ITT: "Oh yea, I forgot that came out"

ITT: "Oh yea, I forgot that came out"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Christ, even in profile “”””she”””” looks disgusting

Once people stopped drawing traps it all went downhill.

It’s weird that people seem to think others have a problem with her being flat chested.
Most people are more concerned with her face.

Post gay cats

Attached: Catra sparkle eyes.png (1070x810, 404K)

That’s two kids.

>sparkle eye XD
>liking this shit
Kill yourself

You again, Adorafag?
How's your day?

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that hot dog gumball-looking show on netflix

Koikatsu! is better

I watched it and it's got some potential. In motion, manface she-ra doesn't look as bad, mostly because Adora's proportions are a lot better and she's in Adora mode 90% of the show. Wouldn't mind a second season for more cat lesbian suffering.

This however. I forgot about every single episode besides the last one as soon as the last credits rolled.

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I would if people stop making threads for this.

Touch luck then because there are those who really hate it or like it

>I would if shills stop making threads for this.
>I want more badly animated human waste to be made to taint the industry even further
Please direct yourself to the advice in


>pretending he hasn't been seething about this for months
I've been fapping to lewds and enjoying. Fuck politics.

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hi trollhunterfag

I've checked in on plenty of the threads and they argue more about liking or hating the show rather than the show itself. That and lesbians. In threads for other shows I don't watch I at least get a good idea of what the plot is. For this... not really. It's like Voltron.

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>I’ve been fapping to ugly dykes for months
How does it feel to be a proud cuck?

I’m pretty sure lewds is all this show has going for it.
Ironic really.

I think the Voltron threads are technically worse because they're even more overrun with ship faggotry. At least I see the Sherafags refer to individual characters, Voltron threads exclusively use ship names

>In threads for other shows I don't watch I at least get a good idea of what the plot is.
>That and lesbians.
The plot is legitimately lesbians though. Everything's basically entirely driven by lesbians. The main villain motivation, the protagonist, the side characters. It's all lesbians.

>a good idea of what the plot is
An autistic robo-waifu, a hot catgirl, and their friend with big meaty claws have Ed Edd n Eddy schemes while trying to destroy some annoying fat lolis.

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The writing is actually really good for the Catra/Adora drama B plot. I'm actively looking forward to S2. Too bad political autists have latched onto this show for some reason despite it being no worse than SU, AT, or any of the four other female-centric shows coming out this year.

I remember the first episode, the episode where Entrapta was introduced through Skynet rebellion, princess ball, and the manipulative space elve- I mean ancients showing Catra pieces of her suffering past in order to twist her into betraying Adora.

Attached: She Ra Ball.gif (472x257, 2.62M)

I love me some lesbians but it needs to be hot. I'm not feeling this show and I've heard it's okay.

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I never understood the hatred of this show.

>her being flat chested.
That's because she's wearing an actually breastplate user.

>hot catgirl
Neither of those apply to that atrocious abomination, and this shit has nothing to do with EE&E you autist
>oh wow is the dyke shipping is super good u guyz
Shipping cancer is especially worse in this show because it’s unwarrented and the show is built around the agenda. Fuck you

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>New She-ra
A blonde guy with long hair

Are we allowed to post YouTube links?

This art style reeks of Tumblr.

Let me sum this thread up
>She ra fans are shills!
>No the show's good!
>It's literally the worst cartoon of all time!
>It's better than Avatar!
>Frothing about political messages
>Spamming the same shipping art and that one ball scene over and over
>The definition of a 5/10
>I miss the trap porn
>That's a man baby
>Did you know that this show has lesbians?

With more reason I hate both fandoms.
Thanks for reminder me.

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The early episodic stuff is nothing special, but there's some honest-to-goodness tragedy in the back half. Don't force yourself if you aren't feeling it, but there's some payoff for people who appreciate things like character arcs and consistent theming.

>how could you hate such a perfect show you cis fascist

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I never mentioned dyke shipping.
>I hate this show because of the gay agenda.
Holy shit are you channeling Madeleine Albright?

Attached: Eat A Bag.jpg (600x727, 42K)

It's just a cute, fun show.

Is there actually porn for those characters?

You know, something tells me that Yea Forums really doesn’t like this show.

Together? No

Why is she a furry?

>it’s cute and fun and comfy
Not adjectives to describe actual quality, and from your lack of actual descriptives it shows you have no actual way to defend this visually repugnant mistake.
Get fucked, the show is run by a unabashed misandrist dyke and has tainted a franchise for her agenda

>A blonde guy with long hair
Guess how I can tell you haven't watched the original She-Ra? Because you just described "her". New She-Ra is a blonde boy with long hair.

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Gee Billy, what gives you that idea?

Why a parrot?

Don't you have another 6 hours of spamming Rotten Tomatoes with your pleddit soapbox to get to instead, user?
Here have an upboat!

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The original actually looks like a female, unlike the reboot design

It's only one super autist, unfortunately.

>projecting his reddit gold status
Not very subtle desu

Imagine hating a show so much you make constant threads about it

>”I-it’s only one guy, I-swear”
Pathetic, too much of a coward to even face up that the majority dislikes your show

Yes but not together with each other that I've been able to find yet.

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>unabashed misandrist
>Noelle Stevenson
Are your sentences just a garbled mixture of words you heard on Fox?

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Quick user, a Z-List American celebrity tweeted something!
To the plebbit-mobile!

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She literally is though, thats an indisputable fact and besides being an all around disgusting human being, her art is just as ugly and misshapen as her soul and it translates pretty well here. That’s why the characters look so horrible on purpose.

How about separate?


Nah Catra doesn't rate more than 1-2, it's safe.

Attached: Furrychart.jpg (680x529, 68K)

Why are her eyes like that?

Like Yea Forums would let you forget

Because no one involved with the show has a shred of talent above a 6th grade level

What are your guys thoughts on this?

That's partially the art style. Her actual amount of furriness is up to some interpretation.

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A bunch of shitposters who didn't watch it so they just shitpost about what they think it was about.

Which character have the most porn?

why would you mix a great show with a shit show

I'm pretty sure she has heterochromia iridum.

Go check yourself on rule34.not much anyway

>”if you don’t have my positive opinion then you didn’t watch the show”
Invalid argument, try again

So basically like the Ghostbuster remake?

I didn’t think anything was sadder then trying to defend dyke-ra, but trying to justify the 2016 ghostbusters has set a new low for this already shit board.

So she hates men because she's a lesbian or because she's not sleeping with you?

Because when she put together her staff she announced intolerance, naming a couple examples, included misandry, would not be tolerated. Do you have a legitimate argument or do you just hate homosexuals being involved in media?

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>implying everyone who hates it hasn't tried to watch it
the show is offensively boring

I like the design but the show doesn't interest me.

She is a man hater, her rant over SU focusing on a man is proof enough. Plus her purposeful desxualizing of characters is itself nefarious and apart of her prudish sensibilities.

This thread has taken an interesting direction. On topic, is there even a season 3 planned for this or will it just fade into obscurity?

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In my defense I have no knowledge of that, having intentionally avoided everything Steven Universe.

I have futa-ra, catra, entrapta, some catra raping adora to NTR glimmer.

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If you're complaining about it that means you care. No reasonable person seeks out the things they neither love nor hate and spends time trying to prevent others from enjoying them without some kind of agenda.

Maybe his agenda is that the show is bad and he doesn't want others to waste time on it.

Or he's afraid of people liking it.

The only “people” who like this shit show only do for superficial reasons, it isn’t popular or good and if they are going to be obnoxious about pushing this cancer then they would be foolish to not expect some push back.

>he's actually watched the show
Hahaha no. Some YouTube Thot with rainbow hair told him to be offended on behalf of the White Race and also if he paid for her to slut it up by funding her Patreon maybe she'd share a vid of her titties some day.

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I just enjoy watching the show.
All the crap about tumblr and feminists and whatever doesn't factor into that whatsoever.
I don't load my brain with all that baggage when I want to watch cartoons.

Or maybe, just maybe, people actually gave it a chance and still found it terrible. Shocking I know.

>I just enjoy watching pastel colored shit being smeared across my eyes as gross man faced dykes prance about

Who made this thread in the first place? Not a fan, clearly. And the transparency of replying to each poster who says something positive with an "actually it sucks lol" is the lowest possible quality of posting. I've yet to see fans behave anywhere near as badly as the haters.

>if you don't like something it means you have an agenda

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Nice fanfic, real funny shit.

Don't you get tired of constant intellectual dishonesty?

user we're not all fucking retarded. Just let it go.

If you mean reality then yes, it’s true that people have seen it and still think it was bad. Much more believable then your retarded fantasy where this show is magically perfect that it converts everyone who watches it into a super fan and it’s scientifically impossible to have seen it without disliking it.

Okay, so you really do think that.

Because the “fans” have been obnoxiously posting bait threads for months after this came out. Thankfully that’s slowed down a bit but it still happens. Besides rampant shillposting the show is still bad, so no shit people are going to voice their dislike of it.

>user we're not all fucking retarded
It sure sounds like you are.

even if this show didn't have all the pro lgbt bullshit it would still be boring
the characters feel flat, the world building is shit, how can you even defend this generic uninspired show

>how can you even defend this generic uninspired show
If you work on the show, are told to because it strikes back against the patriarchy, are paid too, or a combination of the previous three options

>show hasn't been made yet
>constant spammed threads
>"argarlbargle jewz man-hating dyke niggers faggots whitegenocide arghh"
>every anti-thread
>"dykedykedykes misandry rargh"
>"maybe it has nothing to do with politics maybe this is just a huge fucking coincidence from a neutral observer and huge fucking fan of the original 1980s toy commercials for little girls"
Nope fuckstick. Twitter is a good place to get retards to swallow your obvious total bullshit though, or your home base.

