The Topkek Tribune

Python satisfies griller as blurry grape kot lols in 4k!
user's closet opens to the public!
Opposition to the media, censored!
Connect One, everyone lol!
Read all about it! Full story here!

Attached: The_Topkek_Tribune_Issue_No._64.png (967x900, 758.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

GET OF THE WEEK: Requests for ads are being accepted! Reply with an image and a short comment or don't, you'd be surprise :^) and I will get back to you shortly.

get a job

been featured in this shitty fucking retard ass paper 3 weeks inna row now
gettin real fuckin tired of it
AT LEAST ask for permission first, JEEEEEEEEZ

Your fortune: Godly Luck

i do not liek the paper

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

i would like to for the paper to go awaye

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

here is my idea for ad: a reminder to set your calendar back for quints

hai hai true story, i deserve getting abused by grillers like this
arigato calendar-kun, but set it back?

Attached: purebliss.jpg (672x453, 34.65K)

I like the paper. Enjoy your trip, if it wasn't yesterday.

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requesting the funnies to be top to bottom pipe strip comic cat.

unrelateded kekzombra is making bluetooth uploading of pictures for stories useful for reporters that get bitten and die in the field~

Attached: The pipe strip.jpg (417x121, 14.72K)

hai hai, featured slot (based on le sxe number GET)
arigato madoka-chan, it was too cold to travel there this weekend so I went to an arcade and batting cages with friends instead

Attached: munch_popcorn.png (563x1259, 144.34K)

is this the doremi thread?

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.Sharp.11.[72387302]_00:15:21.jpg (640x480, 50.09K)

i dunno.. is it??

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Attached: 1647389791366.gif (678x700, 574.07K)

nice dubs

dubs looks like it is. looks also like hadzuki is looking at me with those big eyes

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.44.[640x480].[C9177F0D].v2_00:06:04.jpg (640x480, 85.23K)

hm. well, if u ssay sso!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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Oh, too bad. But that's still nice. I guess you can go out for at trip anytime, but getting to spend time with friends is a more special occasion. And arcades are cool. I didn't know batting cages were a thing.

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arigato + si si, I love anything baseball/softball related. batting is le best part

Attached: 1649580592698.jpg (1200x1200, 112.33K)

Hey I made the paper!
Do your friends know that you’re s4s munch because none of my friends know that I’m s4s Kennedy user

I beg to differ :^)

yeah all 0 of them LOL

I never saw what keeps stuff like baseball fun, myself. I mean, I imagine it's nice to hit the ball the first few times, cool, but that's it. I talk like I've ever played baseball. But same thing with any sport, for me. Either way, good thing that you have fun with it.

Attached: e2a7b6b6cc906f822ad3d906dcd8e232.jpg (636x808, 234.45K)

The world may ever know but not be able to explain Nice paper.

thank u for posting python propaganda on the paper munche

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what you call propaganda freelance call munnies~

Attached: FUCK YOU YOU JUST GOT PRANKED!.png (3377x3165, 842.79K)

this is nice board

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: 1ab.jpg (319x310, 43.21K)

dubs check!
thanks for the paper munch!

This is nice paper, I read it and saved it so I can read it again later

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Attached: 1646554011654.gif (500x500, 266.3K)

nice paper i reddit nice dubs

you gotta 9gag it one of these days!~ it's a completely different scoop;^

Attached: nye.png (270x270, 74.13K)

one does and that's because we share computer space (but doesn't lurk or post on Yea Forums so doesn't really "get" it)
sport is where you can exercise your physical prowess, and I think it feels great to enhance your mastery over both your own body and the game itself. I also really like the camaraderie of being on a team, but the last time I was on one was very long ago
erina loses the le war
no problemo my dude, it was extremely ebin and kawaii
*pat pat*
arigato for le checkie
this is nice reply, I read it and saved it so I can read it again later
nice reply I reddit nice singles

Attached: 1649619675588.png (500x360, 202.69K)

>sport is where you can exercise your physical prowess
Oh. Lol, I guess that's why I don't like it, I don't really have any prowess. Last thing I played was a bit of basketball, and the ball was too heavy for me, still hurt around my arms and legs for a couple days after. And I've always hated the thought of having to be in a team, because the fear of not being able to do well, and messing it up for everybody. But I guess from how you talk about it, you feel okay about your body and stay active, that's pretty nice, you're doing really good on recovery.

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loveloeloevloevloevloevloevloveloevloeloelovolevloevloevloveloe munch!~

Attached: Kocho.jpg (1024x751, 89.84K)

love bring dubs 0 and ebil 6 trips~ i love LOVE

Attached: Based drawer anon drew this.png (364x1150, 27.11K)

>Opposition to the media, censored!
Implying that The Topkek Tribune and Munch are commies.
Which is NOT GOOD!!!

Attached: DAMNIT NOT AGAIN.jpg (450x450, 15.83K)

Yeah you tell 'em skully.

arigato madokanon
we at the tribune are simply poking fun at the three or four posters who think it's actually like that

Attached: 1649624779038.jpg (540x763, 40.56K)

woke up alive again to read the tribune.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

woke up alive again to reply to this post

munch in Munich. 1937, Colorized.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: allegiances.png (900x506, 742.72K)

ya rly

my beary nice pixelart made it into topkek tribune
I will cherish this forever :^)

is there an image there? not seeing anything
rly dubs
it was kawaii and nice thanks for all you're hard work

Attached: 1649710891155.png (1200x723, 730.87K)

you tell skully and you tell em anony butter ded then RED~

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get em smol bury stands~

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good paper I enjoy lol

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: 48e7eeb8edc8ca936e995a5abbddca73ae39f66b59c5cbd765787bb8e0f6c749.jpg (791x1344, 392.34K)

stealth camo saves the day~

Attached: BOOMP.gif (498x283, 285.68K)

nice trips
fist bump

rigger hate

thank u 4 checking my trips

Your fortune: Bad Luck

now you see it
now you dont

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: Rhymes with lewd.png (666x666, 238.67K)

very close to dangerous thoughts

thats my old discord tag, stop stalking me discord cabal

no problemo my dude
see what? :^)
nice dubs

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whatinthegoddamn?! THIS is WHY ur my newssourees

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