What can the NFL do about this fucking shit division?
What can the NFL do about this fucking shit division?
its coming home boys
The AFC South will be won by the 7-9 Titans and Ryan Tannehill.
>Force the Titans to give the Oilers naming rights back to Houston
>Force the Jags to return to their 90's uniform styles
>Relocate the Colts to San Antonio
>Relocate the Jags to St. Louis
There, fixed
Jags uniforms really are shit now, at least that was one thing their team had decent uniforms in the 90s.
I like your plan or just make the division international.
Mark my words, Jaguars are winning the owl this season.
>some of the best uniforms in sports history
>never use them
what the fuck is the point of holding onto them? Can you give one legitimately good reason other than "m-muh team history"
Force the owners to sell
How is it a shit division, exactly? It's not 2009 anymore you faggots.
it's shit
>tfw AFCE is no longer worst
The only championships in Nashville sports weren't even won there. Its all they have. Sad, really.
I wish he was still here bros
Nigga the winner is going to be no better than 8-8 and will host a playoff game, getting smashed by the wildcard.
These cheerleaders are repulsive, is this the best the state of Texas has to offer?
Why are Mariota haters so convinced that Tannehill is good?
They get shit pay. All the hot girls go to college.
You don't watch football.
Please stfu.
the AFCS has always been as dogshit if not more shit than the AFCE
>2017 AFC runner-up
>nearly had both AFC WC teams last year
funny how when the NFC South has parity and a bunch of 9-7 playoff-caliber teams it's 'le division from hell xD', but the AFCS is the exact same thing and is "dogshit".
Since the current divisions were formed the AFC South has had the Manning Colts and the McNair Titans, while the AFCE has exclusively been Belichick's cumsock for 20 years, excluding Mr. Buttfumble's brief blip of relevance. Hell, even Vince Young's Tits managed to have the best record in the AFC one year.
Kill yourself, my man.
Alright, uh, I guess 2, 3, 6, 5, 4, and 1
Ugh, I feel so dirty
the afc south has had at least one team in the playoffs every single year since it was formed. how is that dogshit?
>Move Colts to the AFC North
>Move Ravens to the AFC East
>Move Dolphins to the AFC South
what do you have against the afc east senpai
2 playoff teams last year. 2 playoff teams the year before that including one in the afc championship game. It’s objectively better than most divisions recently.
Nothing. Just find it strange that Indianapolis is considered a “South” location
yeah division geography is all fucked up but it'd ruin rivalries
The Jags have a competent owner. One of the best in the league imo.