
Attached: 1567389947354.jpg (1116x1116, 177K)

Other urls found in this thread:

we wanted a shartman thread

Attached: 1564336721365.jpg (741x654, 52K)

perfect ass

Attached: tumblr_pxbhuicgm61qk12q0o1_1280.jpg (1280x1920, 369K)

leave yeji alone

any sharkman in

sluggo is so ugly compared to our shart, yeji

Keep up the Cathy posting

Attached: D524BCuUUAAUVHG-orig (1).jpg (1366x2048, 569K)

just us shartman

Why is Drake fucking around with busted ass strippers when he could be plowing fine slug ass?

This bush is all natural brother

Attached: DyeBRvZUYAASWwt.jpg (800x1200, 210K)

Based noona.

Attached: 1539111613415.jpg (1580x1080, 485K)

i’m so tired of this "shartman" guy

all i want to do is post yeji in peace after a long work day and this 24 hours a day mentally ill loser won’t stop replying to every post spamming the same shit because he has no life whatsoever
it’s sickening and saddening

Time for BigHit girl group

Attached: ECuV8eWVUAAa0-Z.jpg (750x1334, 137K)

yes friend but we're busy right now

Attached: 1567615448997.webm (563x1000, 2.86M)

If Elkie was a gook she would be Cathy

Attached: 63.jpg (1280x1920, 297K)

>just gonna be bts' fucktoys

we love good girls here

Attached: Do9XCTyU4AASNIP.jpg (1366x2048, 524K)

Attached: gfriend-wave-umji.jpg (1234x702, 69K)

my fave video

we must defeat them

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Attached: 1550633284000.jpg (1923x1923, 405K)

oh no no no cathybros

Attached: hee3.jpg (273x320, 27K)

iu has some majestic ones too

her name is huihyeon

Attached: 1540020959435.jpg (2048x1365, 402K)


wait did kyungri made her videos private?

Rosie :)

Attached: 65728962_346625216242126_4084888810820830482_n.jpg (1440x1800, 215K)

imagine putting a baby in her

jin is so handsome

if Cathy was literally perfect she would be herself

Attached: DniQJRTUcAEGe5_.jpg (1667x2500, 503K)

>cathy deserved better than dia
dia deserve a better leader than cathy

Attached: 1536256369564.jpg (1500x1125, 376K)

Love the idol formerly known as Cathy

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>all i want to do is post yeji
waifuposters are spammers too


Attached: D4SG6rWU8AAWb_T.jpg (1200x1800, 431K)

there she is...

Attached: DKEnAKMVoAAWbTz.jpg (1668x1080, 172K)

What's Childyeon doing?!

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Cathy did nothing wrong
Chae on the other hand.....

Attached: 1563029056154.jpg (1280x1810, 309K)

you have 10 seconds to explain why you have this saved

Attached: 1547780761397.jpg (1800x1200, 236K)

pit queen, and her name is still cathy m8

diajap is such a semen demon

Who? That talentless hack Chaeyeon? I'm still salty about her being in IOI

Attached: 69268818_446861745934580_6115256310645076384_n.jpg (1080x1350, 198K)

shut the fuck up
Cathy is doing her best

great leader, kind person and amazing rapper

Attached: D12lyhwUgAAPF8M.jpg (1800x1200, 203K)

I beat my hard cock to her

Can't believe she's been getting used as an Eunhahole for all of BTS' vacation...

finally a cute girl

actually its huihyeonbros

what if mina aborted bambam's baby because he was fucking ryujin?

Imagine being such a fucking Stacy than the other lesser Stacie's say "holy shit so pretty" out loud:

Is there a more perfect human being than Tzuyu?

Attached: 1565362420944.webm (900x1080, 1018K)

Attached: 1567550946498.jpg (1440x1767, 1.22M)

shits in tubs

Who is this?

