
>first Canadian character
>is Black
>Black people make up only 3% of the Canadian population

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It’s in the future, demographics change, and it’s also a fictionalized setting

the first Nepalese character is a robot and robots make up zero percent of the population there

Asian representation snubbed again because they are the oppressive minority class.

doubtful, Canada will be part of China and they hate brown people

If the current demographic trends continue without stopping, there will be no white people left in North America

white people are magical aliens from atlantis

She fucking smells


Canadiniggers BTFO that's what

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troons on the dev team.

Big number despite small number.

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Good our focus should be Europe the land we can say we own and evolved in let North America rot it's been nothing but a cancer since America popped up.


>canadians and californians get to salivate about a minority character (who'll they'll say has a chinese-inuit 2spirit girlfriend)
>everyone else gets to joke about canadians being black
>SFM get to give her a BBC to appease mercy sluts
Everybody wins

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Are you sure she's not indian or paki? Canada had lots of them

"Science" believers believe:

- Universe and time came from nothing through random chance
- Life came from inorganic matter (never replicated even in a lab)
- That first single-celled organism turned into all life on Earth through random genetic mutation and you are related to a potato
- Irreducibly complex biological mechanisms like sexual reproduction from asexual organisms can be formed through random genetic mutation
- Horseshoe crabs were practically the same 400 million years ago but you were a fish
- Lining up fossils of similar looking animals is proof that one evolved into the other
- Modern humans existed for 200,000 years but did practically nothing for ~196,000 years and then suddenly started building amazing civilizations and leaving documents/records

Despite being 13% of the population, black contribute to over 1/3 of the overwatch post-launch heros

Cornrows are certainly not common among Indians or Pakis.

she should be a chink like the average canadian

>Character is canadian
>Is black
>There are black people that live in canada
Ok, and?

Because California and you know it. They are fucking retards who force they standards shitty views and entitled perceptions of the world upon everyone.

This is also the first female character i don't want porn of from Overwatch, so who even gives a shit generally?

There will be well over 4 billion africans on this planet in 2100. Where do you think they will go?

>new character
>is Canadian
>Canadian people only make up 0.48% of the global population

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Overwatch devs love niggers.

True, she should've been a chink.

Same game 2

Get a hobby that isn't obsessing over brown people online

Pretty sure he's fictional, and not canadian.

>Where do you think they will go?
whites will be extinct by then
why would they go to canada, it will just be another africa

Woolie thread?

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Would you have preferred a Chinaman?

If they wanted to make the Canadian character a POC then they should have made her a first nation character. That would make more sense given their history.



I don't know what they were thinking, it should have been Mei.

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>E: Bitch about residential schools
>Shift: Break your ankles while stepping off the curb

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i want her to have rocket powered sex with me

dude if you had never been to America and you spent an hour or two watching day time TV you would think the country was 50% black and 25% gay.

So you're saying it's not impossible? What's the issue? Or does /v not understand probability?

And also there seems to be some kind of law banning monoracial couples.

>robots are 0% of the population

Sounds like something a robot would want us to believe.

It’s not a law, just MKUltra in full effect.

Pharah is technically Canadian/First Nation on her father's side, for a given value of "first Canadian character" but you know that was just them trying to save face when people complained about her Thunderbird skin.

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It's worse than you think.
>Lucio was originally Canadian but retconned into a Brazilian to give the game latin american rep at launch.
>Pharah, an Egyptian, was retconned into being half Canadian. They made her dad a 1st nations Canadian Mounty as damage control because her totem skins were deemed offensive.
>Now Sojourn who's concept art existed before Overwatch did was pulled from a pile of abandoned Project Titan concepts because tumblr girls made a fuss about there not being a 100% dark skin black women in the game for them to roleplay as.
I honestly think it's because Blizzard wants to have a hero fully represent Canadian players but also know they can't add a twentieth white person.

Yes, the excess men in China that are hated by their families are being forced to fuck monkeys to get their dick wet. What does this have to do with them hating them.

>shared the stage during the CCTV Spring Festival Gala in Beijing in 2011
They're a celebrated couple. It's also an article in state-run media, i.e. a directive by the CCP of what they expect their citizenry to do.

>Black people make up only 3% of the Canadian population
The game takes place in a fictional timeline where NATO wins the current war. In that timeline Canada is 70% black

If they wanted to be accurate, it would have been a Chinese immigrant who barely speaks English

>chink canadians are the largest minority in the country
>get your spot taken by another nigger


Top 5 most common ethnicities in Canada.

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Her thighs are thick and i want to cum on them

It's blackface

I would imagine that you'd expect in a game where so many characters "represent their host country" and whatnot that you'd want someone who is most like your countrymen to represent you. Noone was mad that ORISA's maker was a black girl, since in the lore of the game it being from Zambia or wherever it makes perfect sense. What if a bunch of African country heroes were all white people? It'd be rather jarring, but again, not LITERALLY impossible.

She's one of the 3%

>Black person with dreads exists
He's honestly a pretty good example of why representation actually matters

Asian canadians are love. Asian canadians are life

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says the american mutt lmfao

Overwatch has 4 asians (and 2 asian robots)
It only has 3 blacks (and 1 african robot)

I'd let her maple leaf me if y'lnow what i'm saying

A being who lives ~80 years cannot fathom how things occur over millennia let alone 3.5 Billion years. Stop trying to apply "common sense" to evolution.

You know what? I've always found acne in cute girls sorta appealing, don't know why, it does not turn me un, I feel feel certain attraction to girls like these.

She is so generic people only care about her because she is viable in comp play and she's going to get nerfed anyway sooo