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She-Ra and Hilda are both kino in different ways.

It was already confirmed to be horrible from the previews and hints given before the release, now the show came out and proven all the suspicions, you’re delusional to defend this tumblr dumpster show.

It's not that it's good it's that you have to be severely brain damaged not to notice the burger politics threads are just bitching about off-topic burger politics not about how much a show comic or movie sucks. I mean you either need to be actually retarded or lie constantly to yourself. Plenty of this shit sucks hard and normal people just don't make constant threads about shit that sucks starting before they've even seen it with a bunch of fucking buzzwords.

>fucking buzzwords
>burger politics
bit of a hypocrite aren't ya

If this was something obscure and had no influence or ties to a larger franchise then (mostly) no one would care. Besides being a tainting of MOTU, the purity culture agenda behind the show amongst a whole other slew of issues represents a larger problem with cartoons as a whole, so like TCR and that spice garden show crunchy roll is making, a lot of the hate is more of a backlash against the trends represented in the show and trying to speak out against them before they completely overtake the entire animation industry.

I know you probably don't understand this but some of us don't like being preached at by you newfag shits all goddamn day on our hobby boards and aren't dumb enough to buy you're not just posting to the wrong boards instead of /pol/. It's not just this one shitty dumb kids' cartoon it's every fucking other thread. It's not about quality. If you want to discuss politics post to /pol/. It exists for a reason. Don't pretend in the flimsiest fucking way you're talking about other shit instead. It's condescending as fuck and insults our intelligence.

Rich coming from a tumblr tourist who couldn’t have been here since before November
>muh /pol/
Not an argument. And when the show itself is pushing politics then no shit it’s going to be discussed.
>it’s a kids cartoon excuse
Thank you for showing that you indeed have no respect for the medium

says the user calling everyone /pol/
>it's a kids show
yes because kids don't deserve well written shows

>a backlash against the trends represented
Then go make some /pol/ threads on /pol/ about political trends in media you dumb fuck.

Attached: 48a.gif (404x362, 59K)

Fuck off you fucking moron. I just want to enjoy an occasional thread about a pastel drama cartoon, can't you put your autistic shitposting to use somewhere else? I get enough politics already, I don't need a delusional fuck thinking he's protecting the purity of media typing 100 words a minute making sure nobody can casually converse about a bunch of fantasy lesbians.

>durr if you don’t follow my groupthink you are /pol/
Not an argument

>not allowed to talk about political messages being pushed in cartoons on a cartoon board

>waghhh why won’t you let me have my safe space
This show is utter shit and I as well as everyone else will keep reminding you of that. You will never have an unobstructed space here to shill your shipping cancer dreck, I’m glad people like you can be gatekept out of here.

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>tfw you actually did completely forget about this show after the threads stopped and just remembered it now
I didn't even dislike the show, hot damn was it really that forgettable?

>reddit made /pol/ full retard
the fuck kind of gaslighting is this

Fuck off. If you're not here for cartoons you're a fucking cancerous shit who won't take a hint that he's not wanted. Gatekeeping? As if. You're delusional. Eventually you'll grow a second brain cells and leave and I'll be able to talk about cartoons in peace again.

you're seriously trying to say reddit and /pol/ are the same?
pretty sure you can't even say nigger on reddit

You will never convince anyone that you’ve been here more then 3 months, tumblrite
No no, YOU are not wanted. Shilling and applauding pastel colored shit paste who’s very exsistence degrades cartoons is not wanted in a place that should be for celebrating cartoons, not siding with their wholesale destruction into propaganda slop made for bitter dykes who want to make the media and it’s characters as unattractive as they are out of spite for being rejected.

How's it feel to be a proud old man, grandpa?

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>How's it feel to be a proud old man, grandpa?
That isn’t even a comeback, it makes no sense. Equally as awful is that terrible fan art you posted, fitting a show as bad as this only gets terrible artists to make fan art for it.

Imagine caring for what media people enjoy

Fuck off to a board that cares, your gender politics bullshit is the aberration that I am forced to tolerate in this current year. No matter what I will always be right because this is the fucking cartoon board and not the social media outrage drama board you clearly want it to be.

how bout I come shit in your fridge.

Take it to Twitter where you can have a huge impact on somebody's great-grandma's day.

Also I'm not gonna take you seriously unless you show me that you've watched the show. Because right now you sound like you just wanna shit on it because it's the cool thing to do, gramps.

This is why cartoons aren't taken seriously.

Why don’t you take your discussion of dyke ra to tumblr where it actually belongs? You won’t?, then I’ll still be here calling you a faggot until you do.

Attached: 1546501281534.jpg (1168x601, 77K)

the large amount of obvious shilling for this shit turned a lot of people off
seriously people can tell if somethings being shilled or not and it leaves a bad taste in their mouth

I’ve already gave reasons for why it sucks, just because you want to throw a tantrum and refuse to believe they have merit because it goes against your narrative is on you
They aren’t taking seriously because shows like dyke ra make up the new standard

do you find beanbag chairs sexually attractive?

This isn't The Dragon Prince, what are you talking about?

dragon prince had like 2 threads in total, it's been using the same thread currently for 2 days in a row
this shit had 5 new ones every day that never even hit bump limit

Or maybe I just don't take cartoons as seriously as you do?

then why are you even here

We could get into the theory of what constitutes potential shilling, but from content alone I'd say TDP was being lightly advertised while She Ra had people who were trying to escape autists shitting up discussion threads

to shitpost

have you even been in any of these threads?
hell we have people bringing up politics in TDP threads also but people still don;t make a dozen threads a day just to make a safe space
nice to know everything you've said in this thread can be ignored

Is OP for real?

Attached: filename.png (953x801, 609K)

but how could you distinguish me from all the other anons? are ya gonna ignore every reply you get now?

what even is this?

overlooked show

Volume matters man. If 50% of a thread for a new show is trash people will make a new one to escape, that's just how it is

Is it that difficult to figure out?

I can ignore the posts you've already made

You mustn’t have been here for when she ra first premiered. It’s clear shilling, the threads wouldn’t stop and when no one replied the OP would bump the threads.

ya I remember posting in those threads
all criticism was deflected by anons saying "muh /pol/"

You're lying out your ass, OP. You probably make/watch videos seething about She-Ra everyday.

Attached: adora and catra 001.png (1103x1409, 1.07M)

She ra is as unpopular as it is terrible, deal with it

That just means they wanted to rescue their thread. Shilling is when someone makes a thread a week before a premiere with something like "Hey guys, such and such is premiering in a week, get hype!", not saving a waifu fanart thread from death because they want more fap material

>ITT: Tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy nuts trying to justify their hate for a show by yelling "SHILLS!"

Yeah, I'll cry into the mountains of fan art every unpopular show gets, right?

Attached: adora and catra 002.jpg (1200x1500, 345K)

No, it was clear shilling. That’s why in part these threads have become such a den for shitposting, the people pushing them clearly aren’t regular here and are only here to push the show. Also what said

The show barely has any posts on paheal, that in and of itself is a testament to its failure and unpopularity. Besides, no one wants to see some ugly cross dressing dykes anyways.

It was pretty clear you were a shitposting troll already. But, you know, thanks for making it crystal clear.

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>It was pretty clear you were a shitposting troll already. But, you know, thanks for making it crystal clear.
Nice deflection, but my point still stands. She ra is an unpopular mess and it’s large abscence on paheal is proof.

>animated waifus are off-topic to Yea Forums's animation boards
>REEEEEEEing about politics from /r/t_d 2019 American politics is not only totally on-topic but the only purpose of Yea Forums's non-/pol/ boards!

Hey I know let's talk about the Beretta 92 FS 9mm semi-auto, Bitcoin, and cooking I mean why even pretend to divide boards by subject anyway? So when were you guys last abducted by the Greys?

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>political propaganda pushed in cartoons
well aren't you a intellectually dishonest user

You're delusional. 100% of the shitposting is from outrage farming gender politics retards, what you see as pushing was people trying to talk about the show while it was still relevant for the week or so after it came out. Real shilling is boring stuff, just trying to get the word out, nobody cares enough to argue with political fuck heads unless they actually like the show

So do we have any indication on when season 2 is hitting? Also, are they doing much with toys, I haven't checked.

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>it wasn't shilling guys, real shilling is totally boring. Not like our super awesome discussion on She-Ra on netflix

>making 12 threads a day about politics is just good-natured objective discussion of funny cartoons and waifus
>it's not like there's a whole board for discussing politics in the media or anything! ahahaha
>I actually read the comics and really watch the cartoon picture shows fellow cartoons fans!

hasbro said they weren't making toys
they know this show is shit and no one wants toys of it


S2 drops this April 26th

>So do we have any indication on when season 2 is hitting?
64 days from now.

How is that intellectually dishonest? All media is propeganda, we just theorycraft and masturbate to it here. Debate values elsewhere, you dingus.

>All media is propeganda
I don;t think you know what propaganda is, maybe that's why you can't spell it

The characters have to be cute and female to be considered waifus, this show is against sexually attractive females and is actively trying to destroy 2D waifus because of feminist prudishness.
It was clear shilling, you’re an in denial retry for denying an objective fact that’s obvious to anyone but a blithering simpleton like yourself.

