Attached: society.png (719x552, 211K)
Mason Rivera
Other urls found in this thread:
Matthew Watson
>adventurous and fun mouse has more friends than a rat
ok ??
Oliver Diaz
Luckily the rat doesn't give a fuck because it is a normal rat.. alpha rat.
Connor Evans
really makes you think, huh?
Jose Brown
Gabriel Howard
I'm really confused by OPs message
Sebastian Sanders
He’s implying that the fake one gets more publicity then the real one.
Joshua Thompson
We live in a society...
Parker Garcia
But why would the real one be able to use social media?
Brayden Martin
It’s a stupid millennial meme. They never make sense.
Austin Mitchell
Kevin Thompson
This made me laugh way more than it should.
Blake Torres
Sebastian Ross
Remind me of Skillet from 12 oz mouse
Grayson Davis
>post elaborate, reasonably skillful drawing with cool ideas
>nobody cares, not even any registered clicks
>drawing directly above mine is a crude sketch with big tidy
I know I'm beating a dead horse but it's just so depressing sometimes
Lincoln Nguyen
I think you should draw elaborate. reasonably skillful big tiddy
Hudson Wright
Don't forget
Education and a stable job = bad
Henry Myers
Wyatt Davis
Aiden Torres
>or you could draw cliched, bland comics aimed at 14 year olds to share on social media!
the irony of zenpencils
Brody Price
post the one about game of thrones
Daniel Sullivan
The meme is shit but I hate when people think you either have to cater to the lowest common denominator or be a pretentious atsy twat.
Jordan Evans
Henry Cruz
David Wright
People are predisposed to seeing the world in black and white terms, labels and generalisations. Grey areas are too difficult, so it's better to just say you're one thing, believe in one thing and believe that anyone who is and who believes in other thing is bad.
Wyatt Anderson
Asher Torres
Jace Cook
We're hitting levels of irony that shouldn't be possible
Andrew Jenkins
no no no you don't understand: what they do is important and vital so they deserve to be paid and respected!
It's not selling out, it's a donation!
Hudson Baker
most people are Apes who pretend that they do more than navigate environments constructed by others on occasion
only the sacred master race who listen to the words of Jesus and starts crushing the Weak become Ascendant
Hudson Edwards
I can't see how that's easier. I feel like understanding both would make it easier in the long run, right?
Cameron Cox
>throw your entire life away, damaging your loved ones severly
Wow, so brave mr comic drawer man
Aiden Gonzalez
Funnily enough, artists who actually matter either understand the importance of balancing work and art or are too fuckballs insane to even care about this kind of weak ass social commentary.
Isaac Perez
You're thinking triple digit IQ. You need to think in double digit.
Dominic Nguyen
this is the single stupidest thing I've ever seen
Jayden Hall
that's some Don Quijote shit right here, my man
Sebastian Reyes
Imagine how white, American and middle to upper-middle class you would have to be to genuinely believe this shit.
Cooper Allen
Nigga is comparing a drawing of an animal to one of the most recognizable characters out there?
Nigga should've drawn a simplified mouse instead of Mickey fucking Mouse the face of one of the biggest corporations out there
Adam Rivera
I can't think of a worse way to deliver this message than what he did. Like you could make this with him becoming a fucking clown and have some happy kids at the end and it world be a stronger message. All of this to shove GoT in it and tap into le popular mainstream. What a fucking filthy rat.
Jonathan Foster
>200k+ people liked this philosophical fast food on Facebook
Anyway, remember when he quoted Ayn Rand, of all the people?
Angel Watson
Seriously, this is the kind of worldview that can only stem from never wanting for or being oppressed by anything significant in your life.
Jonathan Taylor
At this point I think the visual arts is the least meritocratic field there is. It actually works in the opposite direction, the bigger of a hack you are, the more success you'll have. All art fields are bad but visual arts is just the worst.
Eli Morales
Oh man, they quoted Ayn Rand: that's how you know they're intellectuals. Ayn Rand, whose greatest contribution to the literary canon was a sprawling thesis of a book that can be summarised as "neener neener neener fuck all of you faggots"
Liam Bell
Left is shallow and vapid, a mockery of a real rat.
Right is a real rat, and cares little for likes and followers on a friend simulator. It cares about cheese.
The one on the right is the success story here.
Asher Moore
I don't get the message behind this picture, is nigga against cookie eating babies?
Benjamin Nelson
This is fantastic, Grade-A "guaranteed replies" image there.
Dominic Sanchez
It's just a "Hang in there, kitty" poster only more pretentious
Bentley Morgan
>dude, taking whatever you want is good LMAO
The internet was a fucking mistake
Andrew Jones
It's a world view that stems from boredom.
Samuel Wilson
He really put all that art advice by the great masters of creativity to use!
Brayden Sanchez
I mean, I'm all for being a sociopath, saying fuck you to society and taking what you want from normies and drones, but when you paint it as some sort of noble, philosophical choice that extends beyond being a self-centred asshole, you might as well just be one of them.
Nolan Morales
Is he still at it?
I miss Dril Pencils.
Matthew Brown
>I mean, I'm all for being a sociopath
aaaand I stopped reading
Grayson Morales
People are lazy, but they want to be praised as if they work hard.
People are stupid, but they want to feel as if they're intelligent.
People are not creative, but they like to pursue creative interests for the image and status doing so provides.
This is where "art" such as Zen Pencils comes in.
Grayson Roberts
I remember when someon actually tried to interview the artist of this and they straight up said it was just a dumb joke that poked fun of people who make these comparisons.
