I've played through Dark Souls 1 literally 30+ times, it's so replayable, and so fun to roll a new char But I DREAD replaying Elden Ring again now, after just the second time Knowing I have to go through all the bloated content, the repeated dungeons, the stretched map
The open world meme unironically killed Soulsborne
Smooth brain moron, you can skip all the extra shit and do the stuff you want instead
Tyler Barnes
Sorry linear games, I was wrong about you.
Alexander Roberts
I will never understand how grabbing good content, then stretching it thin and copy pasting assets everywhere, is supposed to make a game funner.
Open world is just a shit genre down to its core.
Hudson Gonzalez
I agree. The open world is shit, it's just a faux-content bloat that appeals to normgroids since they think it makes the game higher quality for some reason. The legacy dungeons when not filled with dark souls 2 gank encounters are the best part of elden ring as they're actual levels instead of some random open world shit thrown together without much thought. All the caves and dungeons are the same shit with the same enemies and same pool of 12 minibosses you'll fight 3+ times each throughout your playthrough.
Brandon Campbell
>People kept posting that image on the left talking about how good the open world is >Get to that area >The swamps below are empty and have the same 3 enemies copy pasted throughout it on the first half, and another 3 enemies copy pasted throughout it on the second half >Yet they go on for fucking ages
Carson Watson
>I have to go through all the bloated content, the repeated dungeons, the stretched map no you don’t. you DID take notes where all the fun loot you found was, right?
Jacob Evans
That area is a massive screenshot bait, it is a cool view and the new skybox immediatly sticks out, i did think how great it is that i'd be exploring this place next, wasn't expecting the swamp to be so fucking large though and when you're out of it it's just like the previous area
You know you don't have to 100% it on every playthrough, right?
Xavier Reyes
At the end of the day, that's what open world games are: They turn skyboxes into areas you walk to. It's just that you have no good reason to actually walk there anyways.
Jordan Gray
>it's not bad design because you can skip the bullshit that makes up 70% of the games "content"
>The game is good if you don't play it lol open world tards are hilarious
Nathaniel Young
>They turn skyboxes into areas you walk to what
Dominic Bailey
This, part of what made souls games special for me was that you know the entire map like the back of your hand even after 1 playthrough. I'm willing to bet I could draw a map of Lordran entirely by memory with at least 85% accuracy, even though I haven't played it in months. The games weren't massive and sprawling, but they didn't need to be, and that's part of what made them so great to me.
I like Elden Ring, but I really hope open souls doesn't become the new norm.
Aiden Gutierrez
Ask me how I know you abused summons/Katanas/Mimic Tear on your playthrough.
Oliver Rivera
I think he just means places really far away that would look like far off inacessible background elements in most games.
Henry Rogers
The open world just spreads out the good content you actually want to be doing
Adrian Russell
>do all the content i come across because whats the point of skipping >end up massively overleveled for end game >all the end game bosses are a complete cake walk >don't feel like i actually won
open world really was a mistake
Colton Peterson
>I like Elden Ring, but I really hope open souls doesn't become the new norm. Come on, man. Why even say this? Elden Ring is the most financially successful Souls game by far. This is all that awaits us now.
Jaxson Watson
I agree, finished ER but playing OG demons souls again and its so much more enjoyable. From have become their own meme about difficulty when that was never the main priority, now its all they want to do. Everything is just faster! INFINITE STAMINA COMBOS! Spastic attack bosses! From soft have completely lost their way
Isaac Howard
Why do people keep calling it Soulsborne?
Chase Butler
jumping worked in sekiro but was also a mistake here. unironically made the level design worse in the actual dungeons
Ryan Harris
Jason Scott
Yes, and that's not a good thing. That's like having a massive family sized box of cereal with only a small handfull marshmallows in it versus a small individual bowl of cereal with a good ratio of cereal to marshmallow.
Bigger != Better
Jonathan Lee
Oh, I'm agreeing with you, mate. Didn't mean to try to paint it as a positive thing.
Dominic King
I just dont understand why everyone is calling elden ring kino and rating it like 10/10 it's literally just dark souls 3 with a meme open world gimmick. Do casual gamers really like open worlds that fucking much? This game has little to no appeal to fans of the series before 3 and has little to no innovation. It's just like a 8/10 at best
Anthony Lee
Its true though you dumbass. Literally whining about hurr dark soulz better and all the "bloat" but you don't need that shit a second time. Go to the places that have what you need and beat the main bosses. Done.
Just quit being autistic and thinking you need to 100% every run
Nicholas Wright
40% of it is people like Bethesdrones and Rockstards jumping into the series because of the open world gimmick, including normies, yes. 30% is just From Software fans that will never admit any fault, especially for a game as hyped up and anticipated as this.
William Torres
Let's be real, if you consider 100%ing a game also killing every enemy at least once, then no one on Yea Forums 100%ed it the first time either. There's too much bloat.