I fucking wish I got paid to deal with retards like you, but sadly this is how I choose to spend my free time online

he does it for free

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>shills dyke ra for feee
FFS at least pick an actually decent thing to waste your time white knighting

>you’re an in denial retry for denying an objective fact that’s obvious to anyone but a blithering simpleton like yourself.
Look I'm not that guy but this is fucking retarded. You won't convince anyone not also here to REEEE about politics that you're not just looking for excuses to REEEE about politics and people who come here to talk about comics & cartoons will never be convinced /pol/ REEEing in on-topic. So let's just knock it the fuck off already.

So what, we should just ignore the problems with the show just because they happen to be intertwined with political discussion because you’re autistic about board specifics?

>muh /pol/
why is this the only way people can defend this shit show


Oh well, April ain't that far away.

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>why is this the only way people can defend this shit show
Because they have no actual reasons or positives to defend it with, so they resort to deflection and strawmans

More like if you're an obvious shitposter and shitposting about things that didn't actually happen then you're a shitposter.

people have brought up many reasons before but i'll just repeat myself again
the characters are all very bland and shallow, the world building has been shit so far and don't even get me started on the generic as fuck writing
they do so many things by the book that it becomes an uninspired piece of shit

Don't be daft. It's not "the" show. It's every show. I watched this reboot. It was mediocre as fuck and generic but had nothing political beyond bad steampunk people fight sparkly good monarchy shit. About 80% of the /pol/ screeching is standard generic adventure shit they're hallucinating muh current year culture wars outrage shilling for money onto. If it only came up sometimes with shows that actually dealt with politics instead of generic capeshit or friendship adventure shows and was actual discussing instead of "tumblr dyke cuck tranny libtard niggers" people wouldn't be so irritated and might actually just talk about it.

>More like if you're an obvious shitposter and shitposting about things that didn't actually happen then you're a shitposter.
Wow, an entire paragraph and still no argument, try again

>It was mediocre as fuck
And yet here you are defending it, if you really didn’t care you wouldn’t spend your last breath trying to justify the show, not very subtle eh shill fag?

yes continue to blame /pol/ for all the shit this terrible show gets, that will show everyone that this show isn't
I have yet to see a single user try to defend the shows writing or anything still, it's the same muh /pol/ deflection

Strange how the IPs in this thread aren't increasing.

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I don't know who the fuck you think I am but I'm not defending shit. I'm just fucking sick of seeing retarded newfags soapboxing politics in every single thread for everything good, bad, terrible and just want you to post to the right fucking board that was made for this purpose instead. I didn't start coming here to be lectured about your moralfag values bullshit when Yea Forums first went up and don't now. And that's fucking it.

>189 posts
>36 posters
Amazing how mods leave shit-ra threads up constantly yet delete on sight threads about shows that people here actually like and have no shitposting discussion about. Great fucking job jannies.

Attached: CE5327AE-92B7-4010-A24C-C80E3C112DD4.gif (480x348, 1.75M)

>36 ips
wow this show really wasn't that popular

The writing is great in the latter half if the season, with major characters who have arcs and develop, as well as some promising hints of lore and more complex conflicts down the road. It's not perfect, the episodic conflicts tend to be pretty bland, but it's nothing worth complaining about. The artstyle's nice too, though obviously that falls pretty hard into subjective territory.

Of course, there's no way to break these things down objectively through a simple post, so all it takes is for one moron to say 'nuh-uh' and we're back after square one, but people with more than one brain cells who actually watch the show will ultimately see who's right.

Oh look, I was beaten to the punch already.

>I’m not defending it but I’m saying you should shut the fuck up about this perfect progressive show
Shut the fuck up shill

The art style is the worst part, trying to voice that as a positive is laughable. And the plot wasn’t deep or compelling. It’s simple hints of shipping that means jack shit when the characters aren’t good on their own.

Pulling total bullshit no one ever said out of your ass. I'm done. The thread is off-topic and mods should scrap it.

What are you implying, user?

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>Pulling total bullshit no one ever said out of your ass.
Yet all you’re threads demanding peoppe stop hating the show on grounds you don’t like prove you otherwise, your shilling is transparent as a glass paned window

The fact that you categorize it as shipping shows how poorly you understand it. It's not even a romantic relationship, it's about losing a family member and a best friend.

And fuck off, the artstyle's fine. Better than that totally flat paper doll style that's become popular nowadays.

you can;t even tell the gender of most of the characters, they look like potatoes or some shit

It very clearly is trying to set up catra/adora, and eat shit the art style is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. It makes all the females in the show look like men because any gender defining traits have been removed for being too sexy for the uptight feminists, and the frog eyed stare of these ugly abominations make them look like some middle schoolers horrible anime drawing.

Inability to discern between different facial features or cues is a sign of autism.

>Inability to discern between different facial features or cues is a sign of autism.
So the artists behind the show have autism? Thanks for confirming that user

>facial features
I said bodies not the face
but hey if ovals and egg shaped people turn you on then more power to ya

The majority of the characters are teenagers you moron, of course they don't look like fucking adult women like the original show

Even then most of them have feminine features, just less exaggerated. I don't give a shit anyway since I'm not invested in trying to jack off to them all. Voice actors and writing are more important.

Stay mad, gaylord.

they don't even look like women at all

They don’t look female at all, even as teenagers they should be more developed. The clear anti-sex agenda behind this is enough of a reason the tear apart the show.

If you're blind, maybe. Their musculature and overall silhouette is feminine, blame hentai and never leaving your room for not being able to discern a woman without having a waist half the size of her hips and an 80s porn star face


Nah, they don’t look feminine at all, they look like androgynous aberrations playing dress up

Learn to code, OP.

>if you don't like antro beanbag chairs then you have an unrealistic standard of beauty
most women look like women not some kind of genderless blob

girls that look like traps are my fetish

Attached: she-ra.jpg (512x512, 75K)

>Chubby girl
>No fat tits

What the fuck were they thinking?!

Here's your reply.

One for you too.

Fuck, I remember those Haruhi threads on SA.....I feel old now.

Noelle hates the idea of looking appealing to men, so in a sense made all her characters into men by removing any breasts and curves that could be deemed appealing to the “male gaze”.

But she put a catgirl in stirrup leggings, so I'm getting mixed messages here

>Black Clover cucks BTFO

But it's not even about the 'male gaze' but just plan old observation. Chubby girls usually have large breasts, it would be like drawing a fat, heavy set guy, but not drawing a gut. It just looks weird!?

>girls that look like traps are my fetish
Has this been a meme this whole time because I seriously don't see it. Nothing about her features is masculine. I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills

>Chubby girls usually have large breasts

I thought Glimmer was only like 13, it'd be weirder for her to have huge breasts.

There was a set of promo images that made her jaw look kinda masculine, in the show it's not really an issue but the meme has stuck

Not really, I remember girls at 13 having breasts in seventh grade

There's no need to make the show's characters sexy and appealing to men since the target audience and most of the characters are kids.

If you don't give a shit about the show and just want waifus and porn, there's always LoK.

Purposefully making them look androgynous to sats some prudish mandate is itself wrong. This attack on sexuality by feminist prudes needs to end.
>it’s for kids
Fuck off, not an excuse and it never will be.

She has some masculine features.

E.g. sharp wide jaw line, big ears, sharp nose, hair that almost looks like a wig.

With her body it's the broad shoulders, puffed-out chest with no cleavage, the hint of muscles in the upper arms.

>you either make the characters genderless or sexy
what there's no room for a middle ground?
feminists hate the female form

This show appeals to many fetishes, I don't know what you're on about

Attached: DvyNj55VsAAMbYr.jpg (1080x1096, 134K)

Except plenty of other shows made for children have no trouble showing teen characters with breasts. Not to make them 'sexy' but just cause its, well what happens in the real world. The fact people always bring up the breast issue in She-Ra shows how abnormal it is they don't have them.

Your furfaggotry doesnt count

But they do though? They're not huge but they're there. The only people who bring it up just want a flimsy excuse to bring up gender politics.

>Not to make them 'sexy'
You say this, but it's funny how the majority of people complaining about the lack of breasts in this or any cartoon are almost always male.

Attached: 1421161136609.png (312x247, 16K)

She failed then, because I had a very erotic dream about Glimmer; all greased up and fingering her in the closet with my hand over her mouth so her mother wouldn't hear us.

>Ignores the biggest critic of She-Ra and the breast issue is a female YouTuber

Point is, claiming a cartoon is somehow suppressing sex by not being curvy enough is retarded. There's porn of tons of characters regardless of how female they look, only a person with no knowledge of cartoons would think people need exaggerated female forms to be attracted to a female character.

You are a God amongst insects, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Attached: IMG_20181023_201342.jpg (305x373, 21K)

I think a lot of the arguments are aimed at She-Ra herself, cause Adora does have them.

Sorry, I don't tend to follow the work of attention whoring videobloggers.

That aside however, how does that (if true) contradict what is still the "majority"?


Who cares

So since it was just a shared living situation with the whole squad, how did everyone react when Catra would eat Adora out at night? Would they sleep through it, or just pretend to while masturbating? I hope they explain that eventually.

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It’s designs are intentionally androgynous and unappealing, Noelle is messed up in the head so she needs to have the characters look as unappealing as her lumber dyke fashion make her to men, because she hates them too much to ever consider looking attractive or any woman looking attractive to them.
No she doesn’t, besides her outfit is very masculine as well as that receding hairline and man chin “”””she”””” has.

Fair enough, I'll concede that But I ask you9 how can you prove that the majority of the complaints are from men?