DIA had too many wtf are they doing comebacks, they should've gone full T-ara slutty EDM bangers a long time ago

Attached: D5vEGKNU8AA2Euj-orig (1).jpg (1667x2500, 1.01M)

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hey, that's a nice hat

Attached: 69552936_342885009932955_311183852944850365_n.jpg (1080x1350, 242K)

growing my hair like jungkook

Attached: 0DA0B1AC-EF8F-438E-B46F-7852120B44A6.jpg (750x746, 120K)

I want a Chinese gf

Attached: EDnE0TfXkAEUbI0.jpg (1080x1619, 209K)

black excellence

probably not cute anymore though

yep, right here

Attached: 1567553239464.jpg (1280x719, 139K)

freakin cute

Attached: Dakits7VQAAgM7h.jpg (745x744, 118K)

unless you're asian or a good looking white guy you can't pull that off

Busters Chaeyeon

Attached: D_pxc7UU8AANnsM.png (1400x1827, 1.71M)


YUCK not that uggo

*silently saving all silent arin poster's pictures*

you have to choose between mainland or hong kong/taiwanese

it's Cathyboys

Attached: Ds5p7CtUcAABMKr.jpg (1200x1800, 369K)


Obligatory Eunha post

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ah understood, have a nice day

Attached: wtf.png (1079x897, 1.09M)

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her eyebrows are so cute here

Attached: 1566629699016.png (1000x1500, 1.91M)

good choice

Attached: EDHvP4UVAAATtXW.jpg (1536x2048, 596K)

leave chae alone, werewolfshitters

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It'z Panopticon

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is this eunha's boyfriend now?

Cathy is a sweet girl who is trying her best to be a good leader. She did nothing wrong!

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Attached: D55SFohX4AAb2fy.jpg (800x1200, 229K)

her name is heehaw

Attached: 1537689237491.jpg (1000x1500, 180K)

I'm still shocked that KKS managed to fuck up something as easy as Huihyeon-Chaeyeon-Jueun-Yebin in a group.

Attached: DmR3x8MWwAAnvTw-orig.jpg (1500x1000, 299K)

Does that no-talent Heehaw really have fans? Heehow?

wouldn’t be surprised if he had several girlfriends and even boyfriends

Attached: EB75E86F-13E8-4D84-9E83-D04FA7BF8FA4.jpg (1536x2048, 564K)

so boring in here without yejibros

there is only one China

Attached: 344a1566c0a1c661dda2472ec988c2bf.jpg (1080x1620, 172K)

I want to put her sweaty soles on my face

our loona is so beautiful bros

Attached: 67550306_2074835429298332_3939605955152447487_n.jpg (1080x1080, 75K)


Attached: cefa2bd1-be23-4c2f-baf4-321aa8889318.jpg (496x883, 84K)

*drinks all your alcohol and shits in your bath tub*

Attached: 1555569697025.jpg (1000x1500, 747K)

I really like Cathy's fashion
she is such a womanly girl
she will be a top tier noona in few years

Attached: DswscxdVYAApZDK.jpg (1200x1800, 370K)

Glam was based

shut the fuck up

Attached: 1552085179012.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

fat faced uggo

i work at the oncheon i was excited to see her but she was rude and left a nasty surprise in the tub

She could've gotten rid of the dead weight earlier. Although apparently Somyi is less dead weight now, but Jenny and some of the others were pointless.

Attached: Dly-uCJU8AAkBJ0-orig.jpg (1366x2048, 520K)


we aren't her fans
we are her worshipers

Attached: Dm06zU8U8AYgc-0.jpg (1563x2500, 733K)

oh god.... i think i'm about ot..... oh NO.....

Attached: file.png (1000x667, 754K)

*ppfffttttt pssshhhhh pllllrrrrrrrrr*

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Attached: 1539115771240.webm (802x800, 2.91M)

short stubby legs

True, but I think they’re going to do a purepop/generic group like what TXT is. Girl crush is the other option

Attached: EBC2vktVAAAKTkD.jpg (1000x1334, 179K)

miss those times when they had a comeback every 2 months

hong kong and taiwan have elkie and chewy, so its a no-brainer

I wish her all the best
good people like her deserve good lives

please tell me your not overweight

Jenny is hot

Attached: 1534102809985.jpg (1080x1349, 2.02M)

jenny was based

Attached: 9.jpg (1200x1800, 252K)

Attached: 15391019999610.png (626x765, 937K)


lol one of his fansites just outed him as a gay incel

And Chiayi from Fanatics. Fucking hottie

Ok I knew that they would fuck it up but seriously it could've been relatively easy mode if they had just slammed out Shinsadong Tiger T-ara style slutty bangers

