Bye the order of funposting stop right there

Wut ur favorite candy NOW dumdum!
the cotton candy that comes in those little cups are so fuggin soft yo they melt in your mouth like a rollercoaster of artificial flavoring BLUE!

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candy is for KIDS!!! Grow up.!

gosh fuggin darn it i asked a question dumdum adult dude! you better get out of here pal. i'm gonna give you an indian sunburn on your wrist if you don't admit WHAT CANDY YOU ENJOY!

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I like chocolate I guess

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lol is

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indian sunburn??? sirs... please...

that's more like it chocolate is the center of all candy near gummies!!!!! this also melts in your mouth! astonshing proclimmation! i grant you safe passage on this board lan bear~
look at all that rootbear n lime!

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i can rub REALLY fast dude. the last thing you need is a burn before sumer or if someone insultededs you!

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griller rub..

Goriller rub? i wouldn't rub a gorilla they'd stretch my arms like a armstrong toy and launch me into space like that child that they shot to save that gorilla from the child that was beanin up the gorilla on the news!~ gorillas are serious even MORE SERIOUS than candy. i was going to get into the gummie disscussion on why it's the best but gorillas are important! we need a gorila to kill the guy who put /mlp/ with kek arms!

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i love the hard candy, you know the ones you suck on. i always have some on hand, so sweet, so amazing. i love all the flavors. i love to suck it (the candy)

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what is /mlp/ up to now…has she moved on from the loss of the show

i have no clue i damn them to H E double pixie sticks immediately! whoever came after my posting after i said bye to nice and ebil posted as keksandra :2 other person edition and they had art made OF FUGGIN GHEY PONIES N SHIET! kek i just came back after years of not being around and on other boards. i miss nice badly~

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She did but then her wounds opened up again when the new show dropped

oh it can’t be that bad I mean surely they captured even half the aesthetic of the show…
*looks at the new show*

i had these werthers caramel things that had weird sugar COOM inside of em'. 10/10 BUT GODDAMN IF OLD PEOPLE DONT HAVE GOOD CANDY I HAD THESE STRAWBERRY CANDIES AND MY BRAIN EXPLODED OUT OF MY EARS!!!!!!!111

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I’m bored of candy can you post your feet

Your fortune: Outlook good

>my fetish seeped into character
YEAH YOU CAN you can have these tired toesies and rosie arch stompers to rubbe after traveling between boards all these years!~ i think i deserve a nice rub EITHER IT'S YOUR HANDS OR YOUR FACE whatever gets it done. just don't let nice see any tiggle art they'll know it's in the WATER AND THEY'LL CAPSIZE THE BOAT WHEN THEY SEE FEET!!!!!!!

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yayyyyy feet I will massage with my face because science says it’s more effective (source: dude trust me)
while I rub my face into your squishy stompers can I ask about you’re fren /jp/? she seems happier when she is with you. maybe she gets it from you!

>canonical foot fetish is based
i fuggin missed posting~ it's a change of pace from the rapid thread to threads on faster boards this whole experience is euphoria going to discussions that are cozy.

/jp/ needs all the love their GEEK head can get~

i love you user BUT I FUGGIN HATE /mlp/ KEKSANDRA2 they can sniff my shoe.

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heh live forever user~

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hey keksandra have you ever imagined being a futa who can’t not be aroused

if i get to be a futa then i want a huge boinging pp chef's order!