Oh I know. I would make that insecure lil' princess my oiled up slampig any day of the week.

>No she doesn’t
Looks like tits to me. But your right about the hair! *blurgh

Attached: she-ra-netflix-catra-adora.jpg (670x377, 32K)

You're just repeating yourself man, you aren't actually convincing anyone of anything. Clearly folks don't have the same hangups as you about what is feminine enough for their tastes.

Looks like padding or the shirt, not noticeable at all and as she ra disappear completely

>Make way for Homo-superior!

>Not giving tween girls huge tits is prudish.
Fuck off, pedo.
There's fat, skinny, tall, short, athletic, and muscular women in the show with different breast sizes. If the show was directed by men, 16 year old Adora probably would look like a stripper with huge tits and an hour glass figure. A grown woman doesn't fit the coming of age story anyway.

Oh hi again.
Still autistically hating this show, I see.

Attached: 1383486186679.jpg (500x431, 34K)

Just because you’re too thick headed to realize how shit your taste is for liking man faced dykes with men’s bodies, doesn’t stop me from being right

>female YouTuber

Anti-SJW YouTube thots and basement dwelling social parasites should unironically learn to code and get a real fucking job just like clickbait "journalists" should.

>It’s designs are intentionally androgynous and unappealing
>aside the ponytailed blonde main character who has breasts
>and Mermista, Entrapta, Angella, Shadoweaver, Catra and the a lot of the background characters
>I'm disappointed my underaged characters didn't have larger tits

Attached: Police.png (1280x720, 1.16M)

Then the best answer is loads of lewd fanart to teach her the futility of her little crusade.

Attached: He-Ra and the Prominent Maso-Boner.jpg (1000x1000, 379K)

>muh pedo
Kill yourself tumblrite, dyke ra looks like a man just like every other character

The art style and direction is so poor that it could be both

Because it's something I see here (a site mostly frequented by men) and rarely anywhere else. And perhaps most notably not on tumblr (a site more often frequented by women).

They don’t have tits

And thanks for proving my point about being the show being run by prudefags by being one, tumblrina

But user... isn't it MORE pedophillic if I want to rip off Adora's shirt and start lickin' her nips if she's flat?

Most of the complaints I’ve seen are from women saying that it’s erasing the feminine design, but that doesn’t fit with your narrative so you’ll convenientlet ignore this.

well.. it is made by tumblrinas

Actually it does. You're literally complaining about people being attracted to unrealistic cartoon characters on Yea Forums, that's like the single most retarded thing you could do on this website

>Most of the complaints I’ve seen
You mean from that one youtuber you mentioned? Yeah, I completely and intentionally must be ignoring that one.

>waghhhh muh unrealistic standards
Found the tumblrite

And the most retarded thing is to try and tear down anyone prettier then you in the media because of your seething jealously that no one wants to fuck a fat cow like you, and newsflash they still won’t even if you manage to make every character as unattractive as dyke ra is.

This is what I've noticed, and it's usually from 'normie' women who watched the original too.

I’ve seen it from people online, but again that doesn’t fit with your narrative so you’ll ignore it. Won’t make it any less of a failure though, stay mad that no one likes dyke ra shillfag.

Psst, that was me!

>Catra will never molest your hair

Attached: Catra Entrapta hair claws.jpg (960x1080, 417K)

Ah yes, saying people should jack it to what they like is Tumblr and constantly pushing political discourse about body standards is Yea Forums. You're definitely fitting in here.

I would prefer hetero-superior.

I like the catgirl and the tentacle girl

Attached: practice makes it perfect.webm (1920x1080, 1.2M)

That's most Netflix shows.

Sorry it's not a harem anime and mid teens are stuck with tits up to the size of small melons.

Attached: Breasts Entrapta.jpg (1200x675, 92K)

>I’ve seen it from people online
And as someone who, as I've implied, actually follows posts about shows I like on various websites, I can firmly say you're full of shit. But also...

>stay mad that no one likes dyke ra shillfag.
You're full of shit because of this. Honestly, you would think you would try to hide the fact that you're the same shitposter who's been spouting nonsense the entire thread. But there you are, using two of your biggest giveaways in one sentence.

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They don’t have any, glimmer should have some boobs because of her body type but still doesn’t. It make no sense and visually looks wrong even taking away the sexual aspect from it.

How much of this thread is just OP pretending everyone hates the show while 40 others are like "I enjoyed it"?

Attached: 1542523119022.png (1099x930, 1.49M)

You're rather fixated on breasts, aren't you?

I’ve seen people complaining about it, but unless I give a list of names who were on other sites you won’t care because again, you just want to believe in your stupid retard fantasy were this show is beloved by the majority instead of hated by the majority like it truely is. Get fucked.

Imagine being in seething denial that you’re in a minority who liked a cartoon most others dislike that you create your own insane mental state to try and justify its unpopularity. Amusing really.

>instead of hated by the majority like it truely is
Stay intensely mad.

Attached: 1545165362649.jpg (1000x1000, 109K)

>Adora's expression

What does Glimmer's hair smell like

well what the fuck is there to talk about? nothing has happened and the show is boring as shit.


>paid off award that no one cares about
Yeah, my point still standa

>dyke ra looks like a man just like every other character
And? The show isn't made for you. Anyone that likes it is fine with the character designs.

>I'd say neck yourself to remove your autism from the gene pool, but if you're crying about the lack of waifus in a cartoon, you're a genetic dead end anyway.

>Who gives a shit about She-Ra?
>UPDATE: No one gives a shit about She-Ra.

Attached: update.jpg (480x480, 12K)

>Imagine being in seething denial
I'm not OP, so I can't.

Will season 2 bring us more excuses for Catra in a suit or similar attire?

Attached: Catra 001.png (797x1199, 767K)

Not all fat women have fat tiddies. One of god's cruelest jokes is to not put it there. Also, some women just end up disgustingly pear shaped like she is.

>it’s isnt made for you
Get fucked, it shat all over the original which I did like, being made for the type of overweight buzzcut dykes makes it terrible regardless.
But OPs right, no one cares about the show mostly, it’s a bonafide failure that Netflix wasted money on ordering.

She's in command now. I expect some changes to the dress code.

I doubt it. Hopefully it will be replaced with other perks like hair down Adora, or more instances of them in various states of undress except Glimmer.

Glimmer is going to be naked the entire time.

No one will mention or draw attention to it.

>a lesbian is worried that men want find her attractive

>actually believing strait women are desperate for your manchild cock, they are sabotaging cartoon characters to get rid of the competition


Attached: 1542523498035.png (960x1616, 2.18M)

Just because you liked the original doesn't mean this was made for you. You are not entitled to being pandered to by any creator past, present, or future

No, it's just that the moment a thread like this appears, /pol/ and their Yea Forumsunterpart jump on it. It's a good enough show, you just can't talk about it.

As this thread evidenced.

That actually sounds kinda great.

>The absolute state of modern cartoons
Kek. Just nuke the whole industry and restart

its fucking boring.
nothing fucking happens.

Speaking of the original, how many people bothered to check it out? It's... just as bad as I remember. And I can rarely find that little multicolored shit that hides in the background.

What is this image meant to imply?

Hating on SU makes her based as fuck. Not every show needs a fat self-insert MC for basement dwellers like you.

Neither are you entitled to sabotage and destroy everything to be catered to your retarded SJW mentality, you insane dyke

Just posting cute nerds

Attached: 1542572181530.jpg (1000x1007, 214K)

Hi Noelle, still cosplaying as a lesbian because chadly won’t fuck your butterface?

You should have just said the whole western entertainment industry

>And I can rarely find that little multicolored shit that hides in the background.
I caught him a couple times on accident.

Everyone needs to watch 'Flowers For Hordak' even if they haven't watched either She-Ra's. Shit is hilarious and magical.

Attached: Hordak Flowers.jpg (1222x839, 102K)

>that mocap animation
>"instant win"-button She-Ra
>mustache twirling villains under the command of a robot dude that turns into dildos
It really is.

I know I watched it as a kid in the 80's and then watched it again for its campiness when it and other Mattell shows went into syndication on qubo a few years ago, but yeah, now that there's something to compare it with, it really is bad.
Serviceably entertaining, but bad.

Attached: Dwgtl21WwAAlHhT.jpg (750x422, 31K)

Plenty of people enjoyed the overweight dyke show, that its getting another season. Stay mad.

Sabotage would imply affecting the original, which this does not. As a Star Trek fan, I know a thing or two about new versions of a thing I love not meeting my expectations for a franchise, you just gotta take it in stride and appreciate what you already have instead of always expecting more, its not healthy.

Noelle posted and immediately deleted a tweet recently that basically said the last season will be released like 3 years from now. So it seems likely that April 26 will be only one half of season 2 and they will stretch releasing the seasons for as long as possible. Unless Netflix secretly ordered even more episodes or something.

It’s going to bleed Netflix dry because it’s unprofitable when they keep charging for more shit like dyke ra that no one watches
But now there’s nothing aimed at me, I was actually excited for this reboot. Everything is catering exclusively for this small demo of crazy gender studies freaks, I fucking hate it and I’ve become less tolerant and resentful of dykes as a result. They have no one to blame for the pushback to them but themselves.

>under the command of a robot dude that turns into dildos
That's not true.

He can also turn himself into a vacuum cleaner and a howitzer.

Attached: Hordak Vibrator.jpg (1227x842, 101K)

I have heard that one is good. I should look into a recommended episode list, and just watch those. A lot of shows have too many rough episodes to get to the good stuff if you just watch straight through. I know a few people who wouldn't believe me at first that old cartoons had episodes as good as D&D's "Dragon's Graveyard" or the G.I.Joe two parter "There's no place like Springfield".

