
new era in bundes

Attached: bundes new meme meme.jpg (663x414, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Love the font. Hate the meme.

well there it is, this is what we've been waiting for

it's bad

good font

shit everything else

You insane? Havertz is gonna go for 100mil+

>Bei dem Festgenommenen handelt es sich demnach um einen 40-Jährigen afrikanischer Herkunft.

>BVB-Stürmer Philipp: Heißeste Spur führt zu Dynamo Moskau
>Nach kicker-Informationen führt aber die heißeste Spur nach Russland. Dynamo Moskau, der frühere Klub von Nationalstürmer Kevin Kuranyi, ist derzeit die wahrscheinlichste Variante. Die Ablöse für den flexiblen Offensivspieler dürfte knapp unter 20 Millionen Euro liegen.
Weird rumor.

nah senpai he'll go to Bayern for 32.5m
Uli the fox already has it fix

>Sell Sancho for 175 million next summer after he played amazingly in the Euro Cup
>Buy Havertz for 100 million
Obviously Im reaching and its more shareholder delusion, since Watzke would never ever pay that much, but it would be the dream to reunite Brandt with Havertz
>Reus, Havertz, Brandt,
A man can dream.

Made me chuckle.

>but it would be the dream to reunite Brandt with Havertz

Attached: 1543234679420.jpg (680x510, 60K)


>Reus, Havertz, Brandt
all central players

our guy purging the fortnite zoom zooms

all players who can play in a fluid system*

Pretty sure they were fucking.

this season is going to be shambolic outside of the top 3 desu

that's what Löw said about our NT for years and then we had to rely on Podolski and Schürrle

+++ BRECHEND +++


Who will it be lads?

you gay or something?

Attached: 1547835589887.jpg (500x505, 49K)

brainlet move by Philipp, hope it's not true


One CL please.

now show the defense lmao

didnt you say you would fuck off until Tuesday?

I can already hear Razor's mouthbreathing becoming heavier, while he posts a rant about how he hates shareholders and he was right.

Favre will win the treble with a fluid front 4 of Hazard-Reus-Brandt-Sancho and there's nothing you can do about it

based edition

Nothing gay about two chads sticking their cocks into each others assholes and then slurping the cum out. It's like a joke to them because they are such chads and so hetero.

Id rather not. Jokes aside, aslong as Hummels doesnt implode, Dortmund could win the Bundes.

i hate you


Hello, is this /bundas/?

state of this country. 20 more years and we're a USA without guns.

>BVB-Star Marco Reus (30) setzte sich in der vom „Kicker“ unter Sportjournalisten ausgerichteten Wahl mit 158 Stimmen vor Kai Havertz (121 Stimmen) von Bayer Leverkusen und Bayern-Profi Joshua Kimmich (35) durch. Für Reus ist es die zweite Auszeichnung als Fußballer des Jahres nach 2012.

>Einem schmeckt dieses Ergebnis aber überhaupt nicht: Maik Barthel, dem Berater von Bayern-Star Robert Lewandowski (30). Bei Twittert motzt er: „Fußballer des Jahres! Da musst du einfach nix gewinnen, dann hast du die größten Chancen!“

Salty salty...

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at 14.12.07.png (1248x668, 176K)

please kill yourself

> _!_,_!

Wie ich so Leute hasse.

he’s right tho
clear bias
ribéry should have won

last time I checked Reus had as many CLs as Lewandowski

Hes talking about Lewandowksi. Noone on earth thinks Ribery was the best player last season.

>someone using correct punctuation
sign of an incel

ribéry is a legend

in his local brothel maybe

>doesn't get it
friendly reminder that /bundes/ is a >80 IQ general

I bet he's a cuckold

His name is Maik, of course he is.

it clearly isn’t judging by your posts and this thread in general

it was before you showed up

>upset Hauptschüler

you’re clearly a meme spouting fat babyman

austrians are sub 70

the Durchfallzoomer is off the rails again

>why don't you sit down and tell me about the game, did your team win?

