Have sex.
Have sex
Other urls found in this thread:
I bought tickets right before he got Fadered for his other tour. Not falling for it again
based af
of course v*ncouver is sold out
Honestly yeah I can’t think of an event I would want to attend less. Just imagining an audience of virgin basedboys who cry to frank ocean makes me want to an hero
What is he touring for? He's a podcaster.
why is fantano such a fag
Fuck off and have no sex.
Artists attacking melon thread? Artists attacking melon thread.
Somebody please film this, I wanna see all the pajeets and changs that show up.
Based. More
It gets better
t. luke
Shut up luke.
>Linus Sebastian not on the list
I am okay with that
how do we cancel him this time?
alchemist mad rude
next project getting a not good senpai f outta here
What the fuck does he possibly do on tour?
i mean hes stupid too just not really for the same reasons
Reviews the crowd.
To be honest I only recognise Fantano and Sam Hyde, but I genuinely hope all of these ''''people'''' die a slow death as soon as possible.
This is the cancer corrupting society.
the picture that saved Yea Forums
Contrapoints has a Master's degree and I would NOT call Adam fucking Neely a pseud. You might not like his music or opinions but he knows what he's talking about
>has a Master's degree
In a very pseudo-intellectual field
>he fell for the collegiate education meme
Contrapoints dropped out of university
It's funny because this post is more pseudo-intellectual than the field
>To be honest I only recognise Fantano and Sam Hyde
That’s a good thing. These are probably the worst personalities online. Nice trips by the way
go away tranny. I watched one of that "contrapoint" dude's videos and he thinks "snowflake" was a term made up for trannies when it's been around for decades as an insult for somebody who thinks they're YOUNEEK.
Lol okay.
Wtf does Fantano even do at a live show? Re-enact his video reviews?
Reminder that contrapoints is literally just a man (with penis and everything) who dresses up as a woman.
Accusing people of not having sex is one of the laziest insults. Can't believe adults say that and believe they just said something hilarious. There's also a lot of people who just don't care much for sex. Asexuals exist afaik.
What a shitty meme
Fantano and everyone using this meme can go fuck themselves
I still can't believe he ACTUALLY married a black woman. Like what the fuck
he's clearly buttblasted though lol
Contrapoints dropped out of a phD
Is Fantano the most popular music critic?
It's like pulling the soi card. It completely negates everything the accused person says because it automatically make them a fucking faggot. They're cheap shots for a reason.
what a bitchmade tweet
what does he do give lectures? hes not much of a theorist or philosophizer about music. he more or less just describes styles and seems to have pretty average understanding of the music world, music history, or anything like that that would make an interesting talking point. only thing i can think he would have knowledge about more than the average person would be about building a following using youtube and the internet platforms. cause he really has no interesting ideas about music so i hope he wouldnt talk about that.
I skimmed through it and I saw him:
>reading off kanye tweets
>reading off Smash Mouth lyrics
>reading fanfiction of himself
>live-refuting a Paul Joseph Watson video
>looking at a fucking map of red and blue states
>looking at reddit memes while trying to be comedic
>a Q&A section to end it
Absolutely based
you're legit retarded
You chopped off your dick
i think its more just like meet and greets
jesus that's bad
sorry sweaty, not everyone who disagrees with you on the internet is a tranny ;)
i hope his wife fucking beats him up regularly and he doesn't enjoy it real talk fuck this dork
condé points is an omega pseud hon and the laughing stock of lit for fucking years
>implying fucking Yea Forums of all places isn't full to the brim with pseuds
a pseud among pseuds is quite the pseud wouldn't u agree
>defending contrapoints
aight then
lol reminds me of this
why does he look like northernlion
Makes a celebrity appearance
unironically this
so what he just stand on a red carpet, shakes hands, takes pictures and signs autographs for fans? im genuinely curious what it means for him to be on tour?
And got her phD (phat huge Dick) removed haHA
have sex
I will never have sex and there's nothing you or even I can do about it.
people paid to go and watch this
Fader article really did a number on this poor man
it will always be weird to see normans on twitter posting wojak and pepe.
