Attached: D7LgW3oVsAAAwx_.jpg (960x1440, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

r8 and h8

Attached: mykpopharem.jpg (1400x1229, 1.02M)

more popular than they should be


how often do you blast to xiumin?


Gahyeon is an absolute unit

Attached: 1564386146348.jpg (667x1000, 190K)

clc is a top girl group now in terms of choreo and song quality
prove me wrong


yuck friend what is this

a dude, 8, 6, 8
7, another dude, 6, fuck off

lots of trannies, this better be bait

The cutest girl in kpop is there so it's a yes from me dawg


Attached: gahighkick.webm (608x642, 305K)
nooo yejibros noooooooooooooooo

Attached: harem34.png (1400x1229, 1.86M)

w-w-why do you ask
I'm not that old, I just like retro kpop. It's like more new old music. It sounds like something you've heard a long long time ago in your childohood years. Even when it's clearly the first time you hear that song.

Their music style is the kinda thing Japs eat up. I just didn't think they had caught on that much yet.

has there been an jpop group that was very successful in korea?

Attached: 1548843942304.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

with the sexiest and best dancer of all girlgroups

literally & unironically soty

>they keep talking

Attached: 7bdf9c150baa757a87ba9e53cdf2a571.jpg (640x985, 103K)

any harem with jisun is instantly 8/10

More 1st generation Noonas

Attached: gummy.jpg (1393x2097, 516K)

akb and izone and twice

Welcomes oppa in her establishment. Please give lots of support and love!

Attached: 15600250615450.webm (1392x900, 2.7M)

I hate when shitty songs actually becomes addictive

Never heard of them? Are they a rookie group?

that is prehistory not boomer

what a woman

Attached: 1564389737299.jpg (1060x1000, 138K)

That thing with the blue butterfly looks out of place

the imperial army

mommys, daughters, and milkers... how can one man be so based?

this is a well rounded harem, id have switched out kei but to each their own.


No one gives a fuck about clc
Also No is cringe af

Attached: myharem.jpg (1400x1229, 308K)

Honestly with the exception of Where are You? CLC has been putting out great stuff since Hobgoblin on Crystyle. Their discography >>>> Gidle's right now.

>prove me wrong
no need mate. among active girl groups, they are at least top 5 in terms of discography

>1st generation Noonas
Dude, even I can't help you with that. I've got like 20 pics of Uhm Junghwa and that's it.

Attached: 엄정화1.jpg (680x1179, 175K)

I don't think it would ever happen properly, simply because Japan is the #2 biggest music industry and why would they possibly delegate themselves to a tiny country with a much smaller consumer base

Not to mention that Japanese music is barred from public television, a few groups have performed in Korea sparingly though, Sekai No Owari did a Blue Card Hall show which is only 1800 seats and where nugus like Lovelyz perform, but they did okay, not to mention a short appearance on M Countdown


>Their discography >>>> Gidle's right now
that's not an achievement

wtf, why did the yuki poster attack yeji?

I keep dabbing

Attached: EAodQJiVUAAGZsR.jpg (600x845, 101K)

With Irene, CX and Luda you must be prepared to buy a lot of products

Attached: 1564292979213.jpg (1600x1280, 234K)


Great solely because of Nana




Attached: 1563561611620.jpg (1024x1417, 255K)

>clcshitter samefagging that much

be nice to sorn


nobody took his itzy or dreamcatcher bait so he has to switch it up

Look how cute she is

Attached: 1564138150470.jpg (640x1199, 64K)

>cathyposter is a xiuminfag
>jueunposter is an eggfag
who is frogyiposter's exo-husbando?

Attached: 99637F3B5A6C9C0F0A.jpg (1333x2000, 705K)

1) Uhm Junghwa
2) Koyote
3) Lee Junghyun
4) S#arp
5) Baby VOX / Fin KL

Attached: 0d6MOGaGmN4b636195510714283181.jpg (1599x1186, 822K)

>now they are shitting on clc

Is it that time again?

Attached: harem.png (1400x1229, 2.19M)

>no Shinhwa
think about what you just done


Attached: 1562303376399.webm (604x876, 1010K)

shame about the face

Just imagine...

we only like H.O.T here

right side on point

H.O.T? More like W.H.O

dismembering sana and avenging nanjing with tzuyu...

wet nana

Attached: nana is getting wet.webm (624x720, 1.77M)

Attached: harem (2).jpg (2189x1922, 425K)

>Just imagine...

Attached: EAkgpnQUwAAHHgj.jpg (1400x2100, 260K)

My Kpop harem:

Mina (Twice)

any sharkman in

Attached: 1548548588423.png (1060x1000, 1.08M)

that guy's witchfu...

