Why is anthro so common in comics and cartoons?

Why is anthro so common in comics and cartoons?

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Because guys love exotic anthro females.

because animators are degenerates

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Animal puns.

In cartoons it's because you aren't drawing a real human so you can be less strict with the anatomy which makes it easier to animate. Also, at least back in the 40s, before furries, you could be "sexy" with animal characters because no one actually got aroused by it and it was seen as one big joke. "Lol the dog is doing a strip tease! Like anyone would find a dog attractive!" So you could get away with sexualizing animal characters in ways the censors wouldn't allow for human characters.

But then furries had to come along in the late 80s/early 90s and ruin everything.

Easy to draw and it's cutesy

>Also, at least back in the 40s, before furries, you could be "sexy" with animal characters because no one actually got aroused by it and it was seen as one big joke.

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Honestly, simply because it was popularized in early animation by Disney & co. and everyone loves taking inspiration from that.

There's really not a whole lot more to it.

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You don't now cussing nothing, OP

Easy to draw.

go back there

Easy characterization, recognizability, laziness, and pretty much everyone likes animals. Anthro characters have been around in folk tales and legends across literally every culture forever, it's basically human nature to personify animals.

I think you may be going to far but I have seen that with a lot of people. My grandma is extremely emotional, she doesn't hide shit and that can be obvious when she sees the news. Whenever she hears that a person die she grunts or says "aw". When an animal is killed by a human, though, she starts cursing them out saying they're "bastards", "piece of shits", and that they should die.

I can understand where people who like animals are coming from, but it's usually either one extreme or the other and that's strange.

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children relate more to animals than other humans

women too, actually

Cats obviously don't give a shit.
Dogs tend to.

Alright pal, let go of the booze for a second and re-read what you typed out. You sound like a 13 year old edgy boy. They're animals. Many scientific studies have shown that they do grow attachment for humans. We should care for both, you shouldn't go white or black on this particular topic.

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T. Salty teenager betrayed by his cat

>autismos on Yea Forums don't understand why people treat animals a certain way
It's a simple tell. People who tend to abuse or torture animals usually tend to be sick fucks in general, and go on to do much worse. Abusing an animal doesn't accomplish anything other than satisfying someone's desire to cause harm or suffering to someone else. Most non-autistic people instinctively pick up on that, and have immediate disgust reactions to people harming animals.
Meanwhile autistics tend to abuse animals and have rape dungeons.

Not sure if you're being ironic here or not but just cause you are discussing this semi seriously you should know autistic people are neither sociopaths not psychopaths, they won't purposefully harm animals. In fact for autistic people the contrary is more common, they generally become more attached to animals than the average population.

Because humans have always told stories about animals and other things (like rocks, trees, clouds, time, death, etc) behaving like humans.

See: Aesop's fables, myths & legends, folk tales.

You're an Aesop

Go read Of Mice and Men and then let me know what you think about the way autists treat animals.

Not that user but I'm sure he meant messed up people.

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>go read a fictional story about fictional people

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In the early black and white days of animation, they often stuck to a small handful of body types that were easy to animate. Giving characters animal ears was an easy way to distinguish them without making them very complicated.

>everyone else drinking apple juice
>only ash has grape

All Texans are Americans, but not all Americans are Texans.
Not all mentally challenged people are related to the autistic spectrum

Every time.

Question: How come there are so many anthro animals in comics and cartoons?

Real Answer: Humans have been telling stories about animal characters since the beginning of time.

Yea Forums Answer: beCaUsE tEh FURRRIEESS REEEEEE!!!!!1!

He's ~different~ (code word for GAYYY)

Sorry, I meant specifically the autistics on Yea Forums. I know this place has more than a few dogfuckers around.

In Yea Forums the smart and open minded are not common types.

You could say he's fruity

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There are many facets to this conversation, more than just furries and human nature. Don't be so reductionist.

Western comics and cartoons started with anthro.

Felix the cat, Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny. Anthro animals are right at the historical core of western cartoon tradition.


Meanwhile, every other animation industry in the world started with humans and that's why they're light years ahead of us.

You guys never heard of Aesop?