Online media is fucking crazy, ten years ago a big magazine profiling a fucking youtuber would've been weird, now they shit out an article and a legion of retards hit the internet to raise hell
There is no doubt in my mind that the faggot who posted the wojak is in this thread right now.
Sam Hyde is just trying to be funny I don't think he thinks he has anything of merit he's trying to say. That video of him going to all the rub n tugs is a classic.
More like he's trying to profit off incels and flex his e-penis
I have a ticket to see him in Seattle next Tuesday. I will report back on my experience.
But incels don't pay for anything, so that doesn't make sense
>flex his e-penis
I don't know what you're saying with this but it made me chuckle.
Also what does melon even do on a tour? Like live reviews?
Sam Hyde's doing a pedo hunting show on his gumroad. He's a good guy at his core.
Someone's buying his stupid merch
Shes pre op
Does he have a band? What is he touring?
>masters degree in philosophy
>literally teaches college level courses
alchemists tweet has 5x as many likes and rts as fagtano kek
How come everytime a black person attacks him he just goes "looool" for a response?
Alchemist is white, retard
don't bother
Pan a cute.
Fucking retard
He can't disagree too hard or Fader will rape him again
Don't call me that. Don't call me that. Don't call me that. Don't call me that. Don't call me that.
wtf i love alchemist now
what even goes on during needle drop "live dates"
does he review albums on stage or is it like a ted talk or something
Everyone knows the only true intellectuals are completely anonymous weirdos who make up shit on /pol/
no, but he did play bass in a band consisting of him and some drummer guy that also does yt videos, look for it but i warn you it's nothing special
retard. incels are the biggest paypigs on earth.
>Mister Metokur
He's never pretended to be smarter than he is.
fuck this is really pathetic. Grandma is rolling in her fucking grave right now
I want to believe this is fake but it is so detailed I don't think someone would waste their time writing this up. Damn.
>says he doesn’t care
>takes time to make sure everyone knows how much he doesn’t care
It’s embarrassing
>Red Letter Media
>"intellectual" e-celebs
These niggers are unapologetic about being morons that just review movies.
This made me rethink my entire life...
Wich slay the spire lets play is this from?
Literally h-bomberguy if he cut his dick off
The fact that it's so full of random, unnecessary yet entertaining details is what makes me think this is fake.
>Defending contrapoints of all fucking people on that list
Alt Hype already destroyed him
Where the fuck's Styx and Joe Rogan?
Yeah, I saw Anthony Fantano live once. He basically stood on stage after arriving 16 minutes late, wheeled in a chair, then simply cold eyeballed every white male there. Me included. Eventually, he took out his AirPods (i believe it was billie eilish) and started pointing out how "wonky" the room felt then pointed at my girlfriend saying he would "give her the light 8" backstage. At that point, we figured it was time to leave until after stepping out our chairs he was screeching like a maniac. Apparently this was the 'Cal Chuchesta' section. Now Tony had drawn a moustache on himself, ripped his flannel, only now screaming Xiu Xiu lyrics while barraging into various crowd members. Somehow he belched about "smelling devil's meal" and pummeled the living shit out of this kid's chest. He had a turkey sandwich in his bag. It only took some time before a faint woman yelled "massu anferny no no" and pulled him away. I guess that was his wife.
Based Alan Chemist
fucking faggot lmao going on twitter to bitch about how much you dont care what fantano said is the number one indicator that you actually do care
is Sam Hyde an intellectual e-celeb? I just thought he was some retarded comedian who's only famous on reddit/Yea Forums/youtube?
not anymore it doesn't.
he calls everyone in the audience a dumb nigger for an hour or two
pseudo-int eceleb that built a small following ripping on hipster yuppies and making cell phone videos
I'd like to think he doubled down on the alt right shit cynically to secure an audience but i don't know maybe he is actually stupid enough to fall for basic bitch counterintelligence
My sister is going with her boyfriend and I'm pretty sure they have sex with each other.
please stop being transphobic
just take clips from some of his lets argues where he defends something (blacks/leftists) and speaks in a sarcastic "yeah dude we all should be equal blah blah" faggot voice. anthony fantano mocks black rights or something.
someone needs to tweet this to him
*wipes tangy mayonnaise on this post*