i wanna do this game again. ITT describe specific feelings and try to post a reaction image that matches the feelings other user's describe.
I wanna do this game again...
That feeling when you really need to shit
Here is a feeling:
That feeling when you want to cum inside a sandwhich in a public park in arkansas.
checked degeneracy
that feeling when you stub your toe
i have a tight living space.
two 2's noticed but here's my reaction
i prey 4 ran ran ru's house to get biger
>tfw when you suddenly disengage from reality and go numb during a party or something so you start to fake enthusiasm but you don't have the enthusiasm for that so you half ass the fuck out of it.
dangerus spider suiside
>tfw you have a sweat fetish and you can't let your gf know because she'd be grossed out but she insists on showering when she gets back from the gym before anything sexual so you have to watch in silence as she undresses her body still shining.
post numb small talk at foreign party, drop saucy idea and quietly watch devolve
>tfw you hate everything and everyone
all those sames!!!!!!!!!!111111111 you don't go into the bathroom lock the door and blast music from your phone? i guess hooman hand island with brown corey cruise n black window is acurate
married 30 years and watching your SO fall fast and far into dementia
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
all i got is melvins revolve and it will do. thanks on you though!
ur welcum gor revolver
Dubs, nice
savage OG and his bloodqueen
>tfw you come home from a first date and realize you may have been too honest about yourself.
>that tfw when you're not sure if it's herpes or just a rash
>tfw you meet a dealer and they're younger than you
that feeling when you bought acid from craigslist but your entire apartment is on fire and the only wat yo put it out is to have a tongue come out your penis to you can give it the little stamp thing that makes you hallucinate so it can learn discharge like it's a pokemon but realize you're already on acid and your therapist is sitting infront of you wondering why you just put iceubes in yor=ur cereal as you slowly loe grasp on reality and everyone you have kniwn was dead in that eletrical fire you poured oil on because you thought "if not water, oil" as your therapis watches your icecubes melt into the shpe if a swatszika on the table
Both of these spiders can be found on Brazil
>tfw steeling your will to do something dreadful for a cause you believe in
how do i put this in to a single image?
>tfw someone died and you wonder why you aren't more sad.
(unknown dubs)
>When you invent aspects of a relationship in your head to the point where you think you have an extremely deep and meaningful love affair with a close friend but the other party is obviously unaware of your thoughts and when reality clashes with delusion the whole fantasy comes crashing down but you just want to start over and make them understand that you love them more than they can imagine
lol i love the nice bump girl
when the e the person the person say sexy things
>when you make hot chocy
the feelin when you see an ugly cute girl
that feel when the impostor is sus
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail