Ready for that charge, Doc!
>more duration than an ubercharge
>charges faster
>can charge whenever you want
How is this balanced?
Barely any of the weapons sfter the sniper spy update have taken aby considerations to balance whatsoever
is that a cum jar?
Not doing well in team fights and being kind of shit against sentry nests in comparison to stock
and yet nobody uses it because it requires actual skill to use instead of just holding left click and occassionally pressing right click
I wish I could hotswap to a particular resist on demand instead of rotating through them.
>always choke when ubered, especially as demoman
>medic comes up to me with full charge while im reloading
>say fuck it and let him pop, i miss all of my stickies and pills as usual
>duck back into cover with medic to get more ammo after uber, accidentally end up flanking the entire enemy team
>shoots 4 pills into the crowd and wipes everyone
it's things like this that make me love this game even now
Knowing which resistance to use when fighting which class is the equivalent of knowing if you have to use a spoon or a fork to eat soup.
>sweeps in and kills you in two shots before you can use it
>Just re-read the comic series again
>Last issue was released 5 years ago
Why does Valve enjoy blueballing us? The same way the did it with the Episode 2's ending.
It resists one thing at a time. You will win every one on one, but several damage types will destroy you.
>Episode 2's ending.
user you can stack ubers and all fire weapons already struggle against people with medics up their ass, just use blast and bullet.
Yes I know you can stack them, it cuts down your uber potential very quickly.
It is not as awful as it was
>no crits hit you ever
What the fuck where they thinking?
The complexity of playing medic comes from being extra focused on map awareness and being patient with your team's retardation. You suddenly become aware of how much people overextend or miss a random enemy who is just behind them as you scream for help because you don't want to lose that 74% uber.
Those are two things you have to be cognizant of as literally any class
Medic (and to be fair Sniper and Engineer as well to an extent) removes the dimension of actually having to fight enemies, which removes most of the complexity of the game
Medic gets punished the hardest for a death since he needs time to build his uber. His lack of strong offense that doesn't rely on random crits means you need to approach your enemies in a different way. It's different from, say, the engineer who can still assist the team offensively with his shotgun.
The skill in his case boils down to playing just passively enough to not die but still being aggressive enough to stick closer to your team and take risks.
As for map awareness, it's similar to how every class can also benefit from flanking an enemy but it's the scout and spy who benefit the most out of it since they have the tools to do a fuckton of damage quickly and escape unpunished.
My experience with playing medic is that the vast majority of the time I can just hang out behind a wall or something just out of harm's way while healing a stronger class who's actually fighting, only peeking when my uber is ready
Even if my patient dies and the enemy pushes in, the game is still more simplistic because, knowing my offensive abilities are garbage, I can focus completely on dodging and escaping. Any respawning teammates will also protect me at the first opportunity. It's a dull experience overall.
>on miss
>shatter, you get nothing
The overheal handicap is the tradeoff. Even without crits, most weapons in the game, especially explosives, deal fucktons of damage in an instant - thats more than enough to cut through your paltry overheal. Crit immunity is pretty much just a psychological tool used to encourage your team to actually push instead of limp-dicking around.
My favorite.
No more AoE blast. Instead it bounces off of players and surfaces with a lifespan of maybe 4(?) seconds after hitting the first bounce. Makes it more powerful in enclosed areas because it can hit multiple times without igniting absolutely everyone. Proper ricochets would take actual aim and timing skill and people would be less butt blasted about it.
>relying on random crits
If you are ant crit that is fine but this is something literally nobody does. Logically it doesnt even make sense.
Also only keep the knockback on the initial shot, any ricochet hits would have no knockback. No minicrits, would deal only 15 damage per hit but with potential for inifinite bounces within its short lifespan it could still rack up decent damage.