Attached: 957_1000.jpg (988x1822, 273K)

>still trying to force his durchfall persona
babyman confirmed


>t. Durchfallzoomer

no u >:(

>thread derailed again.
Funny how it always coincides with the customer arrival.

Attached: super.png (1112x866, 1.41M)

hahaha diarrhoea so funny xD
look mom!
my new faden persona!

keep seething shareholder
mia will win den supercup

jacob italiano means diarrea?

shut up jacob, il italiano

no, Durchfall does.

this is your brain on Durchfall lads

dubs and the wout will become topscorer this season

Attached: goatweghorst.jpg (400x500, 65K)

there’s one retard in here trying to force an unfunny meme by calling anyone diarrhoea user (durchfall user).
he pretended once to be a person who is grumpy because he has diarrhoea regularly when drinking beer and therefore hates people who can drink beer without. or something like that. this persona’s backstory is already boring. while this all went ignored by others he thinks his persona was the epitome of funny and now calls everyone he doesn’t like “durchfallanon” and variations “you must be the durchfallzoomer”.
it’s boring, uncreative and unfunny, already stale, childish and leads me to the conclusion that he is a 20 yo fat virgin living with his parents

imagine seething as hard as this zoomer

Hell be lucky to score 5 goals.

imagine being retarded enough to post in deutsch and to force deutsch gimmicks in other threads

Your english isn't the yellow of the egg, newfag-user.

let’s get back to sané
when will he be announced, how much will he cost, how much will he earn and will the other primadonnas at bayern demand contract adjustments?

>Drachenzoomer - Durchfallzoomer alliance
I didn't need this era


inb4 shareholder retards lengthy reply


>muh zoomers this
>muh zoomers that
Stop complaining, zoomers are the future

back to your Drachenthread, zoomzoom

Why do you have to be so annoying? Calm down already you autist

>when will he be announced
This week
>how much will he cost
120 including boni
>how much will he earn
#1 earner at Bayern
>and will the other primadonnas at bayern demand contract adjustments
Yes, Lewandowski will.

>ribéry is a legend
lmao wtf is wrong with you bundes fags

germans are massive fags for ribéry for some reason

>when you look on from a far at the boys training, it's a strange feeling
what did Tah mean by this?

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>”hahaha zooomer! hahahah durchfall! hahahaha drache and other deutsch memes! xD look mom!”
>”gosh, why do you have to be so annoying >:(“
this is you’re mind on virginity

he nearly won the ballon dor

we don't give a shit about him here but in germany he's treated like a god.

he is a bayern legend
single handedly won them the cl against dortmund

>spam have sex,virginity, and emojis every day
>Act like a newfag who is spending his first summer on Yea Forums
>Get hated for it
Calm down and people will stop hating you.

have sex :^]

I do not necessarily think he's a legend, but he's the player with the most Bundesliga titles of all, so I can see why some people would think so.

i hate you tho

fair enough

>calling out virgins is a crime now
you have to go back

Ribery to Frankfurt? Ribery to Liverpool? Ribery back to Bayern?

>you have to go back
cool it with the trump phrases you bigot

imagine being this new

what did bundes do to you that you are so hellbent on destroying the thread?

fuck off bauern assi

get your Austrians right
also answer the question

Someone expain this Jacob Italiano meme

Bad English humor

nah you’re the costumer

ask the brit


he has Durchfall, probably posting from the shitter

only customers rate Rapery and most of them are austrians

>not rating ribery for his rape abilities
Never gonna make it

raping children isn't that impressive, physically speaking

would you rape her?

Attached: 1551964279204.jpg (2755x1910, 615K)

>17 year old
have sex, incel

why no jacob americano meme?