Attached: dungeons-dragons_L45.jpg (627x480, 78K)

This. Remember when everybody was losing their shit over the Powerpuff Girls reboot? 2 years later, and now nobody cares besides the random Cucking Jeff mention. In the past couple of months I recall seeing more threads involving the powerpuffs in fancomics than in their own show.

TV is fragmenting. Rather than appealing to the entire audience, shows target specific demographics. Means more choice, and more that appeals to you specifically. That also means there are shows that do not appeal to you at all. How is any of that bad?

I wish I knew the right thing to say, man. Life isn't perfect, things don't always go exactly the way you want them to. You just gotta find what makes you happy instead of dwelling on what makes you angry if you want things to get better.

As a transformers fan, yes. I have gone through dozens of iterations, reinterpretations, some of which were fantastic, like Beast Wars, some of which were horrible (Armada), and some who just left me cold (Robots in Disguise 2015). Good shows stay good, no matter what comes after it.

"Magicats" is another episode that was influential for the reboot, namely the episode "Promise", because it's the one where She-Ra and Catra end up trapped in a cave together. It's also possible that Catra will be somehow related to magicats in the reboot.

Imagine if serious boss-man Hordak from the reboot pulled this shit in the middle of a big fight.

Nothing ever goes my way, the few things I had as outlets have now been co optied by obese man haters and carpet munching faggots. Life is hell, and I’ll be content the day all these dykes kill them selves out of loneliness or die of a heart attack.

I don't know what precisely you like, but have you tried the new Young Justice season? I didn't really care for it, but it might be up your alley.

There's also Lastman which I've heard great things about:

>Horde crew in total awe, bowing before their master
>Rebels tripping over themselves in terror, never have they seen such horror

>Hordak spinning his drill in the air while laughing maniacally
Such power...

Because unlike anime they don't market it properly. Imagine starting Voltron expecting a show for boys and mecha only to get fucking gay shit. At least yaoi or Yuri get labelled as such in anime. Plus more cartoons now are made for girls or sjws. Face it it used to be better before with shows like Ben 10, Kim possible and such

Holy shit you really do not know what the fuck you're talking about.

Yeah, she's so obese and lonely. Sounds like someone's projecting.

Attached: noelle and molly.jpg (1320x2048, 265K)

She’s a repugnant dyke who deserves to have her teeth kicked out. Her doodles are just as ugly as she is


I'll have to check these episodes out. I honestly find most 80s toons too boring/terrible to watch through completely, but I'm probably not giving them a fair shake on retrospect.

>Plus more cartoons now are made for girls or sjws.
But "girl" shows have proven popular with males, and shows like Transformers (which started with no female characters at all) gained a strong female fanbase despite clearly targeting boys. If you had any example, it would be something like Jem where they threw in random peril to keep boys attention. But would you freak out if a show like Jem that heavily pushes acceptance and anti-bullying messages every episode was made today?

I think we'd see a lot more real criticism of shows like She-Ra if there was less noise and buzzwords. I liked the show but it had ONE real fight at the end, the rest of the action needs to be amped up. But people don't mention that because most of the "opinions" are things anons saw in some youtube video about how "She-Ra is a trap, and SJW want to kill all males!"

Attached: jYiyRxgp0Xnxq.jpg (900x1042, 165K)

>She-Ra is confused, unsure of how a big drill will stop her
>she shrugs in a 'here goes nothing' way and raises her sword to strike
>We see the downward swing, and..
>Smash cut to the Horde dungeons
>Adora wakes up in chains, completely beaten, with no memory of the fight and drill marks on her shirt

>Because unlike anime they don't market it properly. Imagine starting Voltron expecting a show for boys and mecha only to get fucking gay shit. At least yaoi or Yuri get labelled as such in anime.

Nope. Sailor Moon has a lesbian pair. Cardcaptor Sakura has her loveinterest be more intereted in her brother, while Sakura's best friend has a crush on her. Neither is marketed as yuri or yaoi. Because, like Voltron, it's not the main point of the story.

>Plus more cartoons now are made for girls or sjws. Face it it used to be better before with shows like Ben 10, Kim possible and such
Unless you're a girl. Or non-white. I love shows like Black Lightning, or Mile Morales, because as as someone of mixed heritage, these settings are infinitely more recognizable to me than the story of some genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist. That's not to say I don't enjoy the escapist nature of an Iron Man story, but that's not all I want. Variety is the spice of life. I like Rick and Morty, but I wouldn't want to have just Rick and Morty shows 24/7. I want some Spongebob as well, or Transformers, or Ever After High.

>Hordak cackling from the shadows
>Waddles into the light, still in drill form

Stability patch when?

That's what kills me. There's plenty of criticism you can make with the show (I personally felt they underutilized the dynamic between Shadow-Weaver and Catra/Adora, plus most of the nonvillain supporting characters are one-dimensional at best), but the well was poisoned before a trailer even came out.

Sailor moon's lesbian pair are side characters, Sakura had a male love interest. Show me one anime with a lesbian or gay MC that's not labelled as a yaoi or Yuri. While shiro was the MC

Also I never said anything about POCs. I'm indian but I like black lightning too but fuck Miles. Even you can't disagree with the fact that modern cartoons now pales in comparison to before 2010 and one of the reason is that pandering too sjws and gender studies fags. Shipping fags are cancerous too. You don't remember the shitstorm with Voltron when they killed a gay dude.
Not really some girl shows are popular with males. Most are not. Shows like totally spies I can clearly see the male fanbase. But most aren't. Same goes for vice versa. Transformers still had a huge male fanbase. Also are you trying to say she-ra has a sizable male fanbase?

Catra was so fucking annoying in the original but 'Magicats' made her worth watching.

I doubt if they revealed that headpiece on the new Catra had anything to do with the Magicats soon, but they could use it as an excuse to boost her powerlevel so she can transform to fight SheRa like the original.

Attached: Catra 5.jpg (1115x841, 85K)

I do hope they expand on the Shadow Weaver stuff, it's an interesting dynamic. I think everyone will eventually get an episode expanding on them, since they need it.

I think that's just how things are now, and I most blame youtube. Youtubers need clicks, and there isn't much news about a show before it comes out. So you have to have an opinion before the show airs, or you're missing out on pre-show clicks! The video needs to be 10 minutes long, so you gotta be passionately for or against! Which opinion suits your audience? Oh, the show isn't for your audience? GREAT, THEN YOU HATE IT! It's easy to hate something for 10 minutes, because you can ramble over the same points over and over and that feeds into the AVGN rip-off character you're projecting! Monetize the video where you say She-Ra is White Genocide, maybe you'll get a She-Ra ad before the video!

Basically the most passive way of getting news, sitting back and listening to someone tell you about stuff, is a poisoned well, and it effects all discussion of new stuff.

Attached: 1542405336222.png (733x733, 535K)

Here's hoping some momentum builds as the next batch of episodes come out and there's more to discuss. That's an issue with these Netflix shows, it's hard to talk about them without the framework of a regular release schedule. Individual episodes blend together and it's easy for details to be forgotten or overlooked in relation to the totality of the season.

>I do hope they expand on the Shadow Weaver stuff, it's an interesting dynamic.
Pretty sure they've implied that she'll be getting more attention in the second season. I'll see if I can find the source.

First of all, Shiro is not the main character. It's an ensemble show, they all get equal billing. If anything, Keith gets the most screentime.

Second, there were hundreds of bad cartoons from before 2010. You don;t remember them, because they're not worth remembering. You're only remembering the good cartoons, which skews your perception of today's cartoon.

Third: Kill la Kill.

Shiro and Keith are the main character. The rest gets joke amount of screentime.
Sure there were bad cartoons but the highs we're higher but the lows weren't as low. Look at all the pandering trash made nowdays. Also ryuko wasn't gay, did you even watch th show?

>Also ryuko wasn't gay, did you even watch th show?
Did you?

Do you not get fanservice user, she also blushed alot with the guys and when she imagined her own wedding it was guy standing beside her. At most she's bi

Attached: she-aang.jpg (333x250, 34K)

>Do you not get fanservice user
Never before have I seen someone imply fanservice as indicative of a character's sexuality.

Attached: 1497436704560.jpg (269x517, 41K)

This. Only good thing was not Washu tech girl.

>No tits.
>No ass.
>Butter face.
>Own friend doesn't even want to fuck you.

Being Glitter is suffering

I liked this show. It wasn't as good as it could have been, but overall, it was okay, and I liked some of the aesthetics and characters. I've been occasionally checking Yea Forums to see if there was going to be any discussion.

And this is what I get.

Weeb garbage and queer kid crap
Not sure what point he was trying to make - there's a website that's popular amongst people with bad taste?

Daily listing of the top trending animated TV shows, you silly little chuckle fuck. (mind you the page follows all of TV, not just animated)
It's not my fault this is world we're living in.

Attached: filname.png (873x804, 447K)

You take cartoons too fucking seriously.

So, what would you like to discuss?

Attached: 1544385813828.jpg (2039x1378, 113K)

Not sure.

Setting. Characters. The silly First Ones language. The finale.

Tumblr: here's a detailed psychological analysis of Catra becoming more like Shadow Weaver and continuing the cycle of abuse based on analysing every line in the script
Yea Forums: show is boring and has flat characters. I liked the waifu.

The level of cartoon discussion here is honestly embarrassing.

