What does Yea Forums think about Master Chief's butt?
This show fucking sucks
why did they make it so that chief takes his helmet off more than the fucking mandalorian does
>barely has any muscles
Yeah, they are deliberately ignoring Halo, while wanting to ride off of its popularity.
They probably didn't want normalfags thinking it was too similar to Mandalorian and bitching about it. Also, to differentiate it from the games.
>vidya butt
You think cortana records chief every time he does this in the bathroom and keeps the videos to masturbate to later?
Could an AI even feasibly masturbate?
Here's your Cortana bro.
Manlet Chief
>there are piggies on this board who pay for streaming services
The actor is 6'5 I believe but yeah aren't Spartans supposed to be all over 7 feet tall?
That's not the Master Chief.
you now realize EVERYTHING in this shot is cgi (including the mirrors, ground, walls, pipes, background). everything except for the actor.
Torrents nigga.
The real MC would have a fuckin' absolute dumper.
>implying the average Yea Forumstard knows how to torrent
You'd be surprised how many on Yea Forums don't
Not being vacuous, is that an actual scene in the episode? It looks like a screen shot from a video game. Why?
It's from the show yes.
is he shaving his ass with a pocket knife
WTF lol
because John doesn't have a reason to keep his helmet on all the time like Mando?
He's removing his emotion inhibitor implant.
do spartans have to use regular facilities? or does everything have to be build to accommodate them and their size?
either way, it's pretty fucking retarded
According to the TV show they have their own little pods see I don't know what the game/book lore says.
cutie alert
>well we want to make a Halo tv show but we're doing our own timeline separate from the games
>no we didn't look at the games, because it's not relevant to our version of Halo
>we just want to use it's setting and characters and brand haha
just say you want to use the Halo IP so you can get people interested rather than making an original show
One of the books mention how shit is expensive to make because it needs to handle abuse from a half a ton individual when on full armor.
But yes, they just make do with current facilities. HOWEVER, they pretty much stay always on ONI and NAVSPECWARCOM, so they share facilities with ODST, which hate their guts btw.
>lose cortana butt and boobs
>replaced with asster chief
people actually defend the show because of this
"its not the games its different so its ok to be complete fucking garbage" "you arent allowed to complain because they said its SUPPOSED to be different from the games"
Cortana is dead, why is she in the show?
The show isn't canon to the game/book universe. It's a completely separate thing.
even if the show was following the lore, which it isnt because no adaption these days actually gives a fuck, this is years before that even happens
I mean, it’s kinda like David Lynch’s Dune, right? The original games already told Halo’s story better than they would, so no need to retread that water. It’s better to just break from convention and other something new to audiences, something only a TV show could do.
this is top notch multi million dollar film making.
what are you on about?
someone edit his helmet back on in this pic i cant fap to this
Ziggy was always the one with the balls in that family
I think the anger is that it's basically just a cash grab kind of thing. It's obvious they just want to use the Halo IP to use as a base rather than making an original show and try to attract people that have heard of Halo and maybe played one of the games but haven't touched it in a while.
A show about a ODST squad or some other notable group would be cool to explore but it won't rake in money from anyone other than hardcore fans.
I'm just glad the Cowboy Bebop live action turned out to be a resounding failure. Really tired of this """live action""" meme
Everything in this scene is CGI even his body
>if the genders were flipped this would’ve turned into a meltdown article
I still remember when Ian McKellen cried on set when he was forced to do pic related for the hobbit. Cinema has become so soulless that it isn't even funny anymore
yeah but they very easily could have made something that was actually good and not complete garbage
the idea of shitting on your core audience simply because they are fans is becoming really old
This is turbo globohomo shameless pissing, vomiting and defecating on an IP. Fucking amazing. I wonder what they will do with the next gaming IP they rape into the dirt.
Ian probably had no issue with the green screen/CGI considering he worked in more than plenty of movies that relied on heavy CGI, it's the fucking isolation that got him.
Actors go into the business because they like working with other people and in front of a crowd and will often play off each other's movements and reactions when performing. The Hobbit was really fucking bad because 90% of the cast were manlets.
I want to see what is behind this and i want to see it NOW
shriveled penis.
This. McKellen had done greenscreen before but not
>we're not going to put you in this stage alone for hours at a time and composite the other guys in
with LOTR they at least filmed them together during a lot of effects shots
oh god
I can't even be angry any more. It's just tiresome.
No different than the marvel crap, Moon Knights costume magically forms around him like its a nano suit lol
>This is a genetically enhanced super soldier
Ffs, I've seen regular natty guys at my gym that look like this. Of all the things they chose to CGI and they don't make Chief look like a monsterous powerhouse.
That's fine. MK's basically employed by a god, supernatural shit makes sense. For the important shit, he's a good take on the original 80s version
He looks weak
Could've been worse.
>stripping down a male character is ok but we HAVE to censor original female design
everything gets censored and ruined by liberals these days
They showed even more skin on a girl in the previous episode.
Why would he be that? He has a humongous powered exo-suit that does all the work for him. If anything I'd expect him to be slimmer.
He's not like doomguy who actually is a monstrous dude in armor, he's just some fag in a suit like iron man.
>why did they make it so that chief takes his helmet off more than the fucking mandalorian does
Because there's nothing significant about Master Chief's helmet. The idea that it is is some dumb Halo game fan thing where the Master Cheif in the games was supposed to be a super shallow self-insert with no personality and no face, so he didn't talk a lot and you never saw what he looked like in the early games. This doesn't carry to other mediums.
the fuck is the point of this shot, he never fucking has his helmet on so we already now how he looks
Have you never played a Halo game?
This is from the show? Looks like a halo infinite cutscene
You want to know what a penis looks like after years of having a catheter shoved in it? It ain't pretty. Also his testicles were definitely removed at some point. You can't have balls clanging around in a suit like that.
They took off their helmets all the time in Reach.
Chief doesn't because he's meant to be a self-insert.
Reach Spartans were bargain bin Spartan IIIs.
Because the exo suit is supposed to be so powerful that it crushes any natural human who tries to move in it. He needs to be monstrous just to survive in it.
>master chef naked
>but not cortana
i didnt even watch this trash and im disappointing
>you now realize EVERYTHING in this shot is cgi (including the mirrors, ground, walls, pipes, background). everything except for the actor.
Before I clicked the picture, I assumed it was a PS2 screenshot, perhaps MGS2
The lore is that you need to be ridiculously strong to control the suit in the first place because the suit is so powerful if a weak individual tried to do something in it like punch, it would break all their bones and continue to break every bone in their body until they could no longer move and the suit would in turn stop moving.