>Ryujinx will no longer support Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Pre-2018 versions of 10
>Install Linux if you want to use Ryujinx
Nintendo Emulation
Other urls found in this thread:
>You will own nothing
who the fuck is using anything other than 10 aside from retards worried about muh botnet at this point
are you also upset that it's harder to buy a new wheel for your horse and buggy than a car, grandpa?
using emulators is literally theft and immoral. my childhood was made 1 million times better thanks to my nintendo wii u and i definitely got more value out of it than what i payed for so in a way i owe nintendo money
Imagine still not using Linux in the Year of our Lord Linux Desktop 2022
>if you still refuse to run Windows 10, consider installing Linux
Sounds like complete bullshit to me. What's the technical explanation for this?
DirectX 12
they literally cannot support these operating systems,if devs are justified not supporting linux cause of the same reason,should be reasonable here,especially when they do give an alternative to modern windows.
Because continuing support and development for significantly outdated OS is pointless, and the reasons for holding out from 10/11 are literal contrarianism. If you use Windows and yet rail against keeping it updated you're just a retarded faggot that's too stupid and lazy to use Linux, and that's coming from someone who is too stupid and lazy to use Linux.
Just stick with vulkan for fucks sake. The rpcs3 devs do it and they're able to have windows 7 and 8 support.
>my childhood was made 1 million times better thanks to my nintendo wii u
>wii u
jesus fuck dude you're trying way too hard
You still own a car, how does that comparison make any sense?
they support linux,i think DX12 is likely not the reason.
>[free software] MUST support MY specific set-up forever because it just has to okay
we're making fun of you for being a luddite, not making a specific analogy brainlet
Thats exactly how every software kinda works
>retarded end user doesn't understand the world runs on free open source software older than his age multiplied by single digits
You don't own/buy emulators what the fuck are you on about
you are a brain damaged retard
fuck win7 fags
you are a brain damaged retard
Or just keep updating Windows 10 instead of running it with 4 years' less worth of security fixes you mongoloid.
>works on win10 and linux
so what's the problem?
>it wont work on win7!
ok then, get win10
>bu-but win10 is a botnet!
agreed. Get linux
>bu-but I cant play on linux!
Unfathomably based.
Majority of Yea Forums on suicide watch!
.NET core don't support old other operating system
and if ryujinx need to use the last features in dotnet this will required user to upgrade to the latest version too
They still don't have an official vulkan build
The rise and fall... of nintendo emulators...
Switch emulator dropping Windows 7 support is still not a reason to switch from Windows 7.
stop being a contrarian
Why only 2018+ versions though?
Sounds like a good way to lose a chunk of your userbase.
>Pajeetsoft shills melting down
arent you shitskins supposed to be good at IT?
>Install Linux if you want to use Ryujinx
Well hey, there's your solution.
Ryujinx is shit anyway, Yuzu btfos it hard.
>*heavy, laboured breathing*
>Install *inhales* Windows 11! *wheezes*
I use Kubuntu
It's like a 5% userbase.
Based Ryujinx
That's fine too, though I really don't like apt. Anything's better than Windows.
>Graphics driver updates have ended for these systems. This means there will be graphical bugs that are simply not fixable.
>NET 6 made Windows 7 start needing workarounds. .NET 7 will likely make matters worse, as Microsoft already dropped support for these operating systems long ago.
>Upcoming implementations such as ARCropolis/Skyline modding support require certain Windows 10 exclusive features to function at acceptable speeds.
>The future Avalonia UI does not support older Windows versions.
Does it?
>try XBC1
>runs kinda shit on Yuza
>try Ryjinx
>runs better
spoken like a true paypig. your for profit emulator is garbage and gets shit on by an emulator making 20x less. when it isnt stealing code the yuzu devs cant program for shit. shocker
Lmao arbitary shit it will most likely will still run on windows 95
rip all 7 of them
I feel like whenever a new Switch game releases, it almost always runs better on ryujinx
Just compile your own drivers.
>both Nvidia and AMD officially dropped Windows 7 support last year
>Intel CPUs require Windows 10 since 7th generation CPUs (2017)
despite making less than 5% of all Steam users, 7 niggers sure are loud
Yea Forums is the dumbest fucking board on this website. You people must be trolling because clearly you have no clue how software development works.
Yet you're so certain this change was out of spite. You have no clue what you're talking about and you're embarrassing yourself.
Sneed chud
Let's see how loud you'll be when you're forced to install Windows 11/12 because some program/hardware magically "requires" it.
>Pirate poorfags BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
I think it has to do with graphics drivers. If you have an old windows 10 install you can't get the new Nvidia drivers for example
7fag here, at this point I'm just too lazy to install a new system because my laptop is over a decade old and it's about to fall apart anyway. I'll bide my time and install Linux on my future PC like a normal anti-microsoft person.
in what, 6 years?
I'll probably build a new PC by that point with at least 11
Just use Yuzu.
>b-but muh accuracy and sped
Install gentoo.
absolutely despise win7 faggots
>paying to pirate
No thanks
imagine clinging to OS that's probably half as old as you
>also runs on linux
shove it up your ass, fearmongering retard
REMINDER: Nintendo killed access AT ALL to the Wii Shop Channel completely even after telling everyone in writing that they'd give a solid date. Go an try to access your Wii Shop channel right now and watch what happens. Also with Wii U eShop beginning the death process, all you'll have left is Nintendo Switch Online, a rental only service for classic games and others.
Nintendo died with Iwata. Mod your Nintendo consoles if you haven't already.
You could just follow the advice and install Linux and return to owning everything.
Windows Plus Size 11
Nobody talks about Linux, you attention whoring retard.
>When you can literally find every paid Yuzu release for free right after they release if you just look for it for 30 seconds
imagine dropping good things just because they're a certain age
no shit, you are a winblows user
you will be left behind
The only thing Linux can run is Apache.
>on Windows
video card vendors stopped supplying drivers for those systems years ago
official development tools no longer support dependencies for windows 7
>if you don't like Windows10 or value a sense of reasonable privacy with your technology, then you are a fucking LUDDITE
you from best Korea?
>good things
it stopped being good half a decade ago
fuck the win7 retards
>this somehow undermines the fact they purposefully withhold updates to milk their good little paypiggies
kill yourself Jose
>being afraid of updates
Why are zoomers like this?
>you will be left behind
shu up troon
>hurrr i don't use newer windows because it's a botnet and i don't want my data out there
>has smartphone
Aren't updates supposed to improve things? That's why they're UPgrades aren't they?
>Nobody talks about Linux
And your point is?
Windows is big evil corporation and soon you'll be forced into new os and own nothing and bla bla bla.....and the alternative doesnt exist because normalfags dont talk about it?
absolute fucking retard, holy shit.
Just don't update your driver then. It should be stable anyway.
even the art boards on this site (and fucking Twitter) are more intelligent than what /v has become. its pretty terrifying honestly.
imagine staying on an operating system that no longer receives any security updates whatsoever.
>just join the botnet already, goy
Shalom, rabbi
lmfao Dunning-Kruger in full swing.
Nice bait, but not good enough
Too many update shills here. Windows 7 bros abandon thread please.
go look at Ryujinx's updates and then look at when Yuzu releases their updates
all of a sudden they pick up slack as soon as Ryujinx updates their rendering speeds kek
now post your brown hand
lmao who gives a shit
They usually fix bugs, yes.
nice photo of yourself
but my point still stands
Works for me, just keep your router firewall updated and don't click on retarded shit.