What music do aryan qts listen to?

What music do aryan qts listen to?

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hip hop and pop

you need to have eyebrows to be a qt

crunk, memphis rap, dirty south, trad folk, crunkcore, southern rap

Pop Country

lil flavor of the month, broadway and disney soundtracks, and pop music

Soviet Anthem

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Billie Eilish

burzum, but only the post prison ambient stuff

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klezmer and griot

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she's ugly

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That's pretty much it.


cringe, fuck off mutt


i can't stand girls with no eyebrows



varg's music, of course. She's a good little autist

And sometimes Grieg

Hip hop and Jew approved pop

Stop posting my wife.

eyebrows are a psyop

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Dua Lipa
Cara Delevigne
Billie Eilish

Together they make an anagram of "White girls must be more degenerate"

No they don't

White girls today are just as corrupted as white men

Yeah they do