
I'm here to shill poppy.church for free.
For free.
I love Poppy and do it all for free.
I'm sure y'all Jannies can relate with doing things for free so how about we agree on a coexistence here?

Attached: poppy.webm (640x360, 474K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off and die Corey

Titanic makes money with Poppy so him shilling her isn't for free

And we only have your word you are doing this for free
Fuck off Corey

I don't think he even wants Yea Forums autists in the church but I shill anyway

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She's creepy and I hate it

Kinda shit show she makes her fans starve for attention now because she basically quit twitter and no longer makes these random tweets etc. because the goal of that clearly is to make people go to poppy.church.
So they can buy a wall post from her for fucking 20 dollars.

KEK based. I always knew the church would be used to gain more money from brainless stans.

I don't know how the fans can possibly support the negative energies coming from that brand

Attached: Nobara_Yukinokouji.jpg (331x509, 80K)



Attached: Satanic Sinclair.png (1080x1420, 806K)


>literally rolled around in a cage by the guy who manufactured her whole image
I gotta give props to that psycho faggot for his courage

Supported by this desu. Slave now has her own slaves

Attached: poppy2.jpg (747x625, 151K)

God I wish that were me

Attached: 2018-10-23 09-12-11-046.jpg (747x625, 170K)

>europe good
>america bad

Attached: 1541355346079.png (736x609, 395K)

We did nothing wrong ever, so

Attached: churchchat.png (1080x1760, 466K)

>Screenshot of floor 2
Do we have a real silver seed on our hands here?

Rot. In. Hell.

That's where you will end up for not believing in Poppy

A kind seed had gifted me silver seed status. Like the rest of em, he had no idea what he was doing.

how's the site work?