Who is the Ben Shapiro of music?

Who is the Ben Shapiro of music?

Attached: Ben-Shapiro-300x300.jpg (300x300, 39K)

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mac milar


it's objectively corey taylor


the big mac guy

Not pretentious enough.



Ben Shapiro

Ben "I was a concert level violinist" Shapiro

Insane Clown Posse.

Attached: nc_icp_opt.jpg (630x420, 44K)

The precursor to Ben "My wife is a doctor" Shapiro.

Steve Albini.



Abigail Shapiro

Attached: abigail-shapiro.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Jack white

came here to post this



As a super lefty toolfag, pls no


Steve is the Gordon Ramsay of music


user I'd sell out the last of Palestinian land my family owns for but a single ounce of her milk

>As a super lefty

>racist right wing nut on a soapbox who thinks he's smarter than everyone
Aaron Lewis, maybe?

Steve Albini seems like a good pick.


prove it, i’m genuinely curious


He's a Jew, they consider all non-Jews to be essentially animals so I'd say it's pretty racist.

Jews are white.

He endorse Israel’s violent whyapartheid ethnostate against Palestine


>all jews are x
you are sounding pretty much like a racist to me my man

He says racist shit about Arabs all the time but if anyone mentions the Jew he cries foul. Basically, he does that Jewish thing where he acts like a proud white man when it suits his agenda (for example, beating his chest about """"Judeo-Christian"""" heritage after the Notre Dame fire) but falls back on the oppressed Jew card whenever he or his people get called out.

Attached: ben.jpg (1024x588, 68K)


Who took him seriously ever?

Incels on the right who vote against their own economic interests

I promise if ever was near this piece of shit in real life, I would beat him until his face is nothing but mush. Fuck Israel and fuck shapiro

Attached: Gene-Simmons-benefit-2014-AA-billboard-1548.jpg (1548x1024, 202K)

Chill, Vincy.

I hate kikes but I hope Israel genocides the middle east

noone cares

Of music, not entertainment music


with your meaningless hot take? oh how will I live you dangerous little nazi you.

You must leave at once!

Lol. This is the most left friendly board on this site.