Nigga, Shinhwa is:
A) gay
B) has only one good song (Yo!)
C) gay

she looks so happy to do that

*draws two cards*

Attached: 1550163496624.jpg (1000x500, 156K)

Attached: EAD-l5vVAAEQnLD.png (1078x1916, 1.4M)

>he talks like being a boomer is a good thing
>he talks like being into kpop since 2nd gen is a good thing
>he's actually proud of wasting his life on kpop for more than 10 years

Attached: 24.jpg (674x1008, 90K)

>both cancerous kei fags online
so this is why the threads have been so shit

Attached: 我的后宫.jpg (1400x1229, 355K)

Attached: 1564218353767.jpg (1334x1334, 313K)

nice lips lol

>well rounded
>literal clones

Attached: 2019-01-19_Bs08t4FlQYY.jpg (1080x1238, 103K)

Im sorry but i have to get this off my chest ARASHI mogs every group korea has ever produced.
>inb4 go back to /jp/


Attached: 1430718478667.jpg (670x1002, 192K)

this nigga can't even spell t.o.p. right

>more than 8
absolute and utter garbage

word, "proud" boomers are beyond pathetic

You shouldn't lewd her, she is pure

Shit taste, she is perfect

Attached: 65779415_217210785914097_8544014506716981638_n.jpg (961x961, 136K)

I'm not part of your discord bullshit


The holy trinity

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Attached: 1529716639167_92sdfszd1.jpg (2592x3888, 1.16M)

CLC has been around for like 6 years I'd hope they'd have some good songs in that time.

I hoarded all the hot bitches. You guys get nothing

some of their labelmates are pretty fucking good too, I wish I knew about them sooner


Attached: harem.jpg (1719x1232, 428K)

Attached: 2018-06-06_BjrkSQjHa8T.jpg (480x480, 50K)

kei is a top model and kpop star
also lovelyz sold 50k last comeback for a 2014 group

For me, it will forever be Ono

Irene's velvety pu___!

And it's ruined


Attached: 2018-10-20_BpJIQ7slP6F.jpg (540x675, 35K)


adding 4 chan shit

Attached: 205.jpg (1412x938, 108K)

Old creepy single uncles with a lot of disposable income to buy albums

Sujeong is the only pretty Lovelyz.

Has JYP lost it?

No i want to discuss Yuna here!

Attached: 1564408688809.webm (970x800, 2.99M)

Attached: 2018-10-18_BpD-PxjFyNP.jpg (960x1200, 77K)


Attached: harem.jpg (637x503, 93K)

Attached: EApHhMFUcAAFSj1.jpg (1101x1650, 215K)

Harem fags should all be lined up shot.

jihyo has the flattest ass i've ever seen. it's even worse than jennie's.

Attached: 1562952798017.jpg (2890x4737, 2.01M)

>kei is a top model

Attached: 1555642025912.jpg (292x735, 144K)

based chad

Attached: Dpis7YUUAA2Lxl.jpg (2567x3851, 1.18M)


Attached: 1559930010155.jpg (1500x1000, 564K)

''My waifu whom I've never had impure thoughts about is pure and the love of my life''. incel

Yuna is a common japanese name anyway so jp mods probably let her slide being posted there

Attached: EAo7tbkXkAUYD7Y.jpg (640x867, 117K)

are there unironically people like this?

Who is your BabyVOXfu?

Attached: 1028.jpg (520x780, 88K)

Attached: 1533271667504.jpg (2048x1934, 460K)

seulgi's feet

9 9 not kpop not kpop
8 5 10 5

Attached: D_030lWUIActJ1N[1].jpg (960x721, 130K)

Kpop would be dead if we didn't sexualize the girls

>the Americanization of Koreans

Attached: Tiffany-Young-Edit-1552940641.jpg (800x740, 90K)

yes people unironically believe itzy and fromis are still virgins

Yes, me.

i want to ____ ryujin

Attached: nice.jpg (893x702, 48K)

roasties carry kpop these days

based nakychad/slugbro

xiumin, cathy, nana, lippie/10

Attached: 180412.webm (808x780, 2.93M)

holy shit that took way too long

Attached: harem19-07-29.jpg (1395x1227, 496K)

I don't post cathy or gaypop

Attached: D8xbeHvUcAAXmXL.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)


sohee isn't kpop either face it

post it i dare you


Attached: 15644207093660.jpg (540x810, 87K)

How do i make this harem think link pls

Too young

Attached: ourslug.png (1080x1350, 1.12M)

I don't know a single one of them. Sorry.