Attached: hmmmmm.jpg (655x527, 59K)

seriously? bundes is filled with offtopic posting retards.
nobody cares about “hob geschissn” funny frogpixs, blog posts about mundane bullshit etc
honestly this general should be banned not only regularly autosaged

I wasn't talking about children but Dortmund.

No sex b4 marriage is haram. Even rape.

i wouldn't rape anybody

I would take Balerdi on a loan at Leverkusen desu, I'm sure he'd be their best CB by far.



also this

I still love you

>not a child
why can't customers abide by the law? what's so difficult about not being criminal scum?


>... the difference between Leverkusen and Dortmund: "One difference that I notice very strongly is that in Dortmund we have an extreme quality. As a team, but also individually."
noo this can't be happening leverkusenbros

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Adolescence isn't childhood, you imbecile

Was ist da Los in Deutschland

Es ist einfach unfassbar. Mein Mitleid gilt den Angehörigen. Wer versagt da in dieser Gesellschaft mit ihren Grundwerten. Integration, Grundwerte usw sind nur leere Worte, wann wird man erkennen dass eine Demokratie aufbauend auf Kapitalismus die Gesellschaft verändert.

tell that to the judge, seething customer. you'll get the same treatment as Ulrich, enjoy your künstlichen Darmausgang.

hello /bundes/

jz 1 roestie auf die gleise schubsen

fuck off nigger


>single handedly won them the cl against dortmund
>he's the player with the most Bundesliga titles of all

when it comes to Bayern, Roben > Ribery

disgusting post
didn’t know that virginal /deutsch/babies could stoop that low, but here it is

don't care as long as it's in Frankfurt or a similar shithole

>shitty gimmicks
>calls everyone a /deutsch/baby
Neini did you use the archive to clone quiz? impressive if yes.

everything i said is true and you know it

robben is an overrated on trick pony

put your trip back on

>Darmstadt – Als die Kripo die Todes-Apparatur testete, brachte sie das Wasser zum Kochen: Mit einer selbstgebauten Strom-Waffe tötete Thomas Z. (55) seine Mutter Margarete (†76).
>Im Totschlags-Prozess vor dem Landgericht gibt es ein Geständnis – und Einblicke in eine abgeschottete Welt unterm Dach eines Gründerzeithauses in der Landwehrstraße.
>Seit 50 Jahren lebten Mutter und Sohn in der Drei-Zimmer-Wohnung (381 Euro Miete). Sie putzte, half später bei der Tafel. Er verließ das Haus über Jahre nicht.
>Im schwarz gestrichenen Kinderzimmer saß er am PC, bemalte Waffen (Messer, Macheten, Luftgewehr), tätowierte sich, fotografierte vom Fenster aus die Gesäße älterer Lehrerinnen des nahen Gymnasiums, schaute Spanking-Videos, in denen Frauen auf den Po geschlagen werden: „Ich hatte nie eine Freundin, nie Geschlechtsverkehr.“

So which bundes regular left us?

>muh trip
>i need a safe space from others calling me out for what a disgusting human being i am! moooooom! i want him filtered!!! i want to make fun of a child brutally murdered by an african migrant who pushed him on the train tracks and the child’s mothers who now has to live with life long unimaginable pain on a bundesliga board!!
you’re without a doubt a truly disgusting sack of shit

>african migrant
it's called nigger, nigger

would have been in Erlangen if it was a bundes regular

wow he's just like me

You're acting shocked now but in 2 years you'll be used to people being pushed in front of trains. It's the paradigm shift.

Pretty based dude tbqh

I'm not even shocked now. what else do you expect at the Frnakfurt Hbf?

finally I can watch Tomiyasu

I've always been eyeing my surroundings when a train rolls in.

bologna-schalke now on based DAZN

>Alwayslosen falling for the U20 meme
och nööööööööööö

I am tired of Karl-Heinz his shit, where are the Granaten?