What was supposed to be an ironic meme was actually thought of an actual philosophical statement. What a fucking world.
Ryan Wright
he probably meant misanthrope
Hudson Rivera
But he just made it worse
Andrew Young
Are you implying that having a philosophy of "dude take whatever you want fuck it lol" isn't sociopathic?
Joseph Sullivan
No, its called being free of spooks
Charles Sanchez
Average Man is unironically contributing more to society and the economy than this artist fucker.
Liam Richardson
No it's called being a goddamn hippie
That makes more sense
Jack Cruz
I would fucking kill for an overseas vacation
Owen Hughes
I hate pretentious artfags too, but
>implying contributing to society is important
Ryan Cook
Michael Jones
>Inadvertently arrived at the same conclusion on Zen Pencils as James Stokoe
oddly proud
Austin Stewart
The only thing I hate is when people go to another country and don't even attempt to try the local food. I mean unless it's something disgusting like fried monkey dick I do my best to try new things done traditionally if I can.
I also always order new things at the restaurant. As much as I like eating my favorite dishes I always try to order something new from the menu to try things out.
Leo Lee
based big dick Stokoe
Jack Brown
Makes sense, I mean what's the point of going there if you aren't gonna try some nice local food although that entirely depends on the price of said food due to my penny pinching nature, then again, I'll likely be able to find cheaper prices away from usual tourist destinations
Lincoln Diaz
Might as well post his notorious #criticism comic while at it.
Kevin Williams
Gavin Wright
post the edit
Elijah Martin
>He uses Miyazaki in this
>The man known for being a supreme hardass who hates most of the industry he works in
James Lopez
Joshua Howard
And who is overly critical about most things, including his own work.
Like he is the last person he should be using.
Ian Roberts
Eli Long
obligatory response comic
Landon Roberts
Not only that but Miyazaki is known for loving nature I don't see him tagging the moon.
Eli Sullivan
Beat the FUCK out!
Ryder Cox
>When in The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness he just takes a long pause then says something like "there is no purpose to this, all in all it's all just a grand hobby."
Charles Gonzalez
Easton Morales
this is now a chainsawsuit thread
Nathaniel Cook
>Ned Stark fighting a dragon
I audibly said "What?"
Dylan Young
Jackson Johnson
The author does seem to have quite the opinion about average workers.
Austin Williams
I don't get it, also dragons don't exist retard
Asher Fisher
> not the loss edit
Kevin Harris
But where did they get the engineers to build the robot on such short notice?
Jordan Hall
What's wrong with Ayn Rand?
Daniel Gonzalez
An intelligent woman born in a time where being a woman was dog shit, with all the appropriate levels of bitterness and edge.
Brayden Cooper
>An intelligent woman
Charles Barnes
It's implied that she's intelligent compared to other women.
Carter Bailey
Carson Roberts
he just wanted a quiet life
Ryder Nelson
har har
Christian Morales
Underrated post.
Blake Martin
I like the one that supports school shooters
Jose Anderson
She predicted corporations becoming the government 70 years ago
Kevin Robinson
Was it this one?
Leo Green
And then they take the hammer from him and beat him with it
Logan Cox
And then little Timmy was beaten to death with his own hammer after using it to bludgeon one bully in the head hard enough to disorient but not really down him.
Thomas Wood
Dylan Foster
a classic
James Walker
There's more to skill than detail and complexity. If it's well drawn but unappealing it's still a bad drawing
Isaiah Garcia
This. You're not going to be able to do art full time until you've already made it. Starbucks is the entry level job in any artistic field
Kayden Murphy
She basically went aggainst the flow by saying that egocentrism is a good thing.
>My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute."
>“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.”
You have the internet, just look her up if you want to know about the stuff she pushed.
Lucas Sullivan
Art is just kind of like that. The art is an extension of the dude making it, so what they say and do will influence how you perceive their work
Christian Garcia
based and redpilled
Brody Long
I hate how fucking corrupted the weed lmao meme has become
Nathan Murphy
Yeah the Miyazaki connection is truly baffling. It reads like the author thought he was a stereotype of a kindly old man based on his movies, when in reality he's the kind of guy that would criticize his own son's failed suicide attempt. "What's the matter with you? Can't even tie a simple noose?" That sort of thing. The dude walks into animation studios and tells people to their face that their work is an insult to life itself. If he saw this comic he'd probably tell the author to break his own hands. I don't know what made him so bitter and cynical, but that's what he is.
Cameron Rivera
No likes for Skillet?
Jeremiah Moore
It's not even that.
"Hang in there baby" is about not giving up at the sight of adversity.
This is just greediness without thinking of consequences.
Adam Cook
There are a million different scenarios that can be used to deliver the same message.
Hell, it could still be a GoT type story set in a fantasy land.
But by mixing reality with fantasy, it just ends being a crazy man wasting his whole life larping.
Angel Phillips
What's worse, Zen Pencils or Sinfest?
Leo Walker
I'm very open about showing my work to people and I have a pretty thick skin but of all professionals I would never, ever show my stuff to Miyazaki. He's one of my art heroes and he'd probably say something brutal that would scar my soul.
Zen Pencils. At least le feminist manifesto takes a stand on something, ZP is just pretentious hypocrisy cranked to 11 and it doesn't even interpret the quotes correctly most of the time.
Asher Taylor
That thing doesn't even make sense. There are normally functioning people that love medieval shit so they do historical reenactments and historical fencing in plate armor as a hobby. I'm sure someone with half a brain could cook up some kid drawing knights at school and getting mocked by bullies or some shit, and then he ends up winning some fencing competition as an adult.