Every single medic when cornered will pull out the ubersaw and try to go for that crit kill. 100% of the time. You have not played TF2 if you haven't seen this
Hm. Ok, yeah that is a thing as last ditch effort. If the melee crit doesnt carry you maybe building the last 25% of charge from the swing would help. Sorry, I didnt read well enough the first time.
>Medic Kritzes me
>none of my guns have any shots ready
Sniper headshots are crits. Passive crit resistance removed snipers as a threat.
Really the only crit you are going to run into on a regular basis that can make or break a push.
Kritz ubers can be countered with it too, but that is far more of a niche use as of now. Pre Nerf you just had to exist to nullify another uber.
Can't believe I forgot why I actually run the weapon.
Sniper is easy to overlook until you run into a good one.
I swear I rarely even see pyros use this thing yet alone have any that piss me off with it.
>see enemy using damage type
>apply resistance of said damage type
omg so skillful
there is no such thing because they're usually kicked for being "too good". i cant find the video of show casing this but its just fucking stupid, especially now
it's not and does not belong in the game
fags only started crying about the Scorch Shot after TF2 e-celebs started popping up.
Good, those losers are shitting up the game with their broken OP as hell class.
considering medic gets a free 65% melee crit rate at all times just for existing, its definitely viable for him to just assume he will crit you
thankfully it's not used as much as stock or krits or the game would be unplayable, if they have a capable medic with the vacc you have to have one on your team or the balance changes greatly, thankfully again most people are braindead and can't use it well
TF2 was originally designed so individuals can do shit on their own, It's why the game is so fun and why random crits were put in the game, because the devs understood going off and doing ballsy shit should be rewarded.
Implementing a weapon that specifically punishes players for being on their own flys in the face of this design.
>stack ubers
>2.5 seconds of full resist
>or 5 seconds of blast/bullet resist
>when you could've had 8 seconds of complete immunity instead
>no melee or backstab immunity either
lmao it's trash
Medic has always punished going off on your own.
Half of Fatmagic's videos
Ha ha I'll act like a bot and get kicked
>I was only pretending to be retarded
If anything medic is the reward for it. Given it's generally understood that the medic is the valuable kill and ballsy flanks often bring you close to the enemy medic.
Tf2 was designed to be a team based game, hence the TEAM Fortress
Overheal gives advantage to teamwork dummy.
Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.
It's designed to where you're more likely to win if you are coordinating as a team, but to where you can still also contribute by treating it as a single player game, especially if you're good enough. Even the way classes are designed plays into this since optimal positioning is heavily dependent on which class you're playing. Generally Scouts and Spies fighting alongside the rest of their team are not playing their class properly
Also the game doesn't really keep track of how many times you lose or die, so winning or losing isn't a big deal
i hate niggers
>the pure shame you feel after wasting your medic's uber
There's about as much teamwork in team fortress as there are fortresses.
How do you fags look at overwatch's fuck ups and fail to notice how the game's big problem of deathballing being too advantageous with mechanics like shields and AoE overheals being too strong and fail to realise that TF2's big success is making a shooter where flanking is actually rewarded. Same goes for expecting shit like co-ordinating ultimates and having very specific team compositions.
The trick to making a fun team-based shooter is actually downplaying teamwork, why the fuck would you want to depend on other people in disorganised pubs?
Overheal is for getting medic to actually heal at the front lines, while rewarding successful flanks on said medic is why (vacc aside) medic isn't able to use any of said capabilities on himself.
shut up chud
>where flanking is actually rewarded.
*blocks ur path
Yep valve have had their fuck-ups on this, there's a reason why those little shits aren't popular.
>Holding second on Upward
>Place mini on cliffside flank at the bottom of a slope while another engie has his sentry in the usual spot
>Game goes on, mini doesn't seem to be doing much
>check the other side of the slope
>BLU Scout just sitting there motionless, like he's frozen in fear
>Try to kill him myself, but he gets me
>But he doesn't get past the mini
Laughed my ass off
That mini might have won us the game too, they never did cap second