Im Gegensatz zu Hoffenheim hat Leverkusen (Kurtekotten) wenigstens einen Flugplatz.
Es ist schon amüsant zu sehen, wie sehr der Wechsel vom zweiten eurer Leistungsträger zu uns schmerzt, aber im Endeffekt ist Bayer Leverkusen einfach reizvoller als euer Dorfverein.
Mehr als 4× so lange Bundesliga
12× so viele CL Teilnahmen
Mehr Titel
Ein deutlich besseres Standing
Willkommen, Amiri!


sane announced 1. of august

as always comfy stadium

if you haven’t heard already: sané is coming

>bis zum 31. Juli musst du fertig sein

>n-niemand hier ist eine /deutsch/jungfrau, it’s all in your head!
unironically fuck off

first trainer to be fired? for me it's either wagner or bosz

Btw the unhinged guy is Sören. Rumor is he lost his janny rights after keeping tranny threads in the catalog for too long.

no way!!!!

>sahne mentioned
>virginposter posts within 5 minutes
well done Neini



shit man, a man's gotta eat! what is he going to do without his janny wages???

yeah, i'm thinking it's >their year

wie neu im grunde genommen?

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the absolute state of this Malte

lying is a sin :^]

Originaler Nichtskönner

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Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Eritrea.svg.png (2000x1000, 32K)

update your bot


still don't know what those fags are "fleeing" from, not that it matters in this clown state.

he a good boy he dindu nuffin
the train killed the kid


this is why I use the plane desu
planes never killed anybody


/deutsch/virgins btfo


elaborate on how anyone except sören-malte got "btfo"

och nö nö nö nö nö nö nö nö

popular opinion: /bintpol/crossposters should be autobanned

Bologna just can't attack

rip dumbers

t. unironic virgin

fuck off quiz

>... manchen Kommentator ist die ethnische Herkunft des Täters wieder mal von entscheidender Bedeutung. Ich habe ein wenig recherchiert. Es ist offenbar ebenso wenig Kulturgut in Eritrea, Menschen mit Eisenbahnzügen zu ermorden, wie in Deutschland, Eritreer nieder zu schießen. Das sind einfach schlimme Verbrechen.
>29.07.19, 16:03 | Simon Weynstain

sorry, sweetie, this is /bundes/ a thread for discussions about german football. you must have mistaken it for /deutsch/ a tread for german virgins on /int/. common mistake, it’s the tab right next to this in your browser. no need to thank me, have fun and stay there ^_^

Daily Auefsteiger post.

Attached: 1560545682207.png (720x500, 63K)

uff, looks like you are lost. You might want to go back to /r/de.

Skhiri to Köln

Attached: csm_Skhiri_2_HP_20190729_tffoto__DSC1506_2674207925.jpg (1480x720, 219K)

>implying the Eritreer wasn't a Leipzig prospect
ugh ignorant

what's up with his eye?

the Nafri squint

helps him seeing the whole pitch at all times



Boomers are retarded man

>schaute Spanking-Videos, in denen Frauen auf den Po geschlagen werden
Absolutely based

>Khedira to Arsenal
seriously, whats Arsenal's problem? Why do they love shit german players that much?


Mislintat was the Scouting chief at Arsenal up until this season. The entire database is probably just German players.

Say something nice about >schalke.

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0w0 what is this? a virgin?


Glück Auf!

the "Eritreer" plays for Bremen, sweetie

stop watching porn, start doing calisthenics, get a haircut and become a Leverkusen supporter

this will get your life in the right track



*become an Aue supporter and spread the Aue DNA

Attached: aue.jpg (423x362, 25K)


based music that plays 2bh

Attached: schalke.jpg (860x646, 121K)


>stop watching porn
I'm trying right now but failing at that
>start doing calisthenics
Will do so
>get a haircut
I'm shaving my head every three days
>become a Leverkusen supporter
Gross, I refuse to do that

What if the real GRANATE was in our hearts all along and the DOMINOS are just the friends we made along the way?

