You do grow the superior money making hops instead of ancient fruit in your greenhouse, right?
Stardew Valley
Other urls found in this thread:
>not potatoes
By the time I get to this part of the game, I become bored. Since there's nothing truly left to do. Just make a shitload of money for...?
what is this, summer year 1?
>hee hee hee, i'm being retarded on purpose
100% perfection, then a quick second playthrough to get the joja/community-center option you missed, then uninstall and wait for ConcernedApe's new game
(though multiplayer can be fun)
Based hops Chad. Who did you marry?
>not using magic mod so you can teleport into the field to pick shit
Tipsy Jas
No, this is a tipsy Jas.
i actually want to finish that shit because its comfy but im 33 hours in and just lost the plot of what i should do (havent played in 3 years), 1st week of winter, dont know what options i have chosen, everything needs to be segregated, forgotten what should i do
Winter is good for mining and fishing.
>33 hours in
excuse me? how long is this "game"
Makes me want to marry Leah.
I have a save that's in year 3 with like 150 hrs.
i ain't playing bootleg harvest moon for 666 hours
>(though multiplayer can be fun)
Pretty much, Coop is the only part of the game that still is fun after you burned out on singleplayer.
Sabotaging other players while flexing with your beter tools is fun.
>not playing improved harvest moon for 666 hours
sux 2 b u
Awful taste, frankly.
You just fixed Leah.
>666 hours
Ape wouldn't approve of that either.
Is there a mod or something that makes pigs dig for truffles indoors during winter? That should be a thing or just having them still go outside since its not like animals aren't out in the snow all the time during winter in real life.
How can I make Content Patcher files for a simple portrait mod? Can I just copypaste an existing mod's content.json and edit its manifest.json?
I always edit an existing one, it's very easy.
I don't think so. Pigs are already pretty op anyway.
Yeah, just take an existing one and edit the filenames.
you didn't beat the game, cheaters
>she thinks you can "beat" the game
You didn't enjoy the game.
good luck getting to all those hops in the center you stupid bastard
So, aside from Detritus, what's the npc you hate the most?
Marnie gets on my nerves regularly for not tending to her damn shop.
How long does it take for her to microwave something?
Pierre. He's a bitch.
Just hit winter of year 2. Time to grind on the island.
Jas > Marnie > The rest
I was waiting for around 4 hours inside her house until I gave up and reseted the day.
Wish schedules were variable, especially for shopkeepers. If you talk to marnie in front the microwave she should be able to ask if you came to buy anything and resume working for a bit before going back to what she was doing.
Nice farm.
Or at least something of "Oh. You want a heater? Leave the money on the counter and you can take it back home/I'll mail it to you".
This would be at high hearts, showing that she trusts you or something.
What farm?
Nah, my greenhouse contains only Ancient Fruit and trees.
The 'sit and forget' aspect of turning it into wine and then aging it to Iridium level suits my playstyle better.
Weird to me Ape throws a key to open everyone's house at you instead of improving shop hours at high hearts.
I'm working on a list of portraits mods that are complete and updated for 1.5. I grabbed most what I found on Nexus (excluding a few ugly ones).
Am I missing any besides any packs from the main rentry?
Good idea. I don't see anything obvious missing that isn't also in the main rentry. I would combine the portrait mods from the main rentry so they're all together.
Tonight we rock
Adding onto this user, a heads up on which one of the seasonal portraits is the main one with the most content would be nice.
>he doesn't know
>a heads up on which one of the seasonal portraits is the main one with the most content would be nice.
The one on the rentry is hidden/taken down, down, the seasonal cute one is still up. Both are up to date. None of them are "main", but the rentry one has many more portraits.
Which mod do you think is Ape's favorite?
I keep getting errors in the console about SMAPI not being able to find the files under FromFile, what the hell am I doing wrong here? Clearly copied this format from another mod for reference.
Where exactly do you keep your files? Do you have your portraits and character folders in another folder? People usually use an "assets" folder. If that's the case you need to include that.
Turns out I had to add "Assets/" at the beginning, thanks user.