Cameron Young
I'd take Sinfest's intricate nonsense over Zen Pencil's Facebook philosophy
Anthony Carter
Justin Butler
Dominic Gutierrez
>Bad webcomics wiki
Fuck off EZ PZ
Ethan Rogers
Wait wait, is this implying that woke bullshit is partly to blame for dividing people and turning men into the evil zombie horde? Is Tats okay? Did he have a stroke and wake up with a concept of nuance or something? I'm scared.
Cooper Moore
He calls himself a useless old man in Never Ending Man.
Christian Evans
From what i gather he's basically saying that the media is hijacking activism to sell it as a product. Woke TV seems like part of the fight against oppression because, you know, woke and stuff, but in reality it's just the villains' new tool, and the zombies don't get cured
Jack Gray
Ur gay
Aiden Turner
There's a quote by some Japanese artisan or filmmaker I've watched, can't remember, and I think it's a common Japanese thing, it stuck with me. He said something along the line that you have to give up on your identity and become your work. You don't exist, you are the things you make. Miyazaki probably has this kind of attitude, that's why he's so harsh.
Bentley Martinez
Your post was great to read.
And he probably became cynical after seeing the thing he used to watch and study life and movement to a troped riddled cash grab with people becomming creators that only every consumed other animation and never stupied the natural world and build their animation on that instead.
Eli Sanchez
Rodents are disgusting vile beings on the same tier as mosquitoes and cockroaches that need to be eradicated from the face of this planet for good.
Jayden Torres
I was wondering last night why Bukowski hasn't been adopted by incels. There it is.
Jason Walker
I love their faces afterwards
Christopher Ward
The ego has no need for pills and bases,for it is the base of itself,the unclouded and absolute self.
Mason Thomas
Mickey is the most popular and successful half-white/half-black man alive today.
Ryan Collins
Pretty sure he was more popular than MIchael Jackson even when he was alive
Landon Sullivan
stop being a fag and draw really skillfull shota or loli
Dominic Smith
The Chad schizo LARPer
Gavin Howard
But it made them zombies in the first place, look at the first panel again
Kevin Nelson
Sinfest is better simply because it can get fucking weird. Tats has the world's most autistically particular morals and has no fucking idea how to portray them. Zen Pencils is just kind of boring
Colton Roberts
So so? I'm sure that if some day I criticize a novel that I write that way I would simply say to him: "Is that the best you can say?"
I think I am one of the few who take constructive criticism as a recommendation, positive criticism as praise, detailed negative criticism as a warning and insulting negative criticism as trash.
Hunter Garcia
The kids did nothing wrong, what a dumb boomer
Juan Harris
Wow you are truly unique. You fucking idiot
Lucas Richardson
Oh, thanks.
I hate everyone but I know how the world works, unlike you.
Ayden Wilson
Excuse me, is there a MR. RACIST here?
Dylan Nelson
He wants to be deep, but instead this is stupid.
Henry Gomez
Zombies in sinfest are a metaphor for oppressors, sexists etc. Maybe you're right and the comic is arguing politicized media creates conflict among people, but in general Woke TV is presented as a bad thing because it's not *really* political, it's a lie to use feminism and whatnot to sell products and keep those pesky revolutionaries at bay. A mixture of pandering and manipulation basically
I think there are pages showing the devil-people behind the Woke TV but i don't have them right now
Austin Clark
Is this about loosing your mind to mental illness?
Charles Scott
oh fuck off, its literally just everyone cheering at the word "ART." im losing my fucking mind, this is beyond parody.
imagine a few days later and you look up and see "ART" still on the fucking moon in the most unappealing font and color possible. i imagine that's what hell feels like
Camden Bennett
>The stealth bomber.
What does it mean?
Alexander Price
I'm sure there's a difference between some user saying "lol its shit kys" and your art hero saying something harsh (that probably has some grounding to it)
Jose Butler
what's the parody of this where it's like someone becoming like mario or luigi? It was hilarious.
Jason Wood
Samuel Bell
>Not even a classic heavy bomber aircraft to hint at Miyazaki's passion for old airplanes
This faggot probably never even watched or read anything by Miyazaki, he just typed some shit like "popular creative people" on google and went with him because he liked the beard
Eli Jackson
damn as an artist i thought OP's pic was about how low effort cartoon tracings get more popular on instagram than realistic/original art.
Julian Barnes
>low effort cartoon tracings get more popular on instagram than realistic/original art
that's also true but there are no proper memes about this shit in art
Leo Gonzalez
Jaxon Cooper
Nobody fucking cares about how realistic you can draw if the whole composition is static and boring as a british family photo
Samuel Murphy
Caleb Bailey
Don't worry, next time he'll bring a gun.
Joseph Torres
Not that user but it's a lot less obvious than that.
Juan Hughes
She argued that altruism is a waste and selfishness is a good thing. I'm pretty libertarian, but I think there is something to be said for a man trying to better his community with no guaranteed reward. Pathological altruism can be hurtful but I think I society works better if people do just try to help each other (to a certain extent, this doesn't mean you should keep giving money to drug addicts, for example)
I also don't think she makes the connection that after a certain point, innate selfishness will lead to someone using their influence to oppress others. We see this happening now. I'm sure wal mart was a big fan of competition and low taxes when they were just starting out but now that they have a large share of the retail market they want those fixed because they're afraid of someone overthrowing them (Which Amazon is, and I'm sure they'll do the same thing) So they work with lawmakers to enact more taxes and regulation that little companies can't deal with, but they can. The extra overhead they pay is small compared to what they make by basically monopolizing rural areas. There does need to be a check in place for corporations at a certain point to make sure they don't oppress us, just like in government. The fact that she thinks a society of John Galts wouldn't quickly become a Brave New World just makes her look naive and foolish.