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>I'm shaving my head every three days
thats not a haircut



it is but not necessarily the best one


>I'm trying right now but failing at that
it's hard but you will do it, just avoid lurking Yea Forums too many because there's always some fuckers posting porn in every board
>Gross, I refuse to do that
Cringe, gay and not bayerpilled


Attached: 1563503416615.jpg (512x512, 16K)

Cant wait for Neverkusen and >schalke to lose their first 5 matches AGAIN

waah waah why can't we play the Bottrop Auswahl in every friendly

>Dann ist der Hype David Wagner aber ganz schnell verflogen
there is a Wagner hype?

Imagine Schalke getting relegated.

shame the bottom 3 were so shit last season

for me, it's
>fotografierte vom Fenster aus die Gesäße älterer Lehrerinnen des nahen Gymnasiums

Remember when Keller regularly had >Schalke play CL?

Yes but Keller has dicker Pimmel so that's to be expected.



What is it with friendlies/testgames this season? So much murderball...

the guy in charge of the music is a genius

no biggie, they have a promotion expert as a coach

its to hot, people get heated

thought the same

I think its safe to say that >Schalke wont be playing EL/CL in 2020.

Is the commentator seething at the media or Wagner? I cant tell.



Attached: Schalke.png (1390x739, 2.03M)


premier league quality, la

you had to be there

Attached: African-stock-video-of-black-man-hands-typing-on-a-laptop-computer.jpg (1920x1080, 350K)

why did fuckmänner become schubsmänner?

scanning the train station

>Nach einem Freundschaftsspiel verfolgen Spieler des TSV Neustadt ihre Gegner bis nach Bayern und prügeln zwei Kicker krankenhausreif.
absolutely hundes


also has already 9 kids, with 28. Kek, wonder with how many different girls.
Its not new to me that girls like bad boys. But bad, stupid, immature and gay looking?

Attached: 6,w=993,q=high,c=0.bild.jpg (993x559, 71K)

it's a gypsy obviously, they have huge families and impregnate their own sisters and cousins

Oh wow, forgot the other train pusher already


they chased them for almost 100km?

only 4km, I'm a bit disappointed desu


Attached: 1562358172878.png (657x527, 44K)

Ok, they "only" broke their noses. They made it sound like they beat them unconscious and half to death.

>ach und noch was, user. 'Fuckmann' ist nicht der politisch korrekte Terminus: Merkelmann afrikanisch-orientalischer Abstammung.

Attached: image (2).jpg (500x500, 38K)

>Nicht jedes Fußballspiel endet mit Shakehands. Klar. Dieses Ende einer Partie im Odenwaldkreis ist dann doch an Unsportlichkeit kaum zu überbieten. Nach einem Freundschaftsspiel haben hessische Spieler ihre bayerischen Gegner am Sonntag bis nach Hause verfolgt und verprügelt - wegen einer Roten Karte. Vom Austragungsort in Breuberg im Odenwaldkreis folgten drei der hessischen Spieler zwei Bayern über die Landesgrenze hinweg in deren etwa vier Kilometer entfernte Heimat in Mömlingen in Unterfranken, wie die Polizei am Montag mitteilte.

>Mit Kopfstößen und Faustschlägen griffen die Spieler des TSV Neustadt die beiden Kicker des FC Victoria Mömlingen an. Die zwei Bayern erlitten Nasenbeinbrüche sowie Blutungen und mussten ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden. Die Polizei ermittelt wegen gefährlicher Körperverletzung. Auf hr-Anfrage bestätigte ein Polizeisprecher zudem, dass der Streit schon vor der Umkleidekabine entbrannte und die bayerischen Fußballer zügig das Gelände verließen, damit die Situation nicht schon vor Ort eskalierte. Die drei Täter, von denen einer noch nicht ermittelt ist, nahmen die Verfolgung auf und stellten die zwei Opfer kurz darauf.