Attached: DkqCUG2X4AATtwu-orig.jpg (1200x1800, 194K)

Not even a pic worth saving ITT

136 lbs, 5’9


>just remembered jenny is finito
rip gonna jenny blast in her memory

Attached: 1547013007010.webm (946x1000, 2.95M)

>Imagine Yeri squirting all over you

Attached: 1564350197156.webm (800x450, 2.91M)


Attached: 1567365531313.png (455x463, 463K)

They have Chae and instead of making Jenny a counterbalance they gave her a Jeongyeon style boycut.

people like you should be locked up

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T-ara wasn't slutty

Attached: DnXf-mDUUAEYCII.jpg (1800x1200, 136K)

she’s probably just seething since he didn’t give a fuck about her gifts, i don’t believe it

Attached: 1A78722E-FFF6-4390-8C1C-4C3187B4172E.jpg (1791x1791, 384K)

holy shit rose really does look like kyungsoo

raina poster...

imagine the smell

Attached: 1567394303449.jpg (2279x3040, 1.05M)

wow, blackblue is beautiful

Imagine Bboom Bboom but instead of autistic JooE dancing it was thicc thigh Cathy twerking


Attached: 1567587680324.jpg (625x656, 43K)

what happened

is it weird that I want Cathy to beat me up?

maybe we'll eventually hear another solo song like artist

Attached: 1555697835015.jpg (1304x1048, 143K)

im actually ok with the drinking and tub shitting

Attached: 1541754671909.jpg (1080x1350, 113K)

I'm shocked you managed to fuck up something as easy as Jenny-Jueun-Yebin-Eunice

Attached: 1563500052667.jpg (1919x1080, 328K)

Is it safe to come out yet?

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Attached: EDn58BjUEAAgT1G-orig.jpg (1239x896, 216K)

they must be asian americans

not really, egg is sort of a chinlet
rose has a stronger jaw than most people

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just us shartman

Post that one whore I like

Jiyeon was hella slutty

Attached: jiyeon1.webm (432x740, 1.03M)

Id rather hug her instead and feel her motherly warmth

I hope so
Artist is a top tier banger

Attached: DlwAMc5UYAMhEK-.jpg (1366x2048, 332K)

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i kind of like chaeyeon though
wish it were my tub

cathy is the deadweight. she's a shitty rapper and a manface. dia would have been perfect without that talentless bitch

Attached: DGs5sGlVYAAwWYy.jpg (4096x2730, 1.65M)

>must bring a copy of the sperm album
>it’s not even out yet

no, but she wouldn't do that because shes a good girl

Attached: 1534864793313.jpg (550x836, 506K)

gay nigger

i need a lisa bf so bad

Attached: 1542602854831.jpg (1000x1500, 397K)

Exactly, MMLD basically stole DIA's optimal music and now they are driving it into the ground

imagine the smell

that instagram filter is so shitty

Why is our Julia's tongue so red?

Attached: EDeFuQJWwAArOrU.jpg (2048x1638, 311K)

Attached: 1549989021213.jpg (3873x2582, 1.1M)

the most retarded post I've seen today


Attached: DZ9HkCHX4AEvcxq.jpg (960x720, 63K)

I'm the sharkman

Attached: 1563500052665.jpg (1277x1814, 371K)

whoops meant for


would a korean pronounce sperm as seupermeu? isn't that exactly how they'll say superm too?

what if I asked her nicely?
she is a good girl and an amazing leader, she should help her fan

damn what chads...

Nah, besides who would bully the rest of the girls? Chaeyeon can't do it all by herself

Attached: Dkk2Za_WsAIFGra-orig.jpg (1331x2000, 261K)

why do you do this

Attached: 1563709933905.jpg (1277x1814, 243K)

based shartman

you’re forgetting the M
it would be like seu-pa-em

where the fuck are the real aids...

Attached: CUbJE6YVEAADBap.jpg (720x749, 116K)

Did i miss something?