Yeah but at least were not faggots in a crybox like the idiots at tumblr

Then go back there user and discuss your shitty show

Setting? The world feels empty, some First One's ruins, but no real sense of infrastructure, roads, a living world.

Characters? Which ones, plenty to talk about.

I have nothing on the FO language, other than it being a simple symbol replacer, and that there is a translation key out there.

What of the finale? I do like that throughout the series, mirroring is utilised to great extent, not just in the finale, although it's very apparent there with Adora becoming the leader of the princesses at the same time Catra becomes Hordak's second.

Attached: rmBPVyC.jpg (1280x1162, 305K)

>potential skeletor/Virgil character
They just need to hire a writer that knows how to make She-Ra characters feel like MOTU
Hordak already feels menacing he just doesn't need to job until someone pops up according to keikaku like a certain warlock to kick off the adventures of prince Adam

>The world feels empty, some First One's ruins, but no real sense of infrastructure, roads, a living world.

The kingdoms (princessdoms?) are isolated, so yeah, you wouldn't see much. At least that sort of made sense to me. But really, the whole idea of the entire planet being artificially terraformed is kinda cool and exciting.

Also, I suspect there might have been some serious shit that went down in previous conflicts with the Horde, which would explain why all the princess' parents are dead.

>Characters? Which ones, plenty to talk about.

Hordak. for starters. I really like him being somewhat laid back and mostly trusting his subordinates abilities, but also spying on them. Also, his new Dracula in Power Armor design is hella good, compared to his old one.

Light Hope being a (possibly unintentionally) manipulative bitch.


I like where it left the world. The good guys assembled, but the bad guys made huge leaps towards their goals. It escalates everything very nicely while leaving lots of room to develop things next season.

It’s weird that this show follows a faux anime style for its art yet fails at doing so. Where in actual anime the viewer has a hard time distinguishing who’s a girl and who is a guy because they all look so feminine, this one is the opposite

Fucking this.
As someone who's been stuck on this site since Hurricane Katrina and hardly go anywhere else, I wouldn't even have found out about tumblr and reddit if I hadn't heard them from Yea Forums. So yeah, I guess thanks for introducing me to sites that are now oftentimes much better for discussion, I guess. Especially given that ever since you know what happened, Yea Forums's seriously been going down the shitter.
Or should I say 4channel.

Attached: 1437199215142.jpg (400x400, 34K)

>The level of cartoon discussion here is honestly embarrassing
Maybe it's because most cartoons are shit, but instead of having autistic fans isolating themselves on tumblr on Yea Forums everyone will tell your cartoon is shit.

>I don't like it so no one likes it!

>tumblr and reddit
Fine, I'll bite; where do you go on these sites for discussion on these topics? And, unrelated;why do you still visit here?

Everything is not shit user, I know it's Yea Forums and being negative is why you think this place is fun, but you're just being a bitch.

When the controversy regarding her looks hit I thought "Well she looks like she's 12, kind of a weird change but whatever".

... Then I found out she's meant to be 17...

Attached: she-ra is dumb.png (1280x975, 338K)

No fuck you user. I have spent so much time watching shit cartoons that people on here jerk off over.

She-Ra is shit. Dude where's my Carmen Sandiego is shit. Adventure Time started strong then went to shit. People on this board that like cartoons are twelve years old, trolling, or are so thirsty they review every cartoon with their dick because I haven't seen a nadir of animation like right now in a long fucking time.

This. Most cartoons are shit now. There's very little good shit left

>Fine, I'll bite; where do you go on these sites for discussion on these topics?
Hashtags for tumblr and subreddits for reddit. It's not hard to figure out. I've only been using both for less than a year. Tumblr is mostly good for harvesting pics, though. However, occasionally you get interesting blogs that generate discussion like implies.

>And, unrelated;why do you still visit here?
I don't think I'll ever be able to leave.

Were you not bothered by the fact that OG She-Ra is supposed to be 19, but looks like she's 30?

Attached: shera.jpg (1024x759, 70K)

See, I have two issues with that. 1: discussion on She-ra is not great. 2: Discussion is on subreddit topics. I enjoy Yea Forums because I find things I would never have heard of otherwise, like Wakfu, or Carmen Sandiego. That is almost impossible on reddit.

Let me upgrade you there.

Attached: dancing with a kitty.webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)

>Well she looks like she's 12,

Where the fuck do you live that this is how 12 year olds look?

Forgot this was a show

Attached: C437D8F8-ED36-403D-B2F0-78D8115FFCF1.jpg (550x550, 46K)

Sounds to me like you're just not allowing yourself to have any fun.

Attached: 1408064095836.jpg (400x430, 48K)

Closer to 12 than 17.

Who said I wasn't?

>Closer to 12 than 17.


Attached: EA29677F-BF85-4666-B967-83383521E9F7.jpg (1500x1000, 376K)

So you think 17 year olds are more likely to have soft features, stubbier limbs and flat chests?

The amazing part is dyke ra is so ugly that I can’t believe they’re people who are cucked enough to fap to it.

Attached: 726A1AF6-124A-41F7-8CF7-5D274EC00A2A.gif (330x166, 2.11M)

you will die alone afraid and in the cold no one will care

someone said it on social media, so it must be true.

>you will die alone afraid and in the cold no one will care
I’ve never seen such rampant projection, but honestly did anyone think a creature like this would ever find a man?

Attached: 35A1C8FF-DC07-4476-9ADE-6F6383DEDC6B.gif (300x384, 1.17M)

1. Yes. Please go to any high school, ever. Actually wait no don't do that.

2. I expect Adora to look closer to 17 than 12. Which she does.

Attached: 1543363057600.png (301x312, 111K)

That thing doesn’t even look female, 17 year olds at least have ful grown features unlike that test tube freak

Wish i was wealthy.
would commission to R34 these two every other day

Attached: hnng.png (616x373, 204K)

So you're saying if you met a slim-proportioned blonde qt female, you wouldn't stick your tongue in her bum?

Attached: 69.gif (500x250, 504K)

>id waste my own wealth to pay for images of two unattractive dykes with man bodies and Bruce Campbell chins fucking each other
This is the definition of a Uber cuck, how does it feel to be an utter disgrace to mankind?

Which dyke ra is not, there is nothing remotely attractive in a female sense about that thing.

>if it's not attractive to me, it's a dyke

who hurt you

>it’s not remotely feminine or attractive in a feminine way, it’s a dyke

>I'm the sole arbiter of what's feminine and attractive

I forger about most Netflix shows because of the binge format. It just doesn't create any hype when you don't get to wait for new episodes every week.

It’s objectively not feminine or attractive in a feminine stance, you’re just a cuckold if you get off to dykes but especially dykes that straight up look like amphorous genederless things like these characters do.

Attached: 53e.jpg (655x779, 76K)

She's thin, has large, feminine eyes, long hair, clear, hairless skin skin, slender neck, and (non-exaggerated) hourglass figure.

You are either so used to over-sexualized femininity that these things don't even register for you, or you just want to be angry about children's cartoons, and I don't know which is sadder.

Fuck off

Second, at least in the original the females looked female, and wasn’t dubbed down by tumblr retardation for its writing and humor. Also the horde actually looked cool instead of being random anime OCs.

>using the children’s cartoon defense
Thanks again for demonstrating why you don’t care about cartoons then

That thing doesn’t have a figure, and it’s shadow over innsmouth deep ones eyes aren’t good looking in the slightest.

>what are blood elves

Honestly, I think your only option is killing yourself.

>Thanks again for demonstrating why you don’t care about cartoons then

I care about cartoons. I like cartoons. I just don't understand why you want to be angry at them.

Because shows like this are awful and brong down cartoons from their mere exsistence, coupled with the fact that this is setting a negative trend for them that makes you a faggot apart of the problem for having enough shit taste to enjoy this garbage. Go fuck yourself, better yet off yourself and rid the world of another loser degrading it some more with your stupidity and bad opinions. are. Just look at the poo indian on the thread.

>Because shows like this
Like what?
>are awful and brong down cartoons from their mere exsistence
How exactly? Is Tom and Jerry suddenly worse because She-ra exists?
>coupled with the fact that this is setting a negative trend for them
Which would be?
>that makes you a faggot
A cartoon can make you a faggot?

>Like what?
Shows with a clear steer in agenda and bad writing because it’s made by amateurish no talent people taken from tumblr. Now cartoons are all going in this direction and are worsened because of this. This is the standard now for shows and you are part of the problem by being an insipid faggot by supporting this downward spiral.

>The new She-ra is too gay
Not gay enough if you ask me

Duly noted.

Attached: its probably just you.png (640x1295, 367K)

>people are still replying to trollhuntersfag
Just ignore it and it will go away.

Attached: 2018-07-28-she-ra-reboot.jpg (1000x1600, 818K)

>Chads of Yea Forums
>Chads of Yea Forums
>Chads of Yea Forums
>Chads of /vg/
>Chads of Yea Forums

Attached: 1550152352049.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

>Tumblr: Here's incoherent, over-analyzed babbling where I inject crazy amount of meaning into a shit cartoon to make myself feel superior and get virtual pats on the back from people whose confirmation bias aligns with mine.

>/pol/posters: waaaah, it has girls so it's feminist mental op to attack masculinity

>Yea Forums: like above but ironic, also what a shit show, lets talk about something else

Except this literally is a feminist attack on sexuality so you can shut the fuck up

Heterosexuality maybe, but Catra and Adora are legitimate gay icons now. Like those cosplayers who got engaged while dressed as them. This show is going to turn so many girls into lesbos.

