17 days until [s4s] k-on rewatch!

17 days until [s4s] k-on rewatch!
making a threade everyday counting down so no one forgets and people can join

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yoo goo suck eye ™

Whore's your favorite?

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Milton is my favorite kon

i leik ru shes air in head but seh is cool

Your fortune: Bad Luck


i want to bugi with mugi
the horizontal bugi
horizontal sex

not sure if ironiqué or if someone enjoys this genuinely

but where we watch?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

< cute girls doing cute things with big friend compatibility layer

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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mugi moog doo doo doo

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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i tried to watch it once but i got bored but watching it with my frens will make it more interesting

Your fortune: Good Luck

How many days left now?

Attached: days until k-on rewatch.jpg (400x402, 35.55K)

What does this mean

k-on is gateway but then youve entered and look back notice all dressing on k-on and go oh well im not into all that dressing

Your fortune: Good Luck

two same numbers!

I have never watched K-on before
Can I watch it with you?

let's make a cytube strem!


you using cytube? that could be a good stream chat party for s4s~

only 17 days left ONG!!!!!!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

i'm excited ive only checked out a few episodes n i love mugi

only 17 days from this exact moment? WOW!

I can make a cytube thread if more people are interested

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if kesandra pulling up anony pulling for keksandra soul reveal xd

ONLY 17 DAYS!!!!!! WHAT THE LE FUDGE!!!!!!!!!

dubs confirm

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been rewatching it myself recently
tonight i will watch s2 e18, 19, & 20
i am going to get annihilated
i love k-on so much

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everyone is my nice and is my friend here. why should I worry about? cytube is really comfy

loled :^)

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Your fortune: Better not tell you now

holy cr*p only 17 days left get hype!!!!!

17 days left omg ogm omg!!!!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

MIL house is not a mene!

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two same numbers!

lets gooo

yspls lole, I'll actually finish it if u do this :P

only 17 days from this exact moment in time. omfg. Im so hyped.

Your fortune: Outlook good

What is this asian language!??@?@?-

>17 days from now
O_O; also quoting btw the way

17 days

two same numbers!

dubs checked, page 9!


17 days left get hype my brudders

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

17 DAYS!!!!!!!1!111

Your fortune: Good Luck

we got it

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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k-on rewarch in 17 days omg

just 17 days my brudders

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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17 DAYS HOLY FUG !!!!!!!!!

i can't believe it's only 17 days away

Your fortune: Good Luck

17 days? aw hell yea

Just two more weeks (and three days)

how many daes now?


holy shit! really?!

indeed there are only 17 days remaining until the official [s4s] k-on rewatch

Attached: the final countdown.jpg (480x360, 33K)