Interesting. He screams

Interesting. He screams.

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N-no you

Oh wow interesting, the music also "screams". How novel

he screams but its somehow not complete shit

you hear them beats tho

This is my favorite death grips album. Before they got all up their own asses with the faggot deep web computer shit. ooooooh so spoookky. Give me a fuckin break


that "if a snake doesnt shed its skin it must die" shit applies to everyone mate

I don't get retards like you. Music is meant as a form of expression. Last time I checked anger was a human emotion.

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Do you even know what you said retard?

why not mix both?


Elaborate retard.
Made perfect sense to me.
Anger=emotion thus it's valid to make angry music. Only toddlers with down syndrome don't get this.

the autism is very strong in you

Not an argument. Go back to fapping to Clairo and Tylerthecreator


i'm honestly not sure what you were trying to say with this post and now i don't care

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I can express my semen all over the behind of your GF but it doesn't mean you have to like it.

Good one but the thing is you cannot use the "he screams" argument to dismiss the music.
I'd totally respect it if you hate and use a valid reason.

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It's like saying Elliott Smith is shit because he made sad music. Do you realize how absurd that sounds?

i said that him screaming doesnt sound bad what the fuck are you talking about

Not you. I mistakenly put your digits in my reply.

Death Grips were always overrated trash.

>states something
>gives zero arguments
You're not very bright are you?

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