How the fuck does this cringe incel shit have so many views

how the fuck does this cringe incel shit have so many views
the video our local incel ricky made also has like 50 thousand
other meme shit that get spammed on here usually takes months to reach even 10000
for example 100 gecs are pretty huge but all except one of their song have less views than this and theyve been out for months
this is really fascinating honestly
did some big youtuber tweet it or something or what the fuck happened?

Attached: incelcore.png (1067x721, 505K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's simple. Everyone just hates women. And with good reason.

This is a ridiculous assumption considering the movie flopped hard

There is a change coming

It's catchy and full of things your not allowed to say in public those two factors are strong sellers even when every other part is shit.

typical memelord fuel

i’m so glad my gf is a korean school teacher and pure

for now

cuz its based

It’s an honest song about a very real type of girl and it resonates with a lot of young despondent men. The end

she’s 30 years old i’m in the clear

yeah but where are the views coming from?
i havent found any popular posts sharing it on bigger social media sites and almost 150k people in a few days dont just suddenly find a weird obscure mu/incel subculture song on their own
was it just the youtube algorithm again?

>algorithm is probably pushing it after metokur and all the other cringecore chanshit (meeee an intellectual)
>faggot who made it has been spamming it here for days
>probably spamming it on other sites as well
This isn't anything unusual and I believe you had an ulterior motive in mind when you made this thread.

They’re just shilling it on Yea Forums and /pol/ which has way more traffic than Yea Forums + youtube algorithm

it’s not mu it’s the other boards

More like Scott Pilgrim vs. The World ruined a generation of men by making them believe that somewhere out there is a hot chick in Hot Topic clothes who likes their nerd shit and will come along to rescue them from their own mediocrity and passivity, you just have to play video games and wait patiently until it happens like a good boy

women aren’t worth it anymore

Take a break, dilate, and then come back and see if you still agree with this post.

No hes right nerd faggot

both are true


It's some of the most reddit shit I've ever heard.

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Does this guy post here or something?


He's still around?

Out on the town
A sad clown

twitter as well, the artists' (shooter/negative xp) twitter post has a bunch of likes and retweets

>I’m an MKULTRA victim

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Reminder white knights:
>Incels only hate and blame their problems on women for not having sex. Hating a vapid pretentious type of women does not make you an incel

can somebody hook me up with this nigga demo tape from his bandcamp? i aint paying for it.

It's almost like people don't agree with your weird cuck worldview

>imlpying they give a fuck
if you dare insult our holy gynolords in any way you are an incel, plain and simple

beta white knights and orbiters are worse than kikes, niggers, mexicans, etc

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Go back to watching your orbiter getting fucked.

Cannot you fags drop this "you're an INCEL" "you're a KEK" shit and actually have a conversation?

>durrr newfag

some of us fuck user I know it’s hard to imagine

Like this user said it's being spread around the /pol/ sphere of twitter

>inb4 nazi boogieman
I mean frogposter with NPC icons and post clownworld memes, retweet news articles about Muslims raping/killing people and clickbait headlines from the Washington post

yeah I'm sure you're the only one in the world who has had sex. Congrats.

i’m talking to a cartoon strawman can you fuck off

then the pic isn't about you

calling people incels is always projection without any exceptions

Probably caught on on Reddit I'm guessing

i wanna fight alongside my incel brothers against the feminist/marxist plague

red pill me on scott pilgrim movie what did it do I haven't seen it

I googled "Chapo Trap House" and someone posted it on that forum.

Yeah modern men are worse than modern women no contest

I thought Chapo Trap House were lefties


it is, american style far left diaper-fillers


this sums up the 2010's better than any other song

>someone spent his time drawing this

>everyone in this thread is wasting their lives here

The description on spotify also says "and Micheal Cera ruined a generation of white men"

NXP fucking rocks nigger shut the fuck up, music doesn't have to be particularly technical or complicated to be good and if it makes you feel something then I'd say it's good music.


this makes me feel like everybody my age is a lame faggot that i don't want to fucking deal with
"that's something" i guess

I had it pop up on YouTube recommendations when it had about 30k views on a fresh YouTube account that I had just started using, so likely YouTube is recommending to a lot of people

It's probably one of the most usable images these days, fat Redditors who are obvious cuckolds such as Ian Miles Cheong have come to embody that image

>someone spend time drawing and improving their skills. Unlike you you’re not improving your social skills.

