Mari qualifies the GET as fish kys kisse!
user spreads flube psychosis by paying with card!
Ducks-in-a-row phraseology, decoded!
Elon Musk buys [s4s]!
Read all about it! Full story here!
The Topkek Tribune
Other urls found in this thread:
GET OF THE WEEK: Requests for ads are being accepted! Reply with an image and a short comment or don't, you'd be surprise :^) and I will get back to you shortly.
four same numbers!
nice quads munch, thanks for the paper!
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
>TFW when bury ebil toaster burns my toast
I saved this paper so I can read it again later
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
arigothankyouverymunch for the paper munch :^D
i enjoy read out of/11
Your fortune: Good Luck
where the hell is buttmunch i dont miss her im just saying..
>30 mins ago
nvm sry i got wetbrain
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
great paper i read it and enjoyed it
loved this good job
arigato for le checkie, ilu + saved these replies to read again later
nice le dubs, i enjoyed this reply out of /the number at the end of your post counter
I'm here, half asleep, looking at le national pokedex for unrelated matters
nice ++( °o° )++ dubs loved and enjoyed them WOOP WOOP
was wondering wth ur doing
ive been on a bender for a few days so..
oop sry no mean to blog nice papre i read it *SNOOOZE*
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Requesting you hide subtle freemason iconography in your next edition
two same numbers!
*pat pat* there there. it's time to relax
like so?
Kogasa suffers from self-esteem problems, as she is easily pushed into lamenting about wondering what her purpose is, or that she might be better off if she just went back to being an umbrella. Perhaps due to this, Kogasa is seeking a true purpose of existence for youkai, tsukumogami, and herself. She attempted this by starting a career in babysitting (which did not seem to go very well), surprising people (which also isn't going very well, though she's found some success in the Myouren Temple graveyard), and was even considering going back to being an umbrella just so she can be useful in that regard. She's stated that she's trying to imagine what humans want, and then plans on becoming that something they can use. Deep down, it appears this pitiable illegally dumped object and troubled forgotten item just wants to be desired.
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
that pploni is hella small ha-haaaa
im not into traps anymore btw sry i dont wanna sound like a copout...
Your fortune: Godly Luck
link to swag is for boys meme are for men thread pls
I lol'd so hard my umbrella fell of
proud of you catters
it was an ad request from the last paper thread >Straight n*gga
I want to reduce the number of people who get hurt. (ノ_,_)ノ Anonymous messages are scary. Along with a wonderful real intention, the worst bad words arrive. But [s4s] aren't scary!!! :D It doesn't hurt to accept anonymous messages. [s4s] is such a safe place. (っ^__^)っ
lol are you from africe very nice
doubles africe
i want le marketable s4s appliances
perfect thanks
making it happen is the first step toward you're goal
no problemo my dude
Nice quads munch, you're my favorite namefag
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
lol ilu, arigato
Hello Munch,
Please accept this ad for advertisement porpoises on your weekly periodical.
I trust in your discretion with these very important matters.
Also, ban all anime.
Yours Truly,
kek and chek i love this personally~
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
ty bby ilu
woke up alive again to read the tribune.
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
ilu anony but i hab two be careful cuz i got warnded for flooding... i got too happy~
Good job munch keep up the good work! I was up all night waiting and fell asleep before (quads).
Your fortune: Average Luck
looks like a great featured slot to me
woke up alive again to reply to this post
holy b*tts it's dawn pitch and much in real irl manga together
excellent. i look forward to doing business with (You)
a toast to these ebin paper quads
Your fortune: Outlook good
the feeling is mutual
bunt toes
those dubs
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
trying again
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
It seems like just yesterday I was relaxing in my bathtub, scrolling through [s4s] and pondering what marvelous new post I could create for all of you to revel in. I then got out of the bath and dried off, put on some clean clothes, grabbed my Macbook Pro running Gentoo GNU/Linux and decided I would once again create something truly special. I then thought "Hmm, what should I post?" I then decided on something truly revolutionary, truly encapsulating the entire spirit of [s4s], something that would be spoken of for years to come. I then asked myself "What would [s4s] be like without me?" The answer was simply horrifying, it was a nightmare that could not be described with words. It was at this moment I knew I had to do something, I had to step up and be the quality™ threadcrafter I am.
good pape I read it
I love you so le munch + lol true story + here's the mene I drew of you when we were completing the meme tablel I hope you like it miss mari (pls "mari" me)
nice dubs I check them
s4s would be moderately better if you left
the "you tried" star is such a classic
The memes were to the extremes the past week muncher! Good coverage!
quaddies are lesbian gudness~ chek munch gud reporter
Your fortune: Outlook good
kek fugging saved bozo
any update on rupert?
Your fortune: Bad Luck
He fell out of a hot air balloon and is missing presumed deceased :^(
the classic that starred it all
quads checking quads confirms le memesanity, arigato king'su
arigato miss
heh, glad you liek
that feel tfw when search and seizure
he is a cade
round munch
munch I have it on good authority (user) that ur in fact a he.(peepee, no pronoun games) what say u
(I still
I lol'd so hard my angles fell of
if you really must know
this one's gonna rearrange the face of the planet
you'd be surprise
ok I did protest and say nah im pre sure munch is a griller her erotic tastes are too sensual but user insisted so I had to do my philosophic duty as an axolotl, (I askalota questions hehe)
I love the kawaii and nice "askalota" rare wooper plushe + lol true story, pic related
dank issue, good opinion piece
Can't let these dubs go unchecked.
munch is Dr Sex?!!!!!!
Why would you post "F" unless munch AKA Dr Sex was dead?
This is all so confusing. Oh well. Type F to pay respect to Dr Sex. RIP.