It’s pretty simple, it’s the same reason we domesticate animals in the modern era even though we are thousands of years past needing wolves to guard us at night and fetch our kills. Animals entertain us

>Not training your dog to be another functional member of your family, collaborating with all sort of tasks

Because anthro, and other more extreme visual ideas, are easier to pull off in comics and cartoons. After pulling it off there easily fans of it gravitated to it and now it is a popular and familiar genre.

Either that or cartoons were originally and majority for kids and kids have had stories with animals since the days of Fables and Bedtime Stories.

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roots in children's stories, e.g. aesop's fables

Dumb urbanite detected

t. autistic sociopath building a dog rape dungeon

I'm on to your game fella

anthro has been in worldwide mythology for millennia user

>(code word for GAYYY)

It was obviously code word for Autistic

It existed before the fetish.

Do you even know what autism is besides its meme usage, kiddo? IIRC Ash had no problem reading people's emotions or expressions, didn't have any weird routine obsessions, and didn't self harm or throw tantrums

hey walt do you think the animals get embarrassed when they're not wearing pants and they're in front of animals that are haha

what if we drew them looking sexy like a human i just want to see that for a few laughs haha

DA; pointedfox- fourth or so result on google m8...

Notice how none of them are a questionable minorities yet no one complained about representation? Hmmmm.

>non-issues are non-issues
I think that's a symptom of your autism.

It removes race from the equation

Animal characters work well because we instantly know their "personality"- it's why Aesop turned to them. We think of things in a human context so we'll see foxes as tricksy, cats as charming, chickens as fussy, what have you.
You need humanoid bodies and faces to fully convey a human range of emotions.
German cavemen were carving totems of furries because it's just a weird innate human quirk.

Because it's perfectly-reasonable and desirable. Furry has always been a part of Humanity.

Pretty sure audiences were getting aroused by Betty Boop when she was still in her prototypical dog form.

>back in the 40s
>before furries

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Animals have default stereotypes attached to their behavior. Stereotypes are high speed training wheels for writers.

It's gotta have something to do with survival instinct. We're all experts at picking out animal shapes in clouds and shadows. Identifying a creature by its movements and temperament are valuable skills in the wild.

Cartoon animals are really easy to draw compared to people and they are more funny to watch for cartoon takes

Haven't all of those puppets probably fallen apart by now because of how they were made or something?

They fell apart when they were brought to a furpile at MWFF. The sheer weight of the gallons of spunk destroyed them, especially Kristofferson

Because humans are fucking disgusting.

>we made an animal look sexy
>as a joke


It's really just this. You can play fast and loose with animals because the mind picks up that they aren't supposed to be people. If you draw a human too poorly (or not poorly enough) it looks creepy a lot faster.

God I wish that were me

This, but unironically.

Fabuland was cute I wish they'd bring them back.

>tfw autistic dad loved doggos and sneks more than he loved me
I mean, you can't blame him.
But still....

Because animal people only really work in cartoons and comics, the inherently unrealistic medium.

Animals look cooler than people and are easiser to made into distinct, interesting and simple shapes to animate.

That how they got away with showing DW's asscrack, because they're anthro aardvarks?

How about where Lizzie gets stripped naked at the zoo?

who is Betty Boop

Okay Yea Forums time to confess your sins.

I used to frequent /hmofa/ but I have since stopped this sin

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Code for TWO CHAINZ.

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No sin there, /trash/ is the best board.

Anthropomorhism has been apart of art ever since we started to figure out we could create things. As a matter of fact, one of the earliest sculptures is a lion-headed man. It's only natural that we combine animal and human traits in art because we're creative like that, and talking animals that act human make great universal characters that anybody can emphasize with. So really, since you can basically do anything in comics/cartoons, why would you use human characters all the time? It's unimaginative and boring to draw one single living creature as your protagonist for everything. Sometimes it's even better to use animal characters, especially with children's media where more simple, universal characters deliver stories better. Also, they're just plain cute and appealing to look at, so a lot of artists like to draw them and prefer to draw them over humans. Why is this even a question? You can find examples of anthropomorphic creatures in everything across cultures and history. Why wouldn't it be common in comics and cartoons if it's a common phenomenon in other art and media too?

Don't tempt me! It is awful, that place is called trash for a reason. /hmofa/ is a place of great evil, friend. Flee from it!

