GTX 1060 6GB

>GTX 1060 6GB

Attached: cry.gif (290x353, 1.34M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would anyone need anything more than that?

>GTX 1060 6GB

Attached: 1621347943831.jpg (704x528, 47.45K)

literally nothing wrong with this card, I'm going to run it until it dies
if elden ring is any evidence low framerates are caused by dev incompetence and not the card and since so few games come out anymore anyway I'm in no rush to buy some 2500 dollar card jsut to idle and post on Yea Forums
fuck the gaming industry

what's his name again?

>Still runs everything worthwhile I give it
>Was told it was a meme card

Attached: oh you.jpg (573x436, 30.09K)

small pp or wants to play in vr/4k with playable fps and without having a seizure

cantankerous chico

>1060 3GB

Attached: 1600887888167.jpg (400x299, 25.61K)

6gb/8gb vram is going to be required for next gen games deathloop already requires 6


Attached: QAhddqdSx9cLmPXNgty6eD.jpg (1080x600, 128.52K)

Did he actually cry in one of his videos? Kek, was this the one where he said he was overworked and had a mental breakdown or something?

Perturbed Pedro

>MSI 3070

Attached: 1646077804263.png (620x525, 215.31K)

>need more vram to run the shitty console ports goy
no thanks

Feels good man

Attached: 47122f5e-ea6e-4ee4-b95d-5148ee3448c3.gif (112x112, 30.26K)

yeah i know it's gay but it's one of the first true next gen games so requirements will only get higher from here

>GTX 750 Ti

Attached: 1650502369334.gif (400x266, 568.81K)

>RTX 3080ti

Attached: 1507519673024.jpg (602x602, 51.09K)

*devs will only get lazier
I hope they like being stuck on consoles

angry joe
you will never be funny


Attached: meme pose.png (493x411, 257.73K)

Well OP, the current trend in PC gaming is not to optimize your game at all so the good news is even people with better GPUs than you have to suffer as well.

>bought it for cheap from a friend and don't really need anything above 1080p 60fps
It's not perfect, but it works

Attached: 1642552035299.jpg (1080x1080, 125.46K)

>had a GTX780 until about 3 weeks ago
>managed to snag an RTX3080 at a relatively reduced price
Finally, I'm free

>gtx 1050 ti 4gb
somehow i was able to run REmake 2 and borderlands 3 but the card really shows it's age nowadays.

also, in a somewhat related note, how in the fuck do i cap max payne fps to 60? i already set it on the nvidia control panel but i still get the bullet time bug.

Try not being broke and/or only playing retro style indie games. I believe that you are projecting your small penis insecurities onto people with monitors at resolutions higher than 1080p and refresh rates of 60.


Attached: 1649462225911.jpg (816x463, 101.86K)

Lol I ran remake 2 on a 970

>>GTX 1060 6GB

Attached: 1492609758968.jpg (290x290, 17.52K)


Attached: 1639766214331.gif (456x240, 2.2M)

>RTX 2070

Attached: lalo-salamanca-smile.gif (498x279, 2.78M)

>RTX 3070ti

Attached: 88E097F0-BAB9-41DC-9D88-E4A85E765432.jpg (400x400, 15.16K)

i said or want's to play in 4k you retard but now we know that you belong in the first category

>one of the first true next gen games
This shit is a 360/ps3 era game with marginally improved grapix wtf are you talking about?

The context of this fake crying is hilarious. Screeching Hernandez was originally from Channel Autism, and one of the creators there died. He didn't know the guy who died and had only interacted with him a few times. This is a monetized reaction video. Turns out the guy who died killed himself because he got caught sleep raping multiple people from the same channel during Cons.

>RX 5700 XT

Attached: schizo moment.gif (660x440, 2.78M)

you will never be a woman

>1060 3GB

Attached: AstronautTerrorRamirez.jpg (640x394, 96K)

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Was it cunny? I missed it

some guy shoved his head into a male donkey's asshole

>1050 ti

Attached: D1BpQIXU0AAUMrY.jpg (1335x1403, 514.93K)

you obviously didn't play it it has very good graphics with rtx enabled it looks beautiful, so cope

>GTX 1060 6GB
>i5 2500k

Attached: 1437392292308.gif (257x194, 995.41K)

Disappointing. At least i have my little sister

esl plz go

Why did you guys buy that card instead of buying the 6GB version?

at least im bilingual faggot

because I have vicious, debilitating autism

Fernando el Furioso

>6900XT Red Devil Ultimate

Attached: 1437392292308.jpg (600x600, 52.02K)

R7 360 2GB

Attached: vlcsnap-2022-04-20-02h15m52s123.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)

>1070 Ti

Attached: 150090643.jpg (512x512, 82.85K)

lmao poojet

>MMX 1515GX (SPO)

Attached: FQjhukGagAAYH5L.jpg (1803x1437, 306.53K)


>Radeon R9 390
970fags all laughed at me because of the 8 pin power connecter.
They aren't laughing anymore now that they realize i have more than double the Vram they have.

Attached: I told you we were done.png (713x402, 530.15K)

>GTX 1060 6GB

Attached: bitch.jpg (250x250, 5.92K)

give up