Why are Anglos so shit at chess and dumb?

Why are Anglos so shit at chess and dumb?

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because that's not a "sport" that has a supporter culture


Besides the US and France, look at that list of shitter countries, you can just imagine those top players playing in some shit hole park or bar on a mud street as they have nothing else to do with their lives

It's like if you ever play an African at table football, it's like FIFA for them over there so they can do all mad tricks and through balls whilst you're just spinning away

Basically nobody in the west really plays chess because they have things like disposable incomes, PlayStation's and nightlifes

Im pretty sure all those countries except India and Ukraine fall in top 50 GDP per capita

>Basically nobody in the west really plays chess because they have things like disposable incomes, PlayStation's and nightlifes
t. Brainlet

all the us team is chinks and jews so white americans are bad at chess like they are bad at every single sport.

1) consoles and videogames are for niggers
2) people that can't even play chess are dumb cunts

Now it's one thing to be a dumb cunt, but being proud of it is too much.

I don't know why we suck, but Island Chinamen are not on the list because they have Go instead.
Also is right, USA is mostly Chinks and Jews, but why the fuck isn't Israel on this list (OY VEY)

>Russia, China, USA, India
These are either huge countries or have large populations. The rest, except France, are all around the same area.

Having a ton of people in a country must have something to do with it. There's probably something like 500 good chess players in the USA for every 1 in the UK.

I would trade our one World cup just to be a top5 Chess nation.

most ashekenazi jews live in the usa. those are the smart evil jews.


>asians and Jews aren't American
>Jews arent white

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Best american isn't a chink or a kike. He is a Guido

it’s just embarrassing that white americans are the majority in the richest most powerful country but can’t dominate a single sport.

and of course jews aren’t white, go back to plebbit.

Only losers and nerds play chess

Too busy working in zero hours jobs to pay the TV licenses and expensive pies

an entire nation of count dankulas

what a truly embarrassing post, m8

what were you thinking?

>Playing vidya like a kid
>Berating others

>a sport

Dont you think games like dota are like chess but far far more complex?

of course it is, weren't they building ias nowadays that can barely beat top players ?

What's the point in playing a game a computer has already solved?

There's an ai that players cannot beat. Openai i think its called.

dota is more manual memory
a 3k shitter in dota is capable of being theoretically as sound as a 6k

chess is memorizing board patterns and calculating forward (having memorized patterns makes the calculations you make in your head far easier to imagine and carry out)
that's part of the reason chess lost some of its popularity before but people got used to it and gave up on the idea of competing with computers

nowadays computers are about to drive cars, look at medical images and also beat people at rts, even a dota AI barely lost to pro players (there were some constraints present)

also chess isn't solved, mathematically speaking

You're using your leisure time posting on a Mongolian basket weaving forum and acting like you're the high IQ one?

Tell me how recently you played chess as opposed to went and played footy/went it to the pub/smashed your mates on fifa?


Darts and Snooker probably takes away most of the people that would probably be good at Chess here.

Snooker maybe. Darts is pure muscle memory though

I played chess much more recently than I played footy/fifa

A lot of Chess is just pattern recognition though, if I had autism superpowers I'd rather go into being a professional Poker player than Chess too.

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>Tell me how recently you played chess
1 minute before i read that post

you lose, thunderf00t

Most of the top "US" players weren't born in this country. They're aspirational pajeets who weren't told that there's no money or prestige in chess.

BASED. Turd worlders BTFO.