>link pls

Attached: kharem_template.png (1400x1229, 107K)

>chimpwon and sowon

how are you always here

same age as wony

kpg and the ugliest and most hated shit

Attached: yuna.jpg (477x268, 11K)

search rbt archive "harem template" and use gimp

the slug of my life


Attached: 9A726EA2-E02B-4CFB-AD7D-186B068CA80D.jpg (970x545, 64K)

never liked her but she is looking good now

not young enough

What about them?

Attached: 1555950956185.webm (1424x1080, 2.89M)


Attached: 1543924789878.jpg (917x844, 147K)

>homo flower template

Attached: absolutely mogging.png (516x860, 516K)

I hate Amerimutts so much bros...

they're life's greatest prize

Attached: Oh No 2.webm (394x504, 302K)

>met my ex by accident today
>we broke up on good terms, so some small chat is cool
>"so who's your new girl? bet you already got someone huh"
>couldn't tell her I'm hopelessly in love with someone that doesn't know I exist
Kpop for this feel, lads?

Attached: 1555760444000.png (640x960, 931K)

how can you lose what you never had?

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

Attached: 15644207093661.jpg (520x780, 69K)

jealous small brown

Attached: harem template.jpg (1606x1002, 210K)

Attached: 1548711042513.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

6 months younger and her face is way more young looking


Taengoo angel gotcha back senpai

post your harem

Attached: 1563220095729.webm (1920x1080, 376K)

I never thought about it but that has a nice ring to it

Attached: harem.png (1028x898, 1.77M)

>tfw too lazy to install gimp so you guys aren't getting my harem list today lmao
microsoft paint

filipino harem

Same, minus the ex part.

don't sweat it, it's bottom-tier garbage anyways

okay but it's out of date

Attached: harem7.png (1400x1229, 2.17M)

what is nishino nanase doing in the last spot?

spoiler that shit oj

8/8 and also checkef


Attached: unnamed.jpg (500x809, 59K)

nooo yejibros nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Attached: zim in the streets zalabim in the sheets.webm (720x404, 2.81M)

Too bad Icy sucked I guess Itzyshitters can always watch it with volume off

Attached: ryujinicy1.webm (1920x1080, 374K)

fuck niggers.

>yezi not in it
>babysoul not in it either
waifuhoppers everyone

She looks and behaves very japanese.

Attached: Hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)

Why does it have piss stains?

its ok she's healthier now

Attached: CKMYn8nUYAAcLUR.jpg (1106x960, 57K)

yep she didnt have to do this, she was perfect

how is she so effortlessly graceful, i don't understand

what's so funny

nice, lmao, based, who, cool, kek, good, based
overall 4/10

yuju is a nasty plastic monster now. have you dropped her yet?

thanks mang. Taetae delivers

Attached: 1505874765589.jpg (1080x1080, 65K)

yeji's feet

Dalla Dalla was worse though.

chaewon solo debut when

i want an audio book narrated by chaeryeong

crazy plastic surgery bitch

Attached: 1562480966289.jpg (960x1280, 142K)

which chaewon?

hideous busted mongoloid

Attached: 2018-08-13_BmZYS5DH0p3.jpg (1080x1080, 81K)

wheein tho

Just wanna inform you that one of my harem will definitely be my $2 prostitute gf Lee Sian if you're wondering

Attached: maxresdefault (3).jpg (1280x720, 97K)

If only he can hop irl as much as he hops wafius/groups

This but Yeji. She has a very nice speaking voice.

not entirely unbased

isnt she like 14

have a goofy TaeTae and cheer up

Attached: TaeTae.png (1059x597, 484K)

dalla dalla was wayyyyy better
none of that "smooth" trash

remove all except 1, 3 and 8

>mogs your waifu
nothin personnel, kid

Attached: 1564358664723.jpg (1080x1079, 187K)

I can't drop my backup waifu, that's fucked up

Attached: tumblr_o0veo3Jjkh1qg5nyao4_r1_400.gif (268x200, 1.93M)

i like how you posted your joke harem
can you do the real one now?

chaeryeongs voice is so soft and soothing, imagine listening to her just talk about her day

Attached: k05.jpg (1200x798, 338K)

Attached: 1564263755112.jpg (749x951, 113K)

Why do they call them Blasters?


post her wheeass

Attached: 2019-04-17_BwV8mO8l46M.jpg (641x641, 73K)


Attached: 146954.jpg (540x800, 593K)

nvm I'm thinking of that mnh girl

You're going to have to change it to a BASED after you skip to 2:07 of this video

Attached: wet shark bum.webm (500x557, 1.45M)

that's the real one

Attached: 160208lsj01.gif (396x450, 3.05M)

thinking about my exobros

any extremely calm and soothing kpops like jisun?

