Using potions for the Jagos fight

>Using potions for the Jagos fight
You didn't beat Him.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-04-06 at 16-42-11 Summoning - YouTube.png (400x613, 279.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>boss can permanently debuff party members

Why won't this fucker sell me anything? I can afford it but it's all greyed out.

Attached: Potion_seller.png (903x640, 401.21K)

my lord

>he had to fight Jagos
lmao you fucking bricked your game idiot.

Lol n00b you have to be at least level 1000 to buy potions from him, though you can only get the basic potions. Better grind up to level 6 million to get the nuclear potion, it's a requirement for the mainquestline.

Who was in the wrong?

>you can't unequip cursed items
what the fuck, this is bullshit

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>he didn't unlock the secret ending where you create a perfect world
lmao, get a load of this guy

>he got the perfect world ending
How the fuck did you beat this guy? He has three full phases of bullshit

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>you're a rascal

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I looked up guides to get overpowered in every souls game :)

In a perfect world

>dumpster this fag twice after two full days of attempts
>it's finally over
>cutscene starts
>In a perfect world, men like me would not exist..."
>there's a third phase

I want to fuck his blood.

>not stopping at six stores

No more worlds like this. No more days like that.

men like Yea Forums would not exist

>meme man makes better music than the pop industry

bruh you can literally accomplish the same thing by going to just one.

He's just that good.

It's easy if you get Dolores' Blessing.

>I'm gonna do it. Forgive me.

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>wrote a book and then recorded the audiobook for it
There really is nothing he can't do.

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>Per The Hollywood Reporter, Zendaya has been cast in Challengers, a romantic drama set in the world of professional tennis. Call Me By Your Name director Luca Guadagnino will helm the project, with a script written by Justin Kuritzkes.

This fucking guy is gonna win an Oscar for best screenplay.

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>he followed the customer home after failing the math challenge
You didn't beat him.

isn't that spiderman's gf?

We had a good run,
you and I...

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>game has faith ending

>Jagos adopted the SEGA theme as his religious hymn
incredibly based

trying too hard faggot


daily reminder that the potionseller was in the right. it was his store so he calls the shot on what he sells and to whom, also instead of exploiting the hero for his money he refuses knowing that the hero using his strongest potion would mean death

I felt so bad for him. Poor lad just wants to be helpful. His sidequest is one of the best

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Fuck. Dolores died on my run. She meant nothing to me so I just continued without her.

He had a sidequest? Just bought a vanilla one time and forgot about him.

>stamina consumables listed for 15 and 25 gold
>vendor always takes 20 or 30
is this a bug or what's going on with this fucker

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mousing over the link was enough to make me laugh

Don't ever fucking try to make him give your change correctly, he'll fucking ruin your run.

>when the hospital chaplain comes in

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>Player never buys stat boosting items

>town under attack
>complete annihilation imminent
>soldiers need potions to defend
>potion seller doesn't sell
>everyone dies because potion seller is an idiot

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>player character changes half way through the game

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It's cursed, what the fuck else would you expect.

well played

for me, it's wowza

>screaming coming from NPC's house all night

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how is this guy so consistently funny

>so tell me Yea Forums it's your first time playing Elden Ring, how do you find this new game, are you enjoying it?

Attached: scream.jpg (640x480, 27.14K)

>game has political intrigue and tough, meaningful choices

Attached: Screenshotter--YouTube-Election-2’21”.jpg (1080x720, 325.76K)

people always complain about dying in 2 hits
but they never want to take of radagon's soreseal
and i'm like WHY, why are you retarded

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neither did you retard

The potion seller is a fucking retard.
>make powerful potions
>no one can handle his potions
>they aren't fit for beasts, let alone men
>still tries to sell them
>doesn't let anyone buy them anyway

>Yea Forums when a game has voice chat

Attached: Screenshotter--YouTube-ICanSayAnythingIWantRight-0’05”.jpg (640x480, 136.06K)

it is truly the highest form of vanity to create something that no one can use


very well, it's not for everyone.

>Very well, it's not for everybody. Now I want to start with some of the posts you've made, right here you've said "UUUOUOOOHHH child belly erotic, child belly and chest erotic, so cute, so funny" Is that really how you feel?

How do I get the secret chocolate chip ice cream in a novelty baseball cap? I heard it revives all party members with invincibility for 5 turns, but I could never obtain it.

>major character in the story betrays you.

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This man just makes funny faces with a funny voice in videos released sporadically, anywhere from a few months to years and its total kino every time

the fact that he takes so long to make one is what makes it funnier, if he dished them out daily it'd lose its charm

>game lowers your max HP gradually over time.

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