What exactly makes Rex such a shit and unlikeable MC? Its not that he's a child as beloved Characters like Sora are too

What exactly makes Rex such a shit and unlikeable MC? Its not that he's a child as beloved Characters like Sora are too.

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Gay outfit, too short, too retarded, balls haven't dropped, he's a pussy crybaby.

He literally screams
>We will defeat you with the power of friendship!
during the combat.
You just know that he will be boring generic goody two-shoes protagonist.
Sora is boring as fuck too but at least his design was good and he was (at least at start) in the series that was supposed to feature a simple disney-like story.
Meanwhile Xenoblade stories usually are touching more serious themes and shitty brat like Rex in no way helps to expand on them

Annoying and generic shonen mc personality.

he's based because he shits on romance faggots.

Felt like he was some generic shonen MC but now with a super dog shit design
Not enough to make me hate him but it isn't doing him any favors either
The only specific character I dislike is Pyra since god she is so fucking boring yet I'm expected to care about her

What's shit and unlikeable about Rex?

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This guy pisses me off so much I still haven't even played the game.

Based XC1 chad. Shulk and the XC3 MC are way better than this fag

>schizophrenic anti-Xenoblade redditer immediately tries to turn this thread into a fanbase war

>supposed to be a normal dude
>game constantly shills his normal traits as rare virtues

Guess basic kindness really is that rare in this world. Pretending he's not some kind of chosen one rings hollow when he lucks into the most powerful blade in the setting anyway. And like every stock shounen hero he can't help quest, champion and die for some girl he met five minutes ago. Yes he says he owes her but he stops mentioning that very early on. He's clearly doing it because he's hard for Pyra. At least Shulk had real, personal motivation.

Sora is a kid with a boner for Kairi and an inferiority complex towards Riku who gets isekai'd into heroic adventures. Rex meanwhile has an entire village to feed despite being a kid himself, all while his world is dying piece by piece infront of his eyes, and all he has to keep himself from falling into complete depression over that fact is a fairy tale. He's a very well rounded and likeable protagonist. It's just that spiteful people without hope, optimism or any experience with the burden of responsibility usually dislike Rex because he represents everything they're not. And he eventually gets rewarded for it with a loyal and loving harem of goddesses enslaved to his will.

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written by japs

But the core of the plot is his romance with Pyra

Annoying voice
Stupid outfit
No real story or development.
Everyone in the game likes him for no reason.
Never feels believable that he is even capable of beating people like Jin.
I benched him when Zeke joined.

I tend to dislike kid protagonists though there are exceptions, e.g Justin from Grandia

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>Pretending he's not some kind of chosen one rings hollow when he lucks into the most powerful blade in the setting anyway
Right place at the right time; The game keeps on beating you over the head that anyone could have resonated with Pyra and probably would have been more competent.

>At least Shulk had real personal motivation
Rex's motivation is to solve the crisis in which all of the remaining Titans (landmass) are sinking into the Cloud Sea, which puts mankind on the brink of extinction. Rex is shown to be a selfless man considering he sends nearly all of his salary back home to his village. Rex meets Pyra whom confirms to him that Elysium actually exists, and that she wants to be brought back home to Elysium. Elysium in the game's mythology is depicted as being some endless bountiful land, and Rex sees that in the weird vision he gets with Pyra.

Rex wants to help Pyra of course because she's a woman who needs his help (and because he owes her for saving his life), but also because helping Pyra lines up with Rex's desire to find someplace capable of sustaining civilization.

>Saving the world
Wow, what a brilliant and original motivation with plenty of space for a character development

Hence why XC2 story sucks.

Please explain Addam's trial to me.
How is fighting a bunch of shadow clones supposed to prove Rex is capable of weilding Pneuma?
Why is this entire segment of the story all about Nia coming out of her shell when it is supposed to be a trial for Rex?


>Rex's motivation is to solve the crisis in which all of the remaining Titans (landmass) are sinking into the Cloud Sea, which puts mankind on the brink of extinction.
oh give me a break. That's not a real personal motivation. I bet you believe people who say they would wish for world peace if they had 3 wishes.


Because he acts just as retarded as he looks

most kid protags usually have this immature but likable personalities, Rex doesn't

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When I realized that Mythra/Pyra is just a pedophile, Xenoblade 2's story cemented itself as shit in my mind. Rex's character doesn't matter one bit. He's a cute boy for this stupid emo blade to molest and groom.

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ITT: incels seething about Chad Rex getting all the girls

XC2 was such a weird game from a directorial point of view
Like, why do blades have american accents and non-blades have british accents?
Why is the main party drawn by Saito and Torna by Nomura?
What was the point of the gacha system and all the blades? They added nothing to the main story. Just so they could commission a bunch of artists?
Why does Rex have basically no reaction to seeing Pyra's massive boobs in his face all the time?
Why does the writing go from being told for 8 year olds to suddenly being way more serious and complicated?
It feels like they didn't know what audience to cater to with this game

He gets Pyra/Mythra. That's it.


