It's about time they start dropping some 3s

It's about time they start dropping some 3s.

Attached: iu.jpg (765x550, 76K)

stuff under the hood might hint a Blue Shift style followup

If the time travel shit is real, they're intentionally trying to divorce from the concept of HL3 or Episode 3 or Epistle 3 as it was released
The expectations are too high

it's been time for over a decade

Why did he turn around during the Portal 2 opening?

All i need is L4D3, mainly in desktop mode with VR capabilities.
All they have to do is make like 6 new campaigns, add some new weapons + special infected, and maybe some new gamemode types
bonus points if they re-port the L4D 1 and 2 maps so they can be played in VR

The original valve guy was just some rando the team met in a seattle coffee shop one day. I guess he upped his licence fee.

Attached: v1.png (320x239, 40K)

I'd love a good, non-30th version of 3s

Attached: 1582398313451.jpg (1151x1353, 110K)

Everyone at Valve is scared to

All their best talent has left the company.

Fuck Valve, they did it to themselves and left themselves wide open for Epic to annihilate them.

After a year of shilling Epic is still just a fart in the wind compared to Steam.
>their best selling game sits at 2million, everything else on the store far behind.

He heard what you said

They're dropping real 3d now

Do you mean 3 like this?

It’s not time travel, it’s alternate timelines. HLA is a soft reboot creating a new timeline while ending the story of the old Gordon timeline by confirming the events of Epistle Three offscreen. Because of this, there will never really be an HL3, at least, not without another soft reboot shifting perspective back to the old timeline.

Next game will be HLB, not HL3.

3d will be big let's get it into all our games
>5 years later
Ok VR will be big let's develop a unique vr system
>5 years later
Err gatcha card games are popular on mobile let's make a pc only card game based off a 20yo wc3 mod that you can't play without paying and don't earn any progression
>You are here
No seriously guys VR will be big let's make a tech demo for it now everyone has forgotten and moved onto rtx memes

>Open your eyes
>Open your mind
Damn.... Mind = Blown


I'm gonna start making some rules.

Attached: Carlton W.jpg (557x583, 44K)

Valve's been pretty pozzed recently, I dont know if they're still a quality dev. Remember the winter sale with that powerful colored genderqueer bullshit character as the mascot?

no e

Attached: Carlton Robotnik Dance.webm (484x338, 248K)

Check this 7

The current picture should be an ass with a valve then.