Ryder Flores
there won't be a next time, either the kid will end up paralyzed or taken away to another school
Dylan Cook
Tomino could have done it better.
Matthew Wright
I actually cannot believe that this is serious. This is 100% a joke.
Evan Evans
t. normie slave to society
Ryan Smith
This shit is why I'm browsing Yea Forums at 3AM
Jackson Evans
>Go overseas twice, somewhere safe
Fuck you, fuck that and fuck you. I have a fucking story because of that shit
>Be 24
>decide to be adventurous and go to South Africa
>Don't speak any of the language
>Accidentally get on the wrong bus
>We drive 2 days to the middle of nowhere
>Bus stops
>A dude in tan clothes yells something and everyone gets up and opens the luggage compartment
>Literally guns, AK's, Pistols, M16's and shit
>Realize I got on the wrong bus
>Walk off it
>Random dude hands me a gun and yells something at me
>Follow the 6 other people to a nearby village
>Spend 4 days at this village barely eating or sleeping wondering if im gonna be murdered
>Get woken up by distant gunfire and explosions
>Spend the night with my "squad" walking towards the combat
>Literally start getting shot at and don't know from where
>Dive into a fucking ditch and pray to god I dont die
>Fighting ends within like 20 minutes
>don't see anyone around me
>Fucking book it back to the village
>Don't speak any of the language
>Eventually someone drives me in their shitty car to a nearby city
>Contact my resort and tell them where I am
>They tell me how to get back and I do
>Return home 2 days later with severe PTSD
So you know what? Yeah, I WILL take my fucking vacation in a safe country, because i'd rather not aid in a fucking conflict and die when I just want to fucking sip alcohol on the beach.
Adrian Cox
>dreaming of writing a book
This is the “no dream” dream. This is the dream of someone who wants to have a cool image but has no reasonable skills.
Jeremiah Morgan
Colton Jenkins
Wow a funny hiimdaisy comic, i wonder how long before she scrubs it off the internet
Henry Parker
Really causes me to ponder
Chase Sanchez
thats fucking terrible.
I've been to Honduras this last year, and the reason I was able to go was because I have connections there, people who'd know I'm there, people I could call, an itinerary, and I know basic spanish enough to explain my predicament and where id need to go. I'd never go to Honduras as an 'adventure' or else I'd get something like what you got. I would have been scammed or stranded or worse - what happened to you - if someone i was with hadn't steered me properly. Enough happened to me with all that preparation even, I cant imagine going without that.
That's the sort of preparation ZP and the facebook-tier inspirational people look down on.
What? decide not to go out and do something CRAZY because until you have a better understanding of it??? NO!! You'll never get anywhere unless you go out now!!!
It seems to be rooted in a resentment of "the sheeple" whose only crime is not caring about the same things he cares about. People should get out and do things outside their routine so they don't wind up old and regretful, but impulsiveness without weighing the potential risks is not behavior anyone should be promoting
Blake Gonzalez
I didn't know Guy Ritchie had made a movie set in South Africa.
Lucas Rodriguez
>tfw I would consider myself luck to have that life
Dominic Richardson
But Ned Stark never even got to SEE a dragon, much less considered slaying one.
Christopher Butler
Being unremarkably average seems like a pretty good gig.
Nolan Taylor
Are you serious? That's insane if so.
Not to demean your experience but that could sound like a comedy routine of Pee Wee Herman or some shit getting caught up in an African war.
Where did you start out? Cape Town?
Nathan Jackson
Zen pencils is coherent enough to be outrageous
Tats has borderline schitzophrenia
Matthew Thompson
I think if Miyazaki saw this, he would die. Like he would actually straight up FUCKING DIE out of SPITE for the abhorrent filth that is this comic.
James White
Sinfest by a mile because it fell way further.
Cameron Morales
Why would you just come on the internet and tell lies?
Thomas Powell
This hits all the right spots. Hng
Chase Smith
I can't believe NuSinfest made something I agree with.
David Baker
>le 2 hours of productive work meme
Screw off. I don't know if that's the norm in office jobs (and even if it is, constantly repeating this is a self-fulfilling prophecy), but in kitchens you work the full shift. Seriously, a life like this would be great.
Gabriel Clark
Not Yea Forums related but there are some YouTube videos I like to watch that are cultish as hell from a channel called the school of life and this reminds me of a video where the guy goes off the deep end and claims all artists should be forced to make positive art against their will (as slaves) because that's the purpose of art in society
Ayden Robinson
Haha what the fuck
Matthew Young
I'll take "things that never happened" for 100, Alex.
Anthony Johnson
Because he fucked and got fucked more in his 50's than any regular incel. They cant cope with living as an asshole womanising piece of shit like he did.
Angel Phillips
I cant believe someone used buck for this incel garbage
Austin Reyes
>Make great money driving a forklift and swearing at the elderly
>Already qualify for a huge mortgage, gonna get an 80k fix-it instead
>Son is due in 19 weeks
Fags hate normality; you can really have fun with it if you're willing to plan but not to settle.