>resetrannies SEETHING about XC2 again

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Wrong and Delusional.

I liked him more than shulk

KH1 Sora is more relatable and grounded than Rex. He's just a kid that wants to save his crush and dipshit friend and goes on a fantastical adventure to do it, while also overcoming an inferiority complex. It never really feels like he's out of his depth because he's just adventuring through Disney films whose protagonists were also usually fairly relatable kids/teens. Meanwhile we've got Rex over here instantly forming lifelong relationships with 2-3 big tiddy onee-sans and a catgirl while being thrust in to fucking global politics and genocide and shit, all while he's still screaming about the power of friendship. It's a lot tougher to swallow.

Also, Rex has way less endearing character moments than Sora imo. The only one I can remember off the top of my head is him telling Malos he'd want to go out for a drink with him after fighting him.

Seethe virgin

He generates a lot envy because he has some incredibly hot women on his dick
Yeah, its pathetic, but some people are just like that

every jrpg protag gets a hot gf. Some of them even get gfs with a personality. Rex isn't one of them.

>whiteknighting for a fictional shonen insert
he doesn't need you grinding his cock too you faggots

>tranny SEETHING
Go back to resetera

>Rex's motivation is to solve the crisis in which all of the remaining Titans (landmass) are sinking into the Cloud Sea, which puts mankind on the brink of extinction.

Didn't care enough to even attempt it before he happened to run into miss McGuffin. Unlike CHAD MARUBEEENI.

Your seethe is showing

That was a really smooth move though.
I guess incels and trannies are mad because they turn into a stuttering mess around women.

>Didn't care enough to even attempt it before he happened to run into miss McGuffin
How was a normal person supposed to change the direction the natural world was moving, resetranny?

Nia likes Rex but he doesn't get her, Morag doesn't care about Rex.

Again, didn't stop Amalthus from trying despite having no living McGuffin or any proof that Elysium even existed. He got off his ass and climbed the shit out of that tree anyway.

Whoopsie the whole reason Rex became a salvager is because he thought he could find an entrance to the world tree and reach Elysium from beneath the Cloud Sea.

That's been debunked

>How was a normal person supposed to change the direction the natural world was moving, resetranny?
LOL Amalthus climbed the fucking tree barehanded

Did you even play the game?
He literally caused it.

>game's story is 20 hours long
>characters meet each other for the first time an hour in
>reach the end of the game
Why are Nippons like this?

>That's [headcanon]

Amalthus wanted to go to the same place Rex did. He did it without having a blade or anything. Just his bare hands.

Rex was just some salvager working to support his village. To claim his goal in life was to solve the world's problems is ridiculous because he was doing literally nothing to achieve that goal before getting a walking wmd that he can fuck. That's such a stupid unrealistic and unrelatable goal. It makes Rex less human.

>game constantly shills his normal traits as rare virtues
japanese media always does this

>Amalthus wanted to go to the same place Rex did. He did it without having a blade or anything. Just his bare hands.
But without the giant monster in the middle.

Amalthus could also head straight to the World Tree since the Great Void wasn’t set up and Ophion wasn’t guarding it at the time. With those things in place Rex can’t just head straight to the World Tree.

So? Rex didn't even know that monster was there, thus proving he made ZERO attempt to achieve this so called goal you say he had.

everybody knew about the giant chasm, retard.
Why not actually play the game?

Rex trying to head straight to the World Tree is what causes him to meet the best party member in the game.

seeYou simpleton Rexcuck. You don't even get the point. Amalthus worked towards his goal. You say Rex had this goal before meeting Pyra yet he did not once even try to do anything to achieve it. If Rex cared so much about the world and reaching Elysium, why didn't he do any research?
Rexfags can't even read.

His entire reason for becoming a salvager was to find a way to Elysium.

I don't really hate him. He really just wanted to keep salvaging until his time came to kick the bucket, at least that's what he wanted until the Torna guys came into his life. He wanted to support his family and find a way that he can help in the eventual fall of the Titans. Then Pyra came in and gave him a chance to find Elysium, of course he took any chance he got to help others. He may be somewhat gullible but that's how he is, the others even confirm this through the game, he is still a kid but he has good intentions.

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He had a village to feed.
Unlike the virgin shulk, Rex can't just drop everything, he had to slowly work towards his goal.

Again, why not actually play the game?

If Xenoblade 2 wasn't such a poorly written turd of game. Rex would have questioned if going to Elysium was even his will or something Pyra programmed into him.

>tranny COPES by imagining mind control as part of the game it didn't play.
Why are trannies like this?