>A collective of girl geniuses using science and engineering to change the world
That's sexist.
Pretty sure you could win a lawsuit against her for this.

It's to encorouge young girls to do stem. nadia personally picks the canidents so it's not like you could really call it discriminatory.

Anybody else cry? No? Just me? This issue hit harder than I expected.

I almost did, it was very well written and the art on the last couple pages sold it

I did but tbf I'm a bitch who cries at everything. It was still really well done.

How so? If they were advertising the position and explicitly turning down male applications, I could maybe see you having more of a point (though I'm not even sure if that's technically illegal, depending on how it's done, the state in question, etc). But as it is, Nadia just made her own list of potential recruits, and rocked up to them to ask if they wanted to join her. And it wasn't even until after she had done all this that Janet made it all official by giving them a funded lab, sleeping quarters, etc. Otherwise, it would have just been a bunch of ladies working on personal science projects out of a semi-abandoned house.

>A lot of Yea Forums seemed to ready to tear down this series,
well, yeah, because it's

> MUCH better than the previous run.
and nobody expected such an improvement.

I do wonder if it's just the change in themes, the writer honestly improving, editors doing(or not doing) their job or just a fluke.

>then had his soul eaten.
maybe THAT triggered his Artificial Paradise Backup System.
He wasn't dead enough before, you see.
(this wish will become a monkey paw, isn't it?)

it was a consequence of Millar making Ultimate Pym an utter bastard.
It got people attention, and Bendis did double-backed on it.
I think McDuffie was just a script moneky in the whole mess, writing stories but not having the power to change them

one would need to come out they are NOT attrcted to Doom.
So they could get the appropriate medical treatment.
It's a serious illness!

or seeing it as basically a show of friendship and not actual romantic involvment.
Though then again unlike Nadia she should have got the full SPY training, which should include understanding how sex and relationships work

I'm more curious to see how Nadia would react to falling in love

>They trusted Janet and Bobbi
Who are the only actual adults in the boo...

>They trusted JANET
Well, they're screwed

BTW, I kind of expecting Jenet getting shat on by the girls once they found she tried to marry Hank while he was crazy

she's gonna slap Janet too one of these days and then she'll become an Ultron like her dad

>>she's gonna slap Janet too one of these day
already done the previous series

>nadia flying around
>stops to help broken car
>its scott and his ant van
>across the street is a robbery
>out pops beetle and black ant

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ok instead of slap, she'll rape Janet one of these days with a bio-organic pym particle cock that can turn her DNA into synthetic sperm to impregnate Janet after she becomes mindbroken and begs for it


>They trusted JANET
to be fair, people can learn from their mistakes and Janet has apologized to Hank many times for her involvement at the time. Even this book addresses how she didn't see if at first and now does

all that character development has been nullified by exposition to BENDIS.

...I still wonder where Waid was going with Janet speaking Hungarian, back when he introduced Nadia.

I mean, Maria Py'ms perfect lookalike(except younger) who also speaks the same language as Maria's native language? Which is FAR from a common or fashionable language?

Do you even realize how much damage you do? How many people you hurt?

Why the hot long black hair one always has to be lesbians.
She should be with some alpha male warrior hero that's her equal

See and , she's probably faking it anyway.

I want this to lead to Nadia saving hank from being Pymtron. Like you're in a dark place right now you're pretending it'll be better if you don't feel but you're not a robot dad please I'd like to met you the real hank pym.

Ying isn't faking it. Whitlea and Marvel don't have the balls to pull it off, lest they be criticized for "lesbian erasure." I would love that twist though, regardless if Ying is straight or not.

I feel like they were going to have her attempt suicide here, but editorial made them make it more vague.