Connor Moore
Her whole point was that you can't love other people if you aren't selfish first simple as that and yet half a fucking century later people still don't get it
Dominic Johnson
>Go to fucking South Africa
It is like you wanna torture yourself
Justin Morris
Is the rat based on an endangered species of rodent? (because it should)
Gabriel Diaz
i love this shit even if its fake
Nolan Cook
only normies believe in going hiking in Shitstainistan for vacation because they've never been confronted by real hardship so they're fully not expecting anyone to hurt them.
Noah Phillips
Is it the one that recently got put on the extinct list in Australia, because the last population was swept out to sea when the area was flooded? It'd make the image make a little more sense if it dealt with a newly extinct species.
Jackson Smith
Double meaning?
Elijah Carter
I reversed image search and it seems to be just a generic rodent
Grayson Nguyen
reminds me of this
Nathan White
only reason I believe this is because my friend went to pakistan and got drafted into a nearby freedom force in the village he was staying in, and had to shoot at taliban members for 2 days
Charles Walker
Lord of the Rings is better.
Adam Cruz
or maybe it's just my cynicism speaking, but the guy was probably just trying to avoid being outted as a moron
Nolan Cox
According to the author it is. They think they’re making a difference.
Matthew Miller
Care Bears killed reality?
Dylan Powell
The loss edit is probably one of the best loss edits of all time, the buildup is amazing.
Logan Murphy
>Those two Danish pro-immigration feminists who went to Morocco on vacation and got raped and beheaded
/pol/ had a field day with that
John Wilson
Anthony White
Then who was dragon?
Is he actually supporting mental illness? Looking at and this, let me guess, this guy appeals to the lowest common denominator.
Leo Baker
Incredibly irrelevant. Never change Yea Forums.
Liam Johnson
Love this, thanks user
Julian Brown
Do you have it?
Gavin Jackson
I'm having a hard time believing this shit
Jaxon Campbell
ZenComics was always preachy, pesudointellectual, entry level philosophy trash
Carson Gray
This image makes me irrationally angry.
James Cooper
so does this guy actually believe the drivel he peddles or is it purely designed to appeal to as many idiots as possible
Nicholas Miller
don quijote?
Blake Green
Probably a bit of both.
Blake Powell
There is a bit of context left out though. Miyazaki had a friend who was crippled and moved in the same way as the zombies he was being shown. He felt like they were insulting cripples.
Still a crazy and unfair overreaction but not out of nowhere like it seemed.
Jackson Wilson
Usually I'm not on the ZenPencils hate train, but aren't the images directly contridicting what Lennon is saying in the captions? Or is that supposed to be the point or some bugshit?
Connor Perry
I think ZP is just wildly misinterpreting the quote.
Hudson Sullivan
I want to beheaded this guy
Grayson Cook
Would it not be okay to believe might makes right so long as you accept that one day you might be the less mighty one?
Charles Davis
Lennon: "imagine if there was no religion"
Asher Lee
I think I hate zen pencils even more than xkcd
Luis Foster
At least Munroe does cool infographs every now and then. I've never seen a Zen Pencils that I liked.
Andrew Evans
This is some South Park shit. Well at least you had a unique experience
Charles Perez
Can't call it a prediction when it's just a logical conclusion.
Gabriel Hall
>You know realize Kira's desire to avoid attention stems from Hol Horse's philosophy of "Always be Number 2".
Evan Ross
I'd fucking love a job where I got paid to sit around and shitpost 30 hours a week
Robert Stewart
>tfw already have come to terms an accepted that this will be my life
Ryder Kelly
>science and engineers only assebvle the thing like manual laborers
>art students and musicians designed it
This bullshitnis how STEAM faggots have ruined the STEM movement.
Carson Parker
Got any more?
Aaron Reyes
talk about stories that need to be a comic book
Charles Ward
Saved this from a previous thread.
Ayden Ward
capitalist pig oink oink
Kayden Ward
It needs the one from "Maus" and 6.000.000.
Justin Hall
But at least you have a fun story to tell, user! So what if you have PSTD nightmares!
Seriously though, if your story is true then I am sorry for your pain.
Anthony Mitchell
Do it
Angel Hall
Mason Hall
So who were shooting at you?
Aiden Martinez
Just thinking of some greasy, fat user in South Africa just walking with his squad makes me laugh
Jonathan Jackson
Literally everything described here I'm the opposite of. I never knew how much of a freak I come off as, yet always suspected it.
Ayden Williams
>using Invictus this way
I mad.
Adrian Thompson
Eli Hall
she predicted fucking everything, she nailed sjws
reading atlas is scary because it feels like it was written today.
You can agree with her or not but thats fucking terryfying no wonder she has her own cult
Grayson Jenkins
>South Africa
>Can't speak the language there
They all speak English in the big cities there
Landon Peterson
I recall that Comic having a completely different ending where the kid gets in trouble after beating the shit out the kids with the hammer, and there’s some lesson about not doing that kind of stuff.
Are you sure some of these comics aren’t just edited sorter to make them look stupid?
Sebastian Johnson
She argued that people have to actually live their beliefs, not just quietly hold them in their head. And people don't like being told that they are hypocrites.
Benjamin Robinson
>I recall that Comic having a completely different ending where the kid gets in trouble after beating the shit out the kids with the hammer, and there’s some lesson about not doing that kind of stuff.
You are thinking of the sequel
>Are you sure some of these comics aren’t just edited sorter to make them look stupid?
Nope, they are all straight from the source.
Tyler Sanchez
We live in one.