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While once good, /hmofa/ became one of the most cancerous generals in that board user, no reason to be ashamed.

As soon as they started LARPing as if it were a BLACKED thing it spiraled into unmatched autism and cringe. The human superiority roleplay is so noxious, prevalent and dripping with desperation and delusion that it soured all the talented writers and artists and drove them away.

You guys are right about /trash/ being the best, but I'm sorry to tell you this: bara is the best thread

leave you wretch

No daddy

I frequent /gfur/ and semi frequently make the OPs

Include me in this screencap.

my nigga uwu

I was always partial to the shorstacks myself.
But, do you guys remember the name of that one comic of the human guy screwing the anthro kangaroo with the really pronounced accent? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

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Can't tell you the name but it was made by Tegerio, a very old school furry artist


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I'm pretty sure he's referring to a doujin. I don't remember the name of it either though.

Me on the left

you mean that parody translation?


wait, wrong one


I got it. Thanks to the user for the artist name. It led me to, "Take me to Outback" which was what I was looking for. Nostalgia porn is just great.

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no prob user, happy fapping

No context = best context.

Oh, fucking please.
Furries owe their existence to Betty Boop and Robin Hood.

>In the late 80s/early 90s
Bro, furries have had a community since the underground Alt Comix scene of the early 70's, and those Disney animators weren't exactly the most vanilla of men

>and those Disney animators weren't exactly the most vanilla of men
Finally, someone talking sense.

My recent tags on r34 have been almost exclusively anthro impregnation and hyper_pregnancy

Bingo, everyone else is just hiding their love of puns under sexual degeneracy, so they're less embearassed, but we all know what's going on here.

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The history of the furry movement is pretty interesting actually

Watched it. Chris Sanders was a frequent contributor to one of the early furry fanzines.

Not sure why people are always going off on Jews controlling the media when at the heart of it all, furries hold all the power

Naaaaah, not rich enough. You have to have millions to have any real power. Nah, it's still them ashke nazis.

Only when it comes to animation. Lets be honest here, the only thing in the west remotely close to the fanatical autistic energy that drives manga and anime in Japan is Furfaggotry. Only Furries can produce autism of such power.

Animals are just really cool. Check out this mantis

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Fun fact: mantis is one of the few, if not THE ONLY animals that has spikes on its body to ATTACK, not defend (like bulls and porcupines and such).

I am always amazed by the fact that spiders randomly evolved in such a way that they spin cool webs to predate

Also I love this video

>evolution is just random

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it's literal trial and error

There's already established lore with animals. You get a fox, nigga is sneaky. How about a lion? Mother fucker is the king of the so and so. So and and so on. It makes things easier to show a characters personality.

Yes. And COMPLETELY unintentional.

>check some artist's twatter
>the dude is pretty much a furry, he just doesn't scream about it
>was one of the story artists of How to Train Your Dragon 3
Yep, furries are an integral force of the world of animation.


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>"-Back in the 40's before furries"

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Its pretty lame how the gods were just depicted this way because they had both human and animal forms, never this inbetween stuff with animal heads.

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>tfw no Lassie mommy

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They are easier to draw. So older works that inspired new artists were also drawn like that.
Also furries

i'm going to be that kid's new father


I want to have sex with it, if you know what i mean

Let's be xenophobic

It's really in this year


And when they do anthro they do it well.

Higher intelligence was a mistake.

Way less dogfuckers compared to gfur

I like pastor Hulk more.

All the animation started with animals.

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I don't quite buy this. To me it just looks like a bear or an otter in a standing posture.

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So what were the posts?

I want to get abducted by a muscular Lioness tribal girl.

Feral makes me SICK


I jerk off to furry traps on the daily.
Why is there so many furry traps

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I hate how narrow-minded they are about fucking everything.
All they ever want is some variation of "Girl who's totally obsessed with human cock" or "Girl that eventually becomes obsessed with human cock".
And every protagonist is "Guy who just happens to like furry girls, not because he's obsessed with them or anything"

Furries have really good porn. Because people will spend shitloads of money for it.

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Lets be honest here user.
A lot of people beat it to furry porn

/aco/ is my favorite board even if its slow.