Except it's a vapid, kinda boring cartoon user. Not an attack on anything. But please, do go on. /pol/ are pretty much like monkeys in the zoo. Acting dumb but it's part of the charm.

>every she-ra thread
>nu-barneyfag is there, whining about it, complaining about everything and the shills that like something he doesn't like
It's embarrassing how reliable it is

Attached: images (1).jpg (219x230, 6K)

Attached: CatRa!.jpg (564x1002, 48K)

She-Cute and the okay looking princesses of pleasure

Attached: 66.jpg (200x200, 8K)


Attached: 217e9b645ab7408d00fd397680ec3c29.jpg (563x796, 79K)

>muh /pol/
You see, I can tell you actually like this horse shit once you started using that argument
Lel, no one cares about this, it can’t be an icon when it’s an unpopular failure of a show. Dykes can get lynched for all I care, filthy subhumans.

Did people genuinely get into new She-Ra? I only saw the first episode and didn't think it was offensively bad or anything, but assumed that it was aimed at a much younger audience.

Attached: 1541126225543.png (528x468, 279K)

I thought antros aren't allowed?

The nose looks weird.

I thought it tries hard to be the next avatar but overall I thought it was decent.

stakes are in the favor of bad guys majority of time, wondering how season 2 will pan out now that it's a different kind of tension

Don't you prison planet npcs have to go review bomb captain marvel?

Sell me on why yuri is good and your favorite ship in show. Do it and I'll draw a she-ra pic of your choice.

Attached: Dz28LIKWsAAskYX.jpg (651x586, 31K)

They botched them all by making them into deviant art OC insults to the originals
>coming from the dyke ra fan
Of course you have no self awareness, but I do hope the irony isn’t completely lost on you.

Then ignore it, retard. At least he's bumping the thread about this terrible cartoon you want to talk about for some reason

I'm still waiting for S2 of Disenchantment, Hilda, and Harvey Street Kids (2018), thank you very much. Those are female protagonist (with actual flaws that mean something!) - based shows I can actually fucking get myself into and want to see more of, unlike this fucking sad & pathetic excuse of a "show".

No, thanks. I'd rather give Star Vs. Her Own Obnoxiousness and Social Justice Universe another chance, than ever touch this BS, honestly...

Yuri is cute because girl kiss and other girl kiss and then they blush and hug and go back to doing whatever they were doing but now they are more open to each other and kiss and more hugs and kiss :)

girls loving each other is beautiful and sexy.

now draw Mermista sitting on ChadHawk's face, it's not yuri but they're the official OTP after all.

Attached: 1539773828431.png (640x353, 312K)

>I'm still waiting for S2 of Disenchantment
There was a season 1? I forget.

>thinking it’s hot to be cucked by lesbians

Attached: 5CB365C7-DAAD-476B-B133-B423B54864E4.png (200x208, 29K)

>Sell me on why yuri is good

Japan has lots of educational material on this very topic.

Attached: Dxy2OfGUwAU3UeK.jpg (1000x1425, 375K)

When is hypermasculine gay culture going to come back? I'm sick of fat bears and skinny twinks. We need this kind of content back.

>actively and openly self-inserting

Attached: 1541771076475.jpg (750x924, 106K)

Fuck off anytime.

Not self inserting, but dykes are repulsive and getting off to the idea of two women who will never fuck you and hate who you are with every fiber of their being makes you a cuck.

Most people forgot that "School for little Vampires" was ever on Netflix and the english dub is impossible to find now.

Attached: zs576.png (613x720, 392K)

>be a lesbian into she-ra
ya'll het niggas be mad, the porn of this show is almost as good as Spiderverse

Speak like a normal person, you aren’t a hick or a black woman, you’re a filthy dyke.

>you aren’t a hick
speak for yourself, I'm born and raised in rural America and it was mostly boring

>not being hung for being a degenerate dyke
Wasted opportunity desu

>thinking I wouldn't be welcome to a lesbian party
Oh user. If only you knew what 50% board is filled with.

Blake got the better blonde boob buddy compared to Flat-Ra

Attached: RWBY - S06E11 - The Lady in the Shoe.mp4_snapshot_14.48_[2019.01.14_01.26.50].png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

>Oh user. If only you knew what 50% board is filled with.
Not tumblr refugee dykes, that’s for sure

>still pretending She-Ra wasn't the biggest cartoon hit of 2018
the Dragon Prince crew loved it so much they drew fanart.

Attached: 1549122845111.jpg (640x716, 51K)

So are people still mad about the gayest thing on tv since Liberache live in concert got itself a reboot that is every bit as gay as the original?

Ah,if only her voice wasn't such a turn off

Y my pp hard

the original She-ra wasn't as gay as He-Man and this new reboot still doesn't cut it

nothing can out-gay He-Man.

Attached: 1525580538201.png (687x687, 546K)

you are subuman faggot you and all 3 of shetards fans

It’s extremely mediocre.

But it wasn’t, it was a failure of a show, it’s hilarious that you live in a delusion that this would ever be popular in the first place.

Literally only you couple of tumblrinas like dyke ra shit, everyone else is telling you it sucks

>they argue more about liking or hating the show rather than the show itself
So every Yea Forums thread for the last 6 years, got it.

>Still being this deluded to think that three people are capable of all of the fan art
Heh, okay faggot

Attached: Smug pink.png (370x210, 98K)

>still pretending She-Ra wasn't the biggest cartoon hit of 2018

This show had zero organic spread or presence, only tumblr and Yea Forumssperg shippers gave a fuck about it. Side characters from the new Broly movie got more love then the entirety of the show.

It barely has any submissions on paheal, the fan base is dead since they’re is statically lower fan art to other shows.

then why is no one talking about it.

>Side characters from the new Broly movie
so just Broly? oh joy, it's a shitty movie riding entirely on fanservice.

Attached: he ra.png (877x1233, 764K)

>466 posts
it's popular enough to have its own dedicated retarded troll.

>one bait thread on Yea Forums means its popular
please stop using Yea Forums as a popularity index.

Was talking about Cheelai getting far more fan art from just her trailer appearance than He-ra did after a season.

>it's a shitty movie riding entirely on fanservice.

Still had far better animation tho

so we have to use other sides to measure its popularity? She-Ra is still getting daily fanart and reposts across social media sites. it is pretty popular.

Top kek, this show caused so much controversy when it was announced.

now it is totally fogettable

Dragon Ball is the Goku and Vegeta show, any character that isn't them is a side character.

>Still had far better animation tho
>but a shit story
that's every anime

my ass. this shows popularity dropped off a cliff after it was announced.

Where? Because I don’t see it on Instagram or any other site. Shills have to force it here and no one really likes it besides the three samefags. It’s an unpopular failure.

Yeah, that still proves nothing. It’s fanart palls in comparison to other shows. And why wouldn’t it, the shows characters and designs are offputting to the audience so there’s no way that this would ever have been popular.

>our show is totally popular guys
Hasbro thinks otherwise

Attached: 1547667045246.png (635x471, 275K)

Actually it’s Mattel but you are right. They don’t even have enough faith to make any toys for the show for mass retail.

>being this much in denial


Attached: 1531056864373.png (300x240, 151K)

That literally isn’t the definition of moving goalposts you blithering retard
Yeah, like you are believing dyke ra is anything but a miserable unpopular failure of a show

Want to know how I can tell you're a female?

You know ad-hominem-ing the title doesn't make it go away faster

Kek . Cartoons now are trash compared to what anime puts out. But hey don't let me stop you from enjoying your dyke sjw shows


Oh look, you keep using big words your scrawny mind has no idea what they mean, keep living in denial of he-ras utter failure of an existence

Attached: tumblr_inline_mf9gsgrZGQ1qhbqk3.png (500x281, 193K)

Uh oh, I already see where this show is going. Y'all ready for the undermasculine He Man that is inevitably coming?

Attached: catra-she-ra.jpg (3200x1800, 562K)

>Muh anime is superior
>Believing this unironically

So remind me again why so many people on this board have such a huge hateboner for this show?

Attached: 1442810388253.png (285x285, 14K)

>bad designs
>agenda behind it to make characters unattractive
>dyke shipping
>cringe tumblr humor and writing


>give good reasons why the show sucks
>”har har autism”
Kill yourself

The marketing team coming here to pitch it by baiting like this was Yea Forums circa 2005

>good reasons
You flatter yourself, and your mildly bigoted complaints.
The only one that could even somewhat be argued is the last one, but the ones that came before it almost negate any semblance of it coming from a genuine place.

Thanks for invalidating any opinion you have

Attached: DFE95709-A773-4379-AD16-ABA658864A7C.jpg (586x720, 82K)

Does it hurt to be called out that much?

Attached: 1187855118324.jpg (434x402, 23K)

Btw, nice facebook filename.

Yeah, I imagine it does, being so easily seen as a fat itch who wants to destroy things for her agenda and it being able to hide it well online must truely be suffering

You were never a fan, and the more you push feminist and your own whining onto things you aren’t entitled to the more pushback and failure your political system will face until it crumbles like the ruin it is.

Attached: 12A38555-4F9D-4CB6-9927-B9C3CC2A7DD4.jpg (480x853, 64K)

>misses the point
>posts another image from facebook
Keep going.
Or, maybe you can defend your criticisms instead of just telling someone who calls you out on how flimsy they are to go away.

Attached: 1231032002351.jpg (320x240, 24K)

Already done.

