Controls your taste in music

>controls your taste in music

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>controls your taste in music

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How exactly? I never listen to what they rec me and as soon as a random song stars when I finish an album I pause it

You can turn off autoplay in settings.

i mean i find release radar useful but rarely do I get recs that really stick.
Sometimes I listen to their "This is..." playlists because its better than the top 10 and sometimes albums don't click

You force the algorithm to start playing things you actually like by telling it not to play songs (and songs from that album or the whole album), hearting more songs you like, etc obsessively for a few hours. Using your own playlists help too. It lasts at least a week, usually longer.

It tries to come back with bullshit, so you have to watch out and force it again.

I've had epic battles with Spotify AI. The default music it plays after I listen to a chosen album is classical now so it's never offensive to my delicate ears.

Not really when half the shit I listen to on there has under 1000 monthly listens.

just stick to your own playlists and turn off autoplay, retard

it's not hard

I mean, the most interesting stuff I find through Spotify usually comes from Discover Weekly. Listening to Radio or Daily Mix, the same stuff tends to repeated over and over again.

idk how to do that user

please teach me

I use Blackplayer EX though.

Discover weekly is usually good, but for awhile it was sending me really negative energy songs and I had to put and end to it.

>want to listen to a new album
>search it on Spotify
>if it's not there I'll just download it
Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?

Yeah now that I have thousands of songs in my library and a dozen plus playlists, it makes some really good recommendations.

This + pano scrobbler is all I need

cause mu is full of antisocial weirdos who would rather spent hours downloading shit quality torrents than pay a few dollars per month to access most of the music that has ever been made

There's literally a section in the settings that says "Autoplay" and it's the only setting in that section. It's like "Autoplay similar songs when music ends". Turn it off

>controls your taste in music

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>its not hard
Neither is using Soulseek and Foobar or ncmpcpp.

Imagine being this insecure just because a shitty post on Yea Forums
The spotify algorithm is great dude, miles better than any others you've seen (apple, ytube, lastm) their recs are always spot on (and not really taking the dead obvious route like let's say lastfm) and you actually find new artists thay you would never heard of otherwise

fpbp came here to post this underrated

if that was the case then i would listen to german rap

I don't even have a subscription but I still go to the spotify desktop app for the reccs
sometimes it misses the mark but it usually gives you really nice stuff

The compilation of "made for you" is horrible they mix artists that don't go together at all

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i prefer apple music desu... i don't like new things

If that was the case I would be listening to nothing but (((Drake))) and Roastie B

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>Using streaming services

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>controls thousands of retards taste who in turn change ratings on your music websites

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Yea Forums likes to pretend they don't let anything influence their music taste and all the RYMcore bands they listen to they discovered without any internet recommendations which is obviously bullshit.

haven't used spotify since beta
happy bandcamp customer

I on New year's the also gave you a playlist that's full of stuff you might like from bands/genres you usually don't listen to, pretty nice stuff.