Was it again 20 Almans running away from three Musels?


its 23° here and humid. Feels uncomfortable, 28° with fine air is so much better.

No such thing as a "friendly" against Bavarians



this fan is very cute. that's it though.

Attached: 1535911307299.png (1419x798, 1.64M)

looks like a fat but not retarded Greta



based Badesalz, the only funny Hessen in history.

heh yes

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just want st pooli to be relegated, /bundes/

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me on the right

so thats where all the granaten and kracher are stored

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some user posted some expected points meme statistic and Fauli was last I think. Did they fuck up on the transfermarkt or what happened?

today's the bunducks memorial day
don't forget, frens

Attached: 1563348617280.webm (1280x720, 2.39M)


defense looks shakey

guy in the middle is like "please let me get pussy for this"

imagine not watching the ulm mätch right now

>off topic shitposts
>off topic news posts
>off topic /pol/posts
this general should be banned tb h

you don’t belong here

eat shit lol


and you should be euthanized, some things are just not meant to be

I think is right.

fuck off reddit

Stop watching Pornos.
Habt Seggs.

Attached: HELLge.jpg (980x625, 86K)

ah, yes, very good posts, virgins.

what happaned?

hahah le epic durchfall meme!!!! xD
based based based!
will post this on r/s4s :D very epic!

camwhores getting pissed because they are not getting any tips and yelling at the viewers for being rude is really funny


kek imagine getting this mad over losing your janitor license that you suffer from chronic durchfall.
truly beschissen worden by life

some animal activists protesting


making up stories and believing them is called pseudologia phantastica

>more ossis
no thx

your durchfall tears are absolutely delicious and sweet

>Sören buttblasted and shitting up the threads 24h a day
>no more autosäges
yeah I'm thinking we're bäck. wonder how long it will take him to dump his tranny folder again.

>he eats other people’s dripping durchfall
not a surprise tb h looking at your posts

like i said absolutely delicious durchfall you have there sir


>losing to a team managed by jos the loss
bielefeld shitters

is this your new gimmick?

now this is autism

>Was it again 20 Almans running away from three Musels?
Imagine 20 Almans defending themselves against 3 Musels. Would have been a great distraction from the Nafri that killed a child in Bankfurz though.

>another season of st pooli putting the pressure on

>neinhold hacking us again

>eritrea is now in north africa, a black african is now a nafri
based uneducated /deutsch/virgin

absolutely based

>musels ever being outnumbered
and it was a proper Negro, not a Nafri
Also is Sören really back? would be funny

no, it’s durchfall user xD

>an afri not a nafri
Shit everything has changed now. Where is the next Achmed that can fuck my wife as a retribution.

>Durchfall-user is a Sören
Now this is epic

we'll know if it's Sören the next time somebody talks shit about Berlin and he spams traps.

damn that REALLY triggers your darmtrakt huh?


>its KC Koti all over again

he has the autism of a janny, it all adds up

>Hinteregger torkelt betrunken über Dorffest

>Er schwänzte das Training am nächsten Tag ++ Reuter kündigt Gespräch an
>Ein Handy-Video, das BILD und SPORT BILD vorliegt, zeigt ihn, wie er offensichtlich über den Marktplatz in Bad Häring torkelt.

>Dort fand am Samstagabend das Pölvenfest statt. Nach Informationen von BILD und SPORT BILD war Hinteregger schon am Nachmittag auf dem Fest, ging dann zum offiziellen Mannschaftsabend – ehe er wieder auf dem Fest auftauchte.