Noelle confirmed they don;t have the rights to He-Man, so that's a no

Attached: 4y61w9f4y5121.jpg (595x960, 42K)

>muh Facebook
Nice try, and not an argument

My criticism are valid, being a feminist sow and being bias against them because you’re the type of human waste product who supports this pig shit is on you.

I know She-Ra is popular, but 500+ posts... Yea Forums must really love it!

Welp, that's it for this thread.

>not an argument
Holy shit user, you are literally this dumb. I'll try and spell it out for you this time. You being from facebook has nothing to do with She-ra, and everything to do with you thinking you can tell other people to go somewhere else. Can you understand now? Are you ESL or something?

>ad hominem ad hominem ad hominem
Sometimes I wish I could just have a normal conversation with a normal person with actual critiques of the show, instead of just morons who sperg out like this.

503 posts and counting of pure bile and shitposting. Yet still these obvious shill bait threads continue to be left up, but god forbid you make a loud house or Steven universe thread unless you want to get pruned after 5 minutes.

I fucking hate this place.

Attached: 21009A06-31A3-43D4-9AAC-F10C06173908.jpg (2499x3333, 1.66M)

Well, you keep responding to the spergs and meninists, instead of the people who would actually welcome discussion. Don;t feed the troll.

Talking about cartoons is one of the worst things you can do on Yea Forums - Comics & Cartoons.

>durr hurr the criticisms don’t count unless I say so
Pretty fucking rich if you to selectively ignore criticisms that don’t along with yours, tumblr dyke.
>muh Facebook
Where’d you pull that from, why do you keep spamming it after being called out for it already? Classic projection from a clear tumblr invader no doubt.
>look mommy I’m using big argument words from /pol/
Like how your argument is an entirely based on strawman

See, I can do it too cunt

Holy social justice retardation Batman
>instead of the people who would actually welcome discussion
Discussion for this shit isn’t welcomed here, now get out

True. I'll admit that.
However, I think there's been a few pan-flashes of decent conversation in this thread as well. And I was occasionally there, too.

Fuck She-Ra. Watch Carmen.

Attached: tumblr_pm41enTP611uypj9g_540.jpg (492x137, 82K)

>ad hominem
>big argument words from /pol/
>big argument words
>from /pol/

Attached: 1549252631236.jpg (720x400, 26K)

I’m so glad that any discussion for this show is always interludes on and sabotaged here. Dyke ra is pure shit and as such gets equally terrible threads. Go discuss this tranny abomination in your feminist blog instead.

Imagine a show named he-MAN where he was actually a gender-confused boy.
It sounds like it could actually happen scariest part

Attached: ad.png (715x685, 725K)

>Watch Carmen fuck She-Ra

Attached: 1432748218491.png (410x456, 223K)

Thanks for showing just how new you are

Attached: 2A6B627F-DF5F-4A1E-8D3A-01B33160600F.jpg (2000x1330, 603K)

Free country.

Yea Forums is a dictatorship, thanks for demonstrating how you don’t come from here and hence done belong here

Carmen and its fans have always acted like pretentious "deep thinkers"

no thanks

Attached: 1677.jpg (640x504, 45K)

Imagine being this pissed over a fucking cartoon.

Attached: 1480791102527.png (639x476, 345K)

I'm gonna make a lot of threads when season 2 hits and you can eat my shit if you don't like it. pussy.

Attached: 1526126760716.gif (344x203, 3.88M)

>upset people have strong feelings about bad cartoons on the cartoon and comics board
Next you’ll tell me that it’s for kids and therefore is exempt from criticism, right?

Attached: ED775D62-777A-4B91-BD1E-0ADDB6057787.jpg (1000x838, 96K)

And I’ll be here to tank and sabotage each one, dyke ra is cancer and will never be welcomed here, so you can drink my piss or GTFO like you should’ve done all along, either way I don’t care since again I’ll be here to shit all over your threads and make discussion impossible.

Now there's a strawman.

Attached: 1275552350196.jpg (720x480, 29K)

I pity you.

A bit late but its because we already talked about it months ago and said pretty much all there was to say way back in november.

Looking forward to it. Hope we'll have fun together.

When it’s accurate it ceases being a strawman

The fact that you feel the need to critique a show for children says more about your mental capacity than mine, buddy.

Accelareator spammer couldn't stop naruto threads whats so special about you? Well other than that you are the closest thing to content right now.

>Disguising a quote by someone into something entirely different
>Introducing a new, weaker and ultimately entirely unrelated argument in an attempt to diminish the one used by your opponent
Nah, it's just a regular strawman.

I'll be there to thank you for bumping his threads.

>The fact that you feel the need to critique a show for children says more about your mental capacity than mine, buddy.
Thanks for proving my point. Being “for kids” isn’t an excuse for things, saying that it is shows how little you view and respect cartoons and as such any comment you have about them is void
The board already has a built in shitposting white blood cell count that invaded and destroys every and any dyke ra threads, if season 2 comes around and the spammers are out in full force like they were last time then the hatedom will only increase 10 fold.

It literally is what he meant, I’m sorry youre too much of a retard to see the underlying subtext in things
And I’ll sage with each post

Ad hominem is a word from /pol/ now?

Attached: 1225638459465.jpg (126x126, 5K)

Again, thanks for demonstrating how new you are
It literally is what he meant, I’m sorry youre too much of a retard to see the underlying subtext in things

>And I’ll sage with each post
No you won't.
Also why did you reply to me twice? Is it because you're retarded?

How about you stop watching cartoons for bitches and watch something made by real men.

Attached: Rabbit Fire (11).jpg (1437x1080, 227K)

I meant to reply to , you blind retard. And I’ll make sure to permanently sage every post on these threads, thanks for reminding me
They’re all getting replaced by things like dyke ra, that’s why I hate it so much when cartoons are being supplemented with this radfem stupidity

>announcing sages

Attached: 1526275780566.gif (500x374, 1.7M)

The threads already in auto sage, this is for hypothetical future threads

We're over 500 posts, just how new are you?

Please refer to the post right before yours, dumbass

Attached: A781D0C2-20B9-40AC-B391-038A34CEAD02.jpg (2173x2542, 1.1M)

That's not his point, just how new are you?

Yuri isnt really fun at all.

It really is
Nice projection, literal tumblr user

It's nobody's fault but your own for not broadening your brain outside of the newest mainstream drivel. You're a sheep like everyone else for investing into cartoons about bitches. Now man up and go fuck yourself.

Eat shit, I actually want something new to look forward too, I shouldn’t have to rely only on reruns of old shows and be left with a future where every new show is some ugly calarts blob with pit hair and a buzzcut dyke cut

>retard user is seriously going to "boycott" a children's cartoon for no valid reason other than "people like it"

this is it, this is why we can't have civilized discussions.

Attached: 1531746850425.gif (334x392, 853K)

The only retard here is you if you seriously think the only reason i don’t like it is because other people do and not the plethora of other reasons I gave for why it sucks

do it, fag.
make a list. let's see how many of them are worth shit, make it obscenely long and go on extreme detail.

Attached: 1547190371214.png (500x762, 486K)

>terrible designs/aesthetic, with a clear steer in an agenda behind them to make characters unattractive on purpose
>stupid anime ripoffs and sparkle eyes
>ruining good characters and designs to make them pasteurized for the new aesthetic
>Noelle Stevenson is a bad artist/writer who doesn’t even deserve her status and only got it through virtues signaling and cronyism
>bad animation
>terrible action, no one who worked on it even understands action

4 of those reasons were design. The old design really wasn't that great

Much better then this shows, that’s for sure. Especially the villains, now they took all those cool and unique horde monster designs and butcherd them into being pasteurized anime OCs

>Especially the villains
This guy gets it.

Spoilers: He doesn't actually get it and is just a faggot.

Attached: 1546205194691.jpg (1233x839, 79K)

>nothing about the story or characters
>just boilerplate design nitpicks
>only 6
it was too much for you, it seems

>being nostalgic for this pretty face
now this is bullshit

Attached: 1527484661636.png (210x240, 96K)

Yeah, OC she ra had much cooler villains, eat a dick. Pic related would never be used for being “too icky” for the snowflakes on this inferior reboot.

Attached: D7C6B646-3799-4782-BFCC-41AF354FCF72.jpg (412x550, 33K)

I said the writing sucked, it’s mostly just ship bait at this point and so again also aligns with it being too influenced by tumblr.

>tumblr is the cause of ship bait
I can't reply, this is so stupid.

Attached: 1545538691057.png (717x536, 156K)

>shitposter doesn't have more nuanced criticism other than "hurr it's bad"

It literally is in this case, it’s so obvious that of course someone as dumb and pathetic as a dyke ra fan would even try to deny an indisputable fact like this

Nice strawman, it’s not my fault you want to ignore crocuses because you’re too much of an idiot bitch to directly confront them

No one even uses Tumblr anymore, grandpa.

They clearly must since all of you dyke ra fags are leaking from it

>name calling
>condemns strawman while engaging in it

>tried to write "criticism" but auto-correct goes off
confirmed samefag phoneposter. glorious.

Attached: 1526926898945.png (211x317, 66K)

If it looks like a dyke, sounds like a dyke, then it is a dyke. Simple as that

And this rich that you act to have any higher ground with your shit taste for tumblr cartoons, lesbian filth

it's too late to derail, nice attempt tho.

Attached: 1549735890057.png (341x186, 96K)

Yeah, threads already been ruined since the start, I feel proud in that

There hasn't been any discussion on this show for months because netflix has a shit release schedule that kills discussion.

we already discussed the show when it came out.

Exactly I wondered into this thread hoping the new season came out.