Cult classic status that stills gets played constantly on Netflix and the like. I mean look at how influential the rocky picture horror show is still to this day. Not out of the question for Scott pilgrim to be influential above what it’s earnings suggest.

It was posted on reddit

Attached: C264C5A8-8301-4539-ABD2-8FACAD90008F.png (951x2085, 193K)

I’m split between liking something reddit hates and hating something that’s bad. Idk man, it’s rough

join our movement brother, we must fight evil

>tfw shitpost video I made in an hour gets a shitload of views while my serious videos only get 2-3k views

Worst part is that the roasties in the comments are complaining I used their public pics so I'm suspecting it's gonna go down soon.

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>small dick energy
The NPC meme is real

I saw it posted in a decently large music related Facebook group before I saw it posted here. I think it's somewhat of a snowball effect, like the more incels share it unironically the more everyone else wants to share it to comment on its popularity, leading more incels to find it and share it, etc. etc.
Not to mention it's pretty relevant to the zeitgeist, being a pretty succinct summary of the whole incel mindset.

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For me it's "You Shouldn't Be Allowed to Listen to Music If You Watch the Needle Drop", "MK ULTRA VICTIM", and "Surfin' USA" by NEGATIVE XP

Attached: gigachad[1].jpg (1068x601, 65K)

>You Shouldn't Be Allowed to Listen to Music If You Watch the Needle Drop
sounds based

what's that? will it make me sad if I'm a girl?

Ricky care to explain why you waited almost 2 hours standing by yourself to get an autograph?

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To make money? Why else lol.

you can't be serious, he doesn't even watch the shows? How fucking pathetic

>white men
How come they're saying Scott Pilgrim only ruined white men but also ruined all women? Being an art hoe is mostly a white girl thing.

whats going on here?

I make money selling autographed stuff and Yea Forums is mad.

>he hasn't taken the Rickypill yet

how new are you

Mac Demarco Tho

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Who tf is Ricky lmao

Remember that time someone called him


>waits outside your house for 5 hours to get your autograph

what do you do bros?

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/pol/ made three threads about him in the span of an hour to dox him

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>is a tripfag in 2012 and gets banned after years of posting
>stays quiet
>starts shitposting in 2019
>pisses off /r/braincels because he fucks white girls
>pisses off MDE fags
>pisses off /pol/
>pisses off Yea Forums
>pisses off Yea Forums
>starts becoming an overnight e-celeb and is getting doxxed by three boards at the same time

Yea, I'm thinking he's back.

did they get it (tho)

you're not fooling anyone, Ricky

Attached: alex.jpg (863x1200, 84K)

E celeb btw

the guy is asian

is this even a real race

hasn't taken the massa pill yet obv.

pretty catchy ramonescore

Really catchy, anyone rec similar stuff?

I like that one because it's written like a Ramones song.

back to Yea Forums loser

>all those butthurt roasties
>especially the one who's complain about her pics being used
>"omg I just wanted to be a retard online, in public, how dare someone call me out on it!!!!"
lmao sometimes being a fat lonely shut in has its percs

>Fucks "artsy"/"indie" chicks
>Complains about women
Just as bad as the women who date obvious assholes and complain about "fuckbois" desu







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Not happening little miss crotch wound. Yea Forums is here to stay.

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based and breakingthehollywoodjewspellpilled

Women can't handle banter

all women are whores and deserve to be raped

fuck women!
my stupid cunt tinder ex gf had BPD, took drugs, smoked weed and ruined my life!

The true enemy is the enablers

Attached: suckandfuck.png (922x1005, 761K)

Who cares about what a bunch of virgin white knights think lmao
They're the bottom of the barrell, the lowest of the low. At least incels respect themselves and don't let women step on them.

you claim that you've been here for 7 years but your taste is still the most basic fucking Yea Forumscore shit its really embarassing