Why are twice songs so good?
I've listened to the b sides and singles and this is the first group that consistently produces good songs.

post some more pics of cathys tummy

top 3 kpops for me
1. Cathy
2. Huihyeon
3. Heehaw

haven't you realised yet? there are none

freaking handsome

>I've listened to the b sides and singles and this is the first group that consistently produces good songs.

i don't know, and i'm unable to stop now

Attached: 1566500056666.jpg (1277x1814, 371K)

flopping brings out the akgae in nugu fans, and they start pointing fingers. i'm glad i'm a blinkchad

lol just lol

nothing just like seeing After School here that's all

sad to see how busted shes become

Attached: sss.jpg (1280x1920, 575K)

Attached: 1567616291567.jpg (1429x2000, 398K)

she was always a rich man's babysoul

Attached: you....webm (1280x720, 1.49M)

I still like DIA but they seem to be coming alive too late in their career as the 4th generation groups start coming out.

Attached: DkZ29X0UcAEi43K-orig.jpg (1448x2048, 299K)

alluring isnt it?

Attached: 1567540072075.jpg (961x961, 258K)

shes got it all

Attached: 1565199794822.jpg (670x469, 48K)

a little

Attached: 1540156254000.jpg (1199x1800, 385K)

is pinky love a song about asian penises?


she said he was wasting his dick and should get a nice girl so he could release his pent up urges and stop being mentally ill

she looks like mijoo

>coming alive
If you mean admitting in public they're in doubt about their future, ok


Attached: EDeTl_OXYAAtbkU.jpg (1360x2048, 401K)

there just something about demon yeji that just works

Attached: 1567479310562.jpg (1366x2048, 604K)

apologize to mijoo

Needs some Jueun posting as well

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Attached: 1484519852534.webm (570x988, 547K)

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good birthing hips. it's a travesty she isn't already knocked up.

Attached: J1q6r.jpg (1333x2000, 480K)

1. 7
2. 5
3. 9
4. 1
>power gap
25. 4
26. 2 (collaborations only)
>power gap
100. 3
101. 6
102. 10
>power gap
1001. 12
1002. 11
>power gap
999999999. 12+

Attached: 06a07e19cc532058fea98692ee94e7cd.jpg (635x380, 69K)

Attached: EDoDHhnUUAAD4XR.jpg (1500x2250, 478K)

and how does she know jungkook is a lossless virgin? he’s like the most popular kpop idol on earth

Attached: dad son.jpg (480x480, 30K)

Crazy and suffocating, you falling for me, aren't you?

Attached: seulgi bear.jpg (1062x1328, 137K)

wet thighs

Attached: 67804945_141201163765195_3036081893888834789_n.jpg (1064x1331, 151K)

couldn't that be taken as an accusation that he's volcel?

post raina_laughing.webm

VERY pretty

>1 member

There are like 3 members left
E-Young, Raina, Nana and that's it. I'm not even sure Nana remembers how to sing.

Attached: 1 (3).webm (1280x720, 1.36M)

Attached: 1557232955180.jpg (1366x2048, 439K)

post Cathy's feet
if they are as good as the rest of her body I'm dropping my waifu for her

No one is falling for that uggo

Attached: EDD1R1aUYAA7Ny0.jpg (1920x1920, 537K)

iu still a qt after a decade of being an idol

most idols don't last that long

Attached: 190904 아이유(IU) 출국 Departure (장만월 휴가) [인천공항] 4K 직캠 by 비몽-qxAaRk76 (728x1080, 2.58M)

very true

Attached: 1566699799025.jpg (1923x1923, 403K)

7 has been devalued by post-IOI trash

true but she is one of his craziest stalkers she would definitely know if he was in a relationship

Attached: 1487728972041.jpg (1800x2700, 314K)

I love this woman


I believe you mean this one.

Attached: 1516541582325.webm (1124x1080, 2.65M)

the cathy fans are obviously no real aids, just tranny lovers

Attached: EDdIBE3UwAEtxMz.jpg (2048x1365, 530K)

9+ member groups are cancer, stop at 7

tbf she started at 15

more than the shinsadong stuff, yolo was the perfect dia era for me desu

Attached: 1544317727870.jpg (852x1200, 215K)

only if you're a cute slugbro

thank you, love this piggeu

I'm a Cathybro from now on

nana "made" their best song tho :^)

Attached: 15141133655480.webm (856x480, 2.82M)


I'm shocked E-young is still there. IIRC she joined AS slightly before Kaeun and Kaeun finally finished her 7 year sentence.