Adam Myers
Find all the mistakes
Sebastian Long
The gun
-no hinge, it opening like that shouldn't be possible
-has a bolt despite being break action apparently
-if it were a bolt action, the scope placement would make it impossible to chamber a round
-it has one solid black bolt in the first panel, which is missing in the second, and in the third it gains a weird second silver bolt but it's on the scope(?)
-it's hollow beneath the chamber
-that sight is terrible
The message
-there have been plenty of assassination attempts on people who deserved it and people who didn't but weren't group-hug hippies
-there is no 'we'. assassination has been carried out by unrelated people with a tons of reason beyond "boy I wish this person would shut the fuck up about peace and happiness.
also what the fuck is up with that window on the car?
Zachary Jones
additionally there's no hammer to set off that bullet and the butt is too small in the second panel to be part of the same gun.
Also I meant to type bolt handle where I typed bolt, silly me.
Austin Rogers
LORD OF THE RINGS > God > Average > Shit > Diarrhea > Tommy Wiseau > A Stitch in Time > Breaking Bad > Game of Thrones = RR Martin.
Connor Myers
>tfw usually read entire books in one sitting
>Can't finish fucking LOTR
It's been on my bedside table for years, I just can't finish it it's so dry and I really don't like the style of it so I end up reading other books instead. Maybe it's the translation, I should buy it in English.
Jaxson Hernandez
By the way he later made a comic showing that the boy was actually Mark Zuckerberg all along.
This raises quite some problems.
First he implies that Mark Zuckerberg violently attack someone once, without having any evidence for it to back up, which could theoretically count as libel.
Secondly, the comic in question was made in 2012, where Facebook's moustache twirling evilness wasn't a common topic in the main public yet, making the comic kind of harsh in hindsight by putting Zuckerbot on a pedestal as some kind of selfmade man paragon of virtue.
This shows the biggest problem with all of this person-based worship culture which Zen Pencils seem to rely on by mindlessly using quotes that kinda sound nice. They forget that these quoted persons may have flaws or did decisions which could go completely against the perceived meaning the original quotes go by. If you go around quoting someone you inevitable also quote the live of the person himself. That's why you would never quote something said by Hitler in a speech, even if it may sound nice without knowing the context.
Xavier Cooper
This is pretty funny in that it looks more like someone just copypasted the text of a completely unfitting poem over the comic than anything. Except it's the real thing and zenpencils guy's mindset is just that fucked.
Luis Walker
fucking shit like this makes me want to hatefuck the living shit out of banksy
Ryan Thompson
>it looks more like someone just copypasted the text of a completely unfitting poem over the comic
That is exactly what happened; the someone is the author of the comic, and the poem is credited in the last panel, like all the literature he shamelessly lifts.
Xavier Bailey
First off fuck zenpencils
secondly I just realized that I have done the opposite of each of those things in the comic.
1 & 2: I'm an obstinate fucker so...
3: I didn't go to college (because I couldn't afford to).
4: I have never had a desk job
5:I have been to around 10 different countries (Sidenote: what does safe and easy mean? Does this asshole expect people to be making regular trips to the gaza strip or something?)
6:Don't have a mortgage
7: I speak 8 languages
8: I literally just published my first story a few months back
9: I have my own business
10: I'm so ugly kids throw peanuts at me during my commute.
Leo Reyes
Fuck off Moby
Adrian Morgan
take that you bitch you are now fucking a janitor for not loving me
Carson Hughes
user under that allegory the left rat is worth millions and it’s carved In the culture of the most influential country in the world
The other feeds on thrash and transmits diseases
Like...this work is stupid but you don’t have to add your own stupidity to it
Cooper Perez
>I'm so ugly kids throw peanuts at me during my commute.
I'm really sorry for your situation, but the thought of this alone made me laugh harder than all the "inspiration" Zen Pencils could ever give me with his pretentious comics.
I consider you therefore more influential in my life than ZP could ever be.
Grayson Flores
The idea behind this is not really that bad but it could have been 4 panels and it would have been a silly sort of smart joke. Instead this whole visual novel of a comic tells you how much this guy is smelling his own farts
Dominic Perry
>I miss Dril Pencils.
I do too, they should be found and reposted with a disclaimer that Gavin has no legal claim to complain about this even in his native Cucknada and if he knows what's good for him he'll shut up and take it
Samuel Reed
hold on your horses
is it okay to like Ayn Rand now?
Tyler Garcia
Don't people have mice as pets?
Jose Collins
That wasn't the kind of altruism she was even talking about.
She meant altruism like excusing your actions as being in service to some supposed greater good.
The entire philosophy is about rejecting the subjective and that includes the illusion that anyone is responsible for your actions other than yourself, don't let others be your excuse, good or bad everything you do is because you chose to do it.
Blake Morris
1. Gavin Aung more often than not takes quotes requiring zero explanation whatsoever and then draws comics which misunderstand the point of them so as to further his own agenda (quit your job, become an artist)
2. Ayn Rosenberg was completely unable to live the principles she bleated at others, threw a tantrum when the boyfriend she cheated on cheated on her to the point of tearing down her own school, and died a pauper on food stamps. Fuck all of you self made faux intellectuals who lick her feet and Jordan's, get some therapy for your painfully clear daddy issues
Jeremiah Nelson
David Murphy
Dude, you're so desperate to prove Zenpencils wrong you're turning Miyazaki into a monster.
He wasn't telling this kid his art was an "insult to life itself" because LOL MEAN ASIAN MAN DISHONER U he was doing it because he felt using real people with janky modes of locomotion as the basis for "monsters" was deeply ableist and bigoted. That makes him seem more compassionate than anything.