Attached: 1536181806237.jpg (800x1200, 173K)

pls no bully here have a peak Yuju

Attached: Yuju.png (355x632, 376K)

lol who is seulgi trying to fool
she can't read

don't worry bro, i've seen idol school. the clips of them practicing the hip moves at every opportunity are great. imagine being heechul in this situation

that’s the ugliest shit and doesn’t mog anyone

So hot

Attached: 2018-12-11_BrPQeeVg1hA.jpg (1080x1350, 88K)

Attached: Dlld-BeVAAAP0vj.jpg (805x1200, 136K)

when is this yuju coming back

>that face

Yuju looks so much better now

yum, yogurt hair

Attached: 146958.jpg (540x768, 551K)

you adding wony next?

shut up yeri

he's so ugly


Attached: 2019-01-29_BtNuBZnljfd.jpg (589x737, 42K)

Attached: 1562594525617.jpg (1500x1000, 1.68M)

sorry i misspelled peek

hideous mongoloid

hell no
my harem is 18+ only and I don't even like wony
I'd only consider adding ahn yujin or jisoo but 4 years from now

Attached: DAlMJK-XoAAWFAH.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

New ITZY slaps


she's mogging your favorite girl right now

Attached: 1564359601267.jpg (1080x1080, 80K)

cringe fagget

she looks mongolian here

wtf you gotta go out of your way to like jisoo

Attached: 2018-09-09_BngvJ3GgFFf.jpg (1080x1350, 1.31M)

>not making an entirely

wait what the fuck? how can that be her? thats gotta be shopped

Attached: 1564258374764.jpg (1125x840, 717K)

why the fuck does everyone have to steal black people saying when talking about kpop? "shes a snacc" "this SLAPS" shut the fuck up amerimutts, you're not black, you'll never be, and black doesn't mean better

wet seungha noona

Attached: seungha is getting wet.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

ugliest and most hated shemale

Attached: IMG_20190723_061904.jpg (2081x1561, 273K)

legal age for a nice butt sniff id say so myself

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

be cool, man

The m/v is the worst part. Girls look cute but then all the boner killing extras are there.

why? she cute, only problem is busters might not last that long

I don't want to end up on any lists

Attached: 1162.gif (300x386, 2.12M)

At least I still have Yuju's Japanese doppelganger so all is not lost

Attached: 1564419546591.webm (1920x1080, 2M)

the comic book editing is pretty cool tho

Based and very true

Attached: 2019072901002082500176871.jpg (1400x2049, 1.17M)

i literally cannot stop thinking about the usa
chorus is good rest is meh

How come he never gets banned for avatarfagging?


delete this

Attached: sumSmash.jpg (720x960, 126K)


the rest of the world...

Attached: 1562811225883.jpg (1200x740, 102K)

the list is just a meme bro; all that harem shit is just good fun anyways

why don't you have any visuals in your harem?

so fucking busted

I've imagine the smell to this more times than i can recall

the absolute cutest from head to toe and everyone agrees

how is avataring a bannable offense?

slugfuggo is the ugliest and most hated shit, everyone agreed on that

kpg's waifu...

Attached: chaeyoung729-1.webm (1080x1920, 2.52M)

i dont last that long around busters, ayooo

Attached: 1563925095669.jpg (1080x1350, 114K)

isnt this from law of the jungle? BASED

that doesn't look anything like her. yuju's japanese doppelganger is a cute ladyboy called yui kawai.

Attached: loving-ladyboys-yui-kawai-01.jpg (969x1440, 235K)

Please read the Rules and FAQ before posting.

I guess so but a lot of younger idols turned 18 recently so I couldn't make a harem like that if I wanted to

they're all visuals

Attached: 1504687296551.png (2000x2000, 1.08M)

damn thats a nice outfit

>Avatar or signature use.
are you ok?

delete this

incredible palm slut

the majority of people saying that are in fact black americans

Attached: 1544101703405.jpg (900x1350, 666K)

you know a year ago i would have told you to kys but the sad reality is she kinda looks closer to this now. Still kys though


13. and 15. whoops

ever notice how cripple only posts as long as he's able to also post his half dozen avatar pics and then he disappears afterwards?

I want to throw up

hideous shemale

You are worse than Jisoo guy.

I'll wait for a proper on time thread

over an hour old

shapely thiiighs