Post the cartoon character that is most like you. I'll start

Post the cartoon character that is most like you. I'll start

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cept Irish instead of Scottish

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I'm not rich, just detached from the world around me.

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I’m not a female, nor am I an Orca mutant. I’m just bitter, self-loathing, and self-destructive. As edgy as it sounds, I really am at a low-point I’m my life. Lowest I’ve ever been.

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user, did you draw this just for this thread?

There's someone out there for you, Michael.

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Where did you find this pic of me?

It'll be ok user. Just remember that sooner or later, the storm will pass. There's always, ALWAYS a better day ahead of you, no matter what

that's pretty gay user

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I made fun of him as a kid, yet here I am. A female embodiment of him. Fuck.

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No that was in the drawthread
How the fuck do people keep on finidng my pictures online? Must be from my mom

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user, I'm trying not to judge you, but you're gonna have to explain yourself. How are you like him.

Rick is a manlet just like that user

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Not Yea Forums but...
I'm beatiful

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basically no anger managment

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is it bad i have a thing for her?

i would also tap her so no i dont think so user

ok good. i was starting to feel self-conscious

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Bc im possed 24/7

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Sneed you fucker

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The anger is always there. The niggardly disposition, antisocial tendencies, discomfort with crowds, desire to lash out violently, explosive temper, stubbornness. Sadly/fortunately I'm not black so I don't chimp out but I can't verbally serve people either.

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I got it off of the drawthread.
Thanks, user. I appreciate the concern, but I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel yet. It’s gotten so bad that I haven’t kept up with my hygiene lately.

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If you combined Huey (Boondocks) with Alex from Totally Spies you'd have my personality.

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Were you in that one thread where people were confessing they hadn't washed? Because in that case I still mean what I said back then and just remember its baby steps when it comes to shit like depression. I seriously hope you get better, you deserve it for how nice you are.

Hello, my Wirt fella.

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She's kinda like an r63 version of me.

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I try not to be so retarded. I actually wear studded vests and converse like a huge faggot. No mohawk tho.

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literally female me, especially in the earlier seasons.

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Replace with little sisters and it's basically my life

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Gotta go with Charlie Brown.

I wasn’t in that thread, but thank you. Would you mind posting those steps, please? I hope that they can help me get better. It’s worth a shot.

Thank you for the kind words. It really made my night. :)

>sit around with mega homo sister bitching or talking about pop culture for hours
>will argue for months back and forth about which fictional characters are gay or not
>course banter continues no matter where we are
Honestly? Pretty comfy.

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You need some therapy, user

>wirt never goes to parties because he thinks everybody hates him and will get called out
>goes to a party and nobody cares, people even seem glad to see him
That part hit too close man

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Holy shit, same!

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inb4 indian with my wife
he'd be a dead man

fug forgot pic

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You wish.

Dont worry user I believe in you

You two should hang out.

I'm a good guy but I'm not gonna deny that my personality is 90% Starscream

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You’re not a good guy if you identify with Starscream, user. Good taste in villains.

Not Yea Forums but... life has reduced me into a useless blob that can't take care of itself, not even able to end its own suffering.

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Bump. This thread is fun

Are you me?

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based plank


The 10% that's different is what saves me

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When I was a kid
And still today i guess

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I see.

Why Now I’m curious.

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1:Autistic (If i wasn't i wouldn't be posting here)
2: Weird but somehow still charismatic
3: Not wearing underpants

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May I inquire as to how you acquired this photograph bearing my exact likeness?

I see.

Is it the conspiracy theorist part?

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No. She's bretty hot. I mean i know i have issues too but...

Most of Yea Forums

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Fuck of boco

Jesse Custer was the first Yea Forums character that I could actually identify with.

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Absolutely not. Jesus.

You want fuck a girl older then you and your sister?

This except less successful.

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>tfw lactose intolerant

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Absolutely user. I don't know how deep down you are, but I think at first what you'll have to do is force yourself. and take in note I'm no smart person, me no know nothing. so take what I say with a grain of salt.
Force yourself to eat well, force yourself to go outside (that one is specially hard), force yourself to talk with friends (or make them), etc.
Hygiene probably seems like something extremely unimportant, but taking care of yourself tends to make you feel good about yourself, even if you don't want to.
Telling someone you have depression is hard, but you'll feel relieved after doing so. Do it with someone you trust though.
Try to take up your hobby again. When I got depressed, I didn't hear music or doodle like I used to. Try picking it up again.
I don't know what else to tell ya, and I feel like I have to make it clear that I'm fixing my own shit too, so I don't know if what I said even works. Good luck user, and I hope you have a good day of scrolling through the catalog.

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Beavis. He's a loser and an idiot.
Just like me.

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Thanks for the advice, user. Do you have anywhere I can contact you for advice, dude? You really seem to give out good advice.


>hates disappointing parents
>smart but lacking common sense
>white as fuck
>room full of childish stuff

>tfw I’ll never be a Raymond

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yes and no

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In a similar situation hygiene included so thanks for sharing and for the advice

Are you also black?
God i wish that were me

and he never scored

Just like me!


What show is this character from?


I see. I haven’t been watching TV lately. I’ve been too busy with college, lol