Daniel Nelson
Sinfest is thousands of times worse, but it's become so retarded it's actually more entertaining to read.
ZP is pretentious and condescending but it's not actually made by someone who lost all their marbles
Benjamin Ortiz
At least Sinfest is an original story.
Zen Pencils piggybacks off the merit of others for the sake of reposted #inspirational memery on Instagram.
Robert Davis
The 40k way
John Walker
Try it, but I don't think you'll be much better off.
Isaac Richardson
Even if you ignore the issues people have with her, her whole philosophy is basically against everything Zen Pencils pretends to stand for
Cooper Sanders
>literally no indigenous militant recognizes the obvious foreigner and mugs/kills him before he does somethung stupid
nice fic
Juan Rivera
>Accidentally get on the wrong bus
Carson Rogers
Dont forget pistol grip on a hunting style rifle.
James Bell
I want a version of this one where the robot doesn't work at all and is all wonky and out of proportion because nobody knows how to draw or design anything.
In the end when they put it together it falls on a bunch of people and kills them. They blame the trolls and don't learn because they can't accept criticism.
Benjamin Cox
Rats are more adventurous and fun then a mouse.
William White
He really could have just googled the way how guns work for like 5 minutes to avoid all of this.
Zachary James
>Accidentally get on the wrong bus
>We drive 2 days to the middle of nowhere
>Bus stops
>A dude in tan clothes yells something and everyone gets up and opens the luggage compartment
>Literally guns, AK's, Pistols, M16's and shit
>Realize I got on the wrong bus
Are you Pee Wee fucking Herman?
How does this happen to a real person and not the retarded but lovable protagonist of an 80's-90's movie?
Jackson Garcia
>an adventurer
guy was nothing but a belligerent drunk
Levi Bell
Aaron Stewart
Benjamin Phillips
Pressuring people to be special has become unironic cancer.
It has come full circle and is, ironically, the new norm. If you aren't actively trying to be "quirky" you're essentially not normal these days
Jayden Johnson
do you feel above average yet user?
Brayden Sanchez
When was the last time Miyazaki actually smiled?
Zachary Smith
Given the first part's logic, the bully would probably have ended up a longer lasting richer and more happy individual who would eventually make his own app which kills off spacebook
Adam Morris
>this black and white mindset
>you should feel bad about not being outstanding
>creator is probably average by their own standard
things like this never cease to amaze me.
Whats even worse is that a lot of the people who are shitposting against it are probably subconciously supporting this mindset
Brayden Rivera
Francis hates her, that's good enough for me.
Benjamin Garcia
>faggy artists spend a day designing a generic robot
>ideas board
>engineers have to actually make this shit work, nevermind the physics behind specific shapes of the robot structure
Hunter Smith
Dude I don't even feel average
Matthew Smith
below average is the new above average
Brayden Sanchez
Camden Lewis
>Don't speak any of the language
Fake, they speak English in South Africa.
Dominic Murphy
Elijah Sanchez
>getting a fucking rolex for working
>meh that's unremarkable
Is this fucker serious?
Jack Brown
The mecha design is so fucking bad too as a /m/an. It looks like what normalfags think mechas look like just because they saw Power RRangers and Transformers a couple times. The panel where it shows the various inspirations also feels like the writer didn't really care and just thought of Giant robot stuff, Voltron of course being front and center because of nostalgia and probably LD was fairly new at the time, and transformers being there s well because it's the most normalfag /m/ thing if we are being super honest. The main thing that pisses me off is how they include a gundam head which appears to be the RX78, and it just feels like they put it's head there because Gundam is afamous Japanese anime series but without any real reverence for the franchise, or the robot itself. Hell Ready Player One did a better job with paying tribute to gundam.
Alexander Thomas
I don't get it
John Brown
But why is contributing to society important to the individual? I'd rather do something fun and useless than boring and helping others. Fuck other people, they can contribute to society if they like.
Chase Anderson
Fake and gay
Sell it to hollywood, they'll buy it right up
Elijah Lopez
The second quote is Robert Heinlein.
Christian Robinson
Dylan Myers
JFK was a WW2 vet and authorized the Bay of Pigs invasion, he not some secular saint.
Jackson Morgan
Right-wing viewpoints are being cencored by Lamestream Media!! It's a conspiracy!
David Cruz
reely makes you think...
Leo Nelson
Joseph Anderson
I think this guy might be fucking insane.
Jace Evans
>the idiot that made this comic dosn't see the irony
Jason Richardson
Even Quixote went looking for evil to stop, this guy is just insane.
A darker version would be a guy inspired by Batman or Punisher and the comic ending before he's shot to death.
Jackson Torres
Purely in terms of quality Sinfest is by far the worst since it turned into a self-hating male's TERF manifesto. Zen Pencil's biggest crime is that it's interpretation of famous quotes are really, really boring and sometimes miss the message completely. In terms of entertainment? You can get at least some amount of enjoyment out of Sinfest since it's one of the worst webcomics created. Zen Pencils is just mediocrity incarnate. I'd rather read something spectacularly bad than bland and boring.
Jayden Foster
it helps that xkcd does it as a side gig and it all happen on a fluke.
Tyler Perez
>yellow Asian
Caleb King
Sinfest is terf?
Wyatt Walker
Like you're doing right now?
Caleb Bailey
Are you black?
Julian Miller
He's the giant rat
Oliver Ortiz
>no second shooter
Thomas Morales
I meant radfem but he's probably a TERF too.