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The rules enforcement on /aco/ is frustratingly dumb an inconsistent

I'd like to add, with anthros you can use physical pain as a comedy resource. If you used the same with real humans or actual animals It would be cruel, but with anthros, it's just funny.

Furrys have alway been a thing, but It didn't become a big fandom until the 80's. Said that, the "funny animals style" has existed since late 1880

Same, it's something I feel really conflicted about. The porn is really hot and one of my go-to faps but furries themselves and a good chunk of the people that fap to furry porn are some of the creepiest, most arrogant perverts I have even witnessed on the internet.

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>Enjoy Cool and Appealing Designs and Characters
>Fap to whatever you find hot
>Keep it to yourself and don't let it define/control your life,at least have some mild shame to keep yourself from going off the deep end
>Don't do anything Illegal or Highly Immoral
>Don't personally associate with anyone related to that type of "Community" as the chain of venn diagrams will usually lead to something horrible in the long run
>Stay Hydrated
Follow these easy steps and you got yourself a good time

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>Not rich enough
Dude, have you seen how much money can it be made through commissions alone, I'm a computer scientist by day and I can duplicate my budget during a week just by all the money I receive by drawing cute creatures by night ;3

Tell me about the roo lore

Animals come with preestablished characters
so in a 1 to 2 minute short you could show a fox with an evil grin and the audience would know exactly what the character was about
it's also tradition at this poiint after the looney toons era and shit like mickey mouse

>le anime industry that made 6 well animated movies in all its history, and those movies still have a garbage plot
>Ignoring how Zootopia blows anything away animation wise by a mile while Japan produces moeblob and CGI berserk

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>Didn't have any weird routines
He literally did, that was the main element of his character, he was the weird kid because he had strange interest.

>>Ignoring how Zootopia blows anything away animation wise by a mile while Japan produces moeblob and CGI berserk

Compared to DBZ Super Brolly, Zootopia looks like shit. Get real.

The CGI of Broly was beyond trash

>Zootopia looks like shit because I don't like it
Dumb Brolyfag

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>Autistic anime fan is impressed by flashing lights and other things in the anime book that are designed to look flashy with minimum effort involved
Please call me when the Japanese will learn to animate someone talking, they're stuck at the part where people stand completely still while the mouth is flapping

They make the characters and their outfits so complicated to the point they can't afford to do anything but stick still with minimal mouth moment. The only animes that do more have stupid high budgets or simpler styles/characters.

The designs of dragon ball and most shonen aren't complicated

>They make the characters and their outfits so complicated to the point they can't afford to do anything but stick still with minimal mouth moment.

Ahh, the Madhouse Studios rule of character design and animation.

Still furry.

I just started writing there after lurking for awhile. It seems to have mellowed out a bit but the weirdos still show up every other thread

look up character_acting tags

Yeah no, it is clearly anthropomorphic

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Me too

easier to draw, you can stray far away from reality when designing the characters, personal traits can be derived from the source animal, animal puns for names, animator and artist are synonyms for degenerate, easy money because autistic target group who makes ton of lewd fanart which is extremely effective form of free advertisement, it also furthers the great plan along and pleases the lizard people in the charge

hence why there is such a small amount of scally porn compared to furry, our overlords don't like when you filthy monkeys jack off to their likness.

*Avian laughing in the distance*

scaly porn is absolutely the best though.

Okay lads, who is your waifur?

Or if there's no one in particular just tell me what species she'd be.

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Because using animal in comic and cartoons allows you send a message.
Also anthros are pretty cool when done right
>That religious werewolf that could only say Pray

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Some western animated characters have complicated dresses, yet they're still animated well. How do you explain Japanese laziness when they're not even bothered to rotoscope movement, which is literally just tracing?

>who is your waifur?
Don't have one but I made one

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What's that from? My first thought was that thing in the castlevania show hat killed the priest but I know that can't be it.

Great drawing, I love the little details of it all.

Renamon I think....and shut I'm not the only one. I don't know how to explain it, but for whatever reason I find fox girls completely to be the most enticing.

Cute, but those knees could be more animalistic and less human like, other than that small detail, I think it's perfect

My nigga, renamon was one of my favorite characters, and quite likely one of the main reasons I became so find of anthro characters as well.
Imagine if she had been Takato's original Digimon

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For me most feline and canine species are my go to. Foxes, wolves, huskies, jackals, cheetahs, panthers, etc.