Jayden Sanchez
>The open world meme unironically killed Soulsborne Thank you open world meme, we can be finally free of this crap.
Joseph Morgan
DaS was open world too...
Brandon Robinson
>dude just quit being autistic and dont play half the game, if you ignore all the faults of the game it is good!
Chase Diaz
it wasn't open world, it was interconnected but still linear. Like if Elden Ring was nothing but the legacy dungeons connected to each other from start to end. That isn't open world
Xavier Russell
The pitfalls of open world lie in the players. Really if you split the game into a str run just doing the bosses to benefit str then having the next run tackle different sections of the game based on build it makes it much more doable and rewarding.
It's 2022 and a souls game. Use a fucking guide like you did with every other.
Nathaniel Jackson
>The pitfalls of open world lie in the players Yeah, it's the players that are at fault for not skipping the 80% of the world map that isn't padding or empty.
Owen James
>Knowing I have to go through all the bloated content You don't have to do everything. You can just hit up the shrines with gear pertinent to your build and skip most of the bosses in the game if you don't care to fight them again. Elden ring is the most replayable Souls game next to Bloodborne in my opinion.
Charles Sanders
stupid fucking dumbass post, absolutely retarded shit to say. the fuck is wrong with you
Luke Gonzalez
Nigga you don't know what open world means do you?
Jaxson Rivera
The crafting really adds insult to injury because instead of improving world building and adding more NPC's to occupy the realm, they just make you run around autistically collecting random shit that might not even be available for crafting. Everytime you kill a boss and it gives you crafting loot, it's a huge slap in the face to the player.
Michael Torres
Not him, but to me open world means "Huuuuuuge map that is non linear"
I think a lot of people just treat open world as if it means "non linear", but at that point, why not just call it "non linear"?
Christopher Collins
No, it was linear open world. Every souls game has been linear open world besides ER. Linear open world is when you have multiple different pathways that lead to large areas that lead to other budding pathways. The games are much more enjoyable like that.
Ryan Nguyen
wtf are you talking about? nobody is arguing about skill runs or guides, what does that have to do with open world being shit and having reused assets everywhere to pad it out instead of being interesting unique content? The fact that you're suggesting people to skip most of the content in the game just shows off the problem the thread is referring to. The majority of content sucks ass and that's a major design problem that likely could have been resolved if the devs focused on linear level design instead of padding out an ambitious open world.
Dark Souls 1 could be completely non linear and it would still be kino, though. Like, letting you get to the final boss on a specific path that just has you go through 3 areas total, for example (Though it's hard as ball)
The problem with open world games aren't their non linearity, it's the fact they have so much fucking empty space and padding because the "world" part of the genre means the map has to be huge and let you go to every place you see in the horizon.
Tyler Lopez
I've said it before I'll say it again, this is the Halo Infinite of Souls games. Nobody will be playing this in 6 months and in 2 years it will have been largely forgotten. Screen shot this post.
Jackson Perry
why would you not skip at least every portion your character doesnt need unless you want to though? Is that not the point?
Ryder Johnson
I did everything on my first character (Int/Dex prisoner), or at least everything I could do before patch 1.03 fixed the fucked up quests. I did everything you can do with my second character (Arcane/faith Prophet) following guides. My combined playtime is like 320 hours, and I'm waiting for another major patch before starting a third character, which will be Strength/Faith vagabond.
Matthew Carter
You way underestimate open world fans. They're still playing Skyrim for fuck's sake. And yeah, yeah, it has modding, but that game is boring shit for the exact same reason Elden Ring is.
Julian Long
>Not him, but to me open world means "Huuuuuuge map that is non linear" >to me So pretty much what I said.
Dylan Stewart
>I have to clear the side dungeons that contain nothing for my build
Aiden Rivera
What does "open world" mean to you? Just "non linear"?
Aiden Evans
>No, it was linear open world >open world Thanks for agreeing with me.
Hudson Jones
>do fun to ROLL a new character Lmao fromfans
Elijah Scott
With how much praise and how much ER sold, we're never seeing another smaller game like BB or Sekiro again. Say what you will about DS3 but we were extremely lucky to live in a timeline where we got BB, DS3, and Sekiro back-to-back-to-back in less than 4 years. Now they're going to take 5+ years just to develop Elden Ring 2 because the open world meme hypnotizes normies into playing games and journos to overrate them.
Christopher Ward
This hurts me more than the lategame being kinda shit. One of my favorite things to do in these games is run a new build, to try out weapons and spells I never got to and see how they fare. I've started a few new characters and all I'm doing is having the wiki open to get shit I want because I don't remember where I got most of it originally, and skipping basically everything but the legacy dungeons. I almost never skipped things on replays, I wanted to clear every part of every level with my new build but doing that in ER is worthless because most of the areas aren't fun to explore and most of the enemies aren't fun to fight. At this point I consider Sekiro to be more replayable, because at least that has the thrill of challenging myself again.