Wyatt Wright
>and authorized the Bay of Pigs invasion
No he didn't his arm was twisted to authorize it and even then he didn't give the CIA all the resources they wanted. They blame him for the failure.
James Butler
maybe user is black
Alexander Foster
JFK was pro-segregation
Oliver Butler
well there was one other time he got people to get along.
Parker Thomas
Ask the same faggots who keep making MOBILE GAME BAD
Ian Harris
>>“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
>Specialization is for insects.”
That's retarded
Asher Ross
What if I just don't like traveling?
Lucas Clark
That's clearly not a New York City rat.
Matthew Wright
Heinlein said that.
Levi Carter
>Sinfest is terf?
Yeah, there was a big thing about it on his forum a little while ago.
Blake Johnson
Francis hates a lot of shit, user.
Julian Mitchell
I’m just surprised nobody has made a npc wojak edit of this yet
Adam Thompson
Angel King
id genuinely kill to have that life
Noah Hall
This tells a lot about our society
Aiden Long
Mickey: Just B urself :^D
Aiden Green
Jeremiah Nelson
Christopher Rivera
>Being average is the new quirky
Weird. Seems a bit self contradictory
Ryan Carter
He's literally retarded, all these pro-normalry normalfags are coping faded-out losers; The quirkiness fad is like 5 years old at this point and they are getting mad at content from the other half of the decade for fuck all reason
The internet is marked with communities and subreddits about shaming people who pretend to be special, these guys are all retards having a mass delusion repeating the same shit thinking what they're saying isn't years out of date now.
This thread is a "hugbox"
Luke Bennett
>The littlest of fingers
Wyatt Anderson
>Make an atheist claim
>har har *tips fedora* m'lord
>Ayn Rand
>wow such an intelligent woman!
Dylan Wilson
This is literally the same mindset as that dobson comic
John Stewart
Zen Pencils. Sinfest was actually good at one point before Tats had some kind mental breakdown or something.
Colton Powell
that is a disturbing creature
Adrian Evans
>that is a disturbing creature
He is coming for you, there is no escape
Josiah Powell
Did you play Bioshock?
Sebastian Robinson
I'd kill to live like that.
Aaron Perez
>I can't visualize solving problems without resorting to visualizing violence because my fucking peanut brain is incapable of conceptualizing anything more than self indulgent revenge fantasies
Brayden Jenkins
This site already proves saying the N word get's more attention than Disney's mascot. Try again retard.
Parker Powell
>remember kids, everyone's aspiration should be to become a societal anomaly even though society is built upon average people doing average things to maintain society
>Remember you HAVE to be strange otherwise you failed yourself and those all around you
wtf did he mean by this?
Jonathan Mitchell
The author is known to project his live choices of leaving a company and becoming an artist to the meaning of random quotes by different people.
Sebastian Jackson
that's the crazy part.
But no one would accept quirkiness like a fart fetish or that you like to get drunk and beat up junkies in the park for funsies. people that watch anime or wear rainbow socks are "good quirky" now.
fuck right off. I would bet money youre one of those ungenuine faggots who dance fortnite dances ironically in front of the class for laughs and praise yourself with it because seeming like a funny retard is the only social acknoledgement you'll ever achieve.
You're simply triggered that the coolrandoms club doesnt like non-conformist hipster retards like you. the lolsorandom cult is still existant and you will never truly not be a normalo tryhard
Luke Turner
I remember a recent zen pencils having a story like this, a guy leaving his job and selling his house only to not do anything instead of becoming super famous, as if he became aware of his preachy bullshit and wanted to step back from it.
Luis Rogers
fucking hell, that's a cursed image
Sebastian King
Ha ha no but seriously, the fuck are you even trying to say?
Jaxson Flores
*tips fedora*
Connor Green
>not armpits
you had one job
Andrew Wright
Holy shit! That sure beats working two full-time minimum wage jobs! Is that really considered average?
Christopher Ross
>Why does this stylized golden ratio cartoon character mouse get more attention then this generic realistic mouse
And that's not even figuring in Mickey being the face of 1930s animation and a major entertainment icon in general.
Luis Morris
>Masters of creativity
>almost copies x for Dummies' design to almost plagiarism with a generic art style for character models
John Morris
That second quote is Heinlein you tangerine
John Collins
Isn't their nationals language Afrikaans (a dutch dialect)?
Justin Bailey
I still dont get what the hell her problem was regarding her old work, i swear artists are always 10/10 work ethic, practice everday types or "I'm going to purge my entire portfolio because im having a breakdown"
Benjamin Walker
you guy know why he is so smug against average paper dude
he is used to be a graphic designer then quit and become a comicbook artist
how brave
Mason Gutierrez
We live in a society
Gavin Roberts
Trust me, it ain’t that great in English either.
The writing was made in a time when lore dumping was considered acceptable. Now, it’s just a grind to go through because the average reader doesn’t have the time nor the patience to sit through an exposition about the 13 hobbit families in the fucking Shire.
Parker Ortiz
As much as I hate modern Disney, Walt is one of the most talented cartoonists and animators in history and his simple style took a lot of work to perfect.
I'm sure he could draw the realistic rat as well as he could draw Mickey, since you need a good understanding of mass and movement to be able to animate on his level.
Anyone complaining about his art is just a salty contrarian.
Joshua Long
>thinking Wiseau isn't kino
this post reeks of "desperate contrarian zoomer trying to look cool" so bad that I bet you think the nigger version of ASiT is the original work.