Are you touching yourself again Yea Forums? Can I see you?
Are you touching yourself again Yea Forums? Can I see you?
Get the fuck out
There are so many robots that I want to fuck.
I-is this a dick rate thread?
Not right now but... It feels good being appreciated by someone, even if that someone isn't real. Which is by all mean, fucking pathetic.
I just wish they would've let the show run long enough that she and Sheldon get together. The creators did say they had the intention.
This goddamn picture gets me everytime.
>shippig her with that smelly creep
Kill yourself
I don't know, maybe
Literally anyone would be better than him
BTW Manuel Hogflogger (the artist) is still active
who the fuck cares
that doesn't sound very family friendly
What ship is best ship?
and why is it Vega
Yeah I'm gonna shove a dildo in my butt in about thirty or so minutes.
trips of truth
Dude’s a little too pathetic, and stalkery, also clingy
Fuck off FBI.
me too.
except i cant afford dildos.
i modelled a phallic object out of air dry clay.
i painted it pink with red vains.
i kiss it at night.
That was the case initially but later on Jenny learned that there's more to Sheldon than meets the eye and she accepts his company. He becomes less creepy and a better friend too.
He managed to sneak past the Wakeman's security system, helped Nora board a Cluster warship, lived as space pirate (eventually a captain) for decades, remembering every detail of it, and even spent a bit of time as a secret agent. Jenny was infatuated with Silver Shell, who was actually Sheldon, and he also gets some attention from Vexus another hot robot babe (and a villain!). The only reason it never works out between him and Jenny is the status quo, because Sheldon being so close but not nearly enough is funny.
sorry FBI but your patheric jailbait isn't going to work on me this time
Even Tuck?
especially Tuck
I would oil her sockets
I want to fuck Tuck.
>not topless
Mere peanuts compared to the REAL big boys.
Sheldons fucking awesome and you can kill yourself
He really isn’t
He is and you’re just a faggot for not thinking so
But he really isn’t. He’s just there for Incels like you to self insert yourself being with Jenny
Spotted the feminist. Project more subtly next time
who does an oil change without a shirt on?
Nah, never realy liked that crowd just calling an incel an incel
>a quart low
>refilling about 20cc's at a time
Nothing like humorously telling her mother how numerously you've violate her. You think the brilliant engineer doesn't know that's about 47 creampies?
You completely are though, have fun being a permavirgin because no one wants to fuck your fat pig ass
Have fun knowing Sheldon and Jenny will never be together and your self inserts will never come true.
Canonically they became endgame, renzetti talked about it. Stay cucked triggly puff
Dude at this point, Vega x Jenny’s more canon and already a better ship
>PPG porn
What a fucking deviant.
>47 creampies?
Utterly disgusting
Also your baseless heacanon doesn’t count, tumblrite
Literally anyone would be better
I propose general grevious/jenny
I think Sheldon got the better hand.
Parappa would never fucking do this im literally shaking rn
>purple Jenny
>that green secretary jenny in the bottom right
My dick is going to be sore tonight, but it will be worth it
And I propose Bender
That’s such a great ship and I never thought of it before
Sheldon's don and con
Formerly Tuck's
Is Jenny the type of girl who claims “I’ve never seen a boy do that before... can I watch?” just to get guys to jack off for her?
I like him though. He's a dork, which is my type of guy.
>jenny being taken over by that ben 10 alien
i need more of this, please
I wanna find a woman like that-
I want to fuck jenny
>A quart
Yeah you can watch. I can't help myself sometimes.
>pulls scab
Jenny is big. Discuss.
Tfw no Jenny to giggle and whisper in my ear to cum as she slowly strokes and teases me.
Jenny is the robot Oncler, change my mind
In what way, user?
You know exactly what I mean
I really don’t
Goodbye Murrlogic
Silence, Murrlogic.
You still scared of my Asami comic script, dear?
He means that people will literally ship them with anything
average male ejaculates 1-5 ccs of fluid so it's closer to 189 creampies
And create different versions of her to fit their fetishes
>a quart
How many Creampies/second is that?