>Im Video an seiner Seite sein nüchterner Landsmann und Augsburg-Mitspieler Kevin Danso (20). Der stützt Hinteregger, will ihn ruhig zum Gehen überreden: „Komm, da lang!“

>Doch für Hinteregger, gekleidet mit dunklem Shirt, Jeans und Baseball-Cap, ist die Party nicht zu Ende. Er reißt sich von Danso los, wankt nach hinten. Im Hintergrund sieht man die FCA-Spieler Rani Khedira, Julian Schieber und André Hahn, die unbeteiligt an einer Wand stehen. Wie es an dem Abend weiterging? Unklar.

i dont get it

damn, he really tries everything, huh?
what a cuck

lel just how new are you

roof life

it's a Neinhold "best of autism" bot


>schalke game
>"someone" unleashes a new AI


Attached: cringe seethe hirarchy.png (843x903, 39K)

lurk more


you sure are a retard

>the absolute state of this thread

Attached: Cow_1024x1024.jpg (1024x576, 61K)

>dilate beating anything
you Yea Forumsbabies don’t really believe that do you?



you can leave this thread at anytime if you’re not content. that’s the freedom of every /bundes/poster

dilate already, maybe it helps

tell me why you don’t have a gf

show me how

have sex more (or at all)


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don’t link me to my own post pls :^]

anime! now that’s pathetic

okay, I didnt do that in a long time, but Im leaving for today guys, you've done it

that doesn’t make sense.
also i asked the dumb austrian not you


for the second time

absolute joke
dfb doing everything to keep pooli up


The absolute state of this thread.

Attached: yikes.gif (454x250, 1.33M)

watching Inspector Barnaby

>shit up the thread
>"absolute state of this thread"
it's truly Sören, this is going to be interesting with all the newfags

the mods should go back to auto sage this thread until bundes starts

Attached: aqua beim mampfen erwischt.gif (540x652, 1.7M)

see are you actually retardo or just pretending?

bundes did start this friday

haha st pooli BTFO

Nö... we successfully made it through 2 football-free months until the offtopic screecher appeared

Its been trying with the customer meltdowns. The next 7 days will be great. Either Sané comes, or he doesnt and the Supercup.

if you want to post off topic maybe go to a board where your offtopic shit is actually on topic

tonight i dreamt of that werder blow job pig

>aqua beim mampfen erwischt.gif
yikes and virginbabymanpilled

Arp looks like Thomas Mueller

ist hier eigtl überhaupt irgendeiner von euch keine jungfrau?

your mom ;^)


i would never lie to you

Yes I will have Durchfall soon enoug. How can you tell?

he still thinks the durchfall meme is funny...

hmmm yes sweeties, it’s LITERALLY happening
keep seething shareholder retards
the season will be ours again

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>buy a mentally challenged nigger
>DUDE it's our season!!!!

This is the Hinteregger video. Pretty funny.

Yeah, we know.

firstly, i don’t approve of your foul language, appologize for the use of the n word.
secondly, how is he mentally challenged, pls do explain!
thirdly: SEETHING

kek based

>jz 10 halbe

haha er hatte wohl etwas zu viel BRANDT.
looks like he’s gonna have DURCHFALL in the morning! :D


>secondly, how is he mentally challenged, pls do explain!
to get the kind of tatoo he got, you must be a special kind of retard desu

I still love you

not so fast
>Puma will Leroy Sané bei ManCity halten
>18.45 Uhr: Neue Kehrtwende im Transfer-Poker um Leroy Sané. Laut den "Manchester Evening News" gibt es aktuell laufende Gespräche zwischen Manchester City und Leroy Sanés Beraterstab über eine Vertragsverlängerung des deutschen Nationalspielers beim englischen Spitzenklub.
>Angeblich setzt sich nun auch Puma für einen Sané-Verbleib in Manchester ein. Dem Bericht zufolge bietet der deutsche Sportartikelhersteller, der ab diesem Sommer Nike als Trikot-Sponsor von ManCity ablöst, dem 23-Jährigen 1,1 Millionen Euro im Jahr für einen neuen Schuhvertrag. Aktuell hat Sané noch einen Ausrüstervertrag mit Nike.

>erste Sahné!