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well good news there’s LOTS of artist’s impressions of what you would look like with a girlcock

How did your thread go from being about candies to foot fetishes and futas

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merry christmas to me... you go off this board and pick up yotsuba as an ava and then you get to come back to COCK ART. it's like when i would miss every AVGN episode for the past like decade so now i have a huge stream of endless nerd! dude you can tickle the fug out of my toes!!!!!111 it was simpler
>drowns in cock loudly

Attached: You like to kek right.png (2160x2640, 1.91M)

adhd and horny

i'm trying to come up with an explanashun~

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I was cursed by god to not like feet, what a simple pleasure it must be to enjoy them. Unfortunately I hate most everything, am I beary ebil?
Butt on the other hand is top tier

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pssst, /c/ wishes she could plop her face between those bubble buns, how lewd for someone innocent

the tiggles n feet have wormed their way past slight fetishism and jokes? i wont admit it directly that those two things are cool but I BLAME Yea Forums's constant flashing of foot in my face while scrolling! i swear~
you like butts on hands? sounds warmer than a flamewar~

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seems we ned moar board visits then~ i shouldnt have ran out to get milk

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I'm something of a btard myself, and I still don't like feet. Butt on hands like sitting on my own hands? If it's really cold maybe, otherwise I'd prefer a butt that isn't my own on my hands

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can I smell ur dress

we talking jap jiggle cake level here or toned runner?~
>Yea Forums you made me hornt befor n now you've gone and cut me in my spinal cord and faceplanted me in the coom brain
i want to get back to candy dum dums...

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why is everyone horny ON EVERY BOARD!? s4s noooooooooo

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I resent this statement, I am not horni I just like butts
Too big is gross but it needs to be shapely, too toned isnt exactly my thing either but toned is better than flabby, you just know a good one when you see it, that is all i can say

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moot bless thongs~


Banannerrs are nature's candy bar, so what is a peach?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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anti buggie spray is gay you got protein. you got the sun. YOU GOT THE BABES! COME ON BRO IT'S SPRING BREAK! LIVE A LITTLE!
bananas are fuggin delicious haveyou ever had those big genetically modified HUGE banananananana
peaches became ass n pussy through text dum dum~

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commander keen in every bite of the cartridge!~

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WHAT. No I don't acknowledge the existence of emojis, they dont exist, they can't hurt me. I dont think I ever had a huge babanener tho. Emojis have never not bee cringe since they were first invented imo

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once you go nan it's always in hand. good lain your therapy is going great! emoji flashcards really desensitized you to their terror!~


You couldn't force me to look at those even if you took away my jack daniels and made me take normal pills

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kinder bueno is quite nice idk if ameris know it

we couldn't have you going cold turkey with jack they say you get Caesars. i wouldn't want you to be attacked by romans if you're already withdrawing!~

nice dubs now help me finish these rotting birthday keks~

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kinder bueno? what is this substance? sounds spice

Shiba crodsed the rubicon and was vary cool. A shame that brutus and the senators were ebil. Roman might makes right. I need to resurrect the spqr to stomp on emojis

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i'm so confuseded this wasn't in my history boks dude. all that's there is nice requesting tickle torture art getting followed by them then grabbing my sootcas... you're telling me a dog did what with a rubix cube?!

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Shiba played connect 4 with the rome and yelled bingo when he finished the roblox cube. Who is your beary faborite roman emperor? I like marxist aurelis

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i like calicogalaga he had a horse in his court because he was mentally insane. leaddership speks valumes when you have animal shit to deter the people who want to have stalemate conversations over laws! it got things done.

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But Calligraphergaga was put in his foreber box before his my little pony ever served in senate. I don't like the foreber box, I want to be put in my compuder and live with Lain

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scum brony got what he deserved. i'm personally going with the gamecube bath drop so i can live in smash bros IRL in real life for real~

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We all probably went through a brony phase at some point, team fortress 2 memes had too much crossover. I want to have a digital gf so I will become le wired virtual gamer style.

never settle for digital YOU WILL BE A CHAD!

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I need to get back on my workout schedule I've been falling off it for the past 2 weeks and only worked out twice a week. I already did a lot of stuff on the chad road, and I'm pretty happy with a lot of changes I've already made, I just got standards and choose not to actively look. This is why 2D > 3D

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buff lan is more lan muscle everyone gets to love and i love that! having you bois live long is the happiest you could make me!~