>Jenny/Sheldon is suppose to be a thing
>When Brad gets a girl Jenny always destroy the thing and acts like a kek
fucking why , that Melody episode is physically painful to watch
it's the most accurate teenage girl attribute.
Bigger is Better
Why not Brad or Don?
I love you Penny. Please be my qt robot gf.
What the fuck, you loud housed it.
Well I’m glad another user agrees with me
>I love you Penny. Please be my qt robot gf.
you seem confused...
Please don't bring /trash/ here
You like this? Does seeing this make you pull harder? Faster? Make you cum? Do you wanna cum on me? Go ahead. I wanna see it squirt on me. Lemme see your penis shoot all over my booty.
i love jenny. she was my first waifu as a kid
Might as well do this: should we give sex robots sentience and free will?
>blond hair
>Name is Don short for Donald
Was that Trump?
Trump wouldn't go to school it the, ugh, *middle class*
This, sheldon's a cutie who actually accomplishes shit that he sets his mind to,
Because they feel like they're just cardboard cutouts. Sheldon is more interesting as a character, and he also has sideplots in the story that involve Jenny at all.
>its status quo
>is close but not enough is funny
>is funny
i dont even have a reaction image to fully convey the exact mixture of pain and rage im feeling right now
>i dont even have a reaction image to fully convey the exact mixture of pain and rage im feeling right now
Will this work?
Scratch the beard and make it brown hair and its be a 2 out of 10 on accuracy
Fampai its Sargon, he encompasses pain and rage.
This hits more fetishes of mine than can be called healthy
That's just how it is dude. Comedy = suffering + timing.
This is my OTP
give em guts.
>Sheldon is more interesting as a character
>That was the case initially but later on Jenny learned that there's more to Sheldon than meets the eye and she accepts his company. He becomes less creepy and a better friend too.
Sheldonfags are the Teenage Robot equivalent to pic related.
It pleases me to know that their childlike understanding of love and relationships will never be realized out side of Renzetti's post-production pacifier fanfic. (b-but muh WORD of GOD!! It's not canon if it's not in-show, fuckboy.)
Not that RR's word on romance matters much as he thought Mina and the Count also had a perfectly healthy relationship, too.
>It's not canon if it's not in-show, fuckboy
And how do you get to decide this for us exactly? And why?
Jenny/Sheldon is OTP
>how do you get to decide this for us exactly?
I don't have to.
The executive producers at Nickelodeon did that for us by shelving the last season and dropping this shitshow before RR could irrevocably fuck it up with his creeper headcannon.
>implying he actually intended for SheldonxJenny endgame and wasn't just pacifying (You) fanatic nutjobs when he said this.
The only difference between Steven Universe, Avatar, Voltron and you MLaaTR fanboys is your show was shelved for being a commercial failure, sparring the rest of us from your deluded obsessions.
>implying he actually intended for SheldonxJenny endgame and wasn't just pacifying (You) fanatic nutjobs when he said this.
Who knows, maybe it would have become canon maybe not. Maybe Sheldon would've cleaned up his act (and himself) and went on space adventures with Jenny. Or maybe not. But you sure as shit have no authority to decide this either way.
>deluded obsessions.
Always, always remind yourself on Yea Forums: it's just fucking cartoons dude.
Guys, why do I want to fuck a robot so bad?
Can I make robo babies with one?
Yes you can.
>Mina and the Count also had a perfectly healthy relationship, too.
As healthy as any relationship between an immortal creature of the night and a human can be.
>literal artfag
stop making normal artfags look like fags, you fag.
user go watch appleseed right the fuck now
>page 10
why do MLAATR keep dying with so little content lately?
why do faggots like you keep reviving these threads?
>no episode where we get to see Jenny get replaced by Xj10 like the rest of her sisters
Would have been one of hell of a twist
cause it angers faggots like you
Becuase Jenny is hot.
There was a japanese comic were Sheldon made baby robots with the green and yellow robot putting oil on her, anybody have it?