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that makes sense

Based Puma

nafris, somalians and albanian are barely human

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make it bundes related

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I legitimately feel bad for those poor girls who are paid to get a pusy tat and getting filmed and exposed in front of the whole world.


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Brandt to Dortmund

Harvertz to Bayern

KC tier thread tßh desu

boring thread now

>watching the replay of BVB Udinese
>Nobi: "Itaka ist ja keine Beleidigung"
>"der Mayo ist auch gut"
>"Käpt'n Lasagne"
>"Barrack Obama"
how does he get away with it?
is it because his co host is Owomoyela?

yes yes

based racist boomers

>Nobi: Nummer 21, das ist Ignazio Prosecco, Ignazio Bruschetta
>Owo: Wir wollen natürlich niemenden verärgern, falls hier fans von Udinese Calcio zuhören. WIr machen hier
>Nobi: Du spinst
>Owo: Unterschätz nicht wie viel Italiener auch BVB fans sind und die vielleicht als Zweitverein dann Udinese haben
>Nobi: So
>Owo: Wir machen uns nicht über Italiener an sich lustig, sonder für uns sind manche Namen nur schwer und hören sich lustig an oder nah dran

Owomoyela in damage control mode? Does he sound kinda concerned?
Give me the relevant timestamps please

I swear people at a certain age dont know anymore what is appropriate to say when.
Even my father lately says "neger this, neger that" out of nowhere

I do that too and my mum doesn't seem to care lol

starts at 28:40

where does he says that

the itaka thing was shortly after kickoff IIRC

I sat today too long with my sweaty crotch on my chair and have to febreze it now

itaka ist auch keine beleidigung, ist abkürzung für italienischer kamerad. aber ich erwarte gar nicht dass einer von euch allgemeinbildung besitzt. der rest ist harmlos

also now this is autism
nobody cares about the transcript from some dumb testspiel commentary

I swear im gonna kill myself if this love sickness doesnt stop

I want to fucking kill myself but not until a german club wins the champions league again

have sex
also why love sick?

"paki" ist auch nur ne Abkürzung...
"Polacke" ist einfach ne deutsche From von "polak", was auf polnisch einfach nur "Pole" heißt.

you have a long life ahead of youthen. make the best of it.

cant have sex

dumped me, 4 months ago. Miss the time we had together more than anything, eventhough there was quite some trouble here and there.

absolut unpassende beispiele

Nope, I don't want to. Literally everything is going wrong right now and I don't know how much more I can take

hmmm i see.
tell you what: heartache is normal but eventually the pain will go, you will meet someone new (i presume you leave your house, because you had a gf already) keep your chin up, better times are coming. go look for a hobby which doesn’t remind yourself of her and keep an open mind about things. never say to yourself that you won’t get any better, that’s not true.

A few days ago, I asked bundes to redpill me on regionalliga and no one did.

i seriously want you to consider talking to a therapist. but at least talk to someone close, tell someone about what’s wrong with you. you need help, offing yourself is never the answer. there is always ways to get your shit back together. but you need to seek help irl.

every club wants to get out of there ASAP but no one ever will
t's hell
oberliga has a higher level of play if you discount physicality

i also do not want the netherlands to an hero. jesus loves you and so does marco reus.

regionalliga is a wide subject. there is 5 or so divisions.
read en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_football_league_system#Regional_association_league_systems

get hype

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theres also dritte bundes tomorrow nice

we're gonna need a new /hundes/

>7500 Spiele aus dem Profi-, Amateur und Jugendfußball soll der amerikanische Sportdatenkonzern Genius Sports künftig jedes Jahr für den DFB überwachen. Ein langjähriger Partner hat dafür das Nachsehen.
cuck dfb

Didn't Owo try an Adolf H. impression for one sentence before he realized that this was a bit too much for football commentary and aborted with "Nein, lassen wir das lieber"?

Are we watching Bauern vs. Fenerbahce today?