Caleb Moore
The open world is still a great concept for the game since its improved upon ds1 interconnected world, but it just needs more miyazaki and less ds2
Logan Campbell
>since its improved upon ds1 interconnected world I disagree. I think open world games, not just in how they were executed in Elden Ring, but by default on their concept to begin with, inherently have a lot of empty space and padding.
Inter-connected "open world" LOOKING areas that are, in fact, just dungeons, make for a much funner game.
Jeremiah Parker
We'd be lucky if we get an announcement by the VGA Awards (Video Game Awards Awards) to drum up interest during the Christmas season. I'd keep an eye on the voice acting guild FROM hires for all these games.
Tyler Diaz
>ruined not really also, it's their first open world you could argue dark souls was open world, and it is sorta, but this is their very first big overworld it will get better, specially if they drown tanimura in the pacific
Landon Anderson
The horse needs to be faster out of combat, that is.
Anthony Reed
>also, it's their first open world I hate this logic. Open world games don't have their flaws out of execution. The flaws always come from the very concept of open world itself.
It's not like Elden Ring 2 is gonna have a SMALLER map. It will obviously be bigger, as it always fucking is. Because that's what sells.
Aiden Wood
this nigga does depths and blighttown on every new char to not skip content what a retard
Juan Anderson
I hope we get some, but it's been 3 years since it came out, so I doubt we're going to get any.
>why would you not skip at least every portion your character doesnt need unless you want to though? And how the fuck would know any of that without pre-planning your build and looking up where to find shit on the wiki?
Julian Bell
Jordan Martinez
youre not getting dlc sekirotroon. nobody gives a fuck about your geralt of japan OC (katana only)
Ryan Evans
Skyrim has towns , swttlements, npcs to talk and interact with, godtier OST.
ER only has not-zombies to kill oh and 1 quest npc that says 3 words every 15 hours before dissappearing or dying randomly
Christian Parker
You are one DUMB ASS NIGGA
Matthew Richardson
>Skyrim has towns , swttlements, npcs to talk and interact with, godtier OST.
Ah yes, padding is magically fine because of a bunch of disjointed dialogue trees and lore-dumps.
Isaiah Carter
Having to get the bell bearings again in NG+ is the most retarded garbage that exists
Elijah Campbell
Maybe you are autistic? I'm at fire giant and haven't use crafting once. I don't care about crafting nor do I care about collecting flowers. But some people do. Giving more options is always a good thing. >it's literally just dark souls 3 with a meme open world gimmick Exactly? People liked 3, so more of it is always good. >muh casual gamers Unironically leave and kill yourself. If you want le epic hardcore game play Touhou, not fucking FROM games. >This game has little to no appeal to fans of the series before 3 Your opinions=/=facts >has little to no innovation What would constitute good innovation for you? Because I'm playing the game and there is plenty of innovation
Daniel Gray
It's kinda fucked up that Elden Ring, an extremely one-note open world game where basically everything you do in it is combat, still has better designed dungeons than Skyrim lol Don't get me wrong, though, both games are mediocre at best for largely the same reasons.
Kevin Phillips
>Padding This man thinks anyone plays Skyrim with intention of finish the story, ignorant retard
Christian Martin
kill yourself
Open world doesn't mean huhhhhh i can walk 5 meters to every side, it means the design is done through a certain intended progression without trying to juggle different parts that you may or may not miss
as it stands elden ring if you do all the content the game breaks, but if you don't do certain optional content the game has a very fucked up pacing, and if you do certain optional content because you skipped something early you can break certain areas of the game and make them extremely underwhelming, and the entire reason is that the leveling system has to be padded beyond belief to make the game playable for exploratroon normalfags
I liked souls series because they were DUNGEON CRAWLING, and the difficulty was because in a dungeon crawler your resources diminish the deeper you go, this was done in early games by interesting bonfire placement and shortcuts, and there were lots of times you didn't know if it was a good idea to push forward or to skip everything or to go back and refill, in Elden Ring there is literally no dungeon crawling at all outside of shunning grounds
Joshua Cruz
This game needs : >small towns with friendly npc's (unlike you turn them bad by plot or items) >faster horse movement outside combat >more mounts >actual books with lore in it >more weapon and armor customization And much more. People went hard in Cyberpunk but easy on this.
Alexander Carter
I rarely replay games, even my favourite ones. Partly because I'm overflowing with new games to try, and partly because one of my favourite things about playing a game is the sense of exploration and discovery which is inherently lessened in a replay. I can understand that if you usually replay games several times, the open world would be a drawback. But if you're only interested in the first run, it's great.
Luke Nelson
>and that's part of what made them so great to me. >to me There you go, you said it yourself. And other people enjoyed souls games for other reasons.
Oliver Johnson
>it means the design is done through a certain intended progression without trying to juggle different parts that you may or may not miss Thanks for confirming you don't know what open world means.
Justin Turner
...Ok? What do you think you're adding to the discussion with "Everything is subjective :)"? lol