Nana does dramas/modeling and Raina puts out a solo comeback that nobody listens to about once every other year now.

which idol do you want to piss in your mouth? for me, it's eunha

Attached: 15552353113932.jpg (1175x2048, 376K)

The perfect amount is 3 because that's Orange Caramel's amount

Almost the perfect DIA formation, just missing Jenny

Attached: artworks-000565246745-at9xyy-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 46K)

crayon pop

-orig.jpg cathy akgae should stick to exoposting

Attached: cathyeyes.webm (720x720, 2.94M)

I completely agree, 7 is the perfect amount for line distribution, AND it has the perfect amount for choreo, specifically pyramids which are kino as fuck

Attached: EDjJishW4AMUBda.jpg (750x935, 143K)

wow, she's beautiful


Attached: 1567113898187.jpg (720x969, 138K)

which groups incorporate pyramids into their routines?

Attached: 1549739110853.jpg (2730x4096, 1.3M)

i want to post something but it's the most cringe webm of all time

Attached: 레이나.webm (960x540, 1.86M)

pathetic seamonkey

I love her lips

Attached: DkTml9_UUAE7Mrt.jpg (1333x2000, 325K)

Remember that period when Jueun would get spammed all the time?

Attached: EBxjTJWVAAAkFXT-orig.jpg (2003x3000, 1.06M)

>bangtan thrust me
what the fuck

I wanna fuck Eunchaes ass so much

Attached: DIA Eunchae 838.jpg (1280x720, 161K)


Attached: 1538648456910.webm (578x1080, 1.15M)

leave him alone

thanks for the warning, yeah, don't ever post that anywhere, never never never

>Remember that period when Jueun would get slammed all the time?
yeah i remember what i did

Attached: 1547531982977.jpg (4096x2730, 1.32M)

If you have the right mix of talent and aren't needing to use filler members 9 is still the ultimate but if you don't have that and most agencies don't then 7 is optimal unless you have a great mix of individuals that can actually cover all the roles with 5 people.

eunjin killed dia

Attached: 1492755924481.webm (1280x720, 1.71M)

I love Cathy, Chae, Yebin and Jueun equally

Attached: our girls.jpg (1667x2500, 619K)

where's dachshund

Attached: thighcy.webm (584x836, 940K)

Pyramid might now be the right work but , the V formation, of which, Dreamcatcher does A TONE of

Attached: dc.jpg (1975x1049, 254K)

meant for not wanting girls to use you as a toilet is gay as heck

Attached: C5wr5ZeVUAA8MKW.jpg (1000x1500, 208K)

DIA should just go full time feetslut

who is that in the center

good times, she'd be really popular if the group wasn't hopeless (and barely active)

Attached: ECe6CPkWsAEzcco.jpg (2048x1364, 485K)

would cover her in

Attached: 190818 다이아(DIA) 주은 - 우와 _ 평택 락 페스티벌-nYp15wQAXLI-[03.19.016-03.22.418].we (914x1080, 2.39M)

Cathy's feet should just into my mouth

the tub

You should quit being a slacker DIAbro

Attached: D466zkmX4AAf8uX-orig.jpg (2047x1367, 406K)

Attached: dia.jpg (3276x2184, 2.42M)

Attached: DNRITjOVwAAkx42.jpg (1200x800, 102K)

a triangle? v formation is a better term though

I can think of at least one group that would be improved by going to 5 members.

wow she's incredibly beautiful who is she? she looks like she could be the next suzy

yeji thread? yikes, glad i missed it

heaven is between eunhas cheeks

It's predebut suzy

that's our yuki

>jueunposting starts
>kyungsooposting stops
really makes you think

Don't lewd her

you mean that girl is 14? i'm in

The only good V is Pristin V

wtf bros

9 theoretically is the best, but line distribution gets all kinds of fucked, when you have at max, 20seconds per member, and most times, it's the bottom 3 members get less than 10 seconds

this but without cathy

They don't look the same though



it'll be eunice thread

not allowing the main vocalist to shine is SHIT
9 member concepts are shit

I said it and I meant it

You don't put Chae in a big group to steal the spotlight from everyone, you stick her in a smaller group