I guess that makes us have basic bitch normie tastes, but I don't give a fuck.

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I abandoned /hmofa/ for the same reason.
>make a short story
>no sex, so no one reads it
>make generic porn story
Never seen so many people getting shit for free then complain endlessly that it doesn't suit them perfectly.

Russia is domesticating foxes. I wonder why they aren't commonly available yet

They did already and cost around $1000. Issue is they still count has wild animals you need certain licenses for depending on the state and then there's the issues of having vets near by that can do shit for foxes and how they'll charge you more for exotic pets.


I get that some other species are nice too, but I think that "basic" species are the best looking ones in my opinion.

>inb4 that one girl that tried to make her fox vegetarian

they do love berries, but they can't only just eat those and need meat

Don't you mean grapes?

They simplified (Calartsified?) the style in the Broly movie which made the characters a lot more fluid and expressive. It has some of the best animation in the entire series.

But the CGI parts WERE just utter shit.

japan seems to just not be able to do anything with CGI aside from a few studios

To be fair, all western animated shows has terrible CGI

Transformers Prime and 2012 TMNT had good CGI

oh yeah the old masters of their craft, they never got off on this stuff haha right guys?

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*blocks your path*

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Some crappy cash-in doesn't count user

>"Tzeuka, how should we design this animal character?"
>"Give it tits and a nice ass."

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Because you don't like it?

Because it doesn't have good CGI

>tfw friends and family are one google search away or one casual look at the piles of drawings I have in my room from finding my monster porn

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Tezuka made 0 effort to hide his interest and it's all over his anime/mangas

No it isn't

bagi, 1001 nights, an entire mangaabout guy turning into a wolf, astro boy chapters with a furry goddess robot thing, etc

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It's random if a mutation occurs in an individual
It's results if it sticks around for multiple generations

>he thinks they weren't jacking it to their sexualized animal characters while designing them

>don't come
too late

one of them was guaranteed

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I've started writing gay star fox fanfiction and feel no shame

Repent and sin no more

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It worked great on some geometric style cartoons, invasor Zim for example.

Currently earning a sweet first world income for a third world economy on furry commissions alone

Because we live in the Weimar Republic.

I fap to fursuit porn as an extension of my masking fetish and not because I want to fuck animals.

That sounds somehow more degenerate my dude



Several million bux a year?

Because taking humans and twisting them to animal forms would be horrifying

Animals are inherently fun to watch, and offer vast avenues for caricature and expression. Plus they constitute an imitation, which is the base ingredient of all fun.

Sick cunts

>You get a fox, nigga is sneaky

You get more than that. With foxes you get at least 3 perceptions.

1) Sneaky.

2) Very clever.

3) Attractive.

What is your favorite anthro species?

Probably fox girls or vixens. There's just something about them. The last one I remember in any piece of media is Fenneko from Aggretsuko, shame she's actually blatantly unpopular.

it's always wolves or foxes.
Give me something new

I fucking love reading down this thread. It starts off with people condemning furries and it ends with furries talking about how hot anthros are. Never change, Yea Forums.


Cats are garbage. Please kill yourself.

What? It's always cats, bunnies or dogs.

they were using classic pin up figure drawing techniques on a cartoon.

/an/ please go

that looks rotoscoped

it´s still pretty good animation

if you draw, tell them you paid the house doing nothing but animal women tits

i draw vidya furryshit and probably my own OC furryshit and i feel no remorse

>implying he lives in a house
>implying he lives
Nice try user

Same reason 3D porn comics are ripe with dick-girls.

Crocodiles and lizards

>6 well animated movies in all its history
>those movies still have a garbage plot
Wanna know how I know you never actually watched these types of movies and just bitch about them because they're not your cup of tea?
>Ignoring how Zootopia blows anything away animation wise by a mile while Japan produces moeblob and CGI berserk
You're comparing 2D animation to 3D. Its apples and oranges, sure you can see the similarities and prefer one over the other but they're entirely different fruits.
Honestly like what you want to, I don't give a shit either way, I don't particularly like anime either but at least i'm able to respectfully keep my distance.

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Into the spider verse looks pretty neat.


Crocodiles because they are never used in anything