Ayamari's House

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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: Ayamari House.png (2500x2500, 129.38K)

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I can say we're almost done with character designs now. files.catbox.moe/ohjw3n.zip I'm in a rush atm so sorry if I mess something up. It's getting late for me now.
Nigger as well.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: All character.png (128x160, 11.07K)

ayamari goes to Yea Forums
keksandra ambushes her with a never ending hug
she likes hugging humanoid bunnies, like nanachi, how nice

Before I sleep, I need anons to help out and test thrm out if theres ideas or suggestions before I can finally close the book on Yea Forumsorld 3 newcomers.
yay, but sorry for asking, whose nanachi? Is it Tamagotchi or..? I want to draw that!

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Nanachi is the cute nnaa bune from made in abyss
she is fluffy and goes nnaaaaaa
find the /c/ thread

heyo it took me a while but I finally inished woot files.catbox.moe/8rzsg2.zip
I'm actually about to fly over for vacation very soon so when I arrive I wouldn't mind testing some of them out, hoepfully jetlag doesn't screw me up too badly

Kino, thanks! I love it! I see some color errors but I can fix it!
BTW I'm working slowly or taking it slowly or not as active much. Here's cool art! Don't worry it's not rant nor sarcasm. I love 2ch memes. Also I found errors.

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: 404 not found.png (1200x1200, 37.17K)

A concept art for the true winner of /vt/-tan, but I don't think I could add her in. If you want her in the game, that would be amazing. I need some criticism and suggestions.

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: Kuma chan concept art.png (1600x1021, 708.45K)


>I don't think I could add her in. If you want her in the game, that would be amazing.
By "that would be amazing, I mean if anyone can help me out with sprites.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: All character.png (128x160, 11.46K)

adorable idea!
and what a glorious spread it is (hello there)

Thank you, friend. We finally reached 32 mark, as original intent, but 5 more pushed. If Boon, Mario, Luigi, and Wario gets excluded, it would be 33 playable characters which is one more extra.
Also, I feel its real dangerous to show who is the 5 super secret newcomers because I don't want to ruin surprise.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

fair enough! i hope you have an excellent night, friend, looking forward to what will happen

Attached: 1645975059439.gif (97x128, 53.09K)


is he in?

Attached: handsome cursed kirby.png (1140x855, 785.92K)

His Gourmet Music is in.
Oh who am I kidding, play /our/ game and find out! 。◕‿◕。longc.at/vorld3.html

Your fortune: Bad Luck

i like it so far! favorite levels are probably march of the mootykins and fort harmony

We need more bunny arts!

Attached: 1647389671087.png (1060x600, 26.29K)




What is he thinking?

Attached: file.png (831x665, 22.42K)

"Will I be in Yea Forumsorld 4?"

what if ayamari has classy girl's hair

so many digits!!!

a good night to all
"i'm MOP"

Attached: let sleeping buns lie.png (426x320, 10K)


I wanna eat Ayamari’s fluffy puffy ears >w

awww slepy bun

>SMB3 art asset
>/po/ toys design
>FNF Keksandra
>OC creating (Reaction faces)
>MK64 art designs

What do I do first?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

vs. Keksandra!
beep boop skdoo!

/po/ toys could be cool

Why not some OC? could be fun and get others making more

I want to make comic about it:
>MOP ask if Ayamari is leaving Yea Forums
>Ayamari thinks
>”You’re here forever” comments with past philosophical Yea Forums comments
>Ayamari: We’re here forever so..we might as well try to make Yea Forums better place than before, If it was never good, then there’s no way to go than up.”

>Why not some OC? could be fun and get others making more
I want to do more, but I feel overwhelmed atm and need to chill a little. One idea is making reaction faces that could replace Pepe and Wojak but I need criticism about those first. But I’m curious what defines OC?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck


>But I’m curious what defines OC?
You mean good original content? I say it's OC that people will remember and repost about years from now. The way Yea Forums was originally designed was that good content lives and bad content dies, because the site doesn't have a permanent archive. There are third-party ones like Chanarchive (which tragically died because of a hard drive crash) and now stuff like archived.moe and desuarchive, but Yea Forums's ephemerality is integral to its culture. You can make reaction images and comics and see if they become popular enough that people repost them,

demon moot...



Attached: unnamed.png (800x800, 814.93K)


Nice MOP

Oh no! Yotsuba got infected and VJ and Vtan got Joker Veemon! We got to cure them!

Attached: 41ED3736-BA49-4E43-8808-95C5189B0259.png (660x652, 182.26K)

Joker Venom*
(spoiler) sorry. I wanna see OC for them lul(/spoiler)

Your fortune: Average Luck

no problem! and that's fine, edit as much as you like. sorry I haven't had the chance to test out the sprites yet but I will now
what you could do is do a little for each and see if there's one that interests you the most? just as an idea
aw very cute!

I love this bunny! uwu

Attached: Bunny_buns.png (957x718, 44.62K)

NSFW version

Attached: Bunny_buns_nude_alt.png (956x716, 43.78K)

based beyond all human comprehension


Attached: AYAMARI.jpg (290x186, 35.07K)

dubs confirm
we don't need eyes to see how bright the bun will be


alright, i think i'm done editing them
i have a feeling there could be some errors so i don't mind if anyone else wants to edit

Attached: sketch (1).png (800x600, 51.8K)

THIS IS AMAZING! cannot wait to check this out, and nice drawing


Your fortune: Godly Luck

oh dang those are COOL

Attached: awesomeface.gif (550x400, 75.59K)

very cute art

Attached: ayamari burg.png (544x422, 16.85K)

dubs don't scare me none

why would you ever be scared of dubs

checkd btw

Attached: ayamarichungus.png (510x675, 17.97K)

>tfw stupid personal issues keep annoying the hell out of me.
I'll post something soon/tomorrow.
TL;DR, no joke, I might see about drawing OCs, FNF, and other stuff
>excuse me sir, who are you quoting?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: file.png (1000x1000, 37.8K)


FNF is risky, since children will go and ruin the characters you put in it.

Pokemon clover didnt seem to hurt Keksandra despite its popularity. we got lots of epic art but that’s it
FNF though, I think if a vs Keksandra got made, the only way she suffers from what happened in vs Yea Forums is if her mod is super well done and memorable, like in vs Yea Forums the songs, art style, difficulty, and the cinema comic incident meant it blew up. if vs Keksandra has less notability and was just a nice mod for nice board only, it might stay under the radar…
man I wanna see a mock-up of what the battle area looks like.


fnf bastardizes horror games

five nights at fredys
who u gona call when u want pizza there
who u goan call when games are der

dancing on 3 eggs

Attached: moot dances!.gif (72x276, 12.57K)


are the characters still not in the game??

no, they're gonna be in version 1.1

Your fortune: Average Luck


Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: 5ce991f7-fbc7-4449-a33c-fbdb35b1ea13.png (800x800, 32.36K)


Finally finished the comic.
Fren/user is right about this one. I should do little on each and see which interests me. I kind of feel like doing more SM/V/ characters since I want to take advantages of the extra more time.
So....there's a lot of things in my mind and overwhelming about what projects to do here. But here's one important key sentences: If you want me to do those specific project[s], help me help you. I can't do it myself.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: Ayamari thinking.png (1000x4900, 297.94K)

i can't believe this is how i start fucking playing smw after almost a decade

o shid, boyfriend is curious?
is that le HINT to wats next

Boyfriend is a Pikmin!



:DDDDD;;; ewwwwww.